• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 15,697 Views, 648 Comments

Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months - Maximus_Reborn

Sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane. Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle prepare to tackle parenthood.

  • ...

Third Month: Nature

Chapter Three “Third Month: Nature”

Twilight was elated, even after an entire month had passed. She was actually going to get married to the stallion of her dreams. Her friends and family were overjoyed, although Shining Armor had yet to be informed of the news due to a trip overseas. It was fortunate that her big brother would be returning to the Crystal Empire this week, and Twilight vowed to speak with Shining personally when the opportunity arose. Smiling sweetly, the princess couldn’t contain her happiness as she brushed a hoof over her ruby necklace.

Although this news would not reach the public right away, Twilight was excited over the fact that she was officially engaged to Peter. Plans for the marriage would come sometime after the baby’s birth and whenever Equestria accepted Spider-Mane’s alien background. Twilight lowered her quill and sighed, freeing her gaze from the scroll on the desk. Her mind was lost in a flutter, drifting aimlessly in a cloud of bliss.

That wasn’t the only thing that excited the princess. Twilight peeked down at her bump, pausing to rub a hoof over it affectionately. As soon as Peter finished reading an assignment from Princess Luna, they were going to their first ultrasound appointment to ensure the baby was developing naturally. Twilight squealed, clapping her hooves together. She could hardly concentrate, finding it nearly impossible to write, yet the mare didn’t seem to mind, evident by her light giggling.

“I’m in love,” Twilight whispered, the inside of her chest burning. Lifting the quill with her magic, the mare stared at the scroll with a furrowed brow before stealing a glance at the closed library door. Peter had locked himself in to study. Twilight shrugged, knowing she did the same under duress. “Still, I should write something before Peter finishes. Now, where was I?” Her eyes scrolled through each passage of text, widening at a word in particular. Twilight’s expression soured. “Oh, that’s right…” she deadpanned, trailing off before exhaling. “I’m supposed to recollect the first time I met Felicia.”

Trixie stirred to life, stretching her limbs while letting out a low yawn. She freed herself from the plush comfort of the sofa and approached Twilight with a sleepy gaze. “I see you have made no progress, Twilight Sparkle. What has caused your writer’s block this time?” Trixie leaned over Twilight’s shoulder, reading through the scroll before snorting. “Oh, I see. The cat burglar mare. I can certainly see why writing about her would be problematic.”

Twilight tilted her head to the side and arched a brow. “What do you mean by that?”

Taking a seat at the other side of the room, Trixie scoffed. “Do not insult my intelligence. It’s quite evident that you are not fond of the Black Cat. I seem to recall you glaring intently and practically snarling at the crystal ball when we were watching Peter’s memories the second Felicia appeared.”

Twilight’s face flushed to a shade of pink, but the princess closed her eyes and huffed defiantly. “I don’t recall.”

Trixie shrugged before smiling smugly. “Peter also informed me that you came close to strangling Black Cat during your time on Earth. He said you two came quite close to trading blows on a number of occasions.”

Laughing sheepishly, Twilight lowered her head in a defeated fashion. “S-so, he told you about that? I’m not proud of the way I get around Felicia. It really doesn’t help that she’s somewhere in Equestria doing Celestia knows what.” The mare paused, gritting her teeth. “I don’t know why, but she really gets on my nerves.”

Trixie lightly laughed, her voice lacking its usual condescending tone. “I believe you do know why, Twilight Sparkle.” The princess was silent, contemplating the unicorn’s words. Trixie levitated her chair across the room, placing it next to Twilight’s position before taking a seat. “I do find it quite puzzling. You’ve long won Peter’s heart, and his eyes are solely fixed on you. Yet, you’re still harboring a grudge against Black Cat. Is it jealousy? Is it because they have a history?” Trixie’s eyes softened. “Mare to mare. Tell me why.”

Twilight glanced away, her cheeks burning. “It’s silly. Do you promise to keep it between us?”

Trixie’s smile remained intact. “This entire conversation will remain confidential as long as you see fit.”

Placing her quill back into its ink bottle, Twilight sighed before resting her chin over a hoof. “I guess it’s a combination of both of those things as well as others. Peter’s known Felicia longer than me, and they were both really close to getting together at one point. That alone bothers me, but what drove them apart is what really infuriates me. Black Cat liked Spider-Man, but she wanted nothing to do with Peter. Do you realize how shallow that is?!” she growled, her voice seething through gritted teeth.

