• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 15,691 Views, 648 Comments

Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months - Maximus_Reborn

Sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane. Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle prepare to tackle parenthood.

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Seventh Month: Ursa, Come Home

Chapter Seven “Month Seven: Ursa, Come Home”

Peter’s brow twitched involuntarily. It was that time of the week again, and there was no Spider-Mane related emergency to bail him out this time. Twilight even urged her future husband to partake in this activity, saying it was good to mingle with this particular lot. Peter snorted, knowing the mare only wanted him gone so she could write her passage in peace. It wasn’t as if he intentionally antagonized Twilight every chance he got. The stallion let out a defeated sigh. Regardless, he couldn’t argue with his pregnant fiance.

After some consideration, Peter caved in and decided to go along with the matter. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was irritated rather easily nowadays. Twilight did an excellent job of keeping her hormonal outbursts in check, but that was because Peter knew when to pick his spots, smothering the mare with affection with a light occasional teasing. This was a time when a tactical retreat was called for, especially since Crusader Saturdays were notoriously known for leaving those in their proximity irritated.

Peter stood on the edge of a cliff, glancing down at the gorge before turning his gaze behind his position. “Stay close, girls. Wouldn’t want you to fall where I couldn’t find you.” A small chill brushed against his fur, the season of winter earning a small shiver from the stallion. In spite of the cold season, the outside temperature was fairly tolerable and allowed open exploration, thanks to a lack of influence from Glacius in the region. Peter arched a brow after failing to receive a response. “Girls?”

Scootaloo shrugged, walking along a ravine while keeping her balance on her hind legs. “This is so boring! We should be out trying to earn our cutie marks or some-- whoa!” The filly slipped, tumbling over the edge. However, her descent ended before it could even begin, with Peter capturing Scootaloo in his hooves while standing upside down under the ravine. The filly huffed, failing to mask her embarrassment. “I-I could have flown!”

“Sure, but I worry,” Peter chimed, swinging his legs into the air. The stallion tightened his hold on Scootaloo and flipped back to the top of the ravine. “Ah, come on. I’m here to catch you whenever you fall. I promised you that, remember?”

Scootaloo pushed herself out of the stallion’s hooves, her blush vibrant. “Whatever.”

Peter simply shrugged. “I really wish the girls in my life wouldn’t be so defensive and pushy.” He glanced off to the side, furrowing his brow. “Besides, we don’t always have to look for your cutie marks. They’ll come when you least expect it, and I’ll remain your captain until that day comes.”

Although Scootaloo seemed exasperated, evident by her scowl, she quietly accepted Peter’s words with a nod. “Right. I just hope it’ll be as cool as yours.”

“Most girls think spiders are creepy, but I’ll take that as a compliment,” Peter chuckled and rubbed his hoof over the top of Scootaloo’s head, musing her mane. He paused to analyze his surroundings. “Where is Applebloom and Sweetie Belle?”

Upon hearing her name, Sweetie Belle skipped from the nearest corner and nuzzled against Peter’s hoof. The stallion could only roll his eyes and smirk. Sweetie Belle continued to be the leading Crusader in regards to remaining in close proximity to her captain, never straying too far. Her puppy-dog crush remained firmly intact, even after learning about Peter’s engagement to Twilight. The stallion chuckled at the thought. Sweetie Belle was just a child, and she would eventually grow out of these feelings.

Peter himself once had a crush on Susan Storm in spite of her marriage to Reed Richards, but he was just a high schooler then. Those feelings subsided after a while. So, he understood where Sweetie Belle was coming from, choosing to just play along with the filly to avoid hurting her feelings. She was easily the cutest Crusader to Peter, and if anything, it was flattering to have a steadfast admirer alongside Derpy. Sweetie Belle cooed as she nuzzled further into the stallion’s hoof, earning a defeated groan in response.

If Spider-Mane had one weakness, it was his inability to withstand the cuteness of any Equestrian female. It certainly explained why Peter had an immense soft spot for Twilight and her circle of friends.

“Okay. That’s two. Where’s the third one?” Peter questioned, earning a blissfully unaware squeak from Sweetie Belle and a shrug from Scootaloo. Applebloom was one that allowed curiosity to guide her movements, and Peter already missed Babs Seed, for she usually managed to keep her cousin from wandering off aimlessly. The stallion scratched the back of his head and exhaled. “I swear. I’m going to have to give you all homing chips one of these days.”

