• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 15,691 Views, 648 Comments

Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months - Maximus_Reborn

Sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane. Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle prepare to tackle parenthood.

  • ...

Second Month: Proposal

Chapter Two “Second Month: Proposal”

Twilight blankly stared at the piece of paper with a furrowed brow. The night hours passed relatively quickly, but sleep continued to escape the mare, evident by the large bags under her violet eyes. She left the sanctions of her bedroom at the peak of dawn, having a sense of relief knowing Peter was actually still there. A part of her wanted to talk with the stallion, but the princess was willing to wait, knowing he would seek her out once his hunger set in. Twilight’s stomach growled in protest, earning a frustrated groan from the mare. She only hoped Peter wouldn’t sleep in until noon like he occasionally did.

“Where should I start?” she asked out loud, although her mind had been juggling the question since yesterday. Her hoof tapped against the table impatiently as the pen in her magical grasp did the same. “Should I start with what excited me the most? Maybe it’ll be better if I went through the boring times first? Ponies like exposition, right? Better yet, I could-- Argh!” Twilight’s hoof contacted her forehead with a smack. “I can’t think of anything!”

Trixie trotted into the living room with a strut, a type of swagger the usually stoic mare never displayed. She stopped in her tracks after spotting Twilight slumped over her desk as well as the growing pile of crumpled papers nearby on the floor.

“Suffering from writer’s block, Twilight Sparkle?” Trixie chuckled smugly, causing Twilight to shoot a glare from the corner of her eye. The unicorn waved her hoof defensively. “I mean no harm. I only speak the truth. I certainly wouldn’t have difficulty writing about myself.”

Peter walked down the stairs, yawning. “That’s because you’re the biggest narcissist on the planet. Humility never hurt anypony, Trixie,” he murmured, before entering the bathroom and closing the door behind him just as a book crashed into it.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Nopony asked for your opinion, idiot.”

Twilight brought a hoof over her mouth, stifling a giggle. “He’s not exactly wrong, you know.”

Before she could respond, the sound of water from the shower ran and Peter sang loudly in mock falsetto. “Spider-Man~! Spider-Man~! Does whatever a spider can~”

Exhaling exasperatedly, Trixie facehoofed. “I swear. How do you put up with that, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight smirked. “I’ve had lots of practice.”

Knowing it was pointless to argue any further, Trixie returned her gaze to Twilight. “At any rate, this is your chronicle, remember? You have nearly an entire year to write it, so why not start from the very beginning?” A bemused smile returned to the unicorn’s face. “Then, simply continue to write as you like until there is nothing left to write ‘Leave no stone unturned’ as the saying goes, yes?”

The corner of Twilight’s lips curled into a smile. “All right. I’ll give it a try.” Her cheeks bloomed. “Just don’t laugh if it sounds ridiculous.”

Trixie nodded in response, her smile widening. “I promise I won’t laugh. Just speak your mind. Nopony will laugh at you for being honest.”

Twilight blinked, bewildered at her friend’s rather unnatural behavior. “Are you okay? You seem unusually… cheery this morning.” After a few moments, the alicorn shrugged and returned her gaze to the piece of paper. The pen levitated close by, proceeding to write along the page. “Let’s see…”



A bizarre, foreign word that has lingered on the pages of history with only the briefest of mention and no given context or scientific backing. It is a word that I, Twilight Sparkle, thought to be simply shrouded in false rumour and hoax.

A small number of wild theories on the existence of aliens can be found if one looks hard enough. Even in modern day Equestria, ponies can be found that still believed these creatures not of Equestrian descent existed.

I never believed any of it, that is until I came face to face with facts and reality.

As of this writing, Peter Parker is openly known, and confirmed, to be a human- the dominant species of his planet. Or rather, he once was. This wasn't always the case however. His claim of human origin were questioned greatly by the few who first learned the truth. To think that somepony who looked to be an average pony was in reality, another species entirely, was utter ludicrousness.

However, Peter Parker was not your average pony. He was different in a number of ways. Most notable were the strange powers he seemed to possess, abilities that nopony before had ever been known to have. Powers and abilities aside, there were other things that made him greatly stand out along with his knack for walking like a bipedal creature.

