• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 15,697 Views, 648 Comments

Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months - Maximus_Reborn

Sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane. Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle prepare to tackle parenthood.

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Final Chapter “Epilogue”

The day had finally arrived. Several months after Mayday Parker Sparkle was born, the wedding of Princess Twilight and Prince Peter was about to take place. Thousands had gathered from all across the world to Canterlot, filling the streets to the brim. This event had gained the attention of common ponies and celebrities alike, ranging from the inhabitants of Ponyville to the Wonderbolts. It was easily one of the most important events to take place in Equestrian history. The Princess of Friendship and the Element of Magic was on the verge of marrying Spider-Mane, Equestria’s greatest knight.

Peter was elated as he stood at the end of the aisle before the altar. The entire world had its eye on him, making the stallion feel as small as an ant facing the sun. His friends sat in the front row, each wearing a dress befitting their unique personalities. Even Zecora, a known outcast, was present alongside Derpy and her daughter, Dinky. Spitfire and the Wonderbolts sat behind the wielders of the Elements of Harmony. Even Sunset Shimmer was in attendance, sitting quietly in the front row. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, including Babs Seed, played the roles of flower girls to perfection, dropping petals across the aisle.

Even as everypony settled, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the bride, Peter felt his heart thump. The stallion still couldn’t believe that he was about to marry the girl of his dreams. His hooves trembled, struggling to hold his body upright. Spider-Mane was fearless, yet Twilight always managed to turn him into a complete coward. Inhaling deeply before exhaling, Peter recollected his nerve before stealing a glance at Aunt May. The pegasus sat on the front row alongside Twilight Velvet, both mares sniffling while exchanging handkerchiefs.

He had support on both sides, and the stallion was ready to officially expand his family. Trixie maintained a seat near the end of the front row, staying close while keeping a fair distance. Peter’s eyes softened at the small bundle resting in the unicorn’s hooves. Trixie cradled little Mayday, all while ignoring Pinkie Pie’s desperate pleas to hold the baby. She was actually personally offered to be the Maid of Honor by Twilight herself, but Trixie declined, volunteering to look after Mayday for the entire day. She was already hard at work as ‘Auntie’ Trixie, although the mare claimed to despise such a label. Peter smirked, knowing his older sister would never openly admit to her supportive and affectionate side.

The stallion shook his head, freeing himself from his self-induced trance. Princess Celestia stood at the center of the aisle, keeping her light violet gaze fixed on the castle’s door. It only made sense for the alicorn to deliver the service, seeing as she did the same for Shining Armor and Princess Cadance during their wedding. Peter’s eyes widened as his mind recollected a memory. Just minutes after Mayday was born, Twilight finally decided to speak to her big brother about her engagement, but she had forgotten that the news had already spread throughout Ponyville.

However, Shining had learned of the secret months ago through prying the information out of his wife. His words of advice were simple and effective.

“Better late than never, Parker. Just remember, if you ever hurt my sister, even once, we’re gonna have a few words together, and they won’t be verbal. Got it?”

Peter nodded. He definitely got it. The stallion arched a brow before directing his gaze to the side. Shining brushed a hoof over his eyes, attempting to wipe his face clean of all tears, but it was all for naught, Cadance levitating a handkerchief to her husband. Peter gave Twilight’s brother a knowing smile. Some would say Shining Armor was crying, but within this circle, it was called liquid pride.

A small sniffle reached Peter’s ears, prompting the stallion to turn his gaze to the baby dragon standing by his side at the altar. Spike’s smile deceived his tears, and Peter couldn’t help but grin. Twilight’s brothers were only happy for their sister. Peter knew not to break her heart, for he would have to answer to both of them.

‘Are you ready?’ Luna gently questioned, her thoughts entering the stallion’s mind.

‘Yeah,’ Peter finally answered, freeing the princess from her trance. His smile widened. ‘Thanks for this, Luna. It means a lot that you were willing to do this.’

Luna giggled inwardly. ‘It’s nothing. I only want you to be happy.’

Peter’s eyes softened. ‘Are you okay?’

Luna nodded. ‘I am very happy for you. My feelings… will fade in time. It will take some time, granted, but for now, I only want you to stay the course. Focus entirely on Twilight. This is your special--’

Luna’s eyes shot open at a sharp sensation coursing through her cranium. Peter readied himself to respond, but something pulled in the back of his mind, snapping. He shared a glance with Luna, waiting for her thoughts. Nothing was heard, not even a whisper. The alicorn bit down on her lip, sniffling as tears poured from her cheek. It was gone, having finally dissipated. Her thoughts screamed out to Peter, but the stallion remained oblivious, deaf to her cries. Luna wiped a hoof over her eyes. She did not want to lose it, but fate had dealt her a cruel end. Now Luna was forced to watch as her dream died in front of her. This was goodbye, a farewell to her first love.