Twilight walked through the lab in the Treebrary’s basement. Peter had converted it into a personal workshop, but this was fine, seeing as the princess encouraged it. Some of the supplies from Earth were kept down here: the armor used during the confrontation with Osborn, webbing supplies, miniature crystal hearts, and other things. However, Twilight rolled her eyes at the scattered mess. Peter was a high-class genius, but his organization skills left a lot to be desired. The mare shrugged, using her magic to shift the items in the room about. That’s what she was here for, to keep her future husband in check.

As she moved about, her hoof bumped into something on the floor. The mare cursed inwardly, feeling a small sting course through her hoof, but she paused, her gaze having settled on a large piece of machinery sitting in the corner of the room, a vehicle to be precise. Two lights stood over the hood, and four wheels laid scattered across the floor, none of which were installed yet. Something appearing to resemble a motor of sorts was suspended on a line away from the machine. Twilight arched her brow, stealing a glance at the chalkboard and its drawn plans.

“Stabilize the engine and… reduce the traction of the wheels and add adhesive surface. Invent fuel source and… buy red and blue paint...” she read out loud, scoffing upon spotting what was written beneath. “The Spider-mobile? I have to get him to consider a better name than that.”

The princess pursed her lips at a thought. While the name was silly, the engineering was most impressive. One day, she would ask Peter about the finer points of cars. She giggled. Maybe she would even get to drive when the time was right, depending on if her future husband was willing to teach her. Clearing her throat with a rough cough, Twilight cast the childish thought from her mind and centered her line of sight on a blueprint stretched across the main table on the other side of the room. There was a design, intricate and advanced.

Twilight’s eyes widened as her mind recollected exactly what it was. The plans Sunset Shimmer downloaded back on Earth had two files, and she gave one to Peter, figuring he could make the most of it. The mare glanced to the side, finding the device on the floor. Its progress was incomplete, the inner circuitry and wires spread wildly. It was shaped like a spider with a smooth, metallic design. Peter was more than happy to start on this invention. It was bittersweet and ironic, really. Something his worst enemy used was going to help him.

‘Need something to deal with those pesky fliers! This will even the odds in my favor, for sure! Still wish I was a pegasus, though...’

Several months later, and almost no progress was made. In Peter’s defense, he spent most of his time tending to Twilight’s needs. The princess smirked. It was a guilty pleasure, but she enjoyed watching Peter work. She wanted to learn from him, and seeing as they would be married soon, there would be countless possibilities for her to do so. He was very different from his usual talkative self, taking a serious approach. A quiet mad scientist, one with vast intelligence that betrayed his goofy exterior. It made her wish that his magic was accessible.

Peter could achieve so much more if he could properly use his magic, but forced to deal with the hoof he was dealt with, the stallion would have to rely on technology to compensate for his loss. Twilight nodded. If she could describe her future husband’s greatest gift, it was his ability to improvise (although she never would call it that around him). His ingenuity, to be precise. One day, Peter might use his scientific gifts to help advance Equestria, but he was fearful, unsure if some devices would be used for wrongdoing.

Twilight bit down on her lip. She understood very well. JARVIS was an invention of scientific technology, and bad things could happen should anypony get their hooves on it.

Glancing off to the side, Twilight levitated a scroll and quill across the room before settling into the nearest seat. “That gives me an idea,” she whispered to herself.



Unlike us, the beings of Earth’s access to magic ranges between rare to completely nonexistent. However, humans in particular possess a certain level of ingenuity that we ponies could only ever dream to achieve. Their unique minds and innovative ways of thinking have led them to scientific and technological advancements that utterly dwarf us ponies comparatively. Their complex manipulation of electromagnetic waves in their technology is almost ‘magic’ in itself.

During my time as a human, I noticed no change in my mental state or thought processing. I had a human Intelligence Quotient test done towards the end of my stay, and I was quite vexed to find that I scored at simply an above average human level, whereas in my Equestrian comparison, I excelled far into the higher scores of pony society.

I conducted a similar Equestrian test on Peter, seeing as he was a human that excelled in science, and found his scores to be almost off the charts by our standards. This has led me to believe that ‘human ingenuity’ is something a person is born with and cannot be replicated or removed by physical alteration. I believe that in time, Peter may be able to guide Equestria with his ingenuity by teaching those around him.