His speech, mannerisms, and word choices were completely alien in comparison to the average everyday pony. Topics and locations he would bring up made little to no sense to anypony, even myself, a scientific researcher and librarian. At first, one would assume that maybe Parker simply had a wild imagination. Admittedly, he does this intentionally to annoy me, but with the consistency and confidence he spoke in his words, I’ve accepted that it was not that of creativity, but of known fact.

What he would say, state and reference, he could do so rapidly that I found it difficult for even the most imaginative foal to be able to keep pace with it. This was because what he would say was not from imagination, but from a culture entirely different than our own.

In time, I took his word for it, but it wasn't until I got a sample of what he spoke of that I came to truly understand what a human was. I had watched a great deal of his memories through a spell, but that was only a taste compared to what I would personally experience in the days to come.

The following is a documentation of my life and time as a human on their home planet of Earth. While it was eye opening, for better or for worse, there was one thing I knew for certain.

That as a natural-born pony, it was an experience that I would never forget.

Raising her head, Twilight took a deep breath and brushed a hoof over her eyes. “I think that’s a decent start, but how do I start from the beginning? Just what is the beginning?”

Trixie inhaled deeply before taking a sip out of her cup of orange juice. “Well, obviously with what it felt like, what you thought, even what you tasted, if that applies of course." Placing her juice down on the counter, the unicorn gave the princess an annoyed look. “Come now, Twilight Sparkle. You've managed to defeat dragons and demi-gods. For goodness sake, you stabbed a monster in the chest without blinking, but writing a book is too difficult? Why not rest and come back? Surely, your unimaginative brain could use the reprieve.”

Twilight paused for a second, placing her pen down near the paper. Before she could retort, her stomach growled, and the mare giggled sheepishly. “Well, I could use a bite to eat first.”

A tray slid across the desk, stopping underneath Twilight’s chin. There was a sandwich on it, a lily placed between a collection of lettuce and tomatoes. It was even accompanied by a glass of orange juice. Twilight tilted her head to the side at the gesture.

Trixie simply shrugged. “Consider yourself fortunate that I am feeling considerate today. Do not expect this treatment daily. I have a reputation to uphold.”

Twilight’s eyes softened. “Trixie… thank you.” The alicorn’s stomach growled, its protests causing Trixie’s ears to twitch. Twilight took the treat into her hooves, chomping down on it viciously.

“Food for thought?” Trixie snipped, arching a brow once the sandwich had been completely devoured. She blankly stared at the alicorn. “For a princess, you’re a complete savage.” Earning a venomous glare for her remark, Trixie cleared her throat and waved a hoof dismissively. “Why not tell everypony what it felt like to be transformed into a human? That’s a good starting point, I suppose.”

“Great idea, Trixie!” Twilight cheered, downing her glass of orange juice in a couple of gulps before lifting her pen via telekinesis. She proceeded to write along the page, a renewed sense of vigor taking hold. Trixie shrugged, backing away slowly out of self-preservation.

Twilight took in a deep breath and dove in her mind, reveling in the memories of that fateful day.


Human beings.

They are a curious bipedal species, that are both sentient and sapient. In a sense, they are no different than us. However, at the time, I had to make the proper adjustments. Their ideologies are very different from our own, as are their biological traits.

One of the most notable differences in physique is that humans lack fur to cover their exposed skin. Overall, their bodies are soft and fragile. Clothing is a requirement, on both a physical and social level. Humans usually only reveal their entire nude selves to those they are most intimate with: family, lovers, physicians, and etc.

This requirement of clothing and separate principles from our own was rather difficult getting used to at first. However, upon coming to experience being a human, walking upright on my hind legs and practicing established mannerisms, I quickly began to understand their way of thinking in regards to physique and attire.

On a second note, I was surprised to learn that magic was accessible through the planet. It existed for thousands of years, upon the creation of Earth. However, it is very rare for a human to access the magical energies of the planet. The few that could tap into that realm are known to be exceptionally powerful. Doctor Stephen Strange, the man who provided a shelter for us during our time on Earth, was one of those individuals.

A human’s access point to their magic lies within their hands and fingers. They do not have appendages or horns over their heads like alicorns and unicorns possess. Yet, with concentration, I learned that the process is virtually identical. Seeing that such a limited number of humans were capable of conjuring magic, myself included, this has led me to believe that performing prestidigitation requires a particular state of mind that the average human simply does not posses.

My mental prowess and magical aptitude remained the same in spite of my altered physical form. The same could be noted about unicorns and alicorns, specifically those that could ascend.

