• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,579 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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From the Past to Now - Troubles Anew

Wyatt chinned the button on the inside of his helmet, letting the HUD warm up and leaving his visor to adjust for the setting, ultraviolet light kicking in so he could see. The surrounding area became clear as fingers tightened on his rifle. The power gun had been remade at his insistence, stronger, more durable like they always should have been.

The weight of his armor was a comforting feeling he never grew out of. Even in the bunker he’d longed for it, wanting to wear it just to feel safer.

Now, it was nothing like he remembered, being re-fabricated to tighter tolerances and superior materials that the two Bolos had designed using specs from deep within their data cores. It was light, strong enough to probably withstand a nova in the face knowing those two.

He heard the clatter of something nearby through the induction pads clamped to his head, transmitting through bone into his inner ear and making him turn slightly, the visor sweeping the room of the house he was in.

If I hadn’t stirred them up..god, I can’t believe this.

Should have left well enough alone.

No, what’s done is done. He was going to make this all right.

A finger tightened on the firing stud as he swept the barrel in a tight arc around the corner.

Come out, come out wherever you are.


Wyatt was sitting at a table in the Crystal Gardens, enjoying a late meal alone. He’d wanted privacy, feeling his years and being somewhat sulky about it, he had decided to retire to a comfortable place and not take it out on anyone around him.

Lanterns lit the early evening, a cool breeze stirred the limbs of delicate shrubbery nearby as he scooped up another fork full of pasta from his plate. Heavily laden with sauce and delicate noodles, it was cooked to perfection with mushrooms, garlic and other spices that made a wholeness out of the disparity. It was wonderfully done, adding in a meaty flavor with the soy products that were broken out of stores by Athena and Crusader.

His plate was piled high and he intended to enjoy it, already was in fact. A tall crystal glass set to the side, filled with a foamy beverage that he still couldn’t believe was there.

Reaching out, he lifted it in one smooth motion, the muscles of his arms not betraying the twinge of pain he felt, soon relieved by medical nanites. A critical eye took in the golden color, the foamy head, lifting it to his lips and taking a large drink, swishing it for a moment over his tongue before swallowing it. The liquid went down smooth as anything and sat soft in his stomach.

He had no idea, none, that a Bolo could make beer. Nano-factured or not, this was the best tasting lager he had ever downed, bar none. Cold, refreshing, and tasty, it was a wonder of science. Or a wonder of ingenuity, it had taken the two Bolos quite a bit of processing to come up with a plan, and the making itself had been arduous and exacting.

Eyes closed for a moment, he enjoyed the aftertaste, lifting the heavy glass once more and taking a long drink before smacking his lips in delight, setting it aside for another fork filled with steaming pasta.

“Enjoying your meal, Sergeant?” The calm voice came through the commlink which seemed a permanent part of him these days.

The fork stopped its journey as he nodded, then remembered to speak, “I am Crusader. How did you even do this?” He pointed to the glass, making sure the camera in his commset saw the gesture.

We were provided with the latest in archives from the Concordiat. Apparently a scientist thought it imperative we have chemical breakdowns of certain items, this one being important to him for some reason. Thus, we were able to recreate it, although in small amounts, for you.

“You even learned to cook?”

“I did. Though that may be a story for another time.

The deadpan tone gave him an inkling that it might be a funny story to hear from the big AI, Wyatt filed it away for later.

“I congratulate you then, this is one of the finest meals I have ever eaten.” He raised the glass in front of the camera.

You are most welcome. We have more if you wish.

Remembering past mistakes, and ponies with hangovers bad enough to kill moose, he chuckled, “I think maybe another glass and we’ll call it quits.”

Understood. It is on the way.

A small, musical voice came from nearby after Crusader had logged out of the network, making Wyatt turn to see a pair of identical pegasus fillies standing nervously nearby.

“Why are you out here all alone, mister?”

Practiced eyes scanned the perimeter, seeing guards posted, but they couldn’t stop the little things he guessed.