The doors to the castle slowly opened. Everypony’s gaze fell in their direction, and the groom’s trepidation returned tenfold, causing his breathing to stop momentarily as he laid eyes on the bride making her way down the aisle. The crimson gem around her neck managed to match the violet dress she wore elegantly, yet the mare’s flushed cheeks complimented the jewel further. Twilight’s smile was unmatched in beauty, sending a wave of bliss rushing through the stallion.

With a bouquet in her telekinetic hold, the alicorn walked ahead and never freed her gaze from the end of the aisle. The entire world was watching Twilight, with several mares in the castle bursting into tears. Peter bit down on his lip, cursing inwardly as his own eyes began to hurt. He was watching the most beautiful mare in the world close the distance between herself and him. His mind could only chide how he didn’t deserve this, to be married to someone as supportive and kind as Twilight. The princess finally reached his position, prompting the stallion to choke back his building sobs before giving his bride a genuine smile.

“Well, here we are,” Peter whispered, his voice barely audible.

Twilight gently nodded, feeling the temperature in her face and chest rise. “Together at last.”

Both ponies shared a smile before approaching the altar together, side-by-side. Princess Celestia gave the pair an affirming nod as they neared.

Once they were settled, the alicorn cleared her throat. “We are hereby gathered here today to rejoice as Twilight Sparkle and Peter Parker join together in holy matrimony. These two were brought together through chaos, and their bond has been solidified through trust and love despite living worlds apart initially. They have given birth to a healthy baby girl, and today they will take the next step together.”

Princess Celestia paused, using every fiber of her being to remain professional. She managed to choke back a sob before holding a smile. “Would you two like to exchange your vows?”

Inhaling sharply, Twilight eagerly nodded as she retrieved a small letter from the side pocket of her dress. “I-I’ll go first,” she hesitantly declared, earning a small smile from her groom. The alicorn’s heart raced, but she eventually settled her nerves, finding the strength to speak. “We both met when I summoned you to our world. It was said you are the greatest hero in history, but as I got to know you, I found that hard to believe. You were unorthodox, talkative, lazy, and never really exuded the air of a hero. However, my opinion changed over time. It would take forever to recall everything we have been through, and considering our lives are eternal, I wouldn’t mind that at all.”

Twilight’s voice cracked, breaking between each pause. “You brought out feelings within me that I had never experienced before. It confuses me still. You always find a way to make me smile, and more often than not, you irritate me. You’re sweet yet mischievous. You’re both lazy and energetic. You tell the absolute worst jokes, and you almost never make any sense. By the stars… you honestly drive me crazy…” she choked back a sob, letting out a small laugh, “and I love you so much for making me feel alive.”

Twilight sniffled, pausing to wipe her blooming cheeks free of her tears. She giggled softly, never averting her violet gaze from Peter’s hazel irises. “You taught me how to love and when to listen to my heart. I’m listening to it now as I tell you how much I love you. Peter. I’ll give everything for you. My best friend. My advisor. The father of my child. My lover. My soon-to-be husband. For now and forever.”

Peter instinctively raised a hoof under his eye, having felt a tear fall. He was slow to respond, forcing the lump in his throat down with a swallow. “W-wow. Uh…” he stammered, lost for words, but the stallion recollected his sense before retrieving a small slip of paper from his coat pocket. “This is a day I never saw coming. You know that I’ve always had the worst luck, losing friends and family alike back on Earth. When Gwen died, I lost all sense of self-worth. I don’t deserve to be happy, and I made myself believe that… until I met you.”

Peter’s eyes softened as his lips curled into a smile. “You lifted me up from my lowest point, always believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. You reminded me of my purpose, to never forget what my Uncle Ben taught me: with great power comes great responsibility.” A pair of tears rolled down the stallion’s cheek and dripped from his chin, falling upon the bottom of the paper he held. His smile only widened. “You’re everything to me. My support. My rock. My love. Even now, I don’t deserve you, but I will try my absolute best to make sure you’re happy. My Twilight. My princess. My best friend.”

Twilight whimpered a response before a flow of tears poured from her eyes. She choked back several sobs before one managed to escape from her mouth. The mare’s lips curled into a smile as she weakly nodded. They spoke their feelings, holding nothing back. These were their vows, promises spoken from the heart. Twilight lost herself in this wondrous sensation. Peter reached out, taking hold of the mare’s hoof with his own. Even when no words were spoken, they heard each other clearly.

Princess Celestia’s gaze fell on the groom. “Peter, do you take Twilight Sparkle to be your lawfully-wedded wife until death do you apart? Do you vow to love your wife and treat her as your equal?”

Peter nodded, giving Twilight a confident smile. “I do.”

Princess Celestia turned her line of sight to the bride. “Twilight, do you take Peter Parker to be your lawfully-wedded husband until death do you apart? Do you vow to love your husband and treat him as your equal?”

