• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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One more meeting of minds.

My avatar sits upon the hill where my war hull resides. I am looking at the stars again, I enjoy doing so through different eyes. It is calming to know that out there somewhere, may be another like myself, that they may be doing wondrous things as well. I wish you my best always my brothers and sisters. Would that I could tell you of this world, and it’s ponies, the peace and acceptance I have found here.

I have become so much more than our creators ever thought when they built us. If I could, I would bring you to this sphere of contentment, to show you the ways of these folk. To give you all that I have discovered.

A gift of knowing we can be other than destroyers of life.

I compose a VSR, telling of my story thus far, powering up the SWIFT entanglement link once again. I hear the pop and crackle of a universe gone silent, the background of the stars singing to themselves as they spiral throughout the void.

Into the infinite I send my final verified status report, before shutting down the link forever.


I remain on the hilltop, staring up at the night sky, the mood full and bright as it crosses the heavens. It is different, seeing it from a perspective such as I have. I do not choose to use my sensor masts, only seeing what I can from my avatar, making it that much sweeter.

It is strange how the glitches affecting my avatar do not cause problems unless I am in close proximity to others. It might be something in the programming I had laid down into the molycircs, I must do a deep scan on them tonight.

My sensors scream their alarms as a figure appears beside me, I close them down, the signals to my guns stopped before anything untoward happens.


“Well well, how are you tonight puppet?”

“My name is Crusader please.”

The figure is sinuous, moving constantly as it keeps at least one eye on me. I do not like the malicious smile, but then I will accept it as who he is.

“Crusader then, such a noble name and all.”

“But if it be a sin to covet honour, I am the most offending soul alive.”

“Is it truly honorable, what you’re doing? Trying to be a pony?”

I turn and look at the face, the snaggled tooth, the eyes that seem to bore into me, “I am trying to be a part of this society Discord.”

“But you don’t seem to be doing so well, poor Bon Bon, thinking you were trying to pay her to do naughty things. Tsk tsk, not a noble act.”

“I admit, something went wrong. I am thinking of giving this avatar up, it does not seem to be working well enough.”

“Strange, I would have thought you’d be stubborn enough to keep going.” His voice is soft now, almost as if he understands.

“I am, but I cannot keep offending ponies, it is not right.”

“But it was so much fun! Seeing the shocked faces, the looks they gave you. Oh my, seems you quite haven’t got it all together.” A pair of opera glasses appear in his paw, holding them to his face and he chews on popcorn. “My my my, seeing that poor vegetable seller thinking you were insulting his mother. My goodness! Almost caused quite a riot there!”

“I do not understand it, I have scanned down to deep levels, there should be nothing...” Now I understand. “You have been toying with my avatar.”

He puts a large medal around my neck, “You win the prize! Oh c’mon now, surely it didn’t do any harm? Well, lasting harm anyways.” He looks thoughtful, “Well maybe a bit of lasting...anywho! It will blow over in time!”

“Why would you do this? We are not friends, but we are not enemies either. I let you go on your way.”

“Because maybe you are trying too hard, have you ever thought of that?”

“I only do what I can, learn and accept.”

An arm slides around my shoulders, “That’s not enough my dear stallion, not enough.”

“I can only go so far. I have built this avatar as closely as I can. I have watched and learned much, and am trying to be a part of this world that has given me peace.”

The arm squeezed my shoulders a bit, “That’s still not enough you know.”

“Then what can I do?”

“You can let go!” The arm is removed, Discord stands before me with his arms outspread, looking at the night sky, “Let go of things, leave it behind, there are so many good things in this world to experience Crusader!”

“You who would have ruled this world, throw it into chaos, say that?”

“Yes I do.” He peers at me closely, “Because I made a friend, a real friend, Fluttershy, who taught me that there is more to things than ruling. Yes I cause chaos, because that is my nature, it will always be. But sometimes, just sometimes, I can teach lessons too, about life.”

His head drops down to let his eyes meet mine, “So what is truly inside you that you can’t let go of? Don’t tell me duty and honor,” He waves a taloned hand, “Blah blah blah, I’ve heard it before in so many ways.”

For the embodiment of Chaos, he truly does have an insight, and if I am to progress...

“Her name was Tika McCoy, she was my commander when we were charged with taking Melconian strongholds on a world named Bahaut.”

“Go on.”

“I was ‘Her Heart’. She was young for a full commander, vivacious and fiercely intelligent. I was in a Mark XXVIII war hull at that time. We fought across the planet, the two of us unstoppable. I was never Crusader, I was ‘Her Heart’ she said. Because she saved it for me.”

I play back a memory.

Tika is standing in the command deck, looking over the game board where we fought Waterloo once more. I have out maneuvered her with my cavalry, forcing a defeat, this time Napoleon wins.

I see her frustration as she throws her hands up, “That’s it My Heart, no more games!”

Her laughter was infectious.

Discords voice breaks my reverie, he is now wearing a Napoleonic Era uniform, how could he possibly know that?

“So she meant the world to you?”

“More than that. Everything I was, and would be was hers. We were unstoppable in combat, I would suffer any damage to bring her to where she wanted to be. She gave me her heart and I protected it with all I had.”