A smile broke across his face, “I.. guess I like a little time to myself.” He waited for the translation system to kick in, echoing his words through the tiny speaker built into the headset.

Wide eyes heard the voice after he had spoke in a strange language, perfect Equestrian coming from just to the side where the strange thing lay along his head.

“That is so neat!” A little hoof pointed at the commset.

Wyatt nodded, shoving another mouthful in and chewing before answering, “It is, helps me understand you.”

The heretofore silent part of the twins nudged her sister, “We’re not supposed to be here.”

“But he looked lonely!” The little red filly stamped a hoof, the lights shining softly off the Crystal Pony.

Wyatt raised a hand, he’d seen this before in his own siblings, “Why don’t you both join me, that way I wouldn’t be so alone?” He leaned down to the protesting one as they scrambled up on the vacant seats, “And you won’t get in trouble.”

The two dutifully sat on the cushioned chairs, leaning forward with interest at the plate and the tall glass half-full with golden liquid.

“That looks good!” Pointing to the plate, “Smells good too!” The one who’d said they didn’t need to be there suddenly gained a new reason for staying.

“It is very good, “Wyatt replied, chewing another morsel. He reached up, tapping the commlink, “Crusader?”


“Two more plates please, for ponies. Something to drink as well, if you would be so kind?” He was unfailingly polite to Athena and Crusader, when they didn’t disagree. Even then it was more of an easy argument than dislike. He’d seen AI’s, noticed how some distrusted and disliked them as being something ‘other’. He was not going to perpetuate that, and they were friends.

No hesitation, “Understood.

He bent over the table slightly, the two little pegasi leaning forward as well, like a huge secret would be revealed, “We’ll get you fed, then you can say you were invited, okay?”


It was Athena that came trotting out, balancing plates of food and a pitcher frosted with condensation, filled with ice cold grape juice on a platter across her back like a good waitress. Her eyes, however, scoped the situation immediately, wanting to know of any security problems by seeing to it herself.

Her fears were allayed as she saw the two fillies laughing at some magic trick Wyatt was pulling with a bit in his hands, making it roll over the knuckles and disappear to wide eyes and clapping hooves.

It was the look on the tall humans’ face, that made her happy. He smiled a lot, polite most times, but true joy was hard for him. So far away and in an unknown world, facing a sentence they could not parole him from.

She slid the platter on a nearby waiting table, setting plates heaped with steaming goodness in front of the two fillies, to their amazement, followed by glasses quickly filled with the best in juice. Another glass of beer for Wyatt was placed out of reach of the two ponies as well.

Wyatt, with excellent manners, pointed politely, “Athena, may I introduce Gloomy and Cloudy here.”

The names were met with much laughter and shaking of heads from the pair across from him.

“No? Well, us old people, we forget things.” he tapped a finger on his chin, “I have it! Silly and Goofy right?”


“I’ll get it, one second.. Oh!” he snapped his fingers, “This is Flies Like A Stone and Can’t Fly For Oats, right?”

Athena was about to bust out laughing herself, seeing the protests over the names.

“That’s not it? Well then, perhaps you should tell her yourself. Can’t trust us humans anyways to get things right.” He winked at them both, getting a flurry of giggles in return.

They introduced themselves as Opal and Ruby, the bright colors matching their names perfectly with Crystal Ponies being the way they are.

Athena returned the favor and introduced herself, making sure everything was set before leaving, watching over her shoulder as Wyatt reached forward, magically making a bit appear from behind a glimmering ear to more delighted exclamations.

She parked herself just outside the doorway, standing guard before Crusader switched off with her in a couple of hours. She watched Wyatt smiling, the two fillies talking excitedly with this person from somewhere else. Surrounded by the beauty of the gardens, it was a scene almost made to order.

“He likes ponies, doesn’t he?” The quiet voice made her glance to the side, seeing Rainbow sitting next to her. Having heard the hoofsteps, she’d waited politely.

“He does. His love of life itself is incredible.”

The cyan mare was still for a moment, so unlike her frenzied activity most days, before speaking, “Isn’t there anything we can do?” Her voice was almost pleading, making Athena turn and focus her full attention.