I am unsure if ponies will ever be capable of fully grasping a human level of ingenuity, but from what I have seen, the advancements that a human mind could bring may prove most beneficial for the future of Equestria’s progress.


Peter rolled his eyes. “Anypony found Applebloom yet? I really don’t need to be killed by Applejack today.”

“Everypony!” Applebloom cried out, galloping at full speed before clumsily skidding to a halt next to the trio. She struggled to regain her breath, pointing a hoof behind her position while alternating her wide orange irises between it and the group. “Ya’ll won’t believe what Ah just found!”

Peter’s complexion paled as he sighed, dismayed. “It’s nothing good, I’m sure.”

“Is it something cool?” Scootaloo asked, nodding feverishly.

Sweetie Belle’s lips curled into a smile. “Is it something cute?”

“No…” Applebloom trailed off, walking away from everypony in a stammer. The filly turned around the corner and pointed a hoof down at a dark blue sight within the gorge. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle followed, both girls stopping in their tracks upon spotting the creature trapped underneath a collection of boulders and snow. Although it was a fair distance away, everypony could see the massive bear-like creature vividly. Applebloom forced the lump in her throat down with a swallow. “It’s--”

“An Ursa Minor!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle blurted out, their complexions paling.

Peter quietly joined the trio as he raised a brow at the astral creature. “So that’s an Ursa Minor.” The stallion’s eyes widened once he felt something cling to the back of his hooves. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle hid behind him while Applebloom was underneath his body, each filly clutching at his limbs. Peter could only chuckle. The Crusaders were just little girls in spite of their adventurous spirits. He placed a hoof over Applebloom’s head. “It’s okay, girls. It doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere.”

The Ursa Minor stirred, straining to lift itself from underneath the wreckage, but it whined after failing for a duration. Its cries were soft, matching that of a newborn cub, yet its volume was potent enough to leave an echo throughout the canyon. Peter’s ears lowered as his hazel gaze landed on the Ursa Minor’s bright crimson irises. Despite its colossal size, the astral creature was just a cub, helpless and trapped. His mind screamed to ignore the Ursa Minor’s cries, but his heart begged to help, knowing that it was the responsible thing to do.

Peter exhaled, scratching the back of his head. “Ah, what the heck. It’s not like I can help myself.” The stallion moved away from the fillies and hopped over the ravine’s edge, landing on the second level beneath. He peeked up as the Crusaders scrambled to the edge. “Wait there. I’ll be right back.” Peter paused, holding a stern glare. “I mean it. Don’t. Move.”

Scootaloo alternated her gaze between Peter and the Ursa Minor. “You can’t be serious.”

Sweetie Belle bit down on her lip, whimpering. “W-What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to help it,” Peter calmly declared, leaping over the edge before soaring into a free-fall. After gracefully landing on his hind legs, the stallion returned his gaze to the fillies high above his position. “Applebloom! Keep everypony out of sight!” The filly nodded, leading the others to a nearby concealed location. Peter sighed inwardly, exercising caution with slow steps. “Let’s just hope I don’t end up regretting this.”

The path was confined, and the footing was poor. Peter’s hoof sank into a pit of snow, but the stallion regained his balance and hopped to the nearest platform before the area he previously stood on collapsed. Boulders fell from the cliff, causing the fragile foundation to break away further. Peter crawled along the wall, allowing his sixth sense to navigate his movements as to not cause any further damage to his surroundings.

Eventually, the stallion reached the lowest point of the gorge safely and leapt from the wall, landing mere meters from the Ursa Minor’s nose. The astral creature eyed the intruder with a widened gaze, but it revealed its teeth, growling defensively. Peter paid no mind to its warning, instead choosing to revel in the massive cub’s beautiful coat. It was reminiscent to the night sky: dark, clear, and patterned with snow-white stars. The Ursa Minor bit at the pony defiantly, managing to free Peter from his self-induced trance.

Its size was gigantic, bearing a head several times larger than the stallion’s entire body, and its stature dwarfed that of a normal dragon’s, particularly in girth. Peter shook his head, realizing he was daydreaming again. He analyzed his surroundings, arching a brow at the flat stone over the Ursa Minor’s back. There were boulders sitting atop of it, and snow had all but buried a majority of it. Peter then turned his gaze skyward, noting the cliff above and its broken edge, the entire foundation having fallen apart.