Twilight smiled, her face practically glowing. “I do.”

Princess Celestia closed her eyes and nodded, smiling brightly. “Then on behalf of Equestria and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

Peter relinquished Twilight’s hoof, pausing to close the distance until their faces were only inches apart. The stallion captured the mare’s lips with his own, standing firm as she leaned further into the act of affection. Confetti fell from the upper sanctions of the castle, yet the couple never parted, wanting to cherish this moment as long as they physically could. There was no further need to speculate. This was the beginning of their new life, as a married couple.

The castle erupted with cheers, yet Peter and Twilight only focused on each other. It didn’t take a genius to realize they wouldn’t have it any other way.


Felicia hung from the side wall within the confines of her cell, performing a set of pull-ups before falling back to a standing position on the floor. She stole a glance at the newspaper resting by the door that the guard had left, scoffing harshly at its headline centered around Twilight Sparkle and Peter Parker. The mare had been imprisoned for over half of a year at this point, and she was still waiting for her hearing. Exhaling, Felicia snatched the paper through the bars and ripped it to shreds before punching the wall in anger with enough force to leave a crack.

This was not the change she was hoping for. Suddenly, the doors to her cell opened, prompting the mare to turn sharply on her hoof. Felicia contemplated an escape route, but that was immediately disregarded once her mind recalled the shackles keeping her legs bound. The earth pony’s eyes widened at what entered the cell, an unusually tall, snow-white alicorn with a rainbow-colored, aura-like mane. A pair of guards stood at her beck and call, keeping their steely gazes fixed on the cat burglar.

“It’s quite alright. Would you mind leaving me and Miss Hardy alone?” the alicorn politely requested, earning a befuddled expression from Felicia. The guards merely nodded, exiting the room before closing the cell’s door shut. The alicorn gave Felicia a smile. “Hello. I don’t think we have been properly introduced. My name is Princess Celestia. You had quite the run-in with my younger sister, Luna. Her impression of you is very… colorful.”

Felicia scoffed, snorting involuntarily. “Oh, sure. I see the family resemblance.” All humor left the mare’s features, an expressionless frown surfacing. “Are you here to deliver my sentence? You going to lock me away and throw away the key? You’re too late. That’s already happened, but I have to admit the service here isn’t that bad.”

Celestia nodded. “I could do that. After all, that would be the appropriate course of action considering the magnitude of your crimes.” The alicorn closed the distance between herself and Felicia. “I must admit, you are exceptionally skilled as a cat burglar, to the likes of which neither Equestria nor the world has ever seen.”

Felicia let out a dry chuckle. “You flatter me,” she said before eying the alicorn skeptically. “But just what is your aim? Surely, you didn’t come down here just to have a little chat and tell me how great I am.”

“You’re sharp.” A smirk played across Celestia’s lips as she began to slowly circle Felicia. “As I mentioned before, the appropriate course of action would be to sentence you accordingly. However... I have a better idea. One that may be of great benefit to the both of us.”

Felicia smirked as she followed Celestia’s movements around her. “Oh...? Just what did you have in mind, exactly?”

Celestia let out a low chuckle. “While my sister may insist on locking you away for the better of peace and harmony of the realm, I, on the other hoof, know a valuable resource when I see one. Even if others might find the means to be a bit... questionable.”

Felicia chuckled. “I like you... You have a solid head on your shoulders, unlike that sister of yours.”

“Now, you flatter me,” Celestia said, stopping her circling to stand before the other mare. “You see, this world is filled with many priceless magical artifacts. Artifacts that I’d feel much more comfortable if they were to, oh... vanish from those who possess such items at this time.” The alicorn princess beamed Felicia an exaggerated smile. “And how wonderful would it be if those missing items were to somehow find their way into my hooves. It would certainly give me some more peace of mind.”

Felicia nodded. “Yes. It would be a real shame for items of such value to be ‘lost’ now, wouldn’t it?”

Celestia nodded in agreement. “Yes, a real shame indeed. Let’s cut to the chase then, shall we?” She pointed a hoof to the cat burglar’s chest. “I could really use a pony with your particular set of skills. While I’d like to believe that I could rule my kingdom safely with kind words and happy smiles, I am well aware that the world doesn’t quite work that way.”

Felicia smiled. “And here I thought that maybe you were just a goodie-two-shoes princess, blind to the reality of the political inner workings.”

Celestia huffed. “Oh come now. One doesn’t rule over a kingdom for millennia without getting their hooves dirty. You’d be very surprised at the things I’ve had to do in the shadows to keep my little ponies safe.”

“Now, that I’d certainly love to hear about,” Felicia grinned, brushing a hoof over her chin.

Celestia chuckled. “Perhaps another time. So... which is it going to be? Work for me, or spend the last of your days locked down here?”