“I have an idea,” Trixie whispered, her eyes softening.

A venomous glare formed in Twilight’s eyes, but with a somber sigh, it diminished into a saddened gaze. “Felicia was so careless that she didn’t realize how much she really hurt Peter. I can almost blame her for why Peter has no confidence in himself. That’s the main reason why I just don’t like Felicia.”

Twilight whined, her face scrunching in disgust. “I’m actually jealous of Felicia, too. After watching Peter’s memories, it’s easy to tell that he’s very attracted to her. There’s nothing wrong with that! I-I just--Ugh!” the princess groaned, rubbing a hoof over her throbbing cranium. “He was gawking at her at points! Why is it that it feels like I can’t get that reaction?!” Twilight threw a hoof over her mouth, as if to shut herself up, but evident by Trixie’s knowing grin, it was already too late.

“Peter certainly chose the right mare to marry. You genuinely care for that idiot. If there’s anypony that loves Parker half as much as you, I’ll be highly impressed,” Trixie calmly declared, placing a hoof on the alicorn’s shoulder. “I certainly understand your feelings. I wasn’t that different from Felicia in a sense, holding myself to such a high standard that I didn’t care who I stepped over. In regards to Felicia, perhaps you can use that fuel of jealousy to write. You clearly have much to say about her. It can be… informative to say the least.”

Twilight arched a brow, managing to smile. “The difference between you and Felicia is that you’ve changed a lot, Trixie. Felicia hasn’t changed a bit, but you’ve become an amazing pony. I’m happy you’re my friend.”

A pink blush and bashful smile with teeth formed on the unicorn’s face, the Trixie equivalent to unmatched joy. “I…” Clearing her throat, the mare forced her stoic expression to resurface. “I must admit that it’s very surprising to see such a modest princess act like this. Peter is very attracted to you, but there is no shame in wanting your stallion to desire you more. My suggestion? Grab his attention by doing something unexpected and make certain it’s something he would like. Now think, Twilight Sparkle. What does Peter like discreetly? Something that Felicia has that you do not.”

Twilight pursed her lips together, gazing at the ceiling before giving the unicorn a befuddled glance. “I don’t know.”

Trixie face-hoofed and rolled her eyes. “You’re as dense as your idiot fiancé. Sex appeal, you twit!”

Flustered, Twilight’s face flashed to a shade of crimson. “I-I have sex appeal!”

Trixie snorted, laughing. “Do not kid yourself. While you are a princess, on the average day you are still a low-key, awkward, clumsy, dim-witted librarian that prefers comfort and ease over aesthetics.” The mare trailed off, raising a hoof defensively. “I mean no offense, but you do not openly strike ponies as sexy.”

“Now, hold on a second!” Twilight blurted out, whining. “You have no room to talk! You’re not exactly glamorous either!”

Trixie huffed. “Perhaps, but I never present myself to be sexy. I have no need for it at the moment. Should I decide to seek out a special somepony, I will change and up my game to a fair standard.” The unicorn pointed a hoof against Twilight’s chest. “You, on the other hoof, you have somepony’s eyes on you. I would recommend you try to keep it that way and raise your appeal at least from time to time.”

Twilight let out a defeated sigh. “You’re right. Peter’s always keeping me guessing. Maybe it’s time I try something myself?”

“It certainly wouldn’t do you any harm.” Trixie took a step back, looking the princess up and down thoughtfully. “Peter is quite content with you the way you are. So, I imagine if you try anything beyond the norm, the idiot would be pleasantly surprised.”

Twilight’s brow lowered in thought as she dove into her mind, searching through the confines of her memories. After a few moments, the alicorn bit down on her lip. “Well, I uh…” she trailed off, feeling the temperature in her face rise.

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “There’s no need to be ashamed. I won’t judge you on such a serious conversation topic, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Well... I have been thinking about wearing a latex suit. I remember when we were watching Peter’s memories that he said how much he liked Felicia’s costume. Rather, how she wore it…” The mare’s gaze lowered, falling on her pregnant bump. “I doubt I could fit one right now. Plus, I’m not sure on whether or not Peter would like it.”

