• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 15,698 Views, 648 Comments

Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months - Maximus_Reborn

Sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane. Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle prepare to tackle parenthood.

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Fourth Month: Black Cat Takes Manehattan

Chapter Four “Month Four: Black Cat Takes Manehattan”

Twilight rocked back and forth in her seat, rubbing a hoof affectionately over her steadily growing bump. The doctor’s words regarding the baby’s unusual growth rate had been unnerving for the princess. Her irises vanished behind a bright light while she focused on the tiny lifeforce resting within her womb. Twilight groaned as her eyes grew sore, prompting the mare to slam them shut and use a hoof to block out the light. She was still a novice alicorn, adjusting to her latent abilities, but that didn’t stop her from occasionally taking peeks at the baby, even if she could barely sense it for seconds at a time.

Twilight sighed, turning to the side. “JARVIS, do you have the results of the latest ultrasound ready?”

The computer behind her position came to life, its screen brightening. “Yes, Miss Twilight. The baby appears just as healthy as it did yesterday.”

Twilight pursed her lips together before shaking her head. “I just don’t understand it. The baby should not be coming along this fast. Would you happen to have a concrete theory as to why this is happening? I know that I was a human when I was impregnated, but the baby shouldn’t have even taken form until a month had passed.”

Images took form on the computer screen, alternating between pictures of Peter and Twilight in both of their equine and human states.

“There are many possibilities to take into account, Miss Twilight. Peter Parker, while currently taking the shape of a unicorn, is in fact still a human in part. Perhaps the same could be said for you, and your body is reacting in a similar way to that of a human female’s. This may have indeed minimized the length of your pregnancy from eleven months to nine. I am also uncertain whether or not the magical energies of Equestria, your alicorn biology, your transformation from a human to an equine during the beginning phase of your pregnancy, and Mister Parker’s unusual genetic code are key factors in this development.”

Twilight’s entire face was blue, as if the blood in her body had grown cold. “...and you’re sure the baby is healthy?”

“Yes, Miss Twilight,” JARVIS stoically replied, earning a relieved sigh from the princess. “My theories are merely conjecture and inconclusive. I advise that you continue to follow the doctor’s instructions and patiently wait for the next officially scheduled ultrasound.”

Nodding, Twilight managed a small smile. “Okay. Thank you, JARVIS.” After closing the computer with her magic, the alicorn shifted her violet gaze to the photograph under the lamp. She brushed a hoof over the picture of her stallion, his sheepish grin adding to the warmth simmering at the center of her chest. Twilight’s ears lowered into her mane. “It’s… really quiet here without you, Peter. I almost hate it. I could actually use one of your stupid jokes right about now.” She giggled under her breath. “Trixie would hate me if she heard that.”

Twilight’s gaze fell on her bump. “I wonder what your daddy is up to…?” The mare shivered involuntarily as a small chill brushed through her fur. She directed her line of sight to the opened window on the other side of the room. “It’s already starting to get chilly,” Twilight whispered before using her magic to seal the window shut. After a small duration, her eyes widened as a small idea came to mind. Lifting her quill via telekinesis, Twilight opened a blank scroll. “That reminds me…”



While merely an accessory to Equestrians, it is a near necessity for humankind. Unlike ponies, they lack fur, but the need for clothing does not end there. During my first few days on Earth, I found it odd that I had to wear clothing for a majority of the time. The culture of Earth is very refined, and clothing is considered appropriate to wear.

Human females have much more to hide. For the human female, their breasts are placed along the chest while a mare’s teats are positioned over the crotch. For the equine race, we do not have the initial fear of revealing ourselves thanks to our fur, which allows us to walk about without clothing.

That is not to say clothing is required all of the time. They practice hygiene by taking baths as we do without clothing. However, it is considered a high act of intimacy for a human female to reveal her unclothed form to her chosen mate. It is no different than the way Equestrians take sexual intercourse into consideration: a special bond with somepony you trust and love.


The night was tranquil, the city light glowing with a unique beauty. A chill encircled the autumn air, the temperature dropping steadily by the day. Spider-Mane sat on the side wall of a building, balancing himself on a flagpole in a squatting position with relative ease. His blank gaze alternated between the streets far below and the rooftops sitting across from his viewpoint. Peter let out an exasperated groan. Surveillance had never been his greatest trait. Things had been relatively quiet for the first few days of their visit, but panic slowly began to spread as acts of theft spread out.