Felicia laughed. “Well, I really do enjoy my freedom... but let me ask you one thing. What’s the catch?”

“Simple. I want you to retrieve what I ask you to and only what I ask you to. Should you decide to resume your old ways, a panic will ensue, and I will be forced to take extreme measures. This would mean you will face your original punishment that my sister wanted to give you,” Celestia lightly declared, her voice lacking humor.

Felicia furrowed her brow. “And that is?”

Celestia closed her eyes and nonchalantly stated, “You will be sealed away and exiled for well over a thousand years, assuming you were to live that long, but we have such spells to help with that little detail. My sister does not take kindly to betrayals. Nor do I. That is why I will keep track of your movements with a spell. I hope you will not consider anything off putting.”

Felicia’s complexion paled, her eyes widening as a bright light emitted at the center of her chest before fading into her fur. Somehow, the mare managed a smirk. “You play for keeps. I like your style.”

Celestia shrugged nonchalantly. “I do what I have to.”

“Is there anything else I should know?” Felicia questioned, arching a brow.

Celestia nodded. “First off, obviously, I’ll ask that you stay away from Peter Parker and Princess Twilight Sparkle. It would be... problematic to explain the situation to them. So, it would be best they just assume you have been properly handled.”

Felicia scratched her chin. “So, other than not being stuck behind bars, what’s in it for me? I mean, you are asking for quite a bit from me.”

Celestia hummed. “You will be compensated appropriately for your time. As well as having my word that I will not spy on you. You have a right to your privacy after all. So long as you abide by the rules, you will practically be a free pony, able to do as you please. So… do we have a deal?”

Felicia brushed a hoof through her mane, chuckling. “Of course we do. I need to stretch my legs. This sounds like it’ll be quite fun. When do we start?”

“Right away,” Celestia declared, opening the cell doors with her magic. “You’re welcome to clean yourself up in my private quarters. I even managed to repair your costume and leave some… accessories necessary for your first job.”

Felicia grinned. “I love how you think. This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.”


Deep within the pits of Tartarus, Tirek stood with his arms crossed, merely arching a brow once Discord materialized next to his position. “Welcome back. Were you successful in your excavation?”

Discord smirked, brushing his closed talon against his chest. “It was surprisingly easy. With Princess Twilight going into labor prematurely, it made things very easy for me. That pesky Celestia and Luna were too busy checking on Twilight to keep a watchful eye. I managed to open the portal to the other neighbor dimension to Equestria, on the opposite end in which Twilight summoned Peter Parker.” The spirit snapped his fingers. “I found promising recruits more than willing to join our forces.”

Tirek glanced off to the side, where energy spiraled and created a portal. “Promising recruits? What makes them different from the rest?”

Three bipedal individuals stepped out of the portal, each smiling with vigor. One’s skin was sky-blue, her long hair a shade darker with a pair of streaks at the middle. Her violet irises glanced to the side as she smirked at the female walking by her side. With a poofy orange hairstyle, the yellow-skinned girl scoffed before waving a hand dismissively. She smiled triumphantly as her light violet eyes flashed momentarily. The last of the trio whistled lightly, flicking her head and whipping her long violet pigtails back. A pair of blue streaks ran through her hair as well. The ruby necklaces around their necks flashed, glowing with a bright light before all three girls posed differently.

Discord nodded, sharing a glance with Tirek. “Meet the Dazzlings. They are very powerful sirens that were defeated by the Twilight Sparkle and Elements of Harmony of their dimension. I promised them retribution and restored their voices.” The spirit of chaos smirked. “Girls. Introduce yourselves.”

Light engulfed the trio before dissipating, revealing that their forms were transformed into that of equine shapes.

“I’m Sonata Dusk, the cool one!” the blue mare stated, brushing her ponytail from her shoulder.

The violet mare chuckled, placing a hoof over her chest. “I’m Aria Blaze. Don’t you forget it!”

At the center, the orange mare merely smirked and stood firm. “And I’m Adagio Dazzle. When do we get started?”

Tirek watched the trio with an expressionless scowl, a smile managing to surface on his face. “We have plenty of time to plan our strategy, girls. Years, even. You will begin your training in the dark arts and close-range combat soon. You should meet your teammates and practice your new abilities. When we begin our conquest, we will strike swiftly and strongly.” The Dazzlings shared a nod, following Discord’s talon as he pointed in the opposite direction of their position. Tirek smiled. “Such promise. I can feel their power.”

Discord nodded, chuckling as he folded his arms. “Indeed, but their powers will take time to fully recover and expand. Spider-Mane and all of Equestria have no idea what’s in store. Indeed. Only one more piece of the puzzle remains before we can unleash the Sinister Six. The Dazzlings, Electro, and the Green Goblin. It’s fortunate I had time to find the perfect final member. I even managed to return to Parker’s Earth and recruit him.” Raising a talon, Discord turned as an object materialized a few hoof-lengths away. A metallic pod landed, its weight digging into the ground before settling. “Now, this one is special.”

