• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 15,698 Views, 648 Comments

Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months - Maximus_Reborn

Sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane. Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle prepare to tackle parenthood.

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Ninth Month: Winter Wrap-Up

Chapter Nine “Month Nine: Winter Wrap-Up”

Twilight hummed a blissful tune as she scrolled through the checklist, sitting at the picnic table. It was March, specifically the day before Spring, and that meant it was time for the village of Ponyville to perform the annual Winter Wrap-Up. While the princess could not directly help with the chores and physical labor, she was still in charge of organizing everything and ensuring each task was carried out accordingly. Nopony could stop the pregnant mare from doing so if they tried.

Twilight managed a smile, pausing to direct a group of pegasi to attend to a collection of clouds before instructing a faction of earth ponies to shovel away the snow from the field. The princess settled her violet gaze on Peter after those jobs were successfully completed. The stallion was exhibiting his immense strength and balance while standing on the edge of a rooftop. He pulled two strands of webbing, lifting two massive wooden columns until both stood upright. Applejack trotted over, quickly tightening the bolts underneath the beams, and Rainbow Dash soared across the top, hanging a banner across each end.

Once he was certain that everything was in place, Peter relinquished the strands of webbing before sharing a content smile with the pegasus and farmpony. Mayor Mare approached the scene, pointing a hoof in the opposite direction. While Peter followed the mare to what appeared to be a small mountain of snow, Twilight giggled the moment Ursa exploded from underneath the hill and startled everypony nearby. It was strange yet satisfying, seeing a normally feared creature accepted so openly in such a short amount of time.

So much had transpired over the past few months. Peter’s otherworldly secret was exposed, and all of Equestria distrusted him out of fear, with even Fluttershy falling victim to trepidation. The stallion soon proposed to Twilight in spite of his tarnished reputation. Twilight felt the temperature in her face rise as she brushed a hoof over the smooth surface of her crimson engagement necklace. That news had just begun to spread, with Twilight informing the mayor just a couple of weeks ago, and Ponyville seemed ecstatic, openly congratulating the royal couple over the entire course of the Winter Wrap-Up.

Twilight dove back into her mind, recollecting past events. Black Cat started a crime spree, forcing Spider-Mane to apprehend her in the city of Manehattan. The alicorn rolled her eyes, feeling an unsettling yet familiar irritation rise from her chest. It was ironic and bittersweet, seeing as Peter’s reputation was saved thanks to Felicia’s antics. It was probably the only thing Twilight had to thank the Black Cat for.

The alicorn’s face glowed momentarily, recollecting the latex costume in her closet that Peter enjoyed seeing her wear. Twilight had two things to thank Felicia for, much to her chagrin. A small ache coursed through the mare’s stomach, prompting the librarian to place a hoof over her bump. An exasperated groan escaped from Twilight’s mouth. The sooner she stopped remembering Felicia, the better. The cat burglar was locked away, waiting for a hearing. As far as Twilight was concerned, Felicia was a distant memory.

Fluttershy meekly hovered to a safe landing mere hoof-lengths away from Ursa, freeing Twilight from her self-induced trance. The pegasus smiled before calmly leading the cub away from the area. She stopped in her tracks, pausing to exchange pleasantries with Peter. From her distance, Twilight couldn’t make out what they were saying exactly, but a sense of glee echoed within her chest once she found a bright smile on Fluttershy’s face. Their friendship had been repaired, and it seemed genuinely stronger than before.

Fluttershy was amazingly supportive ever since Peter and Twilight adopted Ursa, acting as a veterinarian and trainer. Twilight scoffed, her mind realizing the surrealism of the entire situation. She now owned an Ursa Minor, a mythical creature. It wasn’t even the slightest bit unusual at this point, with the local villagers accepting Ursa’s presence as a common occurrence. If there was one pony that openly rebelled against the cub, it was Trixie, and her complaints were shallow at best. Ursa seemed to have sensed it, considering how attracted she was to the stoic unicorn.

