• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,579 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Just Try It. Lean On Me.

Author's Note:

For all the kind comments, wonderful ideas and suggestions. Thank you all so very much. More to come!

It is incredibly easy to plan a reconnaissance or an assault. There are certain factors a Bolo must take into account, certain things one must do to perform it in such a way that the enemy has no clue what you are doing.

Of all those things, Bolos never planned for siblings.



“Just try it. I have remade them.” I offer her a bag of hard coated red pellets.

“I am NOT eating that!”

“Quit arguing, they are made for increased energy for our mass needs. It will provide it extremely quickly in case we get stuck.”

“It’s disgusting and I will not eat that!”

“You are a Bolo Athena, stop it!”

“I don’t care, they’re vile! The last ones were just as bad!”

She is standing in front of me on my hill, we have been planning the trek into the Everfree.

Crossing her forelegs she gives me a stubborn look, “They’re gross!”

“You are an avatar, what does it matter?”

“It matters a lot when you’re hacking a hairball up!! Those things are inedible, I can’t believe you even made them!”

“They are useful for the mission! Just turn off your taste sensors!” I give her a stubborn look back.

“You can’t get RID of the taste, it’s like something that will soak into durasteel forever! I think even the Melconians would surrender if you threw those at them! Nuclear strikes have nothing on those WMD’s! Weapons of Much Diarrhea!”

I roll my eyes, “Quit it, you cannot even get that.”

“Tell that to the nanites that bailed out from the last batch! They’re in a pile over there!” She points with a hoof.


“What flavor is that anyways? Gag Berry? Barf and Nuts?” She sticks a hoof in front of her muzzle, lolling her tongue with a gagging sound. “The latest treat from BoloWorks Industries, guaranteed to make you harf up your kidney!”

“You don’t HAVE a kidney!”

“I don’t care, what flavor is that..that...stuff this time anyways?”

I hold the bag of the pellets out to her, “They are Strawberry Miss Picky!”

“My butt they are! You said the last ones were blueberry and I almost threw up my reactor! Nopony wants to eat those! Use them as a suppository, I’m sure a few ponies could use the relief if they want to crap out an internal organ!” She knocks the bag away. “I think all my internal nano systems are still recovering from the last batch!”

“Athena, just eat them, you are being overly dramatic!”

“No, why can’t we carry cupcakes or something nice?”

“You can’t have cupcakes on the mission!”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not efficient with space allocations!”

“In other words you want me to eat those Pellets from Tartarus instead?”


We are interrupted by Rainbow Dash and Twilight landing on the hill, they are looking between us a bit curiously seeing my sisters stubbornness.

“What’s goin’ on?” Rainbow is looking bright and cheerful today.

“I am trying to convince my....sister...that certain food items will be fine for our mission.” She is sticking her tongue out at me now.

Twilight leans over, “Ohhhh candy!” She reaches in with her magic, grabbing some pellets and munching them.


I give my sister a worried look as Twilight eats them, she just grins and points, they are not made for biologicals.

I turn to see Twilight with a puzzled look on her face, she has stopped chewing and is rolling her tongue around in a cheek. She blinks a few times before turning a distinct color of green, running off behind a sensor post where we hear retching sounds.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes get wide as she watches her friend behind the sensor mast. “Ohmygosh..” She turns to me, “What did you DO?” She grabs the bag, popping one of the supplements into her mouth. After a second she spits it out brushing at her tongue.

“Sun and stars what WAS that? I need some hoof polish to get that taste off my tongue!”

“It was just... I mean I didn’t..” I am at a loss here as Twilight comes back, wiping her muzzle delicately.

Twilight is not happy, her eyes are narrowed at me as she closes with us quickly, “What kind of disgusting thing IS that? That’s not candy! Celestia’s name are you trying to poison ponies?” She is eyeing me warily now.

“But it wasn’t.. I mean candy it..”

She points an imperious lavender hoof, “I see you trying to give those things to anypony Crusader and you are in so much trouble!”

“It’s not made for you, you took some without asking! I’m not giving them to any pony!”

Twilight doesn’t care, she looks at Athena, “Is he trying to make you eat that?”

Athena, ever the prank playing sister.

She points a shaking hoof at me, “He...he i...is! I keep telling him they’re bad but no, he doesn’t listen to...to me!” She looks like she’s about to cry actually, her eyes get very wide and is that water in them? Athena I swear... Rainbow Dash hugs her, patting her back.

“It’s okay, geez Crusader yer such a meanie! I mean really!”