Trixie scoffed, waving her hoof dismissively. “Don’t be absurd. That idiot has been gawking over you more than usual since you accepted his proposal. Once you finish writing for the day, we will go see your friend, Rarity. Even I can’t deny that mare’s ability to craft fabrics.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as her face heated up. “W-What!? I can’t talk to Rarity about this sort of thing! I-It’s... it’s personal!”

Trixie scoffed dismissively. “Oh, please. As another mare, I’m sure she will understand your desire to please the one important to you. Besides, she’s too good of a resource to waste. We can call a girls’ meeting about the matter. It has been quite some time since the two of you conversed intimately. Think of it as a bonding experience.” A small smirk played across her lips. “Or shall I say a bondage experience…?”

Twilight facehoofed. “This is so embarrassing...”

“I only do this because I care,” Trixie said half sarcastically, shrugging.

Smiling weakly, Twilight gave the unicorn an affirming nod. “Well, I certainly cannot deny that. So, thank you, Trixie. Really. You have no idea how much this help means to me.”

Trixie hastily turned on her hoof and readied to make her leave, unaware of how her cheeks glowed. “Whatever. I will go to speak with Rarity and let her know we will drop by later.”

The princess furrowed her brow, glancing off to the side momentarily before lowering her quill over the scroll. “Alright. In the meantime, I’ll get to work on this. I think I have something in mind now.”

“Oh. And for the record, Twilight Sparkle… this conversation never happened.” She glanced back at the door to the room where Peter was in before scoffing. “I have a reputation to uphold, and you know how grating that idiot would become if he learned of any of this.”

Twilight giggled innocently. “Sure. I won’t say anything. I promise.” Twilight paused briefly before cringing. “Besides... I don’t think he’d ever let me hear the end of it...”

A loud sneeze echoed from the next room, eliciting a fit of laughter from the mares.


Human nature.

I had always been perplexed with the behavioral patterns Peter exhibited during our time on Equestria, and I was intrigued in how similar yet different he was in terms of personality. Peter comes off as dim-witted, incoherent, sporadic, and lazy, but over time I’ve come to acknowledge that it’s almost a farce. Peter is very intelligent, responsible, honorable, endearing, and guilt-ridden: qualities that made me question the depth of human nature.

By logic, Equestrian nature is no different. We are all Sapient, able to understand and react to our emotions accordingly. However, it seems human nature has a greater capacity to reach extremes Equestrians could only begin to imagine. They possess the capability to become truly evil, or wholly good. One of these evils we Equestrians have seen was the Green Goblin.

However, my time on Earth taught me that what I had experienced with the Green Goblin was simply scratching the surface of the depths of human nature, and its dark history. During my research of Earth’s history, I came upon what was arguably one of humanity's darkest hours.

The event I speak of is known as ‘The Holocaust’.

Never in our planet’s history had I read or heard of anything that compares to the numerous horrors depicted in the words and images describing ‘The Holocaust’. An estimated five million humans were enslaved, tortured, and killed in mass genocide simply due to their race. The actions and events detailing the tragedy were unfaithfully terrible. I dare not repeat them on these pages. Upon my conclusion of research into ‘The Holocaust’, I truthfully had lost hope in humanity as a whole, and desperately sought out significant feats of good to redeem humanity in my eyes.

Thankfully, I had come to learn of a great number of deeds in complete contrast to the possible evils of humanity. Two humans in particular caught my attention during my search. The first was an individual by the name of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.

Long before Dr. King’s time, slavery was a normal part of human society, at least in the country of the United States. While eventually being abolished, lingering disrespect and hatred remained to human races who were once considered slaves. Dr. King was most known for his “I Have a Dream” speech and how he rallied great numbers of humans around him in the civil rights movement to put an end to such oppressive evils and hatred. Even in the face of violence and numerous threats to his life, he used peace and the power of words as his weapon.

The inspiration of Dr. King didn’t end at his words alone. With the frequent death threats due to his prominence in the civil rights movement, his actions confronted death and made it a central part of his philosophy. Unfortunately, shortly after giving his “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech, Dr. King was assassinated. However, through his efforts, his death transformed him into a martyr for civil rights and equality, showing that not even murder could stop the civil rights movement. This would eventually lead to laws being passed and granted equal rights between all humans, regardless of race or skin color.

As a pony, I was deeply moved by the words and actions of this human, and felt honored to have learned of his existence.