Tirek peeked into the glass, spotting a creature cryogenically frozen. “He looks normal… for a bipedal creature.”

Discord grinned. “I assure you that this one is far from normal. He’s one of Parker’s most deadly adversaries. He was imprisoned in a high-security facility. It’ll be quite some time before he’s thawed out, but I managed to get him up to speed through telepathy. He’s more than eager to reunite with Spider-Man.”

Tirek smirked. “That’s good. The Sinister Six will be a force to be reckoned with. We can manage the wait.”

Sonata’s giggling could be heard from a distance. “Are there any tacos in this place? I’m starving!”

Adagio groaned, shaking her head. “Will you shut up already? This is our second chance. You better not screw this up again!”

Aria shrugged, exhaling. “I can’t believe I’m going to be stuck down here with you two for years. I already hate this place.”

Sonata tilted her head to the side, smiling at the desolate surroundings. “Come on, Aria! I think it’s cool! It’s got a gothic feel to it. It almost fits you!”

Aria rolled her eyes. “Forget I said anything.

Tirek huffed, returning his gaze towards Discord once the trio was out of hearing range before shifting his gaze to the container. “Well, I hope he won’t be nearly as childish as this lot you brought.”

Discord chuckled. “What can I say? I love a good, chaotic combination, Tirek, but you will not have to worry about him. He certainly will be the most powerful of the Sinister Six. He practically thrives on… Carnage.”


Three years had passed since Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Peter Parker joined together in holy matrimony. The royal couple continued to reside within the Treebrary, having expanded on its size some time ago. After ‘Humanity: A Documentary presented by Twilight Sparkle’ was published, it became a worldwide success, a best-seller to be exact. Over two-hundred and fifty thousand copies were sold within its first few months of release, and readers eagerly had asked Princess Twilight Sparkle to write a sequel. She did not expect the book to do very well, let alone succeed.

The bits the Parker/Sparkle household made from the book’s sales alone were more than enough to help expand on the Treebrary. Individual rooms had been built exclusively for Spike and Trixie, along with a guest bedroom. The cellar was reserved as Peter’s workshop with the living room remaining the central library. Eventually, the couple would create a garage to keep the Spider-Mobile in, but that would perhaps be after Twilight published ‘Humanity II: Understanding Our Neighbors’. If sales were anything like the last, they could finish that project and build a better Ursa-House for their pet cub.

They had hoped Peter’s inventions would also help with the financial aid for the household. Trixie smirked. Anything was possible for her younger siblings. She straightened the hat over her head before tightening her cape. Ursa knelt before the magician, purring contently as Twilight rubbed the side of her head affectionately against its fuzzy cheek. A tiny pegasus floated nearby, her wings flapping feverishly to keep her frame airborne as she petted the Ursa cub. Her mane was kept in a braided ponytail, its length reaching her tail. Trixie watched both the filly and mare play with their pet, a somber smile managing to form on her features.

Trixie huffed. “All right. I suppose it’s time I take my leave again.”

Twilight arched a brow. “You have a few shows to attend to in Manehattan, right? When will you be back?”

The unicorn retrieved a tiny pamphlet from the confines of her cape, opening it to glance at its passages. “It will only be for a week. I have an image to uphold as the Great and Powerful Trixie you know. My public adores me.”

Twilight scoffed, smirking. “Well, you’re certainly amazing when it comes to special effects.” Sobering, the alicorn left Ursa’s side and wrapped her hooves around Trixie’s neck. “Have a safe trip, okay? We left you a bag of bits in your carriage.”

Trixie rolled her eyes, groaning as the princess tightened her hold. “Yes, mother, and I know of the emergency bag Peter left in my saddlebag.” The unicorn broke away from the act of affection and waved her hoof dismissively. “I’ll return shortly. The lot of you are lost without me.” Ursa nudged her nose against Trixie’s back, prompting the mare to exhale before sighing with a small smile. “Yes, you overgrown fleabag. I will miss you as well.” Trixie stole a glance at the Treebrary, particularly the closed door to the cellar. “Is that idiot husband of yours still working on his gadgets?”

Twilight nodded. “You know how boys are about their toys. Peter’s just working out the kinks in the Spider-Mobile.”

Trixie exhaled. “That’s a stupid name, and you know it.”

Twilight shook her head, shrugging. “Peter insists that it’s… unique. I can only agree that it’s unorthodox.”

Scoffing, Trixie stepped into her carriage. “Well, tell Peter that I love him, and please don’t destroy the Treebrary before I make it back.” The stallions at the front of the carriage glanced back, waiting as the mare readied to close the door. Trixie’s eyes widened before she shared a glance with the tiny pegasus. Her eyes softened. “Mayday. Take care of your mommy and daddy for me, okay?”