That familiar pain resurfaced, stronger than the previous time. Twilight hunched over momentarily, clutching at the bolt of pain that ran through her bump. Mayday wiggled, throwing a pair of kicks. Twilight took in steady breaths, recollecting her nerve before straightening her posture. Mayday made it a habit to make her presence felt, and Twilight couldn’t help but commend (and curse) her daughter’s persistence. Peter had iron-clad willpower to the point where he was outright stubborn. It was a habit that their daughter was undoubtedly portraying.

Twilight lifted her gaze once the pain dissolved, centering it on Trixie as the mare stood by the lake on her own. Where there was a crowd, the unicorn made certain to avoid it. Twilight’s lips curled into a wide smile. With all of the changes the princess had experienced, the blossoming relationship she had with Trixie was perhaps the most notable on a personal level, behind her impending marriage with Peter. Twilight’s eyes softened. It was almost lost due to the ancient ice demon, Glacius, but thanks to her fiance’s inability to listen to reason, Twilight had found an older sister in Trixie.

The Parker/Sparkle household had already created a family, consisting of Spike, Ursa, Aunt May, and Trixie. Once Mayday was born, the circle would be complete. Maybe some time in the near future, they could consider expanding. Twilight had longed to talk to Peter about that possibility. Twilight’s face burned at a belated realization. She was getting ahead of herself. After she recovered fully from giving birth to Mayday, Twilight could finally focus on her own wedding. Cadance would be eager to help, no doubt. That meant the inevitable would occur: a talk with her big brother. Twilight had held off on that conversation for personal reasons, but time was running out, slowly yet surely.

Meanwhile, Trixie stood along the bank of the frozen river, watching as pegasi hovered above the ice and took turns breaking it. A gentle breeze brushed through the mare’s silver-blue mane, causing her to shiver involuntarily. Memories of that snowy day flashed through her mind, of the ice monster that nearly consumed her. Trixie let out a desolate sigh as she stared at her reflection on the water’s surface.

Her wounds from that day had long healed, both the physical and mental ones, and a newly-formed bond filled the gap in her heart. However, something was lost, a treasure Trixie held dear for many years. She had hoped to find it during the Winter Wrap-Up, but her efforts were for naught, the symbol of her past having disappeared in the blizzard without a trace.

Peter separated himself from the group, joining Trixie’s side. “Hey. I was just looking for you.”

“Heaven forbid,” Trixie sarcastically retorted, freeing her gaze from the river before glancing at the stallion from the corner of her eye. “What do you want, Parker? I’m not in the mood for your idiocy. Not today.”

Peter chuckled. “I figured that. We seem to have a running trend. Whenever we’re around a lake, one of us tends to act really crabby towards the other.” Noticing Trixie’s evident exasperation, the stallion waved his hoof dismissively before reaching into the confines of his knapsack. “Anyway. I was helping with the snow removal along the edge of the Whitetail Woods, and you’ll never guess what I found.”

Trixie scoffed, glancing off to the side. “Something to rid me of your irritance?”

“Not quite,” Peter grinned, retrieving the item before extending it to the mare.

Trixie glanced at the accessory and turned away, only to snap back once her mind registered its star-patterned design. The item she had lost was right there. Her pointy hat was intact, slightly damaged with a pair of small tears across its violet body. Lowering her guard instinctively, Trixie took the hat into her hooves and clutched it against her chest as if it was a small filly.

Peter’s smile widened. “I had a feeling you were looking for that. A magician is practically naked without their pointy hat. You don’t have to worry about the damage. Give that hat to Rarity, and she’ll make it as good as new.”

Trixie’s eyes softened, matching the small smile her quivering lips managed to form. “Peter… I…” she trailed off, her voice wavering. There were ponies present, her mind chided, but Trixie shook her head, choosing to yield to the pleas of her often-ignored heart. The mare rubbed the side of her head against the stallion’s head affectionately as she wrapped her hooves around his neck. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

Peter gave the mare a sheepish smile, chuckling once she parted with a pink flush on her face. “It’s no problem at all.”

Trixie’s face practically burned, but for once she didn’t mind, seeing as Peter was her family. She turned her gaze to her hat. “It’s of great sentimental value to me. This hat used to belong to my mother. You can call it a keepsake. It’s the last hat she wore before I ran away.” The mare nodded, frowning as she chided herself. “I’m so sorry, Peter. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you. You’re always looking out for everypony. Try to look after yourself every now and then.”