Although he was assassinated, his efforts did not go unnoticed. Humans live equally now, thanks to his efforts. Mahatma Gandhi is another individual who was oppressed yet used nonviolence and peace as methods of defense. His philosophies are identical to that of Equestrian society. These are extremes as I have noted.

Whereas Peter is concerned, I can associate him with the best of human nature, exercising righteousness to a severe fault.

Equestrians as a whole are relatively good. I believe the worst our society has produced was King Sombra, who enslaved a kingdom. In comparison to human nature, we are only scratching the surface of our emotions. We can learn so much from the human race. It’s very possible for us to exercise their capacity for good in order to never stray into the depths of evil that they reached. The road to self-improvement is never-ending. We can better ourselves and admire the justices of human society.


Several hours had passed. For the sake of privacy, the ultrasound appointment was being conducted within the walls of the castle. Velvet and Night Light patiently sat on the other side of the room while Trixie stood against the wall, gazing at the couple from the corner of her eyes. Peter paced in front of Twilight, never averting his gaze from the princess. The nurse held her ear against the mare’s stomach with a patient stare, pausing to write notes into her pad. Cadance appeared in the room in a flash of light with an excited grin on her face.

“Please tell me I haven’t missed it yet!” the alicorn pleaded, her tone matching that of an eager filly. “How is everypony?”

Peter’s hoof tapped impatiently against the ground as he released a frustrated groan. “Stressed.”

Night Light mirrored the stallion’s response, rocking in his seat. “Frustrated.”

“Lovely.” Velvet hummed lightly.

“Meh.” Trixie seemed indifferent, shrugging.

Cadance laughed nervously. “We should all be happy! Come on! Loosen up!”

Twilight managed to give her sister-in-law a nervous smile, prompting Cadance to nod. “We’re all fine, Cadance.”

“You’re looking wonderful!” she cheered, pausing upon spotting the ruby necklace Twilight was wearing. Cadance gave Peter a knowing smile. “Congratulations! I’m happy to see you two finally engaged!”

“Thank you,” Twilight weakly replied, inhaling sharply once the doctor placed her clipboard down. Peter stopped in his tracks and rushed to the mare’s side, taking her hoof into his own. Twilight bit down on her lip. “A-Are you ready, doctor?”

The doctor smiled, lowering her glowing horn over the alicorn’s stomach. “Yes, Your Highness. There is nothing to worry about. This is a standard procedure.” Pausing, the mare shifted her gaze to Peter. “Prince Parker, would you mind stepping away for a few moments?”

Peter reluctantly relinquished Twilight’s hoof, kissing the mare’s cheek before lowering his head apologetically to the doctor. “R-Right! I’m sorry!”

“There is nothing to apologize for, sir. This will only take a minute,” the doctor said reassuringly as the stallion made his way to Trixie’s side. Energy from her humming horn spread out and enveloped Twilight’s bump, earning a surprised squeak from the princess as a strange vibrating sensation traveled through her fur. The particles of magic settled into place before an image materialized above their position. The doctor opened her eyes and nodded, rubbing a hoof over Twilight’s pregnant stomach before directing her attention to the projection hovering above. “Just relax and breathe deeply. The image should clear in a few seconds.”

Peter’s eyes narrowed on the image as it began to develop and take form while he retook his position next to Twilight’s side. His mind went into an uproar, hinting at every negative possibility that could occur. While he had taken the form of an Equestrian, his biology was still alien, that of a human. Peter moaned desolately as his complexion paled. With his radioactive genetic code, it was a miracle that Twilight could be pregnant, but the effects on the child would be unclear. There was a chance of deformity.

After all, Twilight had been transformed into a human when she was impregnated, and that could play a factor into the baby’s growth. Shaking his head, Peter slammed his eyes shut. With his luck, anything was possible. An awkward silence filled the room, the volume reaching a point so low that a pin drop could have been heard. Sighing inwardly, the stallion forced his eyes open and slowly turned his gaze to the projection with a determined look.

No matter what happened, he would be there for his family, for Twilight and the baby. He had to be strong for them. However, his eyes softened at the sight within the projection. It was small, curled into a fetal position as it seemingly rested peacefully. This was a life taking form, his child. For this moment, all doubts were cast away. Even in its developing state, Peter could only imagine one thing as beautiful as the baby, and that was his future wife, the child’s mother.

