• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 15,698 Views, 648 Comments

Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months - Maximus_Reborn

Sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane. Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle prepare to tackle parenthood.

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Fifth Month: Dinner Date Cravings

Chapter Five “Month Five: Dinner Date Cravings”

Twilight hummed a light tune as she rested on her side, sharing a glance with Peter while the doctor’s magic enveloped her stomach. Trixie leaned against the wall on the other side of the room, tapping a hoof against the floor. At Peter’s request to help the princess, today’s ultrasound was being performed in the Treebrary. The doctor’s horn ceased its glow, prompting the magic surrounding Twilight’s pregnant belly to dissipate.

A small projection materialized near the princess, revealing the baby pegasus she was carrying. The fetus had grown considerably, resembling a tiny equine, but it was still so small, fragile to the outside world. The doctor stepped in front of the image with a clipboard before writing via telekinesis, shielding the view of the baby from its parents.

“You know it’s a boy,” Peter declared, sliding his hooves under Twilight’s body before lifting her back to a standing position.

Twilight bit down on her lip, stifling her laughter. “You couldn’t be more wrong. We both know it’s a girl.” A dark glint sparkled in the mare’s violet gaze as a devilish grin formed on her features. “Don’t think I forgot about our bargain. If our baby is a girl, you have to do whatever I say for a month.”

Peter scratched the back of his head, dismayed. “I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t even have remembered that bet if you weren’t mad at me.”

Twilight released a harsh scoff, turning her back to the stallion. “You’re not completely wrong. It’s not like you can lie your way out of it.”

Sighing inwardly, Peter could only cringe at the mare’s emphasis. This type of initial reaction had become a normal occurrence over the past couple of weeks from his fiance. Twilight had grown quite temperamental ever since Peter returned from Manehattan, despite the alicorn’s numerous declarations that she had forgiven him. It was to be expected. He outright lied to her face and was gone for nearly a month. To forgive and forget was asking a lot.

Peter accepted it, knowing Twilight’s hormones were playing a factor in her vivid frustration with him. He only prayed that this would cease much sooner than later. With the holidays taking place next month, he didn’t want to deal with an Equestrian Grinch. The stallion furrowed his brow at a thought. Truth be told, he was much more content with Twilight being openly angry with him than dealing with the silent treatment for a painfully long duration. Peter glanced at his saddlebag, pursing his lip at something concealed inside. It was fortunate the stallion had a means to diminish his fiance’s frustration with him.

Trixie cleared her throat, ending the uncomfortable silence that filled the room. “I’ve withheld my opinion for quite some time now. You must step away from this bargain, Parker. I have a distinct feeling that the baby is a girl.”

Peter tilted his head to the side. “What makes you say that?”

“Mare’s intuition,” Trixie declared, earning an affirming nod from Twilight and a dismayed expression from Peter. The unicorn’s lips curled into a coy smile. “The Treebrary could use a good thorough cleaning. My suggestion, Twilight? Have your future husband clean it for a month while wearing a maid’s outfit.”

Peter blankly stared at Trixie, grumbling, “I always knew you had a fetish. Though I hardly think I’m ‘trap’ material-- Ow!”

Trixie frowned and huffed, her cheeks blooming a bright scarlet while she rubbed the aches from her hoof after striking the back of the stallion’s head. “He can even make us breakfast every morning.”

Slack-jawed, Peter shook his head. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Time-out! Are you nuts?! You’re not even in this!” The stallion paused, sighing once the usually-stoic mare smiled. “You’ve been thinking about this for a while now.”

Twilight smirked. “I think that’s a great idea. Nightmare Night is just around the corner. Maybe we can have Peter go out in the outfit, too?”

Peter’s eyes shot open, his complexion paling further. “You two must have planned this out. And they say girls aren’t perverted? Yeah, right.”

Trixie leaned closer until she was inches from the stallion, arching a brow and smiling smugly. “It sounds to me like somepony’s having doubts. I never took Equestria’s great hero for a coward.”

Snorting involuntarily, Peter waved his hoof dismissively and laughed uproariously. “Yeah? Ha! If it’s a girl, I’ll even wear eyeliner and a short skirt! But keep dreaming, ladies! The baby’s a boy. I have no doubt about it, and if I’m wrong, let me be struck by--”

The doctor stepped forward, chuckling. “It’s a girl.”

“--Parker luck. Oh God,” Peter blurted out, lowering his head while Trixie and Twilight high-hoofed at his expense.

“Alright! Maid cleaning and breakfast for a month!” Twilight cheered.

Trixie grinned, oblivious to her face’s rising temperature. “Do not worry, Peter. I will buy you the cutest uniform.”

Peter shook his head. “I’m being used as fetish fuel. What the heck am I doing with my life?”

Coughing to compose herself, Trixie waved a hoof dismissively at the stallion. “Don’t forget. You brought this on yourself.”