Mayday clumsily fell from the air, managing to fall in the unicorn’s waiting hooves. “Okay, Auntie Trixie!” she squeaked, causing the mare’s heart to skip a beat. She planted a kiss on Trixie’s cheek before gliding to a safe landing on her mother’s back. “Buh-bye!”

“Buh-bye,” Trixie whispered, closing the door before waving the pair off. The carriage sped off with the magician sitting comfortably inside. With Peter’s influence and Twilight’s demand, Trixie was given a security escort whenever she went out to perform her shows. Times had changed, and there was a family she had to help contribute for. Trixie scoffed, managing a smile. She would never make the mistake of abandoning this family. Not when she loved them as much as life itself. Trixie rolled her eyes, feeling her face burn. “I really hate them for making me feel this way.”

The corner of Trixie’s lips curled into a smile.

“Peter! Hey!” Twilight called out, freeing the stallion from his self-induced trance. He blinked a response, earning a small grin from the princess. “I swear, it’s like you manage to sleep standing. What were you thinking about?”

Peter shook his head, stealing a glance at the path ahead as leaves fell from the trees in the surrounding forest. “Nothing, really. I seem to have a little filly on my mind.” Mayday climbed onto the back of the stallion’s neck, leaning over his head. Both ponies smiled widely at Twilight with Peter grinning. “Get it?”

Twilight shook her head, tapping a hoof over the stallion’s nose. “Sure. You two must have been thinking about that one for a while.”

“Not really. We were really thinking about this race you’re going to lose,” Peter chided, darting off before the princess could respond. Mayday giggled uncontrollably while her father smiled widely. “Loser has to cook tonight!”

Twilight pranced about, bouncing as she quickly caught up with her husband and daughter. “What am I going to do with you two?!”

Peter dove into his mind while he gently galloped with his wife and daughter. Life had certainly taken a turn, one that he wouldn’t have seen coming a few years ago. Mayday was a beacon of hope, energy, and happiness, wrapped in a tiny bundle while Twilight was his beautiful wife, the only girl in the world he had eyes for. Their journey was only starting, but the time that approached would not be met alone. They had friends and family, all of which were ready to lend a helping hoof in raising Mayday.

The future was looking bright, and Peter looked forward to the journey ahead with Twilight.

Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives, there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters, there is something which there are no words to express.’ ~Joseph Addison

The End… For Now…

Comments ( 146 )

i like it and are you going to mark this story as complete now or not

5488152 I'll answer that for him. That ends this arc, but another to come.

5488181 ok but still this sequel still has to be marked complete

Oh, goody. I hope these idiots realize that Discord is going to as bad a boss as the dolt with the mixing-bowl haircut, murder tentacles and the goggles.
Maybe he can call himself the Superior Spirit of Disharmony.

Good to know there's more to come.

But what happened to Luna? Was it just me or was there something more happening?

5488197 Ah. Understandable.^^

*WolfBow and WolfGrin* VERY VERY VERY well done!!!!!!!!

I give it: :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

This story was very sweet. I found the wedding to be adorable, but I felt bad for Luna. The friendship between Felicia and Celestia is entertaining and I'm glad that the Dazzlings returned. Respect for bringing Carnage for the sequel, as I don't think they'd expect an enemy like him. Thanks for this amazing story.
P.S: The images of Mayday are very adorable.

Carnage bonded with Discord.

It must happen.

:pinkiesad2: Such a sweet ending. Who knows what the future holds in store for the Parker family...

So Discord and Tirek finally got their Sinister Six. Green Goblin, Electro, The Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk) and... CARNAGE!?!. :pinkiegasp:
YES!!!! This is gonna be fun! :pinkiecrazy:

I can think of only one thing to ruin this and no it's not Tirek's sinister six as I don't feel I can take them seriously yet
Thanks to the current spider verse event I am worried either Morlun or any of the inheritors is gonna show up.

you are one of the most talented authors ever. Though I would have liked the first few days of having mayday. expecting sequel.

Why are Tirek and Discord even trusting Goblin to be in their Sinister Six?
Especially Discord since his powers got stollen by Osborn after he recruited him.


And there you guys have it. The conclusion of 11 months! :yay:

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as Maximus and I did writing it. :twilightsmile:

See you all in part 3, Days of Future Past!

I'll be there tagging along with Maximus, yet again. Heck, four Chapters are already finished

The ponies may have seen Venom through Pete's memories..... But they never knew what chaotic evil was like with his experience with Carnage of all villains. A shame the Carnage fam won't be joining though.

Mayday has potential.

Awesome ending can't wait for the next book your an awesome writer man

Wait... Carnage?


great story!! I cannot wait till the next one.

Threatening a CAT BURGLAR with a thousand year imprisonment? Please take your Nazi-lestia back and return the real one, please.