“Wow,” Peter whispered, his ears perking at a soft sound. He averted his gaze, finding Twilight in tears. The stallion kissed the mare’s hoof affectionately. “Twilight…”

“Peter. That’s our baby,” she sniffled, smiling even as her face was stained with tears. “That’s our baby!” she repeated with increased vigor before staring deeply at the image of the tiny equine.

Peter weakly chuckled, nodding as he brushed a hoof over his face before any tears could surface. “Yeah. It sure is…!”

The doctor studied the image with a stern gaze. “Let’s see. Everything is developing accordingly. No defects. The fetus is healthy. I’m amazed at how quickly it’s growing. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s just… unusual.” She paused, furrowing her brow and remaining silent for what felt like eons. The doctor smiled after a duration. “Prince Parker and Princess Sparkle. Congratulations! You’re carrying a healthy baby pegasus.”

“Pegasus?” Peter and Twilight blurted out simultaneously, both ponies staring on in bewilderment.

The doctor nodded, pointing a hoof at the image. “Yes, that’s correct. There are two small bone growths on its back. Those are the wings.”

Peter arched a brow before scratching the back of his ear. “That’s weird. You’d think two unicorns would make another unicorn, but I guess it’s because you’re an alicorn?”

Cadance shook her head. “No. That’s not quite the case. When I first became an alicorn, Auntie Celestia told me that I’m still initially a pegasus. We’re magically altered, not genetically. That means Twilight, for the most part, is still a unicorn.”

“Then, how is it that the baby is a pegasus?” Peter questioned, helping Twilight to a standing position once the magic surrounding her stomach dissipated. “Mister Night Light. Miss Velvet. Shining Armor. My fiancé. Me. We’re all initially unicorns. How is this possible?”

“It’s very possible,” Night Light intervened, raising a hoof.

Velvet nodded. “Well, my great-grandfather was a pegasus. Their genes are recessive, but Twilight still has them regardless, as I do. The majority of our family tree consists of unicorns, but every now and then, a pegasus comes around.” The mare giggled. “Plus, isn’t your aunt a pegasus, Peter? It may have come from your side of the genes.”

Twilight stifled her building smile. “That means, the odds of our baby becoming a pegasus were highly unlikely?”

The doctor smiled, nodding. “The odds were substantially low, yes, but genetics work in mysterious ways. Congratulations.”

Her tears resurfaced, prompting the stallion to pull the mare’s head into his shoulder. Twilight’s smile could still be seen. “This makes our baby even more special.”

Peter chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “Our baby was special the moment you became pregnant. Still, at this point, I’m okay with anything. I’m just happy the kid’s not a pony-human hybrid or a pony with eight legs. That would have been awkward when it was time to buy baby clothes-- Ow!” he managed before Twilight’s hoof struck the back of his head. Groaning, the stallion glanced off to the side with a dismayed expression. “It’s so unfair. First, Aunt May, and now, my kid. Why couldn’t I become a pegasus?”

The doctor giggled, storing a few papers into a folder. “Well, everything is fine thus far. Make sure you return at least once a month to make sure no complications arise.”

Nodding, Twilight managed to wave the doctor off before Peter captured her mouth with a passionate kiss and earned a surprised yet pleased moan for his efforts.

“What was that for?” she sighed, her eyes glossing over blissfully.

“Do I need a reason?” Peter chuckled before wrapping his hooves gently around Twilight’s neck, planting a soft kiss at the center of the mare’s forehead once she snuggled into his embrace. “I love you.”

Twilight felt her face burn at the simple declaration. Even now, those words never failed to bring her joy. “I love you, too.”

Before anypony could respond, Princess Luna materialized at the center of the room in a flash of light. “Peter. I have urgent news. Scouts indicated to have developments… in that case,” she paused, hesitating upon sharing a gaze with Twilight. Luna’s sky blue eyes settled on everypony in the room before the princess lowered her head apologetically. “I’m so sorry! I did not mean to barge in.”

Twilight waved her hoof dismissively with a smile. “It’s okay, Princess Luna. We were just leaving.” The younger alicorn shared a glance with her stallion. “I’m going to Rarity’s. You should--”

Luna shook her head, stepping between the young couple. “Do not leave just yet, Twilight. I only need a minute of Peter’s time. There is no reason you should leave without your fiancé.”

