• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,579 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Act III - Herein The Friends are Called, What Our Reflections Tell Us, The Hounds of War Arrive

Author's Note:

My apologies. My brain absolutely locked up the past few days and I so apologize for the wait.

WARNING: Fair Warning, this is a 'bridge' chapter. Getting from 'here' to 'there'. Slice of life, somewhat involved. If you are bored by such, don't read it. But please don't complain, I know what I wrote:pinkiehappy:

Also, The Lone Wanderer has done a reading of the first three Chapters and I give you the link here! Have fun with that!

Princess Luna was walking towards the kitchens, looking for a nice cup of coffee. It was almost the dawn and she was craving a stimulating drink.

I really ought to ask Crusader for more of that wonderful dark blend, she thought, remembering the deep taste of it like nothing that was imported from the outer countries.

He was undergoing some problem she understood when last she talked with Athena, but hopefully that would be solved soon. He is staunch in his protection of us all as is his sister Athena. Would the world be a darker place without them, I think just a bit.

She sighed, trying to remember where she had stored the last bag of beans he had given her as a gift after their trip. I swear, if somepony has raided my stash I shall bequeath upon them darkness forever. Nopony stood between the Princess of the Night and her caffeine fix, to do so was to tempt fate itself.

She stifled a laugh with a regal hoof, smothering her muzzle and looking around before letting out a joyful peal of laughter. She remembered coming home from the deep desert, presenting her sister with that concoction of Tartarus called a ‘Fruit Cake’, Celestia of course was so very gracious about accepting it.

In the days since that presentation, Luna had made it a point to not say a thing about the gift. No longing looks, no bothersome antics, she just let it set in the back of her sister’s mind.

Until the envoys from Saddle Arabia had arrived to discuss some trade agreements. Celestia had thought it a wonderful gesture to bring the gift out ‘From her beloved sister’ as she had told the envoys, serving each a very large slice.

Luna remembered she had once been the Element of Laughter, and it stuck with her through dark days when a kind word or a giggle was needed by some pony, especially herself. She had sat at the royal table, begging off a piece saying that she had no more room after the wonderful dinner had been served.

But the envoys and her sister, oh how very hard it was not to roll in laughter, slapping the floor with her hooves like a small foal as she saw the expressions on their faces after one bite.

Oh sister mine, how regal you looked eating something like that and finishing each bite with nary a twitch of the eye. The envoys as well, deciding it would be impolite to not finish theirs had eaten each crumb with a delight that was so obviously forced.

Luna had sat politely, receiving warm comments on how good the dessert was, that it had such an ‘interesting flavor that rolled on the tongue’ and so forth. She had smiled and thanked each and every pony that had given her a compliment, as she should being the dutiful sister who had provided such a repast.

After the small talk was concluded, the envoys had seemed to be in a rush to retire to their apartments while Celestia sat for a moment, watching them go before turning a look