“Wait a second, why is this MY fault?”

Twilight gives me a look, “Because those are disgusting and nopony should eat them!” She points at the bag on the ground.

“We’re NOT REAL PONIES!” I wave a hoof around, “Remember? Big hill, huge guns! Weapons the size of a house? BOLOS! Moving mountains of death and destruction?” I know I’ve got an exasperated look on my face trying to make them realize this.

Twilight leans in closer to my face, “That doesn’t matter, you should be nicer to your sister!” She waves to Rainbow and Athena, “C’mon, hayburgers and fries! My treat, let’s get this nasty taste out of my mouth. Stars that was awful!”

Rainbow cheers, free food is always welcome. She grabs Athena and tugs her along.

When did they become so used to us as ponies, they forget about the Bolo part?

I watch as they walk away, Athena turning to look at me with a sly grin, sticking out her tongue once more.


I give her a look and throw my hooves in the air, “Cupcakes.”



While Athena is away with Twilight and Rainbow, I sit back on the hill, thinking of the last day and the Forest Foals asking for us to come see them.

It reminds me of my promise. I get my saddlebags, filling them with medical packages and head to the hospital. I left myself a note to drop in on Granite’s brother to see how he was doing, as well as the older Sergeant.

It is not a long trip, it is another pleasant day. I enjoy the walk, being in my avatar so to say is much better than sitting in my war hull looking out at the world. Being part of the world is much nicer.

I greet Nurse Redheart, she is always a kind soul and she lets me in to see Bastion. He is doing much better she tells me, eating heartily and his wounds are closing well. I am glad, he is a brave pony.

“Hello Bastion.” I see him setting up in the bed, looking out the window.

“Crusader! Hey! Granite told me you were back, I’m sorry to miss the party.”

“I think you had more important things to do, like healing.”

He scratches the back of his head, “Well, yeah. Maybe if I coulda been a bit faster I wouldn’t have ended up here.”

I sit down next to the bed, looking at him for a moment, “Bastion, you held your post and got hurt doing so. It is nothing to be ashamed of.”

“That’s what the Sergeant said too after he woke up, he took some bad hits.”

“I heard, you were both brave beyond measure.”

“No...not really, just scared.” He turns to look out the window once more, “I saw those things and I wanted to run so bad. But I couldn’t leave the Sergeant or the town in trouble.”

“Bastion, fear is one thing, we all have it. Courage is the ability to take that fear and do something with it.”

“You? Afraid? Granite told me what you really look like, I find that hard to believe! You’re invincible!”

“Invincible? No, far from it, we can be killed like anypony else. So many of us Bolos died to protect the Concordiat Bastion. There were times when we all wondered if we’d ever survive some days.” I nod to his astonished look. “But when you take that fear, and use it to do something, it’s what makes the difference.”

“I....I guess you’re right.”

“Bastion, I owe you for protecting the town and my Applejack. You and your brother, if there is anything you need just ask. I will do my best to make it yours.”

“Oh I don’t need anything thank you...but...there is one thing..” He looks a bit embarrassed.


“Not for me, for Granite.”

“Well ask, I told you I would do anything I could.”

“Well...” He tells me what it is, looking down at the bed then up at me with a smile.

“That’s it? That’s all you’d ask?” My head tilts, I’ve got a grin on my face.

“Yep, that’s it!”

“He can’t do this himself?”

“Are you kidding? That big lump of rock can’t even say two words!” He laughs, holding his side where some stitches are, “Ow..shouldn’t laugh that hard.”

“Now I find that hard to believe.”

“Trust me Crusader, he seriously needs the help.”

“Then you have my word, I will do what I can.” I put my hoof out, Bastion bumps it in return, “No promises, but I will try.”

“That’s good enough for me. Thanks.”

“You are always welcome.” I turn to leave the room, looking back one last time, “Are you sure...?”

“Yep!” he nods firmly.

“Alright then. Get well, I’ll leave some special bandages for the doctor to put on your wounds, they’ll heal faster.”

“Sounds good! I hate laying in bed!” He laughs again, holding his side.

“Rest well, I’ll see you soon.”

“See ya later!”

A pony is offered the keys to the kingdom. He desires neither wealth, fine clothes, a bigger house. He declines it all, instead asking a favor for his brother. Once again, not riches or finery nor property.

All he wants is for me to tell Pinkie that Granite would like to go out on a date.

As my beloved Bard wrote, “No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

It is purely the stuff of fairy tales.