“She’s right. Wait for me in the hall,” Peter whispered, kissing Twilight’s cheek. “This won’t take long.” Everypony quietly left the room, each sharing a brief farewell before going their separate ways. Once certain they were finally alone, Peter let out a relieved sigh. “That was too close. Nice save, Luna.”

Luna closed her eyes and huffed. “Twilight will learn of this eventually.”

Peter nervously glanced off to the side, wiping the sweat from his forehead. “I know, but I’d rather it be after the fact.”

“Indeed,” Luna murmured, nodding as her expression softened. “I’ve underestimated Felicia.” The princess exhaled as her horn glowed, prompting a letter to materialize inches away from Peter’s face. The stallion accepted the letter, pausing to open it, but Luna shook her head. “No. Not here. Wait until you’re home. I can safely say that Felicia has already reached Manehattan.”

Peter blankly stared at the letter, exhaling upon spotting the kiss mark placed above the seal. “Are you serious?” The stallion’s expression paled before a defeated sigh escaped from his mouth. Shaking his head, he groaned. “There’s no way around it. I’ll have to go to Manehattan and stop her myself.”

“I agree,” Luna murmured, her horn glowing before a pair of small golden tickets appeared in front of the stallion. “Here is a pass to the Rose Hotel for a room in Manehattan and a ticket for a train ride. You should leave first thing in the morning.”

Peter arched a brow. “Couldn’t you just teleport me there?”

Luna smiled and winked. “I’m giving you an entire night to consult with Twilight Sparkle. Be grateful. I am giving you a chance to come up with a legitimate excuse to be away for a week or so. I shall accompany you once you reach Manehattan.”

Peter firmly nodded. “You have a point... it might just take that long, too. Thanks, shortie-- Ow!” He clutched at the sore spot over his forehead, hissing.

Luna glared at the stallion, her cheeks flushed and teeth forming a scowl. “Do not call me that!”

“You know? Why must the most important girls in my life always hit me? Maybe the violent ones are drawn to me. It would explain why everyone wants to kill me most of the time,” Peter chuckled, winking playfully. “I wasn’t even talking about your height that time. I was talking about your butt-- Ow!” Luna struck him a second time with more force, a knot swelling over his forehead and under his horn. The stallion grumbled incoherently. “Moonbutt…”

Luna’s cheeks glowed as an exasperated groan echoed within the confines of her mind. ‘I am in love with an idiot. Why must he make me feel this way? I should just send him to the moon one of these days and be done with it.’

Rarity sorted through her collection of fabrics in the closet, furrowing her brow in thought. Her friends were on their way, and she had made no progress whatsoever. She smiled contently. It was fine. She was going to receive a visit from one of her dearest friends, and they needed to catch up. The unicorn’s ears perked at the sound of soft knocking at her door before she raced to answer it.

“Twilight! Darling! You’re early-- oh!” Rarity stopped abruptly, giggling sheepishly once her royal blue gaze fell on the meek pegasus standing on her doorstep. “Fluttershy! Oh, my. Come on in, dear. What brings you here?” The unicorn paused, happily clapping her hooves together. “Please! Tell me about Twilight’s ultrasound! How was it? Details, darling! Details!”

Fluttershy slowly walked into the house, keeping her gaze fixed on the ground. “Um, I…” the pegasus trailed off, shamefully shaking her head. “I didn’t go.”

Rarity stopped in her tracks, arching a brow. “You didn’t go?” she asked questioningly. “You said that you were going to accompany Twilight last night! What ever happened?”

The pegasus opened her mouth to speak but hesitated, her ears falling back as she looked back down to the floor in silence.

The fashionista let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head. “You simply must let this go, darling. It has been almost three months now. You’re being far too hard on yourself.”

Whimpering, Fluttershy wiped a hoof over her sore eyes. “I’m sorry. I know it is wrong, but... I just can’t bring myself to face him. Everytime I try, I remember just how awful I was to him. I shut Peter out completely without giving him a chance. How can I just face him after treating him so badly?” The pegasus sniffled. “I’m not afraid of Peter anymore, but I just can’t… face him. It would be hypocritical if I just…”

“Stop thinking like that,” Rarity firmly stated, offering the mare a cloth. “You must realize that by acting like this, all you are accomplishing is keeping Peter at a distance. He doesn’t harbor a grudge against you. In fact, he’s always asking about you.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened after she wiped her face clean. “Peter just wants to be your friend again, and he’ll wait until you’re ready to open back up to him. Right now, you’re only hurting yourself and him.”