Princess Luna attempted to keep the situation under wraps with mental manipulation, but it proved impossible, as the number of witnesses and victims were growing beyond containment. Local law enforcement was being given the run around by a lone mare. Articles in the newspaper declaring that everypony should be wary filled the city with fear, something Luna had longed to prevent. It didn’t help that Spider-Mane had been spotted in Manehattan, reportedly looking for the thief.

Things had escalated to this point. Peter only hoped Felicia would make a move. That was their only hope to catch the Black Cat, considering they still had no idea what she looked like exactly. A shadow engulfed his figure from above, causing Spider-Mane to shift his gaze skyward to find Princess Luna peering down from the building’s rooftop. Inhaling deeply, Peter pushed his weight down and backflipped high into the air before landing perfectly on his hind legs next to the alicorn’s position. Luna’s scowl dissolved into a flustered pout once the stallion removed his mask.

Even now, Spider-Mane practiced grace without realizing it.

Luna, using her magic, levitated a cup over to the stallion. “Here.”

Peter chuckled, winking at the mare. “Thanks. What is this?” he asked, taking the cup and eyeing it suspiciously. “Alcohol? Isn’t it a bit late to get crunk?”

Luna let out a dry chuckle, perhaps involuntarily. “Coffee, but if this continues, it just might turn into that.”

Peter’s smile faded a little as he tried to read the princess’s difficult expression. “That didn’t sound like sarcasm. Trust me. I know what sarcasm sounds like.”

Luna’s blank expression turned into a frown. “That’s because it wasn’t.”

Peter wrapped a hoof around the mare’s shoulder, nudging her playfully. “Oh, come on. The situation isn’t that bad, is it?”

Luna let out a derelict moan after sighing contently, Peter’s warmth providing a sense of comfort subconsciously. “Not yet, but I’m afraid we’re on the brink of a panic at the rate things are progressing.”

The stallion arched a brow. “What do you mean?”

Luna’s eyes glossed over, matched by the rosy tint filling her cheeks, but the princess shook her head, clearing her sense. She knocked Peter’s hoof away from her shoulder and scoffed. “Well, the masses have reached a point where they partially believe a ghost is robbing them. There are even newspaper articles declaring anypony could be next. That surely defines a growing panic.”

Peter shook his head until his stuck mane loosened and retook its unkempt form. “Good point, but it’s another slow night. It’s been almost two weeks, and we’re no closer to finding Felicia.”

Luna shook her head, dismayed. “I’m worried. Felicia is growing increasingly brazen. She robbed all three museums in Manehattan of their most priceless gems, and she’s leaving an insignia everywhere. It’s as if--” The alicorn trailed off, striking the floor soundly with her hoof. Thunder rumbled in the sky as clouds gathered, but the moon resurfaced with a defeated sigh from the princess. Luna gritted her teeth. “It’s as if she’s taunting us.”

Peter nodded. “She wants us to find her if that’s the case. I know it’s irritating, but if we let Felicia get under our skin, she’ll win a lot easier.”

Luna managed a small smile. “Indeed. I must agree. It is most troublesome and irritating, but we must remain vigilant and patient. We must stop Black Cat before this becomes a nationwide crisis. The ponies of the city are already afraid.” She inhaled deeply before sighing. “I fear I need you to stop her before the situation escalates further.” After a few moments, the alicorn shared a glance with the stallion. “Honestly, you’re the only one who can apprehend Felicia. It’s selfish, but I want you to catch her for personal reasons.”

Peter finally accepted the cup of coffee, pausing to inhale the fragrance exuding from the tiny fumes before arching a brow at the princess. “Why?”

Luna took a seat on the edge of the rooftop, remaining silent as the stallion positioned himself next to her. She held the cup below her muzzle, droning. “You’ve been outcasted unfairly. Ponies are unaware of the sacrifice you made on my behalf. They still believe you are harboring Nightmare Moon.” She placed a hoof over her chest. “You are without magic because of the seal. It’s not fair that such a sacrifice is rewarded with being ostracized. I want to tell everypony the truth. You should not bear the burden alone--”

Shaking his head, Peter placed a hoof over Luna’s shoulder. “No way. I’m used to this kind of attention. It’ll get better. Everypony is just now cutting you slack for the whole Nightmare Moon thing. Trust me. I’d rather have everyone hate me than hate you.” The stallion mussed the mare’s mane slightly. “Let me help you out. You brought me back from the dead after all. It’s the least I can do!”