Twilight nodded, snickering. “She’s right, Peter. Your mouth always gets you into trouble. If there’s any consolation, I think you’ll look adorable in a maid’s uniform.” She patted his head assuringly before kissing his cheek playfully. “It’s only a month.”

“Don’t try to console me,” Peter weakly whimpered, earning collective laughter from every mare in the room. Despite his defeat, the stallion managed a smile as he glanced at the information on the clipboard that the doctor extended to him. Twilight sobered, standing by Peter’s side while they read the file together. “A little girl, huh?” he chuckled softly, arching a brow at the alicorn. “I’m not sure I’m qualified to raise a daughter.”

“You’ll have help,” Twilight whispered, earning a small hug from the stallion. The mare inhaled sharply, managing a smile as Peter squeezed her firmly yet gently.

Peter grinned. “A daughter. I’ll need your help the entire way, Twi.”

Upon parting, Twilight lowered her head to the doctor out of respect. “Thank you so much.”

The mare returned the alicorn’s gesture with an earnest smile. “It’s my honor, Your Highness. We have another appointment set for next month. I’ll see you again then.” The doctor turned her gaze to Peter before placing a hoof over her mouth to stifle her laughter. “I hope you find an outfit that fits, Sir Parker.”

“I just hope I don’t have to wear it outside,” Peter grimaced, waving the doctor off as she quietly exited the Treebrary. The stallion walked behind the pair of mares, pausing to retrieve a small slip from his saddlebag. “Hey, uh… Twilight?”

Twilight stopped in her tracks, shooting the stallion a widened glossy gaze. “What is it?”

It was just a tiny hint of frustration the mare bore before the appointment, but Peter felt it in full, evident by his nervous laughter. The Juggernaut never scared him this much, yet a tiny disgruntled librarian managed to do so constantly. However, his bad luck seemed to have lightened Twilight’s mood considerably. He had to make the most of this opportunity.

Peter inhaled deeply. “Look. I know you’re still mad at me, but I thought you could let me make it up to you with a dinner date tonight.” He extended the invitation to the alicorn. “How does the Rose Diner sound?”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “The Rose Diner? In Manehattan? Peter, that’s one of the fanciest restaurants in Equestria! You didn’t have to do that. I’m flattered… Really!” She shook her head. “Are you sure? I would love to go, but I’m not really fit to go...”

“She clearly wants to go,” Trixie intervened, stepping between the prince and princess before retrieving the invitation from Peter’s grasp. “I will make certain Twilight Sparkle is ready by tonight.” After reading through the invitation, Trixie waved her hoof and shooed away the stallion. “You make certain you pick up your fiance on time, and please make yourself halfway presentable. For a prince, you come off as a total slob. Clean yourself up, Parker.” Twilight whined in protest, but Trixie ignored her pleas and shoved Peter out of the door. “Seven o’clock, Parker. She’ll see you then.”

Peter could only blink as the door closed, but a small smile formed on the stallion’s face once they were out of hearing range. “That girl really has a twisted way of helping someone. Oh, well. Beggars can’t be choosers. I’d better go get myself groomed up first.” A chill brushed through the stallion’s coat, prompting Peter to clutch at his body. Light snow danced in the breeze, covering the village in a small white blanket. Peter shivered involuntarily. “Hey! Can I at least get a coat?! It’s freezing out here!”

Trixie’s scoff was heard from the outside, as well as the door’s lock. “You’ll live.”

Peter stared blankly at the door. “You can be a real jerk, you know that?” Brushing a hoof through his unkempt mane as its strands nearly touched his shoulders, he trotted in the opposite direction the girls went. “I just hope Fluttershy and Rarity are in the neighborhood.”

Back within the Treebrary, Twilight sat in the living room with her hooves crossed and lips poked out in a pout as Trixie rummaged through her room. “Why did you do that?”

Trixie scoffed. “Because it would be foolish for you to deny your fiance the opportunity to spoil you.” Twilight rolled her eyes in response and glanced off to the side. Trixie levitated a comb and a basket of mane curls next to the alicorn’s seat before sighing. “I think it would be wonderful for you two. You and Parker are Equestria’s premier couple. It wouldn’t hurt you to make an appearance together every now and then.” Trixie smirked. “I’ve also heard that the Rose Diner is one of Equestria’s finest eating establishments with a full-service buffet.”

Before Twilight could respond, her stomach growled in protest, and the alicorn’s face flushed to a shade of pink. The baby was becoming quite insatiable, demanding a meal more often than not. She clearly had her father’s appetite, judging by how often Twilight felt empty even after ingesting a full-course meal. It didn’t bother Twilight, not initially. She was eating for two, but an unexpected development had surfaced in regards to her cravings.