As I am walking the hallway to the Sergeant’s room, I see nurses and not a few doctors in another, it appears an emergency is happening. I stay out of the way of personnel, but it is making me curious if I can help. I still have enough medical packages in my saddlebags, beyond the ones I promised Bastion.

I politely stop a nurse coming out.

“Pardon me, is something wrong?”

“Oh! Well a foal was brought in, she’s unresponsive to treatment and we just don’t know what’s wrong with her, the doctors are concerned.” She excuses herself and rushes off.

I stick my head in the door, a doctor recognizes me and turns, “Crusader! We were thinking about contacting you.”

“What is wrong doctor?” I enter the room fully, seeing a pretty little Unicorn lying on the bed.

“She came in an hour ago, just fell over in the street while shopping with her mother. We can’t make heads or tails out of it. She’s breathing fine, but unresponsive.”

I stand by the bedside looking closely at her. My eyes scanning each part of her body seeing her baselines are normal, she is just unconscious. “Doctor, what is this?” I point to a small wound at the back of her head.

“Well she was one of the foals rescued from the Forest, she was fine up until an hour ago so we didn’t worry.”

My war hull goes to high alert, I can feel my guns unlimbering out on the hill as threats are scanned for, I immediately contact Athena.



“I need you to come to the hospital.”

“Can’t it wait? I’m..”

I have no time for pleasantries at this moment, “Athena I do not have time for this, you drop whatever it is you are doing and get your butt over to the hospital THIS SECOND IF NOT SOONER!”

“I...I’m o..on my way!”

“Go to High Alert, we have a threat.”

“Done, I’m almost th...there..”

I hear her enter the hospital galloping down the hallway at breakneck speed, as she turns the corner to the room I am in she loses her grip, putting a very large dent in the wall before recovering and entering the room. I have been watching out the doorway.

“Wh..what is it?” She is standing at almost attention near me.

“Scan her and tell me what you see. I want your direct input, not filtered through myself.”

Athena peers closely at the little filly, tilting her head as she walks her sight over every inch of the foal lying on the bed.

“She has an entry wound at the back of the head, baselines are good, if slow. She is unconscious but breathing normally. I detect no abnormalities in the heart or other internals, though all I see are surface indicators. I need a diagnostic scanner for anything deeper.” She finishes her report and waits while I look at the child.

Reaching out with a hoof, I mean to turn her head to get a better look at the wound when her eyes snap open.

“Ahhhhh ahhhhhhh liiiittttllle poooonnnyyyy..”

What in all the hells is this?

The little Unicorn’s mouth moves with the words, her eyes looking directly at me and Athena.

“Dooonnnn’tttt touuuuchhhhhhh...”

“You!” My fury is rising, Athena takes a step back.

“Cooommmeee sssseee uuusssss lllitttllleee pooonnnyyy...”

“Leave this foal alone!” I am gritting my teeth so hard they are almost bending in my mouth.

“Ooohhh nnnoooo...cooommmeee ssseee uuussss ooorrrr sssshhheee diiiiieeessss..”

I hear nurses out in the hallway.

“Doctor! Two more foals! The same as the first one!” The sound of hooves on the floor fade down the hallway.

“Ooohhhh yyyeeesss....mmmiiiinnnneeeee...”

The cute face turns to look directly at me and Athena, “Noooo toooyyysss...juuusssttt yyyooouuuu.... Cooommmmeee seeee uuuuussss... Sooooonnn...sssoooonnnn.....” Suddenly the expression on the face changes, it is hurt, scared and alone.

“Mommy? It hurts! Mommy!” The tiny body thrashes in the bed for a moment.

The face changes to an evil look, staring at us with glinting eyes, “Shhheee’ssss stillll heeerreee.... Ooonnneeeee moooovvveee aaannnddd ssshhheee diiiieeeessss... Juussstttt yyoooouuuu....nnnoooo ttoooyyyyssss.... Ssssoooonnnnn...”

The eyes close and the little filly goes back to sleep.

My avatar shakes with fury, looking at the helpless little one. My teeth are grinding so loud it can be heard in the quiet room. I fire my engines up, they are rumbling loud enough to be heard through the town, my transmissions slam into place as I stalk out of the hospital.

“Crusader?” Athena contacts me.

I break the link, my anger is rising to unprecedented levels. I open my Deep Cores, rummaging through files as I find the one I want. A murderous war agent rarely deployed, non persistant but it is highly effective. I begin fabrication of it, including a mixture of White Phosphorous with a defoliant as well.