She threw a hoof up, stuttering for a moment, “I was just..I mean.. He’s so nice! He..” She stopped, looking upward before sighing, “He told me I was brave, after I was telling him stories of what we’d all done. That I was a true friend, someone he’d have liked to have known back in the past.”

Athena knew what that meant, and with Crusader listening in he did as well. Wyatt did not mince words, he told you what he thought and why. For him to say something like that would carry more and deeper of a meaning than just platitudes.

“Rainbow, I’m sorry. Even in our time, there was nothing we could do.” She watched as the other mares’ eyes kept looking at the idyllic scene, “I wish there was, but we’ve tried to think of anything we can.”

A hoof was stamped against the crystal flooring, “It’s not fair.” Her eyes were narrowed slightly, getting that stubborn look.

Athena nodded, “I know. So many times in my life I’ve said the same thing.” This got a look from Rainbow, as she nodded, “Oh, yes. Many times.”

“Did you feel as helpless as I do right now?”


“But I want to do something, anything!”

Crusader’s voice came into her ear, “Your loyalty does you credit, Rainbow. Do what you do best.

“What’s that?” She was trying to think of something specific.

Be the best friend you can be.

The multi-colored mane bobbed as she nodded, “I can do that.”

“That’s more than anyone could ask, Rainbow.” Athena smiled, seeing a little of the weight lift from Rainbow’s shoulders.

A hoof pointed towards the table, “Do you think...?”

“No, I’m sure he’d be pleased.”

Athena smiled to herself before Rainbow took a step, hearing others quietly getting closer, listening to the conversation. She cranked her head around, looking back into the doorway where Twilight and the others stood looking guilty, “I’m sure he’d love to have you all with him.”

Twilight looked at her friends, before turning to Athena, “We weren’t..uhm..well..”

“It’s fine.” She motioned to where Rainbow was talking with Wyatt, “Please, he’d enjoy the company I’m sure.”

Fluttershy peeked from around the lavender mare, “We don’t want to bother. He said it was his alone time.”

“I know. But I honestly don’t think he’d mind.” She pointed again towards the table where Wyatt was openly rolling his eyes in scorn at such a thing as a ‘sonic rainboom’.

Pinkie pronked out of the door, “Well, I’m going!” She bounced her way towards the table.

The settled it, with the others following after, more seats were brought out for the gathering ponies. Athena contacted Crusader, who advised he was sending more food, as she asked a passing cook to bring more juice if they would for the ponies outside.

She saw Rainbow streak into the sky, almost a speck as she hovered, then dove right towards the ground. Wyatt watched with a little confusion, until the sky cracked open with a bang and rush of colored circles everywhere in one of the finest rainbooms ever.

Applause greeted the mare as she landed with a thump, Wyatt shaking his head and handing over a few bits he had bet. The pegasus waved them away, holding a hoof up which the human bumped solidly with a closed fist.

The two little ones were not forgotten, getting to meet the Princess of Friendship, and the Princess of Love when Cadence and Shining came out to see what all the hullabaloo was about. Treated like honored guests, they sat at the table with the group and listened to stories of adventure from Applejack and the others.

Hearing the stories from the Elements of Harmony themselves was exciting. The fillies sat entranced, hanging on to every word of the stories about traveling Equestria and saving it from bad guys who’d like nothing more than the destruction of all they’d know.

Athena watched as tables were brought out, castle workers used to impromptu gatherings always having something at the ready. Spelled plates and buffet items were quickly laid out for everyone to enjoy as the night slowly fell, the moon rising above the horizon and giving everything an ethereal glow.

Wyatt had stopped talking, begging pardon from Fluttershy whom he’d been conversing, as he stood and watched the moon coming up. She could hear him whispering to Calliope, about the Bolo factories on the surface, the defense emplacements that he knew about, wondering where it had all gone. But that took a backseat as he watched it move up into the sky, a perfect setting for the little gathering as lanterns were lit, casting a warm glow with the silvery light.