Twilight glanced off to the side, her ears dropping into her mane. She couldn’t talk to Trixie about it. Peter was really the only one who would understand without judging her. Twilight growled under her breath, unable to ignore the unsettling irritation that simmered whenever that idiot’s name surfaced. Pursing her lips before releasing a scoff, the alicorn tapped her hoof against the floor impatiently. Trixie had a point. A dinner date would be lovely, and it was a chance to have a moment with her fiance.

“Fine,” Twilight groaned, her exasperation evident in defeat.

Trixie positioned herself behind Twilight, running the comb through her violet silky mane. “You know, I've been curious for a while now. Just what sorts of food did you eat as a human? If I am not mistaken I recall you mentioning that they are omnivorous. That makes for quite a wide pallette.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she inhaled deeply, stifling a gasp. “S-Sort of. They eat fruits, vegetables, snacks, pasta, and… meats.” The latter of the statement was barely audible, delivered through a whisper.

Trixie’s ears perked, but the mare simply shrugged, her expression remaining stoic. “I see. It sounds as if they eat meats outside of fish.”

Twilight arched a brow. “You don’t sound too shocked… or disgusted.”

Trixie placed the comb down before retrieving several mane curlers from the basket. “Peter never struck me as a savage nor have you. I can safely assume the only animals you’ve eaten were non-sentient.” Her horn glowed, stretching out several strands of Twilight’s mane before setting each one into an individual curler. Trixie stood and walked across the room until she reached the closet. As the unicorn retrieved a pink dress belonging to the princess, she furrowed her brow. “Although I must ask whatever made you try it? If it was for the sake of science, you’re far more unusual than I anticipated.”

Twilight waved her hooves defensively. “No! Of course not! I really didn’t have a choice! Peter told me that the human body requires all of the essential nutrients to function properly. I managed to suffice just fine by sticking to my normal diet, but things slowly started to decline. You have no idea how many battles we endured, Trixie.” The alicorn shook her head after placing a hoof over her eyes. “I put so much stress on my body that I started to shut down.”

“Food is fuel for the body. That much I understand,” Trixie coolly retorted, using her magic to iron out the wrinkles from the dress. “Is that when it happened?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. Peter ordered a pizza, but there was a mix up with the delivery. We were supposed to have pineapples, but they gave us a meat-lover’s special. That’s a pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and ham for toppings!”

Trixie frowned. “I don’t follow.”

“It’s made from pigs!” Twilight blurted out, resisting the urge to pull at her mane. After a few moments, the mare inhaled deeply and let out a sigh. “Peter went out to get a fresh pizza while I told him I would give the old one to Spike. I don’t know what came over me. I was so hungry, and it smelled so good. I told myself one slice wouldn’t hurt. Peter would never know that I ate parts of a pig.”

Trixie shrugged. “If it’s part of the human diet, you can’t really blame yourself for eating it.”

Twilight groaned at the top of her lungs. “No! What’s worse is that I actually liked it! I ate half of the pizza before I gave it to Spike! I had to lie to Peter that I lost my appetite when he brought the other pizza back!”

Snorting, Trixie brought a hoof over her mouth. “How ironic. And here you just gave him the silent treatment for a week for lying.” Waving her hoof dismissively, Trixie turned her violet gaze back to the dress. “I digress. Just what would you have done if humans were purely carnivorous? Would you have starved yourself based on your moral values of your diet as a pony?”

Twilight’s eyes fell to the ground. “Uh… Well, I, um...” she trailed off, unsure exactly how to respond.

Trixie huffed, shaking her head with a smile. “I honestly couldn’t blame you. If I were forced into the same situation, I would have lost my composure from the start. You were an entirely different species and did what you had to in order to survive. Besides, it’s not as if you decided what your body needed. That’s how life is for all. We eat what we have to, breathe, survive, and carry on. That’s all there is to it.”

Twilight stared at the unicorn, blinking before bewilderment settled in. “Wow. I had no idea you could be so philosophical.”

Trixie cringed, scoffing. “I’m not. It’s called common sense, something you and your fiance lack substantially. I can only hope that your daughter will be a bit more level-headed, but that’s wishful thinking considering how dim-witted her parents are… The idiot and the air-head. How you two became royalty baffles me.”

Twilight deadpanned. “And there’s the Trixie we all know and love...” she stated sarcastically. Trixie beamed the princess a satisfied smile before returning her attention to the dress. Twilight glanced at her pregnant bump. “Still. It’s the baby. It’s what she wants right now. What am I supposed to do, Trixie?”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Care to elaborate?”

“She wants meat! I want meat!” the princess cried out almost hysterically. “I hate the idea of eating meat right now, but I want it so bad!”

Chuckling, Trixie pursed her lips together. “Well, I suppose that is a problem, now isn’t it? Why not just eat fish?”

Twilight shook her head. “Trust me. I did, but she wants pepperoni again! The baby is being really persistent about it.”

Trixie sighed. “Well, considering her parents are notoriously stubborn, it doesn’t surprise me. However it’s not like you can just go out and start eating meat now that you’ve returned to being a pony. You thought your image was damaged now? Ha! I could just see the headlines.”