Human beings are fascinatingly complex creatures, and I found myself enamored at how similar yet different they are from Equestrians.

This intrigue is what I want to share with those reading this.

Peter stared blankly at the crimson gem in his hooves before closing its box. Twilight was at the forefront of the stallion’s mind, plaguing his thoughts with every positive and negative outcome that could possibly occur. His heartbeat quickened while his mind grew fuzzy. Peter had everypony’s blessings with the exception of two, one of whom was the mare he wanted to marry. The other was of significant importance, easily considered the mother figure of his life.

The stallion took in a deep breath before exhaling. Aunt May should have been the first pony he talked with about the proposal, but he figured it was best to save her for last, solely on the grounds that she knew Twilight the least. Peter’s eyes shot open as a dark-brown pegasus approached through the grassy fields of Sweet Apple Acres. He hopped from the bench once May was a few hoof-lengths away, greeting the mare with a warm hug. The pair exchanged pleasantries for a duration before settling into a seat on the bench.

“I’m glad you’re doing okay, Aunt May,” Peter chuckled, earning an innocent giggle from the pegasus. She brushed a hoof through her bright silver locks. The stallion soon smirked. “It’s so weird. You look more like my sister than my aunt now.”

May leaned over, planting a soft kiss over her nephew’s cheek. “You’re just as sweet as Ben, dear.” Sighing contently, the mare shifted her glossy blue irises to the trees scattered across the field. “It’s been nearly a month since I came here. I honestly wasn’t sure how I would feel about it. I mean, they are ponies, but now, I can easily say that I love it here. Everyone here is so friendly, and it’s so peaceful here. I just wish your uncle could be here with us.”

“I do, too,” Peter whispered, his expression softening as May’s hoof fell over his. The air around them sobered, prompting the stallion to offer his aunt a genuine smile. “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about, Aunt May.”

The mare’s eyes widened and ears perked at her nephew’s declaration. “What is it?”

Inhaling deeply, Peter took the small box and extended it to May. As she gazed upon the ruby necklace, the stallion scratched the back of his head. “I know you haven’t known Twilight for that long. I guess you can say the same about me, seeing as we’ve known each other for a few months now, but I love her so much. We’re still together despite everything we’ve been through. I want to ask Twilight to marry me.”

May was silent, as if contemplating the stallion’s words, but a small smile eventually graced her features. “I’m hardly surprised, son. I actually thought you meant to propose to Twilight back on Earth when you gave her that beautiful necklace.”

Peter tilted his head to the side. “So, you’re okay with this?”

Closing the box, May turned and flicked her hoof over the stallion’s muzzle. “I’m very happy you are doing this.” She brushed the grass under her hoof, tossing it into the gentle breeze. “It’s actually amazing. I remember seeing how crushed you were when Gwendolyn died. I wasn’t sure if you were going to be able to move on from that. When you came back after your disappearance and I saw you two together, it was pretty clear to me that Twilight was the one.”

Peter’s face flushed. “It’s pretty cheesy when you say it like that.”

May’s eyes softened. “Oh, shush. She’s polite, modest, beautiful, and very intelligent.” The pegasus cupped Peter’s face, smushing his cheeks before releasing the stallion. “I’ve never seen you this happy. If you truly feel that you’re ready, then I won’t try to stop you.”

Peter let out a sigh of relief before smiling. “Thanks, Aunt May. There’s still a lot going on, but I do want to do this. If Twilight accepts, we can just hold off on the marriage until the baby is born. Hopefully, most of Equestria will have accepted that I’m an alien by then.” The stallion brushed a hoof through his unkempt mane. “I just hope Twilight won’t hate me for this. Her reputation is being tarnished because of me. If Twilight marries me, she may as well kiss her popularity goodbye. When you're the girl who gave birth to the alien's baby, you sort of become the pink elephant in the room.”

“She could never hate you for wanting to propose,” May responded with a huff, as if she had been insulted. “Whenever a man wants to marry, it should be taken seriously. It means that his mind is made up, that the woman he’s fallen in love with is the one he‘s ready to spend the rest of his life with. There’s no larger way to say ‘I love you’ than that. That’s how I took it when Ben proposed to me.” The mare trailed off, choking back a stray sob before her eyes swelled with tears. “I know your uncle would be proud to see you right now, and he’d be really excited about being a great uncle.”