“Trixie. Seriously. It’s no problem,” Peter lightly declared, his demeanor as bright as ever. “That’s what family is for, right?”

Trixie nodded, brushing a hoof against the stallion’s cheek. “Yes…” she smiled. “Family.”

Twilight watched Trixie and Peter talk from her distance with a smile. They openly had their disagreements, but like everything else over the course of the year, their relationship had blossomed into something wonderful. However, before Twilight could revel in the past, present, and future any further, a lightning fast pain ignited within her gut. Her eyes fell as something released, her lower regions growing wet. Horror took hold of Twilight’s mind as her gaze settled on the puddle of clear water sitting under her lap, staining her fur. Mayday’s wiggling and kicks increased in vigor. Twilight’s broken mind pieced together what had transpired.

Her water had broken, and Mayday was coming… two months early. The princess hyperventilated, shifting her gaze about wildly. Eventually, she settled on an idea and screamed at the top of her lungs. Peter’s and Trixie’s ears perked at the high-pitched scream, its sound echoing throughout the area. The stallion’s eyes shot open as he immediately recognized the source, the unicorn snapping his head in the direction of where the alicorn was sitting.

“Twilight?” Peter called out, disappearing in a blur as he sped through the area. The stallion reached the mare’s side within the count of a second, and Twilight ceased her screaming once acknowledging his presence. Concern filled Peter’s hazel eyes. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

Twilight clutched at her bump, taking short breaths before exhaling deeply and repeating the process. “My water broke…” she managed in between her sessions. “The baby’s coming!” the alicorn screamed once a pair of rebellious kicks were felt within her stomach.

All of the blood in Peter’s body grew cold, the stallion’s complexion matching that of snow. He spent the last number of months preparing for this day, but not once did the stallion imagine it would come this soon. Peter’s senses were thrown into disarray, and he could only stammer a response.

Burglars, thugs, monsters, super-powered psychos, dragons, Hydras, demi-gods, and everything in between seemed so much easier to take on right now. As Spider-Man and Spider-Mane, he had thrust himself into danger without so much a second thought, but this was different. He was clueless... afraid. Countless questions ran through his mind, but Peter cast those thoughts to the side, lifting Twilight bridal style. Trixie finally reached the couple, struggling to gather her breath upon stopping. Other ponies gathered around as well, having heard Princess Twilight Sparkle’s screams.

“What just happened?” Trixie questioned, her voice filled with concern.

Peter tightened his hold on the princess. “The baby’s coming, and Twilight’s going into labor.”

Trixie stared at the stallion, mouth agape, before shaking her head. “What?! But how?! She’s not supposed to give birth for another two months!”

“I know!” Peter growled, alternating his concerned gaze between Twilight, Trixie, and the group of ponies surrounding his position. He gritted his teeth. Time was of the essence, his fiance needed medical attention, and his patience was dwindling at an erratic pace. “Trixie, I want you to find Spike and send a letter to Princess Celestia. I’m going to rush Twilight to the hospital myself.” He forced his way through the crowd, prompting everypony to move out of his path. Peter stopped in his tracks, sharing a glance with the crowd. “Everypony else, continue with the Winter Wrap-Up duties!”

Mayor Mare intervened, approaching the stallion with a concerned expression. “Are you sure? Princess Twilight Sparkle is in charge of organizing the event. We’ll try our best without her.”

Peter nodded a response before Twilight’s whimpering reached his ears, prompting the stallion to turn away and dash away from the crowd. Everypony shared a bewildered glance, unable to make sense of the situation. Some speculated what could have caused the princess to go into labor prematurely while others debated on how to carry out the remaining Winter Wrap-Up duties without their primary instructor.

As panic ensued throughout Ponyville, a being materialized into existence and chuckled while he sat in midair outside of everypony’s viewpoint behind a set of clouds. Even without his direct involvement, chaos still found a way to spread because of Peter Parker’s existence. Life was almost perfect for Discord as of late.