Luna sadly smiled. “I don’t know what to say.” Biting down on her lip, the mare brushed her sky-blue mane behind her ears. “This entire situation can help save your reputation. I still believe that if you are the one to apprehend Black Cat, ponies could begin to understand how important you are to Equestria. To everypony. To Twilight. To… me.” The latter of the statement was barely audible, delivered through a whisper, but Luna cleared her throat, allowing her stern expression to resurface. “Act as a knight and stand for everypony. That is why I know you will succeed, and I will help you until the end of time. You are… my best friend, after all.”

Peter chuckled under his breath, giving the mare a smile with teeth. “Thanks, Luna. We’ll figure something out. We always do.” The stallion, extended his hoof and cup to the mare. “Cheers?”

“You are gifted with astounding patience. Thank you for staying the course with me.” Luna murmured, hesitantly nodding before tapping her cup against Peter’s. “Cheers.”

Both ponies took a sip of their coffee respectively. After a duration, the stallion arched a brow at the mare. “You know, you should totally rock a cape and cowl. Since you don’t like the name Batmare, I can give you something more original and fitting for you. How about Night-Mare?” he chuckled, nudging the alicorn. “Get it? Because of your dream-hopping, telepathy, and moonbutt…” Peter raised his hooves defensively once Luna shot a glare in his direction, her eyes practically resembling daggers. He chuckled nervously. “I mean this in the nicest way possible!”

Luna was silent, offering no immediate response as she growled into her cup.

Peter’s ears twitched at a tiny sensation stirring at the back of his head. The stallion blinked dumbly. “Did you just read my thoughts to see if I was an alien on Earth?”

“Yes,” Luna bluntly replied, her exasperated gaze returning to the city below her position. “I do so because you are quite frankly the most unusual creature I’ve ever met in my life.”

Peter stared at Luna for an awkward amount of time before he tilted his head to the side. “Are we on a date or something? I’m feeling some major Twilight-vibes from you. She’s really the only one who says stuff like that. And Trixie. And Skittles occasionally. I think Sunset Shimmer even called me a doofus once. Or was that you? Maybe girls just think I’m stupid in general?”

Luna’s cheeks glowed at the first initial question, but she managed to keep her flustered gaze away from the stallion. “You’re an idiot,” she muttered. In the distance, an individual raced across a rooftop, their body lathered in black. The alicorn furrowed her brow as she leaned forward. “I see something.” Luna’s wings flapped and lifted her tiny frame from the ground. Her horn emitted energy. “I shall investigate,” she whispered before disappearing in a flash of light.

Meanwhile, the pony in the distance skidded to a halt, pausing to lift one of the many assorted jewels from the confines of her knapsack. “That was almost too easy,” she grinned, brushing a hoof through her long snow-white mane before placing the gem back into her bag. A bright flash of light erupted above her position, causing the mare’s blue eyes to widen behind a pair of orange shades. “What the…?”

Luna’s form materialized into existence as she hovered to the ground gracefully, shooting a hardened glare at the latex-clothed earth pony. “Halt!”

The mare smirked. “It took long enough for someone to catch on, but you’re not the one I’m looking for. You should leave before you get hurt, kid.”

The remark caused Luna to grit her teeth, but she practiced restraint, inhaling deeply before letting out a sigh. “Felicia Hardy. It has been quite some time since we last met.” Her eyes narrowed to match her scowl. “I had thought you would have ceased such habits. I was clearly mistaken.”

Throwing a hoof over her light-blue muzzle, Black Cat stifled a laughter. “Wow! Luna! I didn’t recognize you. You’re much shorter than I thought you would be.” She smirked. “So, my hunch was right. You came running once I hit the city. Why isn’t Spidey with you? Is he ignoring me?”

Luna’s expression, despite her building exasperation, remained stern. “Do not make light of the situation. There are over two dozen cases of thievery filed against you. I am hereby forced to place you under arrest.”

“Only two dozen? I’m afraid I’m losing my edge,” Felicia scoffed, her tone condescending.

Pausing, Luna growled at Black Cat’s dismissive demeanor. “I am warning you. Because you aided us in the fight against the Green Goblin, I can exercise leniency and minimize your punishment. Will you surrender peacefully?”

Felicia shrugged. “Tempting offer, but no dice. A girl has to make a living somehow. Besides, I’m having too much fun.”

Energy from the atmosphere spiraled into Luna’s horn as her irises disappeared behind a bright light. “Then, you leave me no choice but to use force!”