Peter shook his head. “No, he wouldn’t.” May’s eyes widened before the stallion’s hoof brushed away her tears. “He’d be excited about you two becoming grandparents. I mean, you’re pretty much my mom.”

“Oh, sweetie,” May sniffled, wrapping her hooves around Peter’s neck affectionately. She eventually parted, seizing the opportunity to kiss the stallion’s cheek. “That’s enough. You need to hurry home. I’m pretty sure Twilight’s really anxious to see you.”

“Good idea,” Peter grinned, safely returning the box within his backpack before sliding its straps around his shoulders. Sharing a glance, the stallion waved the mare off as he made his departure. “Wish me luck! And tell Applebloom I said hey.”

‘Before you return home...’ a mare’s voice coolly suggested within Peter’s mind, trailing off as Luna materialized inches away from his position in a flash of light. “There is an urgent matter which we must discuss,” she stoically declared, pausing to give the nearby pegasus a smile. “Hello, Miss May.”

May laughed nervously. “I must find a way to get used to that.”

Peter approached the princess with a furrowed brow. “Same here, and I’m the one who can hear her thoughts.” The stallion closed his eyes and shrugged. “So, what’s up? It must be serious for you to come out in broad daylight--” That same moment, Luna’s horn emitted a bright light before both she and Peter disappeared in a flash of energy. They materialized on the outskirts of Canterlot Castle, the area unrefined and path obscured. “...like this,” Peter finished, staring blankly at his surroundings upon opening his eyes. The stallion exhaled once his mind registered what had transpired. “Oh, come on! How about a warning before we teleport across the world next time?!”

“I’m sorry, but it was most urgent,” she whispered, frowning after a moment’s pause. “I’ve had questions about a certain crime spree. I would like to know your opinion on the matter.”

Taken aback, Peter’s eyes shot open. “Crime spree? Did you forget that I’m a good guy? I know the mask is creepy, but spiders can be friendly. I mean, you like spiders. You even kissed me once, and...” He returned his gaze in the mare’s direction, clearing his throat once Luna’s exasperated expression deepened. “Right, right. So, what’s been happening?”

Luna nodded, shifting her bemused blue gaze to the other side of the plains. “Rumors of a pickpocket quickly spread throughout the northern area away from the castle. Their crimes have been rather consistent, increasing in the wealth that’s being taken. At first, it ranged from small portions of food to clothing, but the crimes have grown daring, increasing to bits, gems, and jewelry. As you have heard, several gems from the castle’s vault were taken as well. I’m just surprised that this thief managed to avoid detection for over three weeks now.”

Peter’s hoof tapped impatiently against the ground. “Oh, boy. That sounds like Felicia.”

“I find it difficult to imagine one pony doing all of this,” Luna stated, her expression stern.

Peter scoffed. “For one pony? Sure. We’re talking about Felicia Hardy, though. A professional human cat burglar. She can steal almost anything, break into almost anything, and take almost anything she wants. I wouldn’t be too concerned though. She won’t hurt anyone. So, it’s not like it’s that big a deal.”

Luna shook her head. “No. This is a very big deal.” The mare’s eyes softened. “I’ve had several guards on patrol, but they’ve all been unsuccessful in gathering any information, let alone apprehension. It would seem a criminally-minded human could run circles around Equestrian authority, let alone one as skilled as the Black Cat if it’s as you say. I’m hoping you could apprehend Felicia before stories of these incidents can spread. It’s quite unusual. Crime on this scale is almost unheard of in Equestria. We do not want to start a panic. I also fear that everypony would react negatively if they discovered Felicia was a human. Unfortunately, they would associate her with you.”

“That’s the Parker luck, Chuck,” Peter sighed, shrugging his shoulders. “If the sky ever falls, I’m sure I’ll be the one everyone blames.”

Luna pointed a hoof behind Peter. “Based off of evidence we’ve obtained, her trail is leading into Manehattan. If she reaches that city, capturing her might be close to impossible. There’s also damage control and lack thereof. In Canterlot, I can at least cover up incidents and what has been taken before word gets out. However, I will have no such luck with Manehattan. The city is far too populated to simply cover up a number of incidents without raising a few eyebrows, or worse. If I make an appearance, that would garner unwanted attention.”

Peter’s eyes widened. “Okay. I can see how this would be a very big deal.”