Peter nodded, tapping a hoof against his chin. “I think I got it. It looks like there was either an avalanche or a landslide, and you were caught in it. The cave you were sleeping in must have collapsed. You almost got away.” Inhaling deeply, the stallion hopped onto a cliff across from the wreckage over the Ursa Minor’s back before releasing a breath. He slid his hooves under the rock, pausing to share a glance with the cub. “Just hang on. I’ll have you out in a jiffy.”

Peter strained as he lifted the wreckage slowly. Hints of snow fell while the foundation crumbled, though the stallion managed to lift the great weight high over his head. The Ursa Minor’s crimson eyes shot open once realizing that its movements were no longer confined. The cub crawled from underneath the remnants of the avalanche, forcing itself to a standing position afterward. Once the astral creature was a safe distance away, Peter inhaled deeply before dropping the debris, its weight sending tremors through the ground.

The Ursa Minor closed the gap until it stood over the stallion, its nose mere inches from his body. Peter’s mane blew back and forth as the cub breathed in his scent, yet he stood firm, folding his hooves while he waited for the first signs of danger. However, that was dashed once the Ursa Minor smiled and licked the stallion’s body, its tongue soaking Peter’s fur coat in drool. Before he could react, the cub extended its massive paws to capture the pony, pulling him against its cheek. The Ursa Minor purred as it cuddled the stallion affectionately.

“Well, this is just adorable,” Peter deadpanned before the Ursa Minor’s tongue ran over his back, drenching his mane in the process, “...and disgusting.” The stallion managed to pry himself free after a duration, yet the Ursa Minor stayed close to his proximity, nudging Peter with its cold nose until he paused to pet the cub. He managed a chuckle. “All right. I get it. You’re welcome. You’re just a big teddy bear, aren’t you? I mean, if grizzlies were the size of mountains.” Waving his hoof dismissively, Peter smiled. “See you later.”

Peter hopped to the nearest platform and bound to the next highest place, continuing without losing any momentum until he reached the area where the Crusaders were residing. The stallion led the girls back to stable ground, all while answering their barrage of questions. With all three fillies riding piggyback, Peter climbed out of the gorge, and the group proceeded to make their way back to Ponyville. However, large steps approached from behind. Peter turned to find the source, and the Crusaders yelped, each falling from his back once the Ursa Minor stopped in its tracks and stood over the stallion. An exasperated groan escaped from his mouth after the cub licked his body again.

Peter shook his head. “Oh, no. You do not need to follow me. Go hang out with Yogi and Boo Boo.” The Ursa Minor merely nudged the stallion, its oblivious smile never faltering. Dismayed, Peter face-hoofed. “Aw, applesauce.”

Applebloom tilted her head to the side. “Ah think it likes ya, Pete.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, giggling as the Ursa Minor pulled Peter into another embrace despite his screams of protest. “Are you going to keep it?”

Peter groaned, folding his hooves in defeated fashion. “No way. It’s too big. I’d have to follow this thing with a dump truck whenever it goes for walks.” The stallion rolled his eyes and shrugged as the cub purred. “I’ll talk to Twilight about it. For all I know, this isn’t that big of a deal.”

“This is a big deal! It’s a very big deal!” Twilight exclaimed, alternating her bewildered gaze between the Ursa Minor and stallion standing in front of the Treebrary. She settled her sight on Peter, her amazement remaining firmly intact. “How did this happen?”

Peter shrugged, petting the cub over the nose. “I saw that the poor thing was buried under some rubble. I couldn’t just leave it like that.” He chuckled nervously. “I didn’t think it would start following me afterward, but how could I say no to this face?”

“Well…” Twilight trailed off, arching a brow at the Ursa Minor as it shared a glance with her. The princess let out a sigh, rubbing a hoof against her fiance’s cheek affectionately. “You’re very sweet, Peter. Stupid, but sweet.” The cub lowered its nose, taking a few sniffs of the alicorn, before pausing to give her a lick. Twilight’s mane was mangled, stuck with drool, but she giggled a response, rubbing her hoof across the Ursa Minor’s fuzzy cheek. She grumbled, peeling the drool off with her magic before forcing a smile. “You’re sweet, too.”