Groaning, Twilight covered her face with both forehooves. “I know! I know! But that doesn’t just stop the fact that it’s what my body is craving right now. It was just a one-time experience!”

“Unfortunately, that is the downside to having experienced eating something new. You can only crave what you know and have tasted, even if it was only once,” Trixie pointed out, never freeing her gaze from the dress as her magic continued to iron out its wrinkles. “So, you’ll just have to endure it until the craving passes.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, whining under her breath. “This is all Peter’s fault.”

Trixie scoffed. “Nice try, but that idiot isn’t the one who ate the ‘meat lover’s’ pizza.”

Twilight growled, staring at the unicorn with exasperation. “I almost want to hate you, too.”

“Well, be sure to take a number. It’s a rather lengthy line,” Trixie said with a small smirk.

Twilight let out a groan in utter defeat. “Ugh! Never mind...”

Trixie furrowed her brow, as if deep in thought, but she managed to smile earnestly. “I’m only kidding, Twilight.”

The princess let out a soft sigh, returning the unicorn’s smile. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s…”

“The hormones. Trust me. I understand,” Trixie murmured, chuckling softly. “It’s nothing to concern yourself with. Your biology is that of a pony. You simply must remind the baby of such and give her suitable substitutes until she’s satisfied. When you reach the Rose Diner, eat to your heart’s content and tell Peter about this. If there’s anypony that would fully understand your dietary situation, it’s your future husband.”

Twilight was slow to respond as a humourless smile graced her features. “Thank you, Trixie… again. I feel like I can talk with you about anything. It’s really great that you’re here with us.”

Trixie’s eyes softened at the alicorn’s words. She felt her breathing grow shallow momentarily before her nerves settled. “Whatever. You two must really start taking care of yourselves. I will not always be around to hold your hooves,” she harshly declared, choking back a cough. A few wrinkles remained in the dress, prompting the unicorn to intensify her focus into the spell. “I am nearly finished with your dress. Maybe you should take a moment to plan another passage for your book, Twilight Sparkle? Perhaps about human diet?”

Twilight blinked, smiling as her mind registered Trixie’s suggestion. “Good idea!” She turned to the side, levitating her scroll and quill from across the room until both were placed directly under her position. “Now… Let’s see.”


The human diet.

It’s surprisingly diverse. As omnivores, none of the races on Equestria can ingest as many different foods as a human being could. In fact, it is required for the average human to eat many essential nutrients to maintain a healthy diet: dairy products, pasta, fruit, sweets, vegetables, and meats. Should a person eat too much of a food group and ignore others for a duration, their body would begin to shut down in some efficiency.

The vegetarian aspect of the human diet is quite different than our own, preferring actual vegetables over grasses and flowers. While capable of consuming grass and flower, humans generally find a great disgust in their flavor.

On the other hoof, the carnivorous side of the human diet is surprisingly similar to that of a griffon’s. The meats they consume come from animals that are non-sentient. The humans I had a pleasure to speak with on the matter reassured me that they only eat meats in order to survive, thrive, and move on. Another interesting fact I learned was that a good number of humans are very opposed to the slaughter of certain animals, especially when it comes to food.

An important part of the human diet is a balance between meats and vegetables. Those who eat more vegetables are more frail and prone to succumb to illnesses, but they tend to live longer. In contrast, those who eat more meats tend to have more strength and vitality but shorter life spans. Those that ingest more fruits achieve a fair number of vitamins, but this would eventually upset the delicate acid and alkaline balance in their system and become ill.

We are no different in this aspect when it comes to a healthy balance of fruits, vegetables, grasses and flowers, although our digestive systems are not nearly as diverse. Humans are by no means savages. Balance is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. They have acquired tastes and will act accordingly in order to satisfy their individual desires and needs.

Needless to say, their options are vast when compared to a pony’s.


Peter sat with a blank stare in the middle of the living room while Rarity hummed a light tune, levitating a cloth around the stallion’s neck. Before he could respond, the fashionista used her magic to stretch out several strands of his unkempt mane before snipping each away with a pair of scissors. Rarity’s smile was wide with her teeth baring, matching that of a maniacal grin. Peter watched strands of his mane fall to the floor, each reminiscent to snow dancing in a graceful descent. The scissors snipped in rapid succession, sounding like shots from a turret.

“You’re enjoying this way too much, Rarity,” Peter said, shivering involuntarily as a cold cloth fell over his head.

Rarity rubbed her hooves over the stallion’s cranium, massaging his fur before removing the cloth. “Oh, but of course I am! You see, darling, I’ve been wanting to have a go at this shaggy mane of yours for quite some time now. You really shouldn’t let your mane grow out to such a length.” She dropped a steaming, hot towel over the stallion’s head that same moment. “Remember, you’re not a mere common pony anymore. You’re a prince! And you should present yourself as such!”