The alicorn unleashed a beam of energy, prompting Black Cat to duck underneath the projectile before it could connect with her body. Luna readied herself to fire a second shot, but Felicia sped into a dash, disappearing in a blur. Nearly that same moment, a force knocked the princess to the ground and launched her into the air. Luna stretched her wings out, managing to cease her unwanted momentum instantaneously. Black Cat waited along the side of a wall above the alicorn in a perched position before lunging out and pouncing onto her shoulders, driving her prey into the ground stomach-first. All of the air rushed out of Luna’s lungs, and she clutched at her midsection, wheezing for oxygen.

“You… should not be this fast!” Luna managed, her breathing resembling the sound of glass scratching against a rough surface.

Black Cat huffed, tightening the straps on her knapsack with a smug grin. “I know. I’m even surprising myself. This pony body really has its perks.” Brushing the dust from her shoulder, the mare turned sharply on her hoof. “I have to admit that I thought you’d be more trouble after what I saw you do on Earth. I guess you’re just a lot weaker as a pony. Now, be a good girl and stay put. I really don’t want to rough you up again.” Just as Felicia prepared to make her exit, Spider-Mane swung through the air on a strand of webbing, relinquished the thread, and landed on the opposite side of the rooftop. Black Cat smirked at the sight, licking her lips seductively as she stood on the edge of the building. “Ah, there you are. It sure took you long enough.”

Spider-Mane’s masked eyes widened upon spotting the prone alicorn on the ground. “Luna!” the stallion cried out, rushing to her side. “Are you okay?”

Luna knocked Peter’s hoof away as it neared. “What are you doing?!” she paused, wheezed breaths escaping from her mouth as Felicia hopped over the edge of the building. “Get her!”

Peter wanted to protest, but a few threats rushing from Luna’s thoughts were more than enough for him to reconsider that option. He skidded to a halt along the edge, analyzing his surroundings before successfully locating Black Cat across the street on a different building’s rooftop. Leaping forward, Spider-Mane shot a strand of webbing onto the edge of the rooftop and jerked his wrist with enough force to increase his body’s projection. The stallion landed perfectly on his hooves and flawlessly ran into a gallop, closing the distance between himself and Felicia until they reached the edge of the building. Both ponies slowed to a halt, yet Black Cat smiled as a breeze brushed through her mane.

“It’s one thing to sneak into Equestria, but it’s another when you start stealing for no good reason!” Spider-Mane exclaimed, lowering his body into a defensive position. “Why are you doing this? You’re terrifying everypony!”

Black Cat stood upright, stretching her hooves to the sides. “It’s fairly obvious, Spidey. I kept hearing how you’re living the good life. I wanted a taste of it, and I love it!” The mare spun around in place and smiled widely. “Now, I know why you wanted to come back here. These ponies are so easy. I’m practically untouchable now in this new body.” Felicia swayed her hips as her tail whipped to the side before playfully winking at the stallion. “I look pretty good, right? As far as ponies go?”

“My opinion doesn’t matter. My fiance would kill me if I complimented you, but what I can tell you is that I think you’d look a lot better behind bars,” Spider-Mane stammered, clearing his throat afterward.

Felica let out a boisterous fit of laughter. “The great Spider-Man is already whipped into submission by his little princess!? Now, that is rich!”

“Come on, Felicia. This is serious. You’re breaking the law. You have to stop.” His voice fell into a heavy, whispered tone, hints of anger seething through gritted teeth. “There’s nothing funny about me marrying Twilight. I’ll take the little princess over a two-bit crook any day.”

“So, tell me... how was it?” Felicia asked with a smirk. “Getting it on with an alien race? What was it like?”

“Fulfilling. A lot more than you ever gave me,” Peter huffed dismissively.

Black Cat released a harsh scoff. “My, my. You’re really grumpy today. Trouble in paradise, babe?”

“Yeah. You,” Peter snarled, pointing his hoof at the mare. “You jumped into Equestria without thinking! You started stealing from everypony the first chance you got! You attacked Princess Luna, the second highest ranking official on the planet! And, you’re acting like none of this is even a big deal!”

Felicia shrugged. “Okay, so I took a few things. Big deal.” She pointed a hoof back defensively. “And for your information, Shortie started it.”

Spider-Mane’s hooves trembled, as if every fiber was being restrained. “In case you haven’t used that head of yours, I am a knight of this world! I am chosen to protect everypony from global calamities! I am supposed to protect Twilight AND Luna AND Celestia and whoever else needs help! You’re creating problems for everypony right now! You have no idea how much trouble you’re in!”