“Look at it this way, Peter. Equestria is not prepared for somepony of Black Cat’s caliber,” Luna stated, nodding before giving the stallion a confident smile. “That’s why I know you’re the best one for the job. A professional thief can only be apprehended by a professional hero.”

Peter let out a sigh. “I don’t believe it. This is exactly what got her in trouble on Earth. All right. Set up a perimeter around each road leading to the castle and Manehattan. I want everypony to keep me posted on any strange sightings.” Peter placed a hoof over Luna’s shoulder. “I need a favor. Send a report of all the crimes to the Treebrary. I’m going to look for patterns and see if I can cut Felicia off at the pass. It might take some time, at least a couple of weeks since we don’t have a clue as to what she looks like.”

Luna closed her eyes for a second. “I’m sorry to push this onto you. I know you two have a history. We’ll be forced to arrest Felicia should you capture her.”

A few moments later, Peter sighed again. “I’m a knight of Equestria, remember? I’ll stop her. Black Cat’s long overdue for a reality check.” His voice seemed distant as he answered. Peter stood still, as if contemplating something. “Just do me a favor and don’t tell Twilight about this. I don’t know how she’ll react. They can barely tolerate each other. I’d rather not deal with that.” Flustered, the stallion forced the lump in his throat down with a swallow before tightening the straps on his backpack. “I need to go.”

Luna managed to smile. “I understand. I’ll send all of the information to you later, discreetly. Return home. There is a personal matter you must address. Do not worry. I will do my best to make sure this news does not reach Twilight’s ears.” Her horn glowed momentarily, causing Peter to disappear from sight in a flash of light. Luna sadly stared at the sky, recoiling at the twinge that pulled at her heart. “I truly envy you, Twilight Sparkle,” she whispered before vanishing from the area.

Several hours had passed, the sun retreating behind the horizon. Twilight felt the stallion’s hooves wrap around her and shuddered as he tickled the fur over her belly. “H-Hey. I was just finishing the first chapter of-- Don’t laugh!” she added on, seeing Peter’s smile widen. Twilight turned her head, allowing the stallion to capture her lips in his own. The mare placed her pen to the side and brushed a hoof over her eyes, yawning involuntarily. “I’m so tired.”

Peter grinned, his eyes scrolling through the walls of written text on the scroll. “Wow. You’ve become a regular J.K. Rowling.”

Twilight arched a brow, levitating a book from the shelf over to the stallion’s position. “I think you mean A.K. Yearling?”

Peter stared blankly at the cover, blinking. “Okay. Bizarro.”

The pair shared a small laugh as the princess placed her hoof over the stallion’s. Twilight was officially showing. No matter how awkwardly she maneuvered herself, the young princess was showing the makings of a pregnant belly. It was a tiny bump, but it was a bump nonetheless. Twilight’s smile brightened as Peter rubbed the bump. It was beautiful, something that the mare marveled in daily. Whether it was minutes spent in the morning during her early showers or stolen glances in the midst of her intense writing sessions, Twilight grew enamored with the bundle of joy growing inside of her body.

It weighed a lot on her mind, seeing as she had too much time to think being stuck in the confines of the Treebrary. Just moments ago, Twilight daydreamed over details. Names for the baby always came to mind, but she was currently more interested in learning the baby’s gender, praying there wouldn’t be any complications due to Peter’s biological background or her own transformation at the time. Their first ultrasound appointment was scheduled to take place in a few weeks to ensure the baby was healthy as well as to make sure everything was developing naturally two months later.

Only then would they consider names, despite not knowing the gender of their child until the scheduled ultrasound appointment in three months’ time.

Twilight stifled a giggle. “I think it’s a girl.”

Peter scoffed. “Yeah, right. It’s clearly a boy.”

“How can you tell?” she asked, smiling as their gazes were inches apart.

“Oh, please! I’m never wrong! If I’m wrong, I’ll do anything you want for a whole month!” Peter chuckled and placed a warm kiss over the mare’s cheek, earning a soft giggle for his action.

Twilight smiled mischievously. “Anything?”

Peter’s complexion paled. “Uh... Well, I have bad luck, so a bet probably isn’t…”

Twilight flicked his nose playfully. “Where did all of that confidence go? Should I tell everypony how you backed away from a challenge?”