“So, what do we do?” Peter questioned, furrowing his brow.

Twilight staggered back, prompting the stallion to capture her in his hooves before helping gently lower the pregnant mare to a standing position. With each passing month, she was growing heavier. “I just had Spike send Princess Luna a letter. She should be on her way here at any moment.”

Peter nodded, stealing a glance at the village. “So, we just wait, huh? That’s fine. I’m just surprised nopony’s panicking right now. From what I gathered, these Ursa thingies are supposed to be super scary, right?”

Twilight nodded. “They are. That’s why I’m surprised at how friendly this one is. They’re also very rare. You’re quite lucky you got to see one.” The Ursa Minor sat upright, never averting its bright gaze from Peter. Twilight smiled as she used her magic to tighten the scarf around the stallion’s neck, earning his gaze. “Everypony’s exercising caution and staying inside, but the reason they’re not panicking is because you just protected them from a legend in Glacius. Ponyville knows that it’s safe as long as you’re around.”

The mare closed the gap and planted a kiss on Peter’s cheek, beaming. “Simply put: they trust you.”

Peter grinned, wrapping a hoof around the mare’s neck. “It’s good that things are mostly back to normal--” The stallion’s sentence was cut short when the Ursa Minor ran its tongue over the back of his body. Exasperated, Peter stared blankly at Twilight while she laughed at his expense. “This better not become a thing. It’s not like this morning can get any more awkward.”

“Ah, there you are,” Trixie called out as she exited the Treebrary with a sleepy gaze while garbed in a thick morning robe, its shade matching the surrounding snow. She blankly stared at Peter once they were inches apart, oblivious to her surroundings. “I humbly ask for just one thing, and that is a hot breakfast every morning until I fully recover. Yet here you are, lazing around while I starve! You should not expect me to ask your pregnant fiance to do your errands! Maybe I should tell everypony how cruel you really--!”

Trixie froze as she glanced up out of the corner of her eye, spotting the Ursa Minor sitting casually at their doorstep. All of the blood in the mare’s body grew cold, evident by her paling complexion. Slack-jawed, Trixie could only stare at the greatest source of her misery for what felt like eons, while her mind slowly registered the developing situation. Finally, it all came full circle, like a balloon popping from too much helium intake.

Trixie inhaled deeply before shrieking at the top of her lungs, a very uncharacteristic response from one so stoic. Trixie spun around, galloping full speed in spite of her nagging injuries, but she failed to turn her head, causing the mare to collide into the Treebrary’s outer wall and miss the front door completely. Snow fell from the abode’s tree limbs, burying the unicorn in a fluffy pile. Everypony stared in an awkward silence, with a small breeze speaking on their behalf.

Peter coughed, forcefully clearing his throat. “Okay. So that just happened.” He walked over to the pile of snow, pulling Trixie’s dazed form from underneath with his hooves under her forelegs. The Ursa Minor lowered its head and took in the mare’s scent, smiling before following with a soft lick across her face. Trixie shook her head as she recollected her senses, yelping upon seeing the cub so close to her proximity. She instinctively hopped to safety, into Peter’s hooves bridal style. The stallion arched a brow as her grip around his neck tightened, chuckling. “And here I thought you hated me.”

“What is this monstrosity doing here?!” Trixie yelled, her body trembling from both trepidation and the freezing temperature.

Twilight closed her eyes as magic emitted from her horn. “It followed Peter after he saved it. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” A bottle of milk materialized into existence, floating into the Ursa Minor’s mouth. The cub purred as it sipped the drink, laying down on its side while Twilight rubbed its ear. “It’s very friendly. You should pet it.”

Trixie shot the princess an exasperated glare. “I will not! I’d sooner eat broken glass than touch that revolting beast!” Realizing she was still in the stallion’s grasp, Trixie forced herself to the ground and huffed. “I am not your mare! Release me!”

Peter nudged the unicorn after his gaze fell on her trembling limbs and quivering lips. “Why are you so afraid?”

Trixie shook her head. “I’m not afraid! ...it’s just...” she lowered her head, dejected. “Ursa Minors ruined me...”