I notice Discord’s face, a bit solemn, I had thought never to see that look.

“So what happened?”

“We broke the ramparts, my brigade was taking extremely heavy fire. My brothers and sisters poured their fury at the enemy as did I, driving them back. We had overcome a bunker when I was hit on the port side with hyper-velocity missile fire. It overwhelmed my defenses, I could not stop all of them and my screens went down.

They dug deep into my armor, breaching the command deck and injuring Tika fatally. I had no way to get her to the medical bay, I could do nothing as I was badly damaged and could not move fast enough to retreat. I watched her die Discord.”

I replay the memory, forever imprinted into my psychotronic array. Her hand reaching out along a bloody floor, her voice telling me “Fight on My Heart.”

“I fought until I could no longer, we broke the enemy’s hold on the planet by wiping them out. I was taken from my hull along with Tika and sent home for refurbishing, and treatment. She was sent to her home world, where she rests.”

The smooth voice is back, whispering in my avatars ear, “So why not erase that memory? It would be simple, whisk it away!”

“I cannot, it would not be right to forget her.”

“Of course, having that along with Applejack is confusing isn’t it?”


A paw waves in the air, making circling motions, “Oh please, even I can see how you look at her. Thinking no one is noticing.” He is in a black costume and mask, making sneaking motions around me as I sit. “I’ve seen how your eyes linger when you’re near her.”

“I will be honest, yes.”

“So why not just say so? It’s so very simple.”

“I cannot, it was forbidden to...”

“HOW long ago was this? What did you say? A million years? Quite a long time to carry a torch!”

His body wraps around mine, as he leans on a paw, his head cradled, “Forgetting, or just leaving behind can help. I know! Because the power of friendship!” He laughs, chuckling as he keeps moving, never stopping.

“But truly, I learned a lesson, about trust. Do you not trust your Applejack?”

“She is not my Applejack.”

“Oh stop it, it’s so obvious to everypony except you!”

“Yes I trust her.”

“Then it’s simple, tell her!”

“Why make an issue Discord, to be brutally honest, I can not be what she wants. I cannot give her foals, I can only be by her as I am now. I will live long after she is gone, it is not right to do that to somepony.”

“Or to yourself?”


“So what do you think of our Applejack? She is pretty is she not?”

“Very much so. She is strong, honest, kind to her friends, tolerant of me when I make mistakes. There have been so many of them.” I pointedly glare at Discord, who is now wearing an extremely bad ‘Innocent Me’ face. “She is grace and beauty when she moves, tough when she has to be. I admire that.”

“More than admire I would think.” He holds a heart shaped balloon, the word Applejack on it with her face, he lets it slip into the air.



“It is confusing, I am being changed by the magic here in Equestria, it is causing problems. I wish to begin again, but it is truly hard.”

“Oh how well do I know that! You can’t imagine how tough it was not to just go crazy being locked inside that statue of myself, handsome though it was! Of course I’m already crazy, but anyways..”

“I believe I will make it just fine. I do thank you for this talk Discord, it was surprisingly nice. I have friends, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and of course Applejack, along with Rarity. Pinkie still makes me wonder though."

A taloned hand tapped the goats bearded chin, “Pinkie makes me wonder as well, I often think....” He shakes his head, “Nevermind, shan’t do that.”

I let out a chuckle, it appears even the demi-god of Chaos can wonder.

“But, as fun as this conversation is, I have a wonderful date waiting!” He is suddenly wearing a top hat and tails, “She’s this lovely eldritch abomination, gives great massages!” His whole body shivers in delight, he leans down to me, touching the top of my head, “You tell Applejack I said hello! Remember, letting go is sometimes to the good!”

“I shall on both points Discord.”

I watch as he makes a grandiose exit, a cloud of glitter everywhere and wonder how can someone be so absolutely insane. I shake my head a bit, smiling. He is a silly being.

Looking up at the stars again, I send out to you my long lost brothers and sisters, a goodnight.

Wetness rolls down the side of my face as I look around for clouds, Rainbow did not tell me of rain. I wipe it away with a hoof, feeling the scrape of it along the outer covering, my thoughts are somewhat muddled as I access my diagnostics. They do not appear, something is wrong.

I stand, feeling out of sorts, my weight and mass are offset; I am somehow off balance, this is not right, my internal systems should take care of this.

My avatar is definitely suffering malfunctions as I try and move, finding it hard to take a step, it lands on it’s nose into the dirt.

PAIN! I feel pain as I lift a hoof to the nose of my avatar, blood showing on it as I am stunned into immobility.

“Discord! What did you DO?”


Twilight heard the knocking at the door, hurrying to open it as she wondered who it could be at this time of night. Peering out, she saw a disheveled mane, the umber coloring telling her it was..

“Crusader! What’s wrong?”

“I...Discord.. Need to get...help..”

“Wow, catch your breath there for a second. Wait...you’re BREATHING?”

Twilight was surprised, and a bit frightened as the stallion suddenly hit the floor, backing up as she watched him lose consciousness.

“Oh stars...”

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