Peter rolled his eyes. “You’re reminding me too much of Trixie. Maybe your standards are too high?”

“Not at all. And don’t forget that I’m the one designing your maid’s uniform. Keep it up, and I swear I will make it pink, and with extra frills, Peter! ” Rarity chipped, walking around until she stood directly in front of the stallion and removed the cloth.

Peter stared blankly at the unicorn. “Oh, geez. Is that your fetish, too? What is it with mares and traps?”

“Oh, shush,” Rarity moaned, slapping Peter with the towel in her magic. “Now, hold still so that I can get a good look at you.”

Rarity examined the stallion closely before leaning in, her royal blue gaze just inches away from his hazel irises. With a nod of satisfaction, the mare giggled, feeling the temperature in her face rise. “I am constantly reminded as to why I’m jealous of Twilight,” she said as she picked up a comb via telekinesis and slid it through the stallion’s wet mane. “You’re quite handsome, even if you are a bit unrefined.”

Peter’s face flushed as he glanced off to the side, avoiding Rarity’s beauty. “I thought that was part of my charm. After all, Twilight’s marrying me for it.”

Rarity shook her head, giggling softly. “Oh, but it is! And Twilight is just as unrefined as you are, dear. It’s only natural that you two love each other so much.” The corner of her lips curled into a smile before she glanced off to the side. “Fluttershy? Do be a doll and finish up here while I prepare Peter’s suit, would you?”

Fluttershy scurried into the room, weakly nodding before taking the unicorn’s place. “Um… sure, Rarity.” The pegasus hesitantly took hold of one of Peter’s hooves, inhaling sharply before grooming its tip. She brushed the cloth over the stallion until it left a shine. “So, um... how have you been, Peter?” she whispered, turning her attention to his other hoof.

“Pretty good. You look great,” Peter grinned, earning a small smile from the pegasus.

Once his hoof had been cleaned, Fluttershy removed the towel from around his neck and brushed a hoof through her mane. “T-Thank you,” she giggled, beaming at the stallion’s compliment. She met his gaze, unable to follow with a response. His mane was slicked back, one long strand resting over his forehead. It was shorter, well-groomed compared to its usual style. Fluttershy placed a hoof over her gaping mouth, unaware of the pink glow in her cheeks. “You, um... look very handsome with your mane cut...”

Entirely oblivious, Peter patted Fluttershy over the shoulder, unknowingly putting pressure on her already strained wings. “Thanks, Shy!” he grinned as Rarity walked into the room with a black suit in her magical grasp. The stallion retrieved the clothing and tossed it over his shoulder, not before hugging the unicorn tightly. “You girls are life-savers! I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he chuckled, parting from the blushing mare. He waved the pair off before venturing outside. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I can’t be late. If I’m late, Twilight will kill me! See you girls later!”

As the door closed, Fluttershy timidly turned to the flustered unicorn, allowing her stiff wings to rise freely after holding them down for what felt like an eternity. “H-he sure cleans up nicely... doesn't he?”

Rarity took a deep breath, composing herself. “My sentiments exactly, darling…”

Twilight fidgeted in her seat, glancing off to the side. The mare brushed a hoof through her curled locks before she adjusted the two most important pieces of jewelry in her life on her body. As a princess going to a formal setting, it seemed appropriate to wear her crown, its golden design and pink star-shaped gem matching her dress, but what mattered more was her ruby engagement necklace, its crimson exterior sparkling even in the night.

Twilight brushed a hoof over her crown’s smooth surface. “Trixie, are you sure I should wear my crown? It’s only a dinner date.”

Trixie scoffed, downing a cup of tea in her magical grasp before placing it down over the nearest dresser. “Oh, please! You must learn to dive into your ambitious side more often. You’re a princess. Remind everypony of your greatness. I certainly would revel in the opportunity.”

“Of course you would. You’re a certified narcissist.” Twilight exhaled, rolling her eyes before she glanced at the door. “I hope nothing’s come up,” the alicorn whispered, brushing a hoof over her ruby necklace.

Trixie paced across the room, alternating her gaze between the clock and the front door. “Surely not. I expect that idiot to come at any--” A soft set of knocks were heard behind the door. Trixie scoffed in response. “See? His sense of timing is decent when the mood suits him.” After a few moments, Trixie stared blankly at Twilight and waved her hoof suggestively. “What are you waiting for? You’re the one he’s taking out to dinner. Wouldn’t it be awkward if I answered?”

Twilight giggled sheepishly a she clumsily stepped from her seat. “Oh. You’re right. I’m sorry.”

As the princess skipped to the door, Trixie muttered under her breath, “You’re both as dense as rocks. How do you two function?” She shook her head while Twilight brushed the wrinkles out of her dress. A knowing smile formed on Trixie’s face. “Ah, that’s right. You made the first move. You’ve been quite aware of your feelings since the start. I guess it’s my job to make sure you two don’t squander what you have. I really shouldn’t care, but...” Her eyes softened before the mare shrugged. “Consider yourself lucky.”