Peter was slow to respond as he scratched the underside of his chin with a hoof. “Eh, I thought your lies ruined you-- Ow!” The stallion clutched at the back of his head, groaning. “Oh, come on! I wasn’t even trying to be funny that time!”

Trixie rubbed the aches out of her hoof, all while grumbling under her breath. “You’re so insensitive. I can only ponder how Twilight Sparkle tolerates you.” The princess didn’t respond, prompting both Peter and Trixie to glance in her direction. Twilight was lost, cooing as she continued to scratch the back of the Ursa Minor’s ear, and the cub purred contently, leaning its head against the alicorn’s touch while it consumed its milk. Trixie face-hoofed, exhaling. “By the stars... She’s getting attached.”

Peter smiled, blissfully unaware his cheeks were a fair shade of crimson. “Twilight’s already a Class-A mother. Isn’t she beautiful?”

Trixie swung her hoof, swatting Peter’s horn with a thwack. “Stop gawking and focus, you idiot! What are you going to do about this thing?”

Peter smoothed out the sting coursing through his horn before shrugging. “What can I do? I’m not really an Ursa Minor expert.”

“Use force! You defeated Glacius! Surely an Ursa Minor won’t put up as much of a fight!” Trixie suggested, pointing a hoof at the cub. “Send that thing back to where it came from!”

Peter shook his head. “I can’t do that. It’s not like it’s hurting anypony. We just have to figure this out peacefully. We’re not jerks.”

Dismayed, Trixie began to pace back and forth across the snow. “Why must you be such a pacifist?”

“You’re worrying over nothing. Just stay calm and think nice thoughts until Luna gets--” Peter’s sentence was cut short as the moon princess materialized in a flash of light just inches away from his position. The stallion and alicorn shared a glance before he waved his hoof dismissively. “Nice try. You didn’t surprise me this time.”

Luna’s irises disappeared in a flash of light before returning to a normal shade of blue. “Your heart’s racing, so I beg to differ.” The princess smiled warmly. “I trust you are well?”

Peter nodded, returning Luna’s smile in earnest with one of his own. “This morning has been interesting to say the least.”

Brushing a strand of her sky blue mane behind her ear, Luna diverted her gaze to the astral cub. “Twilight Sparkle informed me of the situation. Allow me to gather what information I can.” The alicorn’s wings flapped, gracefully lifting her frame from the ground before hovering her over to the Ursa Minor as it finished the last of its milk. The cub sniffed the princess and smiled, earning a giggle from Luna. “That’s right. I’m a friend.” She closed her eyes, placing a hoof over the cub’s cold nose. “Calm your mind. Allow me to see your past.”

Trixie tilted her head to the side. “What is she doing?”

Peter was slow to respond, alternating his gaze between Luna and Trixie. “Telepathy. She’s reading the Ursa Minor’s mind. It’s the best way to get some surefire answers.”

Luna opened her eyes after a moment’s pause, floating towards Peter before settling to the ground. “I believe I understand the situation now.”

Peter scratched the back of his head. “All right. Answer my first question. Are Ursa Minors usually this friendly?”

Luna shook her head. “Absolutely not, nor are they known to interact with society.”

Peter grinned. “Are they shy?”

“They’re ferocious,” Luna countered, somewhat condescendingly. “Nopony is foolish enough to interact with one, but of course, you had to be the one to defy such logic.”

Peter nodded, smiling brightly. “I’m one in a million. I have a reputation to uphold.”

Twilight materialized by the stallion’s side, nonchalantly smacking the back of his head with the tip of her wing while maintaining eye contact with Princess Luna. “Behave, Peter.”

Luna closed her eyes, paying no mind to Peter’s antics. “As ferocious as they are, Ursa Minors are peaceful creatures that reside in quiet locations. They usually make certain to keep a fair distance from populated areas. You found this one by accident, after all.”

Trixie glanced off to the side, murmuring, “And the one that entered Ponyville was brought here by a pair of idiots.”

“What about its parent?” Twilight asked as she pursed her lips, glancing to the side once the Ursa Minor lowered its body behind their position. Trixie ran behind Peter, while the stallion rolled his eyes. Twilight placed a hoof over the cub’s paw. “If it wandered off, what’s stopping its parent from looking for its baby?”

“Parent?” Peter blurted out, arching a brow.

Twilight nodded. “An Ursa Major. They’re much bigger and far more ferocious. They’re something you never want to see.”