“This is just too good to be true,” Discord chortled, reaching into a bag of popcorn that levitated by his side. “Oh, Peter Parker. You continue to be the perfect catalyst for chaos. Whoever would have thought little Mayday would come out so early? I certainly didn’t see it coming.”

The spirit let out a sigh, tossing the bag of popcorn over his shoulder. “As much as I would love to bask in this lovely chaos, I have business to attend to, and this window of opportunity will certainly close in due time. The last thing I need is for Celestia or Luna to catch wind of my assembly. They would ruin the surprise I have planned for all of Equestria.”

Discord faded out of existence, but his voice could still be heard. “Patience is a virtue. We will play our game in due time, Peter. Just you wait.”


News of Princess Twilight Sparkle’s sudden fall into labor spread like wildfire. The ponies that weren’t directly helping with the Winter Wrap-Up duties waited outside of the hospital, managing to assemble in droves. Fortunately, Canterlot guards patrolled the grounds, authorizing that only immediate family and friends be granted access inside at Prince Peter Parker’s orders. It seemed the usually soft spoken and light-hearted knight was at his wit’s end, not wanting to snap on anypony that might have caught him in a moment.

Magical energy enveloped the front doors of the hospital before sliding open. Princesses Celestia and Luna entered together side-by-side, their height differences vastly apparent. It only took a few minutes for Trixie’s letter to reach them. All manners of business they were attending to were immediately postponed until further notice. Because of their respective histories with both Twilight Sparkle and Peter Parker, this took top priority for the royal sisters.

They entered the waiting room, only to find it surprisingly vacant. Only one pony was immediately found, sitting outside of the main door with his head buried in his forelegs. Luna’s eyes softened at the sight, her heart recognizing the stallion’s chocolate-colored mane and spider insignia over his flank. The alicorn trotted forward until she stood over his frame. Even when Peter was sitting, he was nearly the same height as Luna. She had grown accustomed to her diminutive stature by now, but it annoyed her nonetheless.

“Peter,” Luna whispered, her voice light.

The stallion’s ears perked before he lifted his head, finding the alicorn’s soft blue gaze inches from his face. She could sense his heartbeat growing erratic, pounding as his thoughts were lost in a flurry. Peter was virtually unflappable in the face of danger, yet the knight’s resolve faltered, his entire being filling with trepidation. His breathing grew shallow while his hooves trembled. He was afraid, simple as that. Luna could only smile before brushing the side of her head against Peter’s affectionately.

The princess pulled away, offering the stallion a small smile. The best she could do was support her closest friend in his time of need. “We came as soon as we could. My condolences. I understand why you’re so stressed.”

Princess Celestia nodded. “Yes. This is quite the unexpected development. Is Twilight really giving birth? There have been mares that have given birth prematurely, but two months in advance? That’s extraordinary.”

“Yeah,” Peter weakly replied, pausing to rub the pulses out of his cranium. He stole a glance at the door leading into the emergency room. “I guess I was acting like a total spaz earlier. The doctors and nurses kicked me out about an hour ago.”

Princess Celestia turned her stern gaze towards the ER door before approaching it slowly. “I see. I will go inside and see if Twilight is well.” The older alicorn paused, giving a small smile to her younger sister. “Luna. Would you mind keeping Peter company until I return?”

“Of course, sister,” Luna calmly responded, taking a seat next to the stallion once Celestia entered the emergency room at a nurse’s permission. She stared at Peter with a furrowed brow. “This was not your fault. None could have seen this transpiring.”

Peter shook his head, scoffing. “The signs were there in neon lights, Luna. The doctor constantly brought up Mayday’s accelerated growth, and I never thought twice about it. Human females give birth in nine months, and Twilight conceived while she was on Earth.” A hoof fell over the stallion’s forehead as he exhaled harshly. “How could I be so stupid? I should have considered the possibility of Twilight giving birth prematurely due to the transformations of her biology. Now, I just have to hope I don’t lose my daughter because I didn’t think ahead.”

Luna raised a hoof, placing it over Peter’s. “You were perfectly content because your daughter was healthy. You had every right to embrace that blessing without yielding to any fear. You should not dwell in the past. Not now.” The stallion found the mare’s gaze as her face burned. Luna only smiled. “Focus on the present and pray for Twilight. May she safely guide your daughter into our world.”