Twilight opened the door eventually, but all the nerves in her body dissipated at the sight that awaited her. A carriage was parked perfectly outside of the Treebrary in the light snow, with a pair of stallions waiting patiently in tow while shivering, yet her violet gaze couldn’t leave the unicorn standing at the doorstep. Peter’s mane was considerably shorter, combed back neatly. The stallion’s black jacket hugged his body perfectly enough to allow easy movement as well as show his athletic figure.

Peter bowed his head out of respect, kneeling before the princess. “My lady. You look perfect,” he whispered, taking her hoof in his before kissing it gently. Peter turned around, retrieving a bundle of roses from inside the carriage. He chuckled sheepishly. “I hope you like these.”

Twilight's gaze was purely centered on him, but judging from the distant stare in her violet irises, combined with her partly-opened mouth, it was clear the mare was blissfully unaware of her own staring. Soft chuckles escaped from the stallion. Pushing that thought to the back of his nagging mind, Peter waved his hoof across Twilight's face, awaiting any reaction of the sort. After a moment, Twilight gasped aloud and shook her head madly. Her entire face turned beet red.

Thankfully, Twilight recollected her senses and placed her hoof over her mouth to clear her throat. Sadly, her execution was sloppy, quite evident by the persistent blush that refused to leave her cheeks and the flushed expression in her eyes.

'His shoulders are so broad...' her mind whispered, drifting into a flutter. The inside of her chest grew hot. Against her will, Twilight's lips curled into a smile. Her heart threatened to leap out of her chest. It was reminiscent to the days before she realized her feelings for the stallion that would eventually propose to her. Twilight brushed a hoof through her mane, fluttering her eyes at Peter. “You look... Wow…”

Peter placed the roses down by the dresser near the door before scooping Twilight into his forelegs bridal style. “We can’t let your beautiful dress get wet, can we?”

The alicorn let out a surprised squeak, but she managed to respond, wrapping her hooves around the stallion’s neck. Peter captured her mouth in his, holding that position until oxygen was needed on both of their parts. Twilight playfully bopped the tip of her nose against the stallion’s and giggled softly. Her excitement had not diminished in the slightest, yet she was perfectly content, longing to embrace this giddiness that begged to consume her very essence.

Trixie cut in between the two, smiling at the stallion smugly. “Congratulations, Parker. You don’t look like a slob for once.” The unicorn waved the pair off. “Go have your fun, children. I won’t be waiting.”

Peter chuckled, turning sharply on his hoof with Twilight in his grasp. “Good idea.” The knight stepped in front of the carriage, carefully entering with his fiance before closing the door. The stallions shared a nod, trotting off with the carriage in tow.

Trixie scoffed, a look of exasperation on her face. “Just why do I care about those two so much anyways?”

The front door to the Rose Diner opened, with Prince Peter Parker holding it for a very pregnant Princess Twilight Sparkle. Nearby spectators stared in awe at the young couple. The prince wore a black suit accompanied with a crimson tie, and his fur emitted a certain gleam as did his trimmed mane.

The stallion stood with confidence, allowing Princess Twilight to rest the side of her head against his shoulder while he held her hoof with a warm smile. They walked with practiced grace, matching her knight’s steps accordingly with perfect flow. A crisp flowery scent exuded from the mare’s curled locks, filling Peter’s senses. A light sparkled from the corner of Twilight’s glossy irises, the golden crown on her head, and the ruby necklace under her chin, enamoring those within her line of sight.

For the first time since the coronation, with Prince Parker’s grace and Princess Twilight’s beauty, the young couple, together, finally resembled royalty.

“Excuse me, Sir and Madam,” a stallion waiter politely called out among a sea of others. He bowed his head out of respect. “How may we serve you this fair night?”

Peter waved off the crowd of waiters, chuckling. “It’s okay, guys. I want to serve the lady myself.”

Each waiter shared a hesitant glance, but they eventually nodded before departing. “Very well, Sir. Enjoy your stay.”

They reached a reserved table at the center of the diner, its lit candles placed carefully next to a menu. Peter slid out a chair, earning an appreciative nod from his princess before she accepted the gesture. Twilight pulled the lower half of her bright pink dress as she wiggled herself carefully into the chair. The alicorn inhaled sharply as her knight planted a soft kiss on her cheek, caring nothing for the outside world. She smiled brightly as her cheeks bloomed. Her knight was whisking his princess away, and she didn’t want it to stop.

Peter lifted his chair and placed it next to Twilight’s before taking a seat, the couple sharing a smile until finally settling into their positions.

“You look beautiful,” Peter whispered, his hazel gaze inches from Twilight’s violet irises.

Twilight couldn’t contain her smile, giving the stallion an embarrassed wink. “Thank you. You’re very handsome yourself.”