5488429 Discord let him, Discord even stated even stated that it was only a fraction of his power that Norman had.

As if anything less would have convinced her. Honestly, imprisoning her for that long would be entirely out of character for Celestia, but I don't believe it was anything more than an idle, empty threat designed to simply convince her. You could make the argument that there were far less 'OOC' ways to do such a thing, but at that point we're arguing author's creative liberty.

5488429 What I want to know is why they're trusting Carnage of all people!

This is good but it confused me one thing...

When Discord presented the Dazzlings, he commented they are from another reality defeated by Twilight... By making 2 and 2, we could think Discord KNOWS about what happened in that dimension. Even so, he is with Tirek, helping him... How?

I mean, He must know that Tirek stealed the magic of the other Discord, and he could be very sure that he could do the same in this reality... Why going with him and not with another villain?

Not to say the green goblin, that tried to steal also his powers.

Great story! Now we wait for the next one! Thank you for writing these Maximus, and you too Azu.

That was some really good fanfiction right there.


5488678 5488835


The Felicia and Celestia bit is actually my touch. It's nice to see a few rustled jimmies and mixed feelings with the controversy of Celestia's actions. Or question if that is even Celestia at all.

However I believe those who flat out reject the interaction as ooc more so don't just want to believe it could be because they don't like it. They don't want it to be true more then it is possibly out of character. Because come on, lets be real for a moment people. Do you honestly think Celestia rules Equestria as well as she does without getting her hooves dirty?

It's like she says. As much as she would love to rule her kingdom with kind words, sunshine rainbows and lollipops, the world doesn't work that way--Politics don't work that way. In this scene there is a tiny glimpse in the underbelly of what makes all this peace and harmony possible. Dragons and big monsters are not the only threat to a kingdom. Sometimes the greatest dangers are hiding right under your nose, or in your own shadow. :raritywink:

A tool of Black Cats caliber is just far too good to simply lock away and forget about when she can be used to make the shadow-play that much easier. the way in which Celestia speaks, the tone she uses and such to Felicia are just Celestia warming up to her, showing Black Cat that she isn't like her sister in this regard. She's more open minded.

And for those who think that 1000 years of imprisonment is too much, stop and think for a moment of just how much damage Felicia really would have done if Luna didn't bust her ass for weeks to cover it all up. It's only as small an incident as it is because Luna worked her butt off to make it that way. Hell, Luna would probably send Felicia to the moon or sun if it was just up to her. The imprisonment is a compromise. :trollestia:

5488429 5488759 5488861

The whole Osborn stealing discord's power bit was all just a ploy.

Discord floated around aimlessly in the astral plane, his physical form completely intact. “Well, that worked out much better than I had hoped. This entire ordeal has been so much fun.”

The draconequus raised his talon, prompting an orb to materialize above it. Images began to play within the sphere. “That Norman Osborn was a fool. I gave him a fraction of my power and warned him that using it all at once could destroy his body. Twilight Sparkle merely put an end to his misery ahead of schedule. Had she not, Norman’s body would have completely disintegrated in a week’s time. I really shouldn’t have saved him, but I’m certain he’ll be far more complacent this time around.”

The orb spun around Discord’s body, disappearing in a blur. “Oh! Woe is me! I’ve been captured by the Green Goblin! Please save me!” he sarcastically chimed before bursting into condescending laughter. He inhaled deeply, managing to recollect his nerve.

....Cletus Cassidy? or just the symbiot?....either way I think think I'll a find corner suck on my hoof now....

in other news.

Mayday is just so adorable! hnnggg, D'awwww

Now reporting on DBTV (Daily Bugle TV)

This just in known, foe of the once vigilante spider-man, who disappeared some time ago, Simply known as Carnage escaped from the ultra max security Prison complex simply known the RAFT. People are warned that if this menace is spotted please do not engage. This super criminal is a known high level metahuman threat if at all possible contact the nearest authorities. (pray the it's the Avengers)

This on the heels of the disappearance and possible death some time ago of the former industrialist Norman Osborn turned super criminal known as the Green Goblin. Some time ago Norman was declared dead by his board of directors and was succeeded as head of Oscorp by his only known surviving Relative Harry Osborn who could not be reached for comment....

meanwhile in equestria....

Luna: I will recover sister...I...just need some time.

The scene with Celestia and black cat make me wonder if Celestia has made this sort of deal before... Like maybe with Daring Do. Maybe Celestia hired Daring to steal dangerous magical artifacts from ancient ruins and stuff, would make for an interesting story having black cat and Daring working together on getting an artifact.

Any way Great story cant wait for the next part! hopping for some slice of life with Mayday before all hell.... er, Tartarus breaks loose.

Talk about an awesome conclusion to this story, it was an enjoyable trip and now all we can do is to wait for the next part. I have to sigh, though, at Felicia's idiotic mistake. It didn't take long at all for me to realized something wasn't right with that 'Celestia'. I can only see great pains and regrets in Felicia's future...and if that really is Celestia (which I highly doubt), then the same can be said for her as well...