Fluttershy bit down on her lip. “Rarity, I--”

A set of knocks was heard at the door, but the moment Rarity and Fluttershy turned around, Peter entered the room with a wide grin. “Hey! You should be more careful! Your door was wide open! You never know when some weirdo is going to walk in unannounced.”

Trixie scoffed, rolling her eyes. “That one’s far too easy. I’ll just hold my tongue this time.”

Twilight giggled sheepishly. “Sorry, Rarity. I told him to wait, but he’s just so excited to get the news out.” She paused to playfully tap a hoof over Peter’s forehead before smiling apologetically. “You know how he doesn’t always listen.”

Rarity covered a small laugh. “Quite well, I’m afraid.”

Peter’s eyes softened as Fluttershy lowered her body, hiding behind Rarity to the best of her ability from his sight. “You know... I really should get going. I have to go on a business trip to Manehattan in the morning. Princess Luna will be waiting for me there.” The stallion kissed his fiancé’s cheek. “Stay safe, okay? I love you.”

Twilight smiled, albeit sadly, but she brushed the side of her head against the underside of Peter’s muzzle. “You’re leaving? Why didn’t you tell me? No, no. I’ll go home with you. Somepony has to help you pack. If I don’t, you’ll leave everything behind.” Twilight turned to Rarity, smiling. “I’m sorry, Rarity! How about a rain check?”

Trixie frowned, grabbing Twilight by the shoulder. “Oh no you don’t! You’re not getting away from us that easily.” A smirk played across her lips. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about it already.”

An embarrassed blush lit up on Twilight’s features before she laughed sheepishly. “Oh, uh, yeah... that...”

Rarity also smirked at the alicorn’s reaction. “Oh yes, darling. That.”

Peter shrugged. “There’s so much estrogen in the air. Should I be worried?”

Rarity came around behind Peter. “It’s nothing to be concerned with. Now, out you go! It’s girl talk time!”

“Wait. Wha-- Hey!” In the blink of an eye, the stallion found himself shoved out of the house by the girls, the door immediately slamming shut behind him. Peter glanced back at Rarity’s home with a stunned expression for several seconds. “I think I have a talent for ticking off the women in my life.” Brushing his shoulder off, he trotted away. “Well, I’d better go pack. If I’m late, Luna will really lay into me.” The blood in his body grew cold. “Man. If Twilight knew what I was up to, she’d kill me.”

The thralls of night dissolved. Morning exploded across the land and passed through veins under the earth, leaving blossoming life in its wake. The empty sky, bright blue with the sun’s undivided attention, allowed a genuine warmth to envelope everything within its range, and the gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of the maple trees. Peter watched the spectacle from behind the window of the bedroom before shifting his hazel gaze to the sleeping alicorn.

Twilight’s chest slowly rose and fell, her breathing soft and inaudible. Those soft butterflies he had come to cherish returned, but there was a twinge of sadness, his heart tightening into a knot. Twilight was beautiful, resting soundly, and he dared not to disrupt his angel’s slumber. The early morning light spilled through the curtains as the stallion closed them, bathing the room in a warm orange light. Peter sat down on the edge of the bed beside Twilight and watched her sleep for a small duration.

He brushed a strand of the mare’s violet locks behind her ear before placing a soft kiss against her cheek. Twilight instinctively responded and rolled over to her side to face the stallion, despite still being asleep. Peter bit down on his lip, resisting the urge to cater to his emotions. Smiling sadly, the stallion lowered his head until their lips met. Twilight made a small content sound before Peter pulled away, gazing peacefully at his lover. Suddenly, this trip seemed to have been a curse. He only begged that it wouldn’t last.

For this one moment, he hated Felicia.

“I know it’s only for a week or two, but I’m really going to miss you,” he whispered, brushing a hoof over the pregnant mare’s stomach. “I won’t be too long. I promise. Trixie will take care of you and the baby until I get back.” The stallion let out a desolate sigh as he pulled the bed’s blanket over the mare’s body, ensuring her warmth was preserved. Peter walked out of the room, stealing one last glance at the princess. “I love you, Twilight.”