Raising an interested eyebrow, a seductive smirk played across Felicia’s lips. “Now, there’s the Spider-Man I know and love.”

Last chance, Felicia,” Peter warned, his voice lacking any trace of humor. “If you run, I will arrest you.”

“So. Just like old times, huh?” Black Cat beamed a large smile as she backed up to the edge of the building. “Well then, catch me if you can! There might even be a nice reward in for you at the finish line.” She blew the Prince a kiss with a wink, before using the force in her legs to launch herself gracefully into backflip off the ledge. “You’d better start running, lover boy!”

Felicia soared through the air over a perilously large gap between buildings and landed perfectly with no sign of strain on the rooftop across the way, leaving Spider-Mane to stare with a blank wide-eyed expression.

“She… could not jump that far before...” Peter stammered at the impressive distance the mare had traveled. He paused for a moment before shaking his head at a sudden realization. “Oh yeah. She’s an earth pony. Duh! Of course she’s going to be even faster and stronger now.” Sighing in defeat, the unicorn took a few steps back before going into a full-speed trot. “It’s never easy, is it? That’s the Parker luck, Chuck.”

Spider-Mane dove into the sky with his hooves fully extended, managing to smoothly roll into a gallop upon landing on the rooftop. The stallion continued his pursuit, managing to close the gap slowly yet surely. Black Cat turned sharply once she reached the edge of the building, maintaining her balance in a strafe before diving into a freefall. She fell into a tarp, the elastic material sending her body skyward, but Felicia recovered, landing safely on the street. Peter’s masked eyes fell on the cat burglar working her way through an alley.

Spider-Mane shot a strand of webbing and rode its momentum into a swing, turning into the corner of the alley just as Felicia cut the nearest intersection. Black Cat kicked in the nearest door, breaking its metal hinges. She entered a restaurant, its kitchen to be exact, before all of the chefs and cooks shot glares in her direction. The moment one of the stallions approached, Felicia snatched his hoof and hurled his body over her shoulder. Spider-Mane landed just outside of where the broken door laid, only to catch the cook as he soared into his unwitting hooves.

“Thanks, Spidey,” the chef gruffly stated, smiling sheepishly. “I’m a big fan by the way.”

“I’d sign you an autograph, but I’m in a bit of a hurry here.” Spider-Man chuckled nervously, placing the stallion down before venturing into the kitchen.

A commotion erupted from the lobby, forcing Peter to quicken his pace. Once he entered the large room, everypony’s attention was aimed at the front door as Black Cat rushed for it. Spider-Mane shot a strand of webbing across the area, narrowly avoiding ponies in his path before latching onto the center of the cat burglar’s back. The stallion pulled at the gossamer with a hoof, bringing Felicia to a sudden halt, but the mare smirked, spinning in place and snatching the strand with all of her might.

“Oh, crap--!” Peter blurted out involuntarily as his body left the ground and crashed through an occupied table. The bowl of salad spiraled, landing over his head after a brief duration. He groaned. “Somepony’s been working out.”

“You won’t catch me that easily, Spider,” Black Cat smugly declared as she ripped away the webbing before bursting through the exit door.

Spider-Mane staggered to a standing position. “She just had to be an earth pony, huh? I’m beginning to wonder if I was gypped on purpose. My aunt gets to fly, Black Cat gets a strength boost, and I become a unicorn that can’t even use magic. This is ridiculously unfair. This is like giving the Hulk wings.”

A rather poshly dressed waiter stallion calmly approached the costumed hero in spite of the surrounding chaos. “Excuse me, sir…”

“She stole my necklace!” a mare cried out.

One of the chefs stomped out of the kitchen. “She took my wallet!”

Others fell into similar outcries while the waiter blankly stared at Spider-Mane, arching a curled brow. “Will you be paying for these damages, sir?”

If not for his mask’s design to hide facial features, the entire restaurant would have seen Peter’s exasperated expression. “Just send the bill to Princess Luna, but I want to leave you a big tip first, pal…” he murmured, trotting out of the room before screaming back sarcastically, “Like, don’t eat crackers in bed!”

Spider-Mane galloped outside, finding Felicia trotting into a bustling street. She skidded to a halt, sliding underneath a carriage as it sped towards her before flipping back into a gallop. She stole a glance from the corner of her eye, spotting Spider-Mane web-swinging towards her. Black Cat smirked and hopped towards another carriage. Throwing a kick, she knocked its driver away and blew a kiss at Spider-Mane.