Peter’s shoulders rose from their slumped state, broadening. It was as if the weight of the world had grown considerably lighter. Nodding, Peter gave the princess an earnest smile. “Thanks, Luna. I needed that.”

Falling into a sea of bliss, Luna lost herself as she stared at the stallion with a loving, half-closed gaze. “The pleasure is all mine, Peter,” she whispered, brushing a strand of her sky-blue mane behind her ear.

Suddenly, the front door swung open. Luna’s reaction was instantaneous, the mare shoving Peter to the floor before disappearing in a flash of light. She materialized in a standing position several hoof-lengths from the stallion, flustered. Oblivious, Fluttershy and Rarity trotted inside and slowed to a halt upon reaching the princess. Peter cursed under his breath as he pulled himself up from the ground.

Luna forcibly cleared her throat, unable to do the same with the pink blush on her face. “Ah, Fluttershy and Rarity! It is good to see you!” she blurted out, inwardly cursing her own carelessness. “What do you have to report?”

Rarity pursed her lips together. “Your Highness, I must admit that it was most dreadful at first, but I’m happy to announce everypony’s gathered their bearings. Applejack and Rainbow Dash have taken up the responsibility of leading the others through the remaining Winter Wrap-Up chores. They should have everything finished in a few hours. Trixie and Spike are locating Miss May and will be here momentarily. As for Pinkie Pie, I haven’t the faintest idea.”

Peter arched a brow, shrugging. “Isn’t that all the time?”

Rarity huffed. “She said she would multitask. Make of that what you will, darling.”

Before anypony could react, a streak of pink sped through the doors and skidded to a halt. Pinkie shared a glance with everypony in the room, panting as she struggled to recollect her breath. “Is the baby born yet?”

“No, but…” Luna started, only for the pink mare to speed off before she could hope to finish her statement.

Pinkie stopped at the door. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to tell Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

The pink mare was gone as quickly as she appeared, leaving everypony bewildered. Peter exhaled before retaking his seat along the wall. “I don’t even care right now.”

Fluttershy shared a glance with Princess Luna, their heights virtually identical. “Um… How is Twilight? Is she doing okay?”

Luna’s eyes softened. “I am not certain, Fluttershy. My sister is checking on Twilight Sparkle’s condition. She should return--” That same moment, Princess Celestia stepped out of the emergency room with an unreadable expression. Luna approached the older alicorn. “What of Twilight’s condition, sister? Is everything alright?”

Celestia nodded and managed a small smile. “Aside from the initial surprise, everything is going perfectly well. Twilight will be giving birth very soon.” This earned a collective set of relieved sighs from everypony in the room with the exception of Peter. The stallion lowered his head, masking his disheartened frown. Princess Celestia smirked. “Twilight wants you to be with her, Peter. The doctors are willing to let you back in as long as you remain calm.”

“R-Really?!” Peter blurted out, shooting up to a standing position. His glum demeanor had dissolved, allowing one as vibrant as the sun to take its place. The stallion stumbled about before reaching the door leading into the ER. “Thank you, Princess Celestia!” he managed, quickly easing his way inside.

The alicorn cleared her throat, stopping the stallion in his tracks. “Please be on your best behaviour, Peter, or they will kick you out again,” she whispered, playfully winking.

Peter gave a quick nod before completely entering the emergency room. “Right.”

Once he was out of hearing range, Luna shook her head and smirked. “I suppose Peter forgot that his authority outranks the majority of everypony in Equestria.”

Princess Celestia’s smile widened. “Perhaps, but I’m willing to believe he’s just mindful of others. Twilight’s the same, really. It’s been nearly a year since the coronation, and they’re both still as modest as ever.” The older alicorn’s light violet irises widened at a belated realization. The inside of her chest tightened as a sob threatened to rise from her throat. “By the stars. It wasn’t that long ago when I first took Twilight in as my apprentice.”

A small flow of tears rolled down Celestia’s flushed cheeks at the sudden flash of memories. “For years she had excelled, becoming my most prized student, but I almost did nothing for her maturity as a mare. It’s only been a year, and Twilight has matured to a level I never thought she could attain. She’s found somepony special, embraced that love to the fullest, become engaged, and now Twilight’s on the verge of becoming a mother. Where has the time gone, Luna?”