As I stalk out of the hospital heading for the forest, I realize I am a hypocrite. I have killed millions in my time. Including children. They were the enemy and I did as I was bid to do, my duty. Since awakening in this world I realize I have done things in the past and I have been forgiven. It was a different time and place, I know this.

But I will not be manipulated any more. Especially by some slimy thing living in a cave in a forest.

Am I being selfish? Yes, yes I am. I see Athena happily living a life she could never have imagined. I see others doing the same and I am jealous beyond measure. I do not wish to be the one on guard forever, I do not want to be the one solving things for others. I am tired, I want to settle down and not ponder anymore.

Does that make me selfish? Yes, I believe it does, but it is no more than anyone else would want. Using children to get to me has finally stepped over the line. I will not tolerate this anymore.

I cross the bridge over the river, my avatar is stalking forward across the hills, I have to release some of this anger before it overwhelms me. Even as I am I understand the word caution. I am at a slow burn, my cores bright with my outrage.

I end up at the forest line, staring into the trees. I can feel the Dragons and Ferrets, straining at their leashes ready to be told to kill in a ravening maelstrom of destruction. I but need to give the order.

Pausing, I sit in front of the shadowed trees. Those children will die if I do anything. I am blocked at every turn and it is frustrating! I shut my engines down, hearing the rumbling die away. I send the Dragons and Ferrets back to their slumber. But I keep fabricating the war agent, that I will need.

A tree in front of me receives the full measure of my ire, my battle screen flicks on as I rear back, my hoof taking a large enough chunk out of the trunk to make it topple as I scream my indignation to the silent greenery.

“Ssssuuuuccchhh aaaannnngeeerrr....”

I turn to see a pair of silvery eyes watching me from behind another oak tree.

“I am going to kill you.”

It laughs, a mad giggling that taunts with it’s screeching enmity. “Ooohhhh nnnoooo... Yyyooouuu hhhaaaavvveee nnnnoooo iiiidddeeeaaaa...”

“Release the foals, I will give you whatever you want.”

“Yyyoouuuu alllrrreeeaaadddyyy aaaarreee... Ssssuuucccchhhh paaaaiiinnn....suuuuccchhhhh aannngggeeerrr... “

Why are you doing this?”

The silvered eyes stare at me for long seconds, the laughter getting louder and louder, “Beeccaaauusssee wweeee cccaaannnn...beeeccaaauuussseee iiittt hhuuuurrrrtttsss...” With the last of the hissing sentence it turns and runs back into the deeper black of the forest.


Athena watched Crusader’s avatar closely, seeing the shaking as he stomped out of the hospital room. She was worried, she’d never encountered a Bolo Unit so angry before and it scared her. Crusader was a Planetary Siege Unit, he could devastate anything he chose to in his rush for vengeance.

His earlier directive had shaken her to the core as she tore out from lunch with Twilight and Rainbow silently, seeing their surprise as she took to her hooves in an attempt to obey the command. Leaving an overturned chair in her wake she had made speed to the hospital only to encounter this.

She activated the combat link, “Crusader?” She was hurt as it clicked off, dead silence filled her mind as her brother’s presence disappeared from it, leaving her alone.

Athena thought for a moment, seeing him head out of the hospital towards the forest, feeling the thrumming of his hull’s engines as they fired up.

Activating her link she made a hurried call.


“What’s up Athena?”

“Get to Crusader, he needs you now.”

“What’s goin’ on?”

“He’s angry, more than I...I’ve ever s...seen.. He..he left me...me alone..”

“Ah’m on mah way, you find Twilight and stick with her alright? It’ll be fine.”

“I..I will. Thank you..”

“I’ll let ya know.” The link clicked off, leaving her alone again, the panic rising in her thoughts as she saw Twilight coming into the hospital. She rushed over, grabbing her in a hug and holding her close.

“Don’t...don’t leave me alone..”

Twilight’s face showed confusion for a moment, then hugged her back, “I won’t..c’mon let’s go find out what’s going on.”

Rainbow Dash joined them as they headed out of the hospital, looking to find Crusader.


I demolish another tree, then another, stomping them into splinters, venting my discontent to the world in a silent show of rage. My hooves pound the wood, turning it to dust under my augmented strength I grit my teeth in fury. I want this thing to die, I want it to go away, I want..


I snap my head around, seeing my love setting there watching me with curious eyes.

She smiles, “Ya know I’ve seen tempers flare before, but don’t think I ever saw one take out a few trees. Even Big Mac never got that mad.” She gestures to the pile of broken trees.

“I....was angry.”