Luna frowned, her expression darkening. “It will not come to that. The baby is an orphan. Its mother passed away before the winter started.” The alicorn shifted her gaze to the Ursa Minor. “It’s sad. She doesn’t know what to do now that her mother’s form has become one with the stars above.”

Peter’s eyes widened. “Huh. It’s a girl?” The stallion sobered, sharing a glance with the cub. “So, why is she following me?”

Luna huffed, managing a smile. “She’s a baby, Peter. You saved her from certain death, and she really appreciates what you did. You’re the only being she’s ever seen besides her mother, so she believes you’re her father. Plus, she’s lost without her mother, and she feels safer with you.”

Peter snorted involuntarily. “Oh, wow. You cannot be serious. How old is she?”

“I am not certain. She’s much younger than the Ursa Minor Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon encountered before,” Luna sternly stated.

Twilight shared a glance with the stallion. “Ursa Minors and Majors have long lifespans. They’re ancient creatures, like Glacius. What may seem like a small difference in years could be centuries. For all we know, this Ursa Minor is over four hundred years old, and it’s still technically a newborn.”

Peter’s expression softened. “What should we do?”

Twilight shook her head. “You have to take it back to the wild. That’s the rational thing to do.”

“We can’t do that. You heard what Luna said,” Peter defiantly stated, his eyes burrowing into hers. “It’s just a baby without her mother. She has no support. If we turn our backs on her, she’ll probably starve and die.”

Twilight sighed, pursing her lips. “I understand how you feel, Peter, but we can’t keep her here.”

“Sure we can,” Peter said without hesitation, his voice light and passive. The Ursa Minor’s smile brightened as the cub snuggled its nose against the stallion’s back. Peter glanced back at Twilight with a grin. “See? She likes the idea!”

Twilight’s mouth fell agape, the mare darting forward until her face was inches away from the stallion’s. “Are you crazy?! She’s not a dog or cat! She’s an Ursa Minor!” She poked her hoof against Peter’s chest. “Do you even know what Ursa Minors eat? Where they sleep? Behavioral patterns? Triggers?! Reactions?! Anything?!”

Peter chuckled sheepishly. “Nope. Not at all, but I’ll figure it out along the way and wing it.”

Exhaling at the top of her lungs, Twilight blankly stared at the stallion. “I don’t believe you! You can’t just wing it with a baby animal! It needs proper care, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle!”

Peter patted the Ursa Minor’s nose while waving a hoof at Twilight. “It’ll be fine. I’ll do some research. I happen to live in a library full of information you know! Plus, we have Fluttershy, the animal expert!” He smiled, placing his hooves over her shoulders. “Come on. Let me do this. I won’t slack off on this. I promise. It’s just a baby, remember?” Twilight’s lip quivered as she lost herself in the stallion’s innocent, hazel gaze. Peter’s smile was sweet. “Please?”

Twilight shook her head in a defeated fashion. “I can’t believe this,” she whispered, her lips betraying the protests circling throughout her mind. “You almost never ask for anything. How can I say no to you?” She brushed a hoof against his cheek affectionately. “Fine. We can keep it.” The Ursa Minor showed a smile with teeth, pausing to lick the princess. Twilight sobered, giving the stallion a stern glare. “You just leave the research to me. I’m not sure I can trust you with a baby just yet, let alone a baby Ursa Minor. Babies are delicate, no matter how big they are.”

Peter smiled triumphantly, kissing Twilight over the forehead. “Hey. I know that. When am I too rough? If you didn’t completely trust me, we wouldn’t be getting married in the first place. It’s me, remember?”

Twilight let out a low sigh, smiling as she brushed the side of her head against Peter’s sweetly. “Yeah. It’s you. I swear that you drive me crazy, but… I love you so much.”

“I love you, too,” Peter whispered, the couple sharing a brief yet affectionate kiss before smiling with his fiance. “Okay. We’ll do this together. It’ll make for good practice until our baby arrives.”

After a moment of content silence, Trixie exhaled and threw her hooves into the air. “You’re both crazy!”

Twilight trotted away from the group, her horn glowing with energy. “Okay. I’m going to Fluttershy’s. She’ll probably have a good idea where to start. I just hope she has research materials available.” That same instance, the pregnant alicorn disappeared in a flash of light.