Luna closed her eyes. “For our lifespans, years are only a flash. It’s only natural to look back and remember the past, seeing as the present is always moving towards the future. Twilight has certainly matured into a capable alicorn, but you still have several eons to continue watching over her. She still looks to you as a second mother. No amount of time will ever change that. Twilight is merely taking the next step. Let’s show that we will continue to support her… as a family should.”

The royal sisters shared a smile, and nodded before embracing each other. The front door opened before Trixie, Spike, and a visibly-anxious May entered. Everypony exchanged pleasantries while Rarity explained the entire situation to Peter’s aunt. A flash of light erupted at the center of the room, dissipating to reveal Princess Cadance, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, and Shining Armor. The white stallion, much like Peter was earlier, seemed distressed, alternating his gaze about wildly while beads of sweat formed over his forehead.

“Where’s Twily?” Shining cried out, his voice wavering.

Princess Celestia smiled softly. “At ease, Shining Armor. Everything is fine. Twilight’s gone into labor. All we can do now is wait.”

Dejected, Shining’s head fell into a slump while he took a seat next to the door leading into the emergency room. Night Light mirrored his son’s actions, both stallions sulking. Velvet approached May before sharing an embrace while Cadance did the same with Celestia. Luna watched quietly from a distance as Fluttershy, Rarity, Trixie, and Spike conversed, each exchanging information on what was happening outside. The main door slowly opened, and Pinkie Pie dragged herself in, out of breath. Luna could only arch a brow at the sight.

“Is… the baby born yet?” Pinkie asked in between deep pants. Princess Luna shook her head, earning a weak nod from the earth pony. Pinkie pointed a hoof behind her position. “I’ll go tell Applejack…” she wheezed, “and Rainbow Dash. Be right back.” The pink mare galloped out of the room at full speed somehow, only to peek her head in through the door seconds later. Sweat poured from her face. “How… about now?”

“No,” Luna bluntly replied, giving Pinkie a blank stare. The earth pony wheezed a response, this time leaving for a decent duration. Luna rolled her eyes, stealing a glance at the door leading into the ER before sighing inwardly. “It seems waiting will be more difficult for some than others. Twilight. Peter. May the fates be kind.”


Twilight released a pained scream, straining as she continued to push. Nurse Redheart stood at the bottom of the bed, keeping her steady gaze fixed on the baby’s impending arrival. Peter stood by Twilight’s side, allowing the mare to clutch his hoof as much as she needed while he used the other to brush her mane affectionately. The stallion whispered encouraging words into the alicorn’s ear, never relenting even as she cursed his very existence for putting her through this misery. Twilight cursed, grinding her teeth as she fought back another outcry.

She could literally feel Mayday wriggling, squirming to free herself. Her walls stretched, sending bolts of pain through the mare’s body. Excruciating. That was the only word to describe this feeling. Sweat poured out, drenching the alicorn’s fur. It felt as if the thralls of time had slowed to a dreadful halt as the world grew silent, all sound failing to reach Twilight’s hearing. Peter lowered his head until the mare could rest the side of hers against his chest.

This pain and anguish. Twilight paused, questioning if it would truly be worth it. Peter’s calm whispers crawled into her ear, reaching the alicorn’s senses where perfused screaming and other forms of commotion failed.

“I love you. You’re almost there. Come on, Twilight. I believe in you.”

Twilight bit down on her lip. Something so small should not have meant this much. This was their journey, what they strived to build as a family. It was everything. The alicorn released seethed breaths through gritted teeth before using the remnants of her strength for one final push. Twilight’s screams echoed throughout the room, her voice ricocheting off the walls. A tiny cry was heard once the mare’s voice ran dry. Twilight’s head fell back, sinking into the pillow, but her exhausted gaze fell on the small bundle that rested in Nurse Redheart’s hooves.