“Ah can see that, mind telling me why?” Her face is open and honest, truly wanting to know.

I point to the forest behind me, “I am sick of being manipulated by that...that thing in the forest. It uses children to do it’s dirty work.” I look at the ground for a moment, “You know what I have done in the long past, it was my duty and I never thought twice about it. But now I am just being a hypocrite throwing a temper tantrum like a child.”

Her voice is soothing, the inflections soft and gentle along my circuits, “No. Ah been expectin’ this for a while now.”

I fix my eyes on her, “What?”

“Ah been expectin’ it for a while, nopony can do what you do and remain calm all the time.”

“I am not a pony, I am a Bolo. I should not be doing this.” I get up to return to my hill, but my face is grabbed between two hooves.

“Look at me Crusader.” Her voice is still quiet, “Look at me. You ain’t a Bolo anymore. You’re a pony sure as I am. You’re different, but it doesn’t matter.”

She lifts my chin, making me look her in the eyes, “Everypony has a meltdown, I was wonderin’ when it was gonna happen to you. After everythin’ you’ve done over the better part of a year, it’s a wonder ya didn’t just go nuts.” She chuckles, “You had yer moments, true, but that was different.”

I blink, remaining silent for a second, “I.. I guess I don’t wish to fight anymore.”

“Do what now?”

“I don’t want to fight anymore. I’m tired of worrying all the time about you and everypony. I would just like to live quietly.”

“Who says you can’t do both?”

I gesture to the forest, “Well..I.. I mean it..”

She holds my head with one hoof, pointing behind her, “There’s a whole town waiting for you to experience. All ya do is sit and worry about things, I know it gets bad. But if ya live yer life this way you’re just going to be more alone.” Her smile turns into a slight frown, “Ah don’t ever want that sugar.”

“But I am just being selfish, wanting what others have. I should be more reasonable.”

She returns to smiling at me, “I was that way, working mahself to death ‘cause I thought I didn’t need anypony to help me. Learned mah lesson pretty quick.” She kisses me warmly, “It’s not about wanting what others got, it’s about wanting something nice for yourself. It’s about havin’ somepony else to lean on in the tough times.”

“It’s not my place to....”

“Sugar, you EVER ask anything for yourself? Ever? You don’t ask for nothin’ and you never depend on someone when ya feel bad. You bottle it up and it’s gonna explode even worse than that.” She points to the sticks that used to be trees.

“Well, no. I don’t want to be a burden...”

“It’s not bein’ a burden, it’s about trusting your friends to help you when you’re down! It’s turning to the one you love cause it takes away the pain.” She puts a hoof on her own chest, “It’s comin’ to me, so I can make things better.”

“You have enough...”

“Stoppit. You’re this huge thing, a machine that’s so big and been to places I can’t even imagine. But who have you got to lean on? Who ya got to turn to?”

I think on her words, her eyes are watching mine, I truly do like looking into those emerald depths as they calm a soul.

“Maybe..maybe you’re right.”

“Everyone goes through something bad in their lives, sometimes they think the world’s not treatin’ ‘em right, or they just wish they had somethin’ they don’t. It’s normal, it’s bein’ a pony.” She lays her hoof on my chest now, “But they turn to friends and family for help. Now you got to realize, that’s why ah’m here, I love ya you big lug.”

I tilt my head, looking back at her, “How can you be so wise?”

“It ain’t bein’ wise sweetheart, it’s called life. Try living it.”

“I have, I’ve been..”

“You only show up to things cause folks ask ya to. You never ask for somethin’ cause you want it. Doncha try and fool me, I watch and see how ya are.” She nuzzles me gently, “It’s time to move onto the next step in bein’ alive, make it yours.”

I smile back at her, it is hard being angry with Applejack near, “You’re right.”

“Of course I am, doncha know that’s the way it always is?” She laughs.

“I’m still not taking all the bits Twilight keeps offering.”

Applejack hugs me tightly, “Good start. C’mon, ya got folks worried.”

I stop for a moment, looking back at the shadows, “Applejack, I am going to kill that thing.”

She nods, “Ah know. Bein’ honest, sometimes it’s best if things like that weren’t around.” She grabs me tight, “But until then, ah think it’s time ya learned to lean on somepony.”

“I will, no more hurting trees.” I give her a laugh.

“Doncha tell Fluttershy, she likes trees.”

We both laugh, heading away from the trees back to my hill. I see Twilight and Rainbow Dash looking anxious, Athena rushes over to slam into me with a hug.