Sticking his chest out, Peter shook his head and scoffed. “Fine! This will be the one time I’m right! Just you watch!” His expression softened. “Okay. Go ahead and freshen up. There’s somewhere I want to take you.” Helping the mare from her seat, the stallion shared a laugh with his beloved before tapping her flank playfully. “I’ll wait for you outside.”

Feigning mock outrage, Twilight tapped Peter over the forehead softly. "This is a bit sudden. Normally, I would complain, but..." Twilight squealed, nuzzling the tip of her muzzle against Peter's playfully, "I have to get out of this house! What did you have in mind? I’ll go anywhere at this point!"

Peter stuck out his tongue. “It’s a surprise. You may as well call it a date.”

“I’ll try not to take too long then,” she giggled, feeling the temperature in her face rise.

The alicorn scurried out of the room with a bounce in her step, teleporting across the Treebrary before settling herself into the bathroom.

Once the shower began to run, Trixie arched a brow at the stallion. “You sure seem confident. Have you laid out your plan accordingly?”

Peter nodded, reaching down to retrieve his backpack. “Yeah. My plan… is just to wing it. I’m going to show Twilight a good time, and I’ll propose when I feel the time is right.”

Trixie snorted. “So, you’re just going to bumble your way through the day? Honestly, I’d say that’s foolish, but I’ve known you long enough to acknowledge that you’re at your best when you don’t think.”

Twilight appeared in a flash of light by the front door, brushing a hoof through her mane. “Peter! I’m ready!”

Trixie extended a hoof, giving a friendly wink to Peter. “Go steal that mare’s heart.” Peter bumped his hoof against Trixie’s, pulling the mare into a brief embrace before galloping out of the room at full speed. Trixie slowly walked to the door as the pair walked side by side into the distance. “Now that I think about it, there’s no need to steal Twilight Sparkle’s heart.” Trixie’s smile widened as the princess rested the side of her head against Peter’s shoulder. “She gave it to that idiot a long time ago.”


On the outskirts of Winsome Falls, the soft purples and blues of the night’s twilight illuminated the skies above the mountain trail that led to a secluded locale Peter had planned out prior. Peter walked alongside Twilight, leading the princess across the path. A certain brightness glowed from the sparkling waters of the river and the light from the fireflies hovering above the grassy plains. A gentle breeze brushed through the leaves of the trees, causing them to rustle playfully and dance in the wind. The small cluster of clouds above was tinted to a shade of purple, the stars slowly surfacing in the aerial blanket behind the light of the approaching moon.

Twilight leaned her head back and inhaled the cool night air. “Oh, wow!” she giggled, breaking away to trot towards a railing perched above a river. Small traces of water fell over the grass, glistering in the light of the lowering sun and rising moon. Leaning over the railing, she focused her glossy gaze on the swirling stream and tinted sky beyond as Peter took a stance next to her position. Twilight smiled. “It’s beautiful!”

Peter’s face flushed to a shade of crimson. “Yeah. This is my favorite time of the day.” The mare tilted her head to the side before the stallion kissed her cheek gently. “Everytime I look at the twilight sky, I’m always reminded of the most beautiful and important girl in my life. Even now, nothing is as beautiful as you.”

Twilight shook her head, flustered. “Thank you. It’s just like that night we spent together in Winsome Falls.”

“Yeah,” Peter nodded, never losing his smile. He brushed a hoof over his body. “Only differences are that I’m not covered from head-to-toe in third-degree burns, and you have a little bun in the oven. I’d call this a huge improvement over the last time.”

Twilight smiled warmly, looking down at the river before giving the stallion a devilish grin. “I’d have to agree. You can’t throw me in the water this time either.”

Waving his hoof dismissively, Peter chuckled nervously. “It was just my way of saying ‘I love you’. You can’t fault me for that.” Twilight exhaled, nudging the stallion playfully before resting the side of her head against his shoulder. Peter felt his fur tingle against the mare’s silky mane. Her sweet scent filled his senses. Peter reached down, taking Twilight’s hoof into his own. Raising his head, the stallion inhaled deeply in a vain attempt to settle his rapidly-beating heart. “Twilight. There’s a reason I brought you here.”

Twilight eyed Peter curiously. “What is it? You’ve been acting weird since we got here.”