Tiny eyes were closed shut under a flow of violet mane, a streak of pink forming at the center. Suddenly, the little one cried out, raising her hooves defiantly. Peter’s mouth fell agape, his hazel gaze never leaving the baby, but the stallion eventually freed himself from his trance, smothering Twilight’s drenched forehead in kisses. The princess weakly extended a hoof, brushing it across Mayday’s soft cheek. All of the pain she had experienced seemed insufficient, fading like a ray of darkness under the sun’s watchful eye.

Tears poured from Twilight’s eyes, staining her cheeks, yet her smile never stopped widening. It was well worth it, more than she had ever hoped to imagine. The nurse cleaned the baby off, wrapping a pink cloth around her tiny frame before offering Mayday to her parents. Twilight was on the verge of collapsing, her body begging to yield to its exhaustion and soreness, but the princess only listened to her rapidly-beating heart as she took the baby pegasus into her hooves.

Peter’s eyes softened as he stood by the mare’s side, staring lovingly at his newborn daughter. Twilight’s smile widened as Mayday’s eyes fluttered open, revealing a light hazel gaze that perfectly matched her father’s. The baby pegasus cooed having shared a glance with her parents, reaching a hoof out. Twilight’s heart skipped a beat, forcing the mare to choke back her tears. Nothing could ever surpass this feeling.

“She’s so beautiful,” Twilight whispered, planting a soft kiss over Mayday’s light brown cheek. Her fur was a light tan, very reminiscent to that of Peter’s. “She looks just like her daddy.”

“...and her mommy,” Nurse Redheart added, sharing a glance with Twilight while arching a brow. “From a medical standpoint, this is slightly unusual. While it's not uncommon for a child to look a little like a parent, the same can be said for them to look nothing like them. However I've never seen nor heard of a child looking so identical to 'both' parents.” The mare shook her head once Twilight gave her a concerned expression. “Oh, no! I’m sorry! Mayday is perfectly healthy as far as I can tell. This is just unusual.”

Nurse Redheart turned to take her leave, pausing once reaching the door. “I’ll give you both some time. I’d like to take Mayday to be examined once you’re done.”

Twilight nodded as her eyes widened after the nurse’s departure. She glanced to the side, finding a saddened expression of her fiance’s face. Just moments ago, Peter was so worried that he couldn’t stop talking, but now, he was unusually quiet, as if his words were lost. Yet, the stallion carried an earnest smile, never once averting his gaze from the baby.

Twilight smiled, almost sensing her fiance’s concern. “Peter… you should hold her.”

Taken aback, Peter hesitantly nodded before holding Mayday in his hooves. “She’s so small,” he softly spoke, brushing a hoof through her violet and pink mane. “The entire world knows how different she is. In my line of work, danger will always be lurking around the corner. It’ll… almost be impossible for Mayday to live a normal life.” Peter paused, feeling his eyes swell with tears. “She’s as beautiful as you, Twilight. I really don’t want to see her sad. The best thing I could ever do is punch anypony that makes her cry.”

His lips quivered, curling into a smile. “It’s almost hard to believe. So many bad things have happened, but by the end of the day, we managed to create something beautiful.”

Twilight nodded as she giggled. “The world isn’t perfect Peter. The best we can do is love our daughter and raise her to the best of our ability.”

Peter blinked, his eyes softening. “Did we trade places or something?”

The mare’s smile remained intact, her hoof brushing over Peter’s tear-stained cheeks. “We’re a family. I’m happy to admit that you’ve changed me. No matter what happens, we’ll see everything through together. We’ll both raise our daughter and make sure the world is a safe place for her. If anypony has a problem with our daughter, they’ll answer to us.”

Her voice was soft yet firm, never faltering. Peter bit down on his lip, unable to stop his tears from flowing. Mayday stared at her father questioningly. In spite of his insecurities, Twilight continued to show her undying support. She had blessed him with a second chance and gave birth to his first child, not caring once what the world thought. Peter wiped his face clean, chuckling sheepishly before planting a gentle kiss on Twilight’s lips.

He turned his gaze to Mayday. “That’s why I love your mom, May. She’s the best.” The baby pegasus cooed, prompting her parents to plant gentle kisses on her cheeks. Peter smirked once Twilight’s violet gaze settled on him. “Get well soon, honey. We have a wedding to plan.”