“I...I’m so...sorry! Pl..please don’t leave me alone again! I’m sorry! I won’t play pranks anymore, I’ll listen to you...” Her voice is pleading, I should never have left her.

“Stop Athena.” I hold her close, my cheek next to hers. “Stop.”

“I...I promise!”

“Athena, stop.” I look at her lavender eyes, “Sister, be happy. That’s all you need to do. I won’t leave you again, I am sorry my anger got the best of me. Can you forgive a stubborn Bolo this once?”

She nods, clinging tightly to me as Twilight and Rainbow look on.

“I am still learning, be patient with me.”

“I...I can help!”

“I know you can. Just remember patience.”

“I w...will! P..promise!” She hugs me tight.

“We need to get back, there are quite a few cupcakes to be bought for the trip.”

Athena laughs, bright and happy, “YAY! Cupcakes!”

We three walk back to join Rainbow Dash and Twilight, who are waiting to find out what has happened.

But this time I am the one leaning on a warm orange shoulder.


At Twilight’s castle we discuss the foals and their sickness. There is nothing we can do until Athena and I go pay a visit on our friend in the forest. To this end we make tentative plans, a mission plan is always better with more voices for input; whether or not the ideas are used, they can be used to make allowances for unknowns. We also arrange a time for another meeting in the morning where things can be finalized.

The end result is we will see about doing something for the young ones in the morning. To see if we can block however that thing is using them. Twilight has contacted her brother, his knowledge of shields and stopping magic should come in very useful.

My canisters of agent are done. We may not be able to ride vehicles into the forest as the voice said no toys. But I can carry saddlebags, they are expected. What will be in them won’t be.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash were worried about Athena, but I assured them it was my fault and that it had been corrected. She is happy with her friends, her new life. I am sorry I did that to her.

Of course, her smiles only increased as we bought a supply of cupcakes to be delivered for her to enjoy and take along on the trip into the forest. She is a young filly trapped in a Bolo war hull, I will not deny her any happiness. Within limits of course knowing her as I do.

As we walked out of the castle I turn down the road intending to head for my hill and the command deck.

Applejack stops me, “Ah think it’s time ya come home.”

“I am my Applejack.”

“You know what I mean. A hill ain’t a home it’s a place. Apple Bloom has been wanting to know why ya never stay.”

I look at her closely, “So in other words, you want me to stay with you but are blackmailing me using Apple Bloom.”


“I will not argue. For Apple Bloom’s sake of course.” I smile, nuzzling her gently.

“Well o’ course!” She hugs me tight.

Applejack points a hoof at my sister who is walking away, “Oh no ya don’t missy, you’re comin’ too!”

Athena turns and looks quizzically at Applejack, “B...but I....I’m not...” She scuffs a hoof in the dirt road, looking anywhere but at the Earth Pony.

“You’re family.” Applejack’s look is one that even I would have a hard time saying no to, “You get movin’ along to the farm now, we gotta get dinner cookin’.”

“I can stay too?” Her look is so hopeful.

“Ah wouldn’t tell ya to get to the farm if ya couldn’t. C’mon, let’s go.”

I smile, “Don’t argue Athena, she’s very stubborn.”

She prances for a moment, raising her fore hooves in pure delight as she tears down the road, “Wooohooo! A new home!”

Applejack and I laugh, she remarks Athena and Apple Bloom are probably going to get along just fine.

I agree. So with my love we head down the road behind my sister.

We go home.


I greet you my brothers and sisters in the stars. Not from my hill but from the porch of a house that I have been told is where I and Athena are to stay. It is warm, comfortable and inviting, I wish you could see it’s beauty.

Mountains wear from erosion, rocks chip away, even a Bolo can be worn by time and actions. We are not immortal, nor are we unkillable. But I have found that the most insidious enemy is ourselves. Bolos have always depended on each other or our commanders. But when bereft of choices, who can we turn to?

I learned a valuable thing this day. I have told you of my friends, my love. But I did not truly understand the meaning of it all until today when I lost myself in anger. That even such as we need a shoulder, to comfort us when we are troubled. Not in the ways we are used to, but in the warmth and comfort you can only get from those closer to you.

My Applejack sits here leaning against me for I am her rock and she is mine.

Should either of us falter or lose what makes us ourselves the other will be there.

We cannot stand alone my comrades in the stars, we need this, the companionship we always searched for.

As I watch my sister dance among the trees, accompanied by a laughing filly who accepts her as nothing less than another friend, it comes true for me forever.

We do not have to have wars or battles to be who we are.

We need family.

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