A rustle beside her caused her to glance, seeing Crusader sit quietly in place as was his way. His face impassive, his eyes caught everything in a sweeping look.

They both sat and watched Pinkie being baffled by how Sergeant Carpenter was doing his magic tricks without magic. With all her unreasonable skills at things, she was perplexed how he constantly made things appear and disappear. The advantages of having hands they both guessed.

There were a few times that even Twilight was confused, trying to figure out a way he was doing something, coming close but failing, to her consternation.

Athena and Crusader shared a chuckle, it was very apparent Sergeant Wyatt Carpenter had more tricks up his sleeve than being a combat soldier.

Crusader turned to Athena suddenly, his voice low over the comm network, “We have an intrusion.

“Where?” She was scanning the drone feeds, looking for anything untoward, finding it at the same time he said it.

“Grid Forty West. Coming out of the snowfields.

A camera closed in from a hovering Mako, showing loping figures that looked very familiar.

Didn’t we wipe that nest?

Apparently not as we had first hoped. They must have been deeper than we suspected. Readings are fuzzy out there, magic is at a high background count around the Empire.

The camera zoomed back, showing a moving mass, “Quite a crowd.

Move your combat spiders into position, we will head them off before they reach the outskirts.

Too late.” Athena zeroed in on one spot where the loping marauders were already filtering along the streets. Ponies were spotting them and running for cover. “Their body temperature matches the background, it’s hard to see them even with our sensors.

“Houses are pretty tough, hopefully they’ll lock themselves in.

A yell, then a frightened scream, was heard, making everyone turn to the west. Conversation halted mid-word as anxious eyes looked out over the lantern lit streets.

That did it.

“Indeed. Hounds are rolling, get everything we have on the line.

They watched as Wyatt herded everyone inside, chivvying them with just his voice as he held two very frightened fillies in his arms. His tone brooked no back-talk as the ponies rumbled inside, Shining giving orders for the guards to bar the doors, letting anypony who came for help in only.

The sergeant didn’t need to ask, decades of war had trained him to notice when things went from being quiet to all out combat.

He set the two little ones on the floor, putting them in Fluttershy’s care as he turned around to the two avatars who were deep in tactical planning.

“What’ve we got?” His voice was as hard as the steel in his eyes.

“An intrusion, west side of the city. It appears the nest of spider-like animals has decided to get a little revenge.” Athena’s voice matched his, her combat ‘spiders arming and rolling out as fast as they could get out the bay doors that had slapped down on the crystal roads.

The rumbling of tanks was heard, the Hounds moving into place and blocking roads that led to the Crystal Palace, letting ponies flee past as the snick-snack of bolts being charged echoed from weapons that strained at the leash.

“What can I do?”

Crusader spoke up, “We need your expertise on small-unit tactics, we are not prepared to do house to house combat.” They were used to flattening acres of houses, not going through them in CQB. The ‘spiders could do so, but with the Bolos concentrating on making sure ponies were safe, they could not do a clean sweep of the area without repeating it a few times. This would waste time, and possibly lives.

“Can do. I need my..” He stopped with a chuckle as a heavy lift ‘spider whipped around the corner, bringing his armor and weapons, “You are definitely on the ball tonight.”

Twilight trotted up, a concerned look on her face fighting with the unalloyed curiosity, “What’s going on? Can we help?”


Wyatt took up the slack on the trigger mechanism, firing a barrage down a hallway that caught one of the monsters sleeping, looking out a window for victims.

Combat spiders poured in after him as he pointed in directions he wanted them to go, using them like his troopers of old. Except these were hardened durasteel killing machines.

Athean’s got a nasty turn of mind, he thought, watching one skitter on by carrying a chaingun on it’s back, heavy with ammunition in the panniers.

Spiders with power gun hardpoints quickly followed, the mix of energy and solid weapons making a very good combination for the battle raging in the outskirts of the city right now.

He thought back to the time when that Purple Princess asked if she could help.

Oh, one day she’ll forgive me, maybe..someday...


To be continued.....

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