The stallion opened his mouth and readied himself to speak, but despite his mental preparation even the simple task of breathing proved too difficult for him to overcome, causing raspy breaths to escape rather than coherent words. Peter bit down on his lip. It was surreal. He was Spider-Man, the hero that didn’t know how to shut up. He even once said that the Green Goblin carried around a fancy purse to his face. Peter shook his head, releasing a frustrated groan. He was the guy who had the gall to insult the Kingpin with an array of fat jokes for ten minutes straight without a hint of hesitation, yet Peter found himself completely terrified to utter a simple, heartfelt phrase to a socially-awkward librarian.

Honestly, he felt rather pathetic.

“Why do I get like this around you?” he asked, scratching the back of his head. Peter placed a hoof over Twilight’s cheek, leaning over until his forehead rested against hers. His hazel eyes bore into the violet irises of the mare in front of him, and their horns lightly brushed against each other, causing the mare to shudder involuntarily in pleasure.

‘Just tell her!’ His mind screamed out at himself, only to find his lips tremble and continue to fumble the words in his heart. Twilight gave the stallion a gentle peck, which was all the reassurance he needed in that moment. “I can’t do any of this without you. I’ve known this for a while now. I love you, Twilight. I mean, you have no idea just how much I love you! I want to be with you, be close to you. I never want to have to leave your side. I-I want to… I, I would like to...”

“Peter…” Twilight called out gently, her voice seeming to hang in silence for eons before she brushed her hoof affectionately against the stallion’s cheek. Curiosity and anticipation welled inside the mare, she yearned to hear her lover’s next words. Twilight’s eyes bashfully darted about, shimmering in the moonlight as her cheeks flushed a glowing shade of pink. “You want to... what? You can tell me, Peter... what is it?”

In the silent air, Peter managed a small smile. Breaking away, the stallion took a step back and retrieved a small box. Holding the container closely, the inside of his chest tightened and burned, but he lowered into a kneeling position before finally revealing the ruby to the mare.

Peter chuckled nervously. “Oh man. I’m coming off as a total dweeb here, but…”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she threw her hooves over her mouth to hush a silent gasp as the stallion’s odd behavior finally added up. Tears began to swell in her eyes, and her mind raced into a jumbled flurry of thoughts as a surge of emotions ignited within Twilight. Her chest hurt, yet it wasn’t pain she felt, but an insurmountable amount of happiness.

The stallion’s tension eased at his mare’s elated reaction, making his next words all the more easy to say. “Princess Twilight Sparkle… will you marry me?”

Twilight stood frozen in place, unable to speak or free her gaze from the dazzling ruby necklace the stallion was holding out to her. She knew their lives were intertwined the moment Peter was brought to Equestria, but never in her wildest dreams could she have foreseen just how much things would change. Peter had become the father of her child as well as her knight, prince, hero, and best friend.

A sudden gust of wind whipped her mane about, and after what felt like an eternity, the princess finally managed a weak nod.

Peter was silent for a moment before he eventually smiled. “So... is that a yes?”

Unable to contain her excitement for a moment longer, the mare leapt forward, catching her prince in a tight embrace. Peter practically beamed as his princess nearly toppled him over, her momentum threatening to tackle him to the ground. Yielding to her spiraling emotions, Twilight pressed her mouth against the stallion’s and drank him in, her glee giving way to wondrous passion. The mare quickly pulled back from the embrace, sharing a warm smile with her lover.

“And yes. That’s a yes,” Twilight cooed, staring lovingly into her lover’s gaze.

Allowing herself to be pushed onto her back, the mare let out a small giggle as Peter’s hoof caressed the mare’s bump. Leaning forward, the stallion pressed his lips firmly against Twilight’s, forcing her mouth open so that his tongue could find its way in. The mare moaned contently, wrapping her hooves tightly around Peter’s neck so that they wouldn’t part. Unfortunately, like all living things, their need for oxygen eventually became too great, forcing both ponies to cease their kiss with a series of pants.

They refused to relinquish their passionate hold on one another, tightening their embrace even further. After several long seconds in each other’s hooves, Peter reached to the side and retrieved the ruby, pulling away slightly to slide the necklace over his mare’s ears and head before settling it below her chin.

Twilight cupped the gem gently in her hooves before resting the side of her head against Peter’s chest, and took in a shuddered breath. “Please don’t ever let me go, Peter.”

He chuckled, gripping the mare possessively. “Don’t worry, I’ll be keeping that promise.”

“Good,” she cooed, pulling his body closer to her own. “Because I’m never letting you go either.”