Her gaze settled on her bump. Even with a dress, the entire world could see that she was pregnant, and very much so. A small insecurity surfaced, forcing the alicorn to look toward the ground shamefully. Twilight’s eyes shot open as something warm took hold of her hoof. She peeked up to find a wide smile on Peter’s face, but more notably to the princess, there was a rose tint glowing in the stallion’s cheeks. In the span of a second, Twilight was reminded of the feelings she harbored for her fiance. Twilight’s face burned as a sense of giddiness took hold.

Unfortunately, her stomach growled in protest before she could revel in that blissful feeling. Twilight whined. “By the stars… not again.”

Peter chuckled, extending a dinner menu to Twilight. “Somepony’s hungry.”

“She’s always hungry,” Twilight deadpanned, managing a sweet smile in spite of her embarrassment.

Peter placed a hoof over Twilight’s shoulder. “I aim to please, babe. Just tell me what you have a taste for, and I’ll get it for from the buffet.”

Twilight’s eyes softened at her fiance’s words. “Well, okay…” she hesitantly replied before sniffing the air. Many scents filled the vicinity, but only two aromas fueled Twilight’s appetite. “I want… something greasy, and can you also find something sweet?” she whispered, biting down on her lip. Peter simply nodded, turning to depart momentarily, but before he could leave, Twilight reached out and took hold of his hoof. “When you get back... we need to talk.”

Several minutes passed while Peter searched through the buffet. Some spectators took the moment to chat with the princess, much to her embarrassment. Twilight giggled sheepishly, failing to remember she was a celebrity, but she realized that some were praising her fiance’s actions against the Black Cat. Fortunately, the alicorn didn’t have to wait for long. The diner’s buffet had something along the lines of what Princess Twilight Sparkle desired.

The dish itself was sloppily prepared, and considering how polarizing the contents were, Twilight couldn’t hold Peter accountable for the job he had done. A freshly prepared stack of hay fries sat alongside a bowl of strawberry ice cream. Many of the nearby spectators watched the prince deliver the unusual dish to the alicorn with expressions of horror, while a few mares instead exchanged knowing smiles. It was certainly not a dish fit for a princess, but it was perfect for a pregnant mare.

The horrified spectators’ expressions turned to befuddlement when Twilight happily squealed, clapping her hooves. She kissed the stallion’s cheek affectionately before digging a spoon into her ice cream. Twilight sighed contently as the sweet treat melted in her mouth, and she quickly devoured a few hay fries, finding equal pleasure in their consumption. The couple enjoyed their small talk before eating, exercising hushed caution once Twilight explained her dilemma. After a moment’s pause, Peter snorted involuntarily and burst into small laughter, waving his hooves submissively the moment he felt the alicorn’s glare bore into him.

“It’s not funny!” Twilight whined, chewing on a hay fry lathered in ice cream.

Peter shook his head, chuckling in between breaths. “I’m sorry, but it is sort of funny. You should have told me that you ate some of that pizza. There’s nothing to be ashamed about.” The stallion took one of the mare’s fries and dipped it in the bowl of ice cream before tossing the treat into his mouth. Peter smirked as he chewed. “That’s actually pretty good. What’s next? Peaches and peanut butter?”

Twilight frowned. “What if the cravings continue?”

“Then, we teach the baby that Mommy can’t feed her that. She’s thinking like a human. You just have to remind her that ponies can’t eat that,” Peter suggested, sliding a bowl of onion soup closer to the mare. He dipped a spoon into the savory substance before holding it near his fiance’s mouth. Twilight sipped the soup until it was gone. The princess sighed contently and gave the stallion an earnest smile. Peter’s ears perked as he mirrored Twilight’s action. “How was that?”

Twilight giggled, licking her lips. “I think it worked.”

“How can you tell?” Peter questioned, arching a brow.

Twilight’s smile brightened, matching the gleam of the moon’s light. She placed her hooves over her bump. “She stopped kicking.”

Peter’s eyes widened at the statement, his lips subconsciously curling into a wide smile. “R-Really?” he blurted out through a nervous chuckle, earning an affirming nod and giggle from the alicorn. He placed a hoof over her own. “Can you believe we’re already halfway there?”

Twilight nodded, stifling a giggle as Peter tickled the back of her hoof. “It’s almost unreal how fast time is flying. We’ll have to start organizing the Treebrary soon. Of course, that’ll be after we go shopping for our… daughter.”

Her voice trailed off into a whisper as a thought centered on her mind. Brushing the lone pink strand in her violet mane behind her ear, Twilight placed a hoof over her bump before sharing a warm gaze with the stallion. “Peter, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of naming our daughter? It’s tradition for the father to name the first child, but not only that... I want to thank you for loving me as much as you always do. So I want the stallion I love so much to be the one to name our child.”