“You could use a lift, honey!” she exclaimed, positioning herself accordingly.

The carriage continued to roll forward, but the cat burglar took hold of the bumper, inhaling deeply before kicking the wooden vehicle high into the air with all of her strength. A pair of mares screamed at the top of their lungs as the massive object flew in their direction. Spider-Mane flipped high into the air and managed to perch himself on the roof of the carriage, landing perfecting on his hindlegs with the vehicle on his shoulders.

“I have something to coach you on: there’s no need to yell until your voice is hoarse. Get it? Get it?” Spider-Mane chuckled, earning baffled stares from the mares. He let out a disgruntled sigh, nonchalantly tossing the carriage away back into its upright position. “Oh, forget it.”

Spider-Mane paused to analyze his surroundings after failing to immediately locate Felicia. The nearest collection of spectators called out to him, pointing their hooves skyward at the mare scaling the wall of a skyscraper in an upright sprint. Peter nodded, mouthing a thanks to everypony before firing a strand of webbing at the base of the building. Spider-Mane scaled the skyscraper and pursued Black Cat in a full-speed sprint, using webbing from his two front hooves to pull himself every few meters and maintain his pace.

The gap was closing as they neared the top of the building, and despite being at such a height, cheers from the ponies on the streets could be heard vividly. Spider-Mane skidded to a halt, maintaining his place on the wall before firing two strands of webbing onto the wall a few hoof-lengths above his position. Without releasing his hold on the threads, Peter ran down until the gossamer stretched to its limit and slingshot the stallion skyward with the force of a missile. Black Cat reached the top of the building, with Spider-Mane narrowly missing his target.

The stallion shot a strand of webbing in front of the thief, ceasing his momentum instantaneously. The moment Felicia turned around, Peter soared through the air and tackled the mare to the ground, his momentum carrying their bodies into a roll that lasted several seconds. Spider-Mane threw his legs into the air, curled into a ball, and flipped back to a vertical base. Black Cat spun from the ground, balancing into a handstand before hopping to her hooves.

“It’s not like before! I’ll just have to go through you this time!” Felicia boasted, speeding towards the stallion. She managed to strike his side, doubling him over before kicking his jaw. Peter skidded across the ground, unable to react as Black Cat drove her shoulder into his neck. Spider-Mane staggered, managing to remain upright despite the stinging pain rushing through his mouth. Felicia disappeared in a blur once more, laughing triumphantly. “You just can’t stop me, Spider!”

Spider-Mane groaned. “Oh, great. Another round of ‘kick the spider’.”

Felicia threw a hoof forward in a direct punch, following with a high spin kick. His sixth sense blared in anticipation this time. Peter swayed his head to the side to avoid the first attack before lifting his muzzle, dodging the second by an inch. The mare hissed, lunging out in a pounce. Spider-Mane leaned until the back of his shoulders touched the ground, retaliating with a thrust kick into Black Cat’s stomach. The force of the blow jettisoned Felicia until she landed on the back of her head.

Peter kicked up to a standing position, shaking his head disapprovingly. “You could never beat me, Cat. Not then. Not now. After all, I’m stronger and faster than I used to be, too.”

Felicia bore her teeth before disappearing in a blur, yet Spider-Mane stood firm, following the mare’s swift movements behind his mask’s blank lenses. The world moved on normally, but it crawled according to Peter. He could feel the change in the wind as Black Cat’s dashes disrupted the natural flow around him. The sound of a bird’s wings flapping echoed throughout his vibrating cranium. Its rhythm was slow and melodic compared to the pulsating wave Felicia generated within his mind whenever she neared his position.

Small particles of energy glowed from the mare’s body, and Peter never lost sight of her, even as she managed to move faster. The entire vicinity seemed to emit a strange light to the stallion, traces of magical energy in the breeze. His spider sense was evolving. Peter shook his head and blinked, freeing himself from his self-induced trance as the tingling sensation settled to a low rumble. Felicia’s image cleared whenever she slowed to a skidding halt, but it blurred the moment she resumed her lightning quick pace.

Black Cat’s taunting laughter could be heard from the afterimages. “Face it, Spider. You just can’t catch me.”

“You might be faster now, but there’s one problem…” Spider-Mane trailed off, dashing after Black Cat the very second she passed by. They were inches apart as the stallion reared his hoof back. “You’re leaving a trail!”