Trixie face-hoofed, shaking her head in dismay. “This is not happening! This can’t be happening to me!” The Ursa Minor smothered the mare with its tongue, licking her body until every inch of Trixie was covered in drool. Luna pursed her lips, snorting for a short burst of laughter, but the princess cleared her throat, glancing off to the side. Trixie merely sighed. “I was better off with Glacius. I almost wish I was eaten instead.”

Peter chuckled, glancing between the Ursa cub and Trixie. “This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.”

Luna closed the gap, sharing a smile with the stallion. “Well, since you will be keeping her, what will you name your new pet?”

“Easy,” Peter grinned, brushing his unkempt mane back with a hoof. “I’m going to name her, Ursa.”

Exhaling exasperatedly, Trixie rolled her eyes. “You are truly an original thinker.”

"I must warn you, Peter," Luna murmured, causing the stallion to glance in her direction with a furrowed brow. The princess shared a glance with the cub before continuing. "Ursa Minors are known to be rather... rebellious, namely with their fathers. There will come a time when you will be forced to deal out disciplinary actions. If you have a problem, consult with Twilight. Ursa Minors are several obedient to their mothers."

Peter tilted his head to the side. "Wait. So you're telling me that Ursa is already more of Twilight's mine? That's hardly fair, but it doesn't surprise me. It's like I can never have nice things." The stallion shrugged. "Oh, well. Ursa Minors sound like your typical teenage girls to me."

Trixie shot the stallion a glare. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Uh, nothing..." Stammering, Peter brought a hoof over his nose and forced a smile. "I just hope that washes out. Ursa breath kind of stinks."

Trixie groaned, resisting the urge to gag as she stared at her drenched coat. “I hate you.” The Ursa Minor’s smile matched the stallion’s, her new owner/parent, and the mare gritted her teeth. “I hate both of you.”


Twilight consulted with Fluttershy about what to do with the cub, and fortunately, the pegasus had taken the initiative to study Ursa Minors since the incident in Ponyville. The pair made the appropriate preparations and accommodations in an empty cave near the village on the edge of Whitetail Woods. Seeing as Ursa Minors slept for five to six days out of an entire week, it made sense to keep the cub somewhere safe, dormant, and tranquil. Fluttershy would act as Ursa’s personal veterinarian, conducting check-ups at least once a month.

If anything, Peter and Twilight would just have to feed the Ursa Minor once a month due to its strong metabolism and no need for digestion. There were other responsibilities as well, like keeping Ursa’s cave clean, giving her attention, and caring for it like any parent would a child. Twilight seemed more than eager to carry out each task. It went without saying that Ursa was their pet, not just Peter’s. The stallion was fine with this, grateful that his family was expanding further with Twilight’s full consent.

Ursa would occasionally wake prematurely and return to Ponyville, but her presence was accepted by the inhabitants of the village. She would only follow Peter’s and Twilight’s scent, meaning others would not be put into danger unless they outright antagonized the cub. Some could even pet the baby cub, those who normally lived in Ponyville, but visitors would rightfully be wary of an Ursa Minor prowling about. Only two weeks had passed, and Ponyville had already accepted the cub’s presence as another common occurrence.

Nothing bad that would likely not occur. At Princess Luna’s request, guards will patrol the area near Ursa’s abode to prevent unwanted intrusion and warn Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Peter Parker, should the cub wander off. Plus, news quickly spread throughout all of Equestria of the young royal couple’s adoption of their new pet Ursa Minor over the course of the past two weeks.

Anypony in their right mind wouldn’t think of harming Ursa, knowing they might earn the wrath of two of the most powerful beings on the planet. Peter shook his head, freeing himself from his self-induced trance. The stallion sat on the back of Ursa’s neck alongside his princess as the cub raced across the field on the outskirts of the village. The chill of the night’s wind brushed through their manes and fur, yet Ursa’s body temperature provided substantial warmth for the pair. Twilight giggled uncontrollably while Peter seemed somewhat hesitant.

“This is so much fun!” Twilight squealed, earning a playful growl from Ursa as she leapt over a boulder and safely landed on her paws in full stride.

Peter glanced off to the side, keeping one hoof on his future wife while using the other to maintain his balance on the back of Ursa’s neck. “We’re going to need a bigger leash.”