Taken aback, Peter stared at the mare. “Wow. You really mean that? It’d be an honor.” He paused, shooting the mare a coy grin as his face burned. “First child? You already want to have another?” Twilight’s face flashed to a shade of crimson. Peter chuckled, pausing to playfully tap the mare’s nose with a hoof. “All right. I’ll do it, but only if you name our second child. Bonus points if it turns out to be a boy this time.”

Twilight’s genuine laughter reached the ears of nearby spectators before she recollected her nerve, nodding. “One at a time, honey, but I’ll think about it.”

Peter furrowed his brow, staring intently at nothing in particular before clapping his hooves together after a moment’s pause. “I've actually been thinking about this for a while now. How about Mayday?”

Twilight smiled her approval. “After your aunt? That’s sweet, and it’s a little different!”

Peter chuckled with a small shrug. “Well, her parents are a little different.”

The alicorn squealed. “I love it! Mayday Parker Sparkle!”

Peter’s lower lip quivered as he stood from his seat. Before Twilight could respond, her glossy irises shot open once the stallion wrapped his hooves gently around her. His warmth threatened to engulf her, yet she only wanted to tighten the embrace, her hooves clutching at his back. Tears escaped from the corners of her eyes, yet she could not contain her joyous laughter, eliciting a grin from Peter.

Their journey into parenthood was just beginning, yet they could not be happier.


In the dead of night, all life in Ponyville rested soundly. Within the Treebrary, Spike slept peacefully downstairs while Peter and Twilight rested in the bedroom upstairs, both ponies still awake.

“Tonight was wonderful, Peter. Thank you,” Twilight murmured, tracing a hoof playfully over her stallion’s chest. Her eyes softened. “I’m really sorry for the way I treated you lately. I was just upset that you went behind my back.”

Peter chuckled. “It was well-deserved. I should have just told you upfront what I was doing. I know you don’t like Felicia. That’s why I tried to keep it away from you... so you wouldn’t worry.”

Twilight waved her hoof dismissively. “We both made a mistake, and we both learned from it. I know you only had good intentions. Let’s just promise to never do that again, okay?”

Peter nodded, kissing the center of the mare’s forehead. “Deal. I like sleeping in the same bed with you. The couch is pretty lonely, and the pillows don’t cuddle quite as nicely as you do.”

Peter and Twilight rested soundly in the bed together, with the princess wrapping her hooves around the knight’s body. Their gazes were fixed on the starlit sky behind the window, the events of the day still fresh in their minds. Twilight glanced off to the side, her lips curling into a seductive smile as a thought entered her mind. The alicorn rolled onto her side until she sat over Peter, mounting the stallion.

Twilight giggled as she scooted further into his lap, pressing her hooves against his chest. “You know? You took me out on a wonderful date. I have to pay you back.”

Peter grinned mischievously. “You’re my fiance. I like doing nice things for you.”

“I know. Now it’s my turn to return the favor,” Twilight whispered with a smirk pausing to kiss the stallion briefly before disappearing in a flash of light and materializing in front of the closet. “Wait right here,” she suggested, pointing a hoof across from her position.

With a furrowed brow, Peter did as he was told. Twilight smiled approvingly and walked into the closet. A drape materialized into existence, shielding the mare’s body from her fiance’s viewpoint. Peter’s ears twitched at the shuffling sounds and strained squeaks the princess made, but the wait was brief, coming to a close once the alicorn stepped through the drapes. Peter’s mouth fell agape as a dumbstruck expression formed on his face.

The princess giggled, her cheeks flushing a shade of pink. “So, what do you think?”

Slack-jawed, Peter gave no coherent verbal response outside of a slur. Twilight wore a black latex suit very reminiscent of the costume Felicia wore as Black Cat. These tights hugged her pregnant frame soundly. Certain details were visible, particularly those underneath the mare’s tail that exited the suit. Peter was staring, unable to free his stunned gaze from Twilight’s form. A pair of glossy violet irises watched the stallion from behind a black mask, winking seductively. Twilight’s wings sprang to life while she stepped forward and spread her hindlegs. Peter was lost, standing as still as an oak tree while his face burned with a magnificent shade of crimson.

Twilight smiled triumphantly. Trixie’s advice and Rarity’s design for the suit had gained the reaction she desired. “I’ll take that as a compliment,” she grinned, trying not to look eager yet failing miserably. Twilight’s horn glowed with magical energy, prompting a small whip with three flexible rods to levitate out of the closet and into her mouth. Each lash had a star on its end, their overall design matching that of the alicorn’s cutie mark.

Traces of magic escaped from the alicorn’s horn, dancing in the air before seeping into the walls of the bedroom. Twilight’s lips curled into a smile. “I’d better make the walls soundproof then. Wouldn’t want anypony to hear you scream out for mercy.” The mare’s smile widened. “Until morning… you’re mine. Any last words, hero?”

Peter took in a shuddered breath. “‘Homina, homina, homina’ comes to mind--” was all he managed to mutter before Twilight tackled him to the bed.