Felicia inhaled sharply, dashing to the side at the last moment, but Peter anticipated her movement, grabbing the mare by her shoulder and spinning her around. Before Black Cat could recover, Spider-Mane swiftly raised his hoof up and delivered a swift flick to her forehead, a loud snap echoing through the airwaves. Peter captured Felicia as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Spider-Mane took the moment to web the entirety of her body with the exception of her head in a cocoon.

Sighing, Peter stood over the unconscious Felicia. “Sorry, Cat.” After several moments, the stallion climbed back down to the streets of the city, all while carrying the cocooned mare over his shoulder. Spectators gathered, but Peter seemed oblivious as cameras flashed all around him, glancing around aimlessly until Princess Luna materialized behind his position in a burst of light. The stallion removed his mask, managing to give the alicorn a warm smile. “Cat’s in the bag.”

Luna rubbed a hoof over her aching midsection, but a smile graced her features. “Excellent work, my friend. We’re indebted to your efforts.” Before the stallion could respond, everypony around their position cheered uproariously and applauded. A small twinge pulled at the back of Peter’s mind, causing the unicorn to shift his gaze to Luna. She gave a subtle yet friendly wink. ‘I believe you’ve earned some support back.’

Peter nodded, smiling warmly as the ponies around him displayed genuine support. “It’s a nice feeling.” His eyes widened at a belated realization. Spider-Mane took Felicia’s knapsack and offered it to the nearest knight. “Make sure you give this stolen stuff back to everypony. We’ll find out where she’s stashed the rest of her stolen goods and see to it that those are returned as well.” Once the armored stallion gave Spider-Mane an affirming nod, Peter shared a glance with Luna. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Excuse me, Madam,” a familiar voice calmly called out behind Luna. “If I may have a moment of your time...”

Turning to the voice, the princess found a rather poshly dressed waiter holding his head high, a slip of paper in his extended hoof. “Your bill, your majesty.” Upon passing her the slip, he turned to give Spider-Mane a nod before departing. “Good day to you, Sir.”

Peter stared blankly at the waiter as he briskly trotted away. “Whoa. Somepony give that guy a medal. He takes his job very seriously.”

Luna furrowed her brow as she read through the document. “What is this?” she pondered, blinking upon reading the bottom of the receipt. Her brow twitched involuntarily. She longed to yell, but with a crowd surrounding her, the princess practiced restraint, although her exasperation was evident through a stifled growl. “Peter… you had somepony send me a bill?”

Peter chuckled sheepishly, hastily waving to the crowd before leaping into the air and web-swinging away with Princess Luna flying closely behind him. “Well, um… Good night, everypony!”

On the outskirts of Ponyville, Peter gazed at the village with a warm smile. “It’s good to be back,” he sighed contently as a gentle breeze brushed through his unkempt mane. After three long weeks, he was back home. A bright flash of light erupted behind his position, Princess Luna’s form materializing into existence. The stallion turned to greet the alicorn with an earnest smile. “Were there any problems?”

Luna shook her head. “Absolutely not. Felicia is well incarcerated, and we’ll discuss the terms of her punishment in the coming weeks. I appreciate you staying and helping with the damages spread across the city. Many ponies also wanted me to thank you for personally returning each of their stolen possessions.” The princess turned her sky-blue gaze to the stars glittering in the night, sobering. “This entire situation almost turned into a disaster, but it was averted thanks to your efforts. I can’t thank you enough.”

Peter grinned, nudging the mare’s shoulder playfully. “Hey. It was a team effort.”

Luna glanced off to the side, as if contemplating something. “Thank you, but… I wanted to show you my appreciation.”

Her mind raced as she subconsciously leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Peter’s cheek. As the stallion stammered a response, Luna ignored the vortex of emotions spiraling within her being long enough to gather her thoughts. The alicorn’s horn glowed with energy before a newspaper materialized inches away from Peter’s face. On the front page read an article entitled ‘Spider-Mane Thwarts Mysterious Cat Burglar’, and above the passage was a picture of Peter carrying the cocooned Black Cat over his shoulder.

Luna giggled as the stallion took hold of the paper. “It’s safe to say that ponies are starting to trust you again. We have a ways to go, but this is certainly a step in the right direction.”

“I’m glad they caught my good side,” Peter murmured, playfully flicking strands of his mane back with a hoof as he stared at the photo. After a few moments and a shared moment of laughter with the princess, the stallion let out a relieved sigh. “I’m just glad it’s only the city paper. There’s no way Twilight can find out unless she goes to Manehattan. I can finally say things are looking up.”