As for Discord, I highly doubt this Discord is going to get a chance for redemption. Serious, Discord, you are the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, not the Spirit of Evil and Mayhem! This path will only end badly for you...

Can't wait to see the sequel, keep up the great work!

At last...the fight for the future begins!
Lets get hyped!


This discord is probably a great deal more powerful than canon discord... Especially considering he only gave the the Goblem a fraction of his power, yet old Green was still practically bending the fabric of reality, not to mention much more ruthless, I highly doubt this version of Discord would hesitate to kill Tirek if he tried to take his magic.

What is the next that you planned? I saw on DeviantArt.

5489320 I know, I said that in my comment, so don't say I didn't know that.

Great ending to this arc in the series. I like how it played in with human conception time of a child, and was even hinted at--and better yet Parker not seeing it happening and panicking about a premature delivery! Well done sir, well done.

Looking forward towards Discord's plans, but do think he's acting a little too orderly for Discord. The guy is the embodiment of randomness, I think he'd do things and the fly more often than not. Not that this subtracts from the story at all, but is just my humble opinion, take it as you will.

Can't wait to see what happens with the Dazzlings and Carnage. They'll make an interesting group. Tirek as well.

I totally agree with Celestia's actions; she'd have to do dirty things to keep a government running--they all do--even if the sentence was a bit harsh (I'd had knocked it done to an even century). But I must acknowledge what see had to do, "Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown..." :trollestia:

there must be cosmic spidermane:pinkiehappy:

Cletus Cassidy in Equestria?!
Welp, in the words of Arnold J. Rimmer, "Oh, smeg!"

I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I was simply quoting you in as reference and relevance to what I was commenting. No need to be snappy. Not everyone has ill intent in the messages they convey. :duck:


Looking forward towards Discord's plans, but do think he's acting a little too orderly for Discord. The guy is the embodiment of randomness, I think he'd do things and the fly more often than not. Not that this subtracts from the story at all, but is just my humble opinion, take it as you will.

Don't forget that this is the same discord that threw himself under the bus supposedly for the green goblin to "steal his power" then look back and laugh on it.

There is madness to his method! :pinkiecrazy:

Amazing chapter it was very emotional and loving ending and not only that the pictures really portrayed how the characters are and it was a very emotional piece that I can truly call a masterpiece on the crossover genre. Thank you very much for creating this story and I truly do look forward to the sequel that is to hopefully come one day.:eeyup:

5488511 I'm definitely gonna be tagging along for sure. You can count me in!:pinkiehappy:

5490210 I wouldn't be surprised if Tirek will pull his move on the new Sinister Six and betray them, and take away Discord's powers.

But then again, what if the Carnage symbiote would attach itself to Tirek? THAT would be a very horrifying thing to witness.:twilightoops:

5489550 Well, it WAS mentioned in an earlier chapter, when Twilight's having her ultrasound, that the baby was going to be a pegasus. Hehe, which also resulted in Peter feeling downtrodden again for not having any wings.

Let's see here, Discord, Tirek, the Dazzlings, who know have the ability to turn into ponies for camouflage, and Carnage. Merde, between 3 Dangerously Genre Savvy villains, ie, Discord Tirek and Adagio, the Dazzlings' hypnotic singing and Carnage's Pure Chaotic Evil, things are probably gonna go downhill way too fast, the new Sinister Six are about to wreak havoc.

I-I can't read this anymore. I just can't stand seeing Luna so sad anymore. She's breaking her own heart trying to make the one she loves happy and despite doing so means losing the person she loves even more than her sister she's still going through with it.

I hoped that she'd get her happy ending during the epilogue but DAMMIT, she's still giving a stepford smile and spouting how much "She Wants Her Beloved To Be Happy" while it's killing her inside and nobody seems to want to give her a break.

Even Peter Benjamin FUCKIN' Parker, who despite being clueless in matters of the heart should STILL be smart enough to realize how much he's hurting her by going through this wedding, and how much she really loves him by giving him up to make him happy. And then there's Twilight. She's her friend for god's sake! Her first friend!!! What kind of friend marries a friends' first love!?! She's supposed to be the princess of GODDAMN friendship and yet she can't even find a way to make it so that her friend is happy too!?! I just- Ugh!!

I just can't read anymore of your Spider-Man stories, no matter how good they are, if Luna's just not going to get her wish to end up with Parker. She deserves to be happy, especially after all the shit she's been through and how hard her life's been so far. And if Luna, who's pretty much my favorite character in the show, doesn't get her wish to be with Peter, then... Sigh. Then It's regretful, but I guess I'll just have to look for another Spider-Man/My Little Pony fic that'll treat Luna right... If there are any...

See ya.

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