Proceeding quietly, the stallion managed to walk down the stairs without alerting anypony in the house. Peter grabbed his suitcase and exited the Treebrary, walking quietly in a somber trot. However, a bright flash of light erupted a few hoof-lengths from his position. Before he could respond, a pair of hooves wrapped around his neck in a warm embrace, and a pair of lips pressed against his mouth, capturing the stallion in a passionate kiss. Peter’s eyes softened as they settle on Twilight before he returned her affections in full.

Twilight tightened her hold, burying her face into the stallion’s neck after breaking their kiss. “You tried to sneak off again,” she whispered, hitting his shoulder with a pout. “I hate it when you do that. Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“You’re beautiful when you’re asleep. I didn’t want to interrupt you,” he sighed, brushing his hoof against the mare’s cheek. She leaned into his touch, her face flushing to a shade of pink. Peter smiled. “Will you be okay? I don’t want to leave you.”

Twilight nodded reassuringly. “I’ll be fine, Peter. You have a job to do. Don’t ignore your responsibilities. It’s only for a couple of weeks. I-I’ll be fine,” she stammered, choking back a building sob. Pursing her lips, she turned Peter around and nudged him. “You have a train to catch. Don’t be late. Just…” Twilight paused, brushing her hoof against the ground. “Stay in touch, okay?”

Peter smiled almost shyly as he stole one last kiss, using his hoof to trace a snaking pattern across Twilight’s back. “Yeah.” The stallion took the mare’s hoof and held it firmly, sharing a smile before he hesitantly relinquished her. Waving sadly, Peter forced an empty chuckle from his mouth. “See you when I get back… I love you. ”

“Yeah. I love you, too.” Twilight nodded, her lips quivering. “Please stay safe.” After the stallion was a fair distance away, tears finally began to pour as she clutched her aching chest lovingly. “I’ll miss you...”

Several minutes had passed, and Peter had reached the train station without delay. After giving his suitcase to one of the workers, the stallion waited patiently as ponies began to enter the train. Glancing out of the corner of his eyes, Peter turned his gaze to spot a bundle of yellow and pink trotting towards him. The stallion tilted his head to the side once her image cleared. Fluttershy slowed to a halt, lowering her head once she was a mere hoof-length from Peter.

“Fluttershy?” Peter blurted out, baffled by the mare’s sudden emergence. “What are you doing here?”

Fluttershy shook her head, panting as she slowly regained her breath. She shook her head furiously as words failed to escape from her mouth. Rarity’s advice echoed across the confines of her mind, but the pegasus found it impossible to merely speak the truth. Peter alternated his gaze between Fluttershy and the line leading into the train, his time rapidly growing short. Slamming her eyes shut, the mare threw her hooves around the stallion’s neck. Peter stiffened, his eyes shooting open as Fluttershy’s crisp scent filled his senses. Suddenly, he felt something wet on his shoulder before soft sniffles escaped from the meek pegasus.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” Fluttershy exclaimed softly, sobbing as she buried her face into the crook of Peter’s neck. “I-I shouldn’t have… I shouldn’t have…”

Peter pulled the mare away, offering her a warm smile. “It’s okay! Really, it is! You don’t have to apologize, Fluttershy.” The line had completely emptied into the train, and the passengers were staring in his direction. The stallion patted Fluttershy’s shoulder affectionately. “I understand, and I’m happy you came here to see me off. I have to go now, but when I come back, we should go to the spa for old time’s sake.”

Fluttershy wiped her face clean as she nodded faintly. “I-I, Um… I would like that... I have a lot I’d like to share with you.”

A wide grin etched on Peter’s features. “Yeah, totally! We have a bunch of catching up to do.”

With a soft sigh of relief, Fluttershy’s expression eased into a small smile. “Thank you for understanding, Peter.” The mare jumped slightly at the sound of the train’s final whistle. “I’m sorry to have stopped you. We’ll talk more when you get back. That is, if you still want to then...”

Peter let out a chuckle as he quickly boarded the train. “You never do change, do you?” As the train began to pull away, he reared his head out of the closest window and waved the pegasus off. “See you soon, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy managed to return his smile in earnest and waved back as the train rolled off into the distance. “See you soon.”