Luna gave Peter an affirming nod along with a light giggle. “I must agree. I believe you should hurry home now. Surely, Twilight misses you.” The alicorn’s horn emitted a bright light as energy enveloped the stallion’s body. “I’ll see you again soon,” she whispered before Peter vanished in a burst of energy.

Once the energy around his body dissipated, Peter found himself on the doorstep of the Treebrary. The stallion entered his home, pausing to drop his suitcase by the couch. Peter glanced around before quietly walking up the stairs. At such a late hour, it was safe to assume everypony was fast asleep. Slowly yet surely, he managed to reach his fiance’s bedroom without alerting anypony. Turning the knob with the utmost care, Peter peeked his head inside, finding the lamp by the nightstand turned on.

Twilight’s eyes scrolled through a magazine, eventually shifting in Peter’s direction once the door let out a small protesting creak. The mare rested on top of the bed in a thick robe with a towel wrapped around her visibly wet mane, as if she had just got out of the shower. Twilight merely stared at the stallion with an unreadable expression for what seemed like eons, causing Peter to tilt his head to the side.

Eventually, Twilight managed a small smile. “Oh. Hi, Peter. I was just thinking about you. Welcome back.” She crawled to the edge of the bed and sat upright, extending both of her hooves out to the stallion. Peter let out a relieved sigh, embracing his mare once she was within reach. They shared a brief, yet affectionate, kiss. “How was your trip?” she asked, smiling sweetly.

Peter chuckled sheepishly. “Heh. Nothing really happened. I just had to help Princess Luna with clean-up duties.”

“Is that all?” she asked, arching a brow.

The stallion forced a smile. “Yeah…”

Twilight blinked, her gaze narrowing. “Positive?”

Nodding, Peter grinned nervously. “Absolutely.” After a few moments, Twilight managed to giggle, as if finally believing her fiance’s words. Peter sighed inwardly, pointing his hoof to the door. “Okay. I’ll go unpack real quick.”

Twilight raised her hoof. “Before you do that, I have something to show you.” A dark glint sparkled in her eyes. “You’ll never guess what I just read in the latest issue of Manehattan Times.”

Peter scratched the back of his head. “Manehattan Times...?” he trailed off, his complexion paling at what it entailed. “Where did you, uh… get that?”

Twilight flipped through the pages. “I’ve been subscribed to it for years now.” She huffed. “It seems you forgot.”

Peter let out a nervous chuckle. “Oh yeah, huh...” He glanced off to the side. “Uh oh…

The alicorn’s hoof tapped impatiently against the magazine. “Yes. It says Spider-Mane chased somepony calling herself the Black Cat all over the city! What are the odds of that?”

“Oh, crap,” Peter whispered, finding his fiance’s glare unnerving.

In the span of a second, Twilight’s calm demeanor dissolved, a scowl taking its place. “Oh, crap is right!” she growled, throwing the magazine across the room until it struck Peter’s forehead. Just like the newspaper article he read earlier, the cover had a picture of Spider-Mane holding a captured Black Cat over his shoulder. Twilight’s hoof struck the nightstand, sending tremors through the piece of furniture. “A simple business trip in Manehattan, huh?!”

Peter raised his hoof, ready to defend himself, but he jumped back, stammering nervously as the alicorn appeared inches away from his position in a flash of light. “Hey, hey, hey! I can explain!” The mare’s hoof tapped impatiently against the floor, but she arched a brow, maintaining her silence with a glare. “I just didn’t want you to worry! That’s why I left you out of the loop.”

“I already know that, you idiot!” A small vein pulsated on the side of her temple while her glare slowly turned venomous, narrowing on the stallion. “But, that still doesn’t change the fact that I’m furious about you not telling me!”

Peter weakly nodded. “Yeah. I should have, and I’m sorry.”

Inhaling deeply, the alicorn growled under her breath before releasing a sigh. “I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’m going to bed. Good night,” Twilight harshly declared, using her magic to shove him out of the room before throwing a pillow in the stallion’s face. Peter landed in a slump yet managed to force himself into a sitting position. He turned around, only for the door to slam in his face. The light within the bedroom shut off. “We’ll talk this over in the morning.”

Dismayed and completely defeated, Peter could only lower his head pitifully. There was no winning this, the message was clear.

“Can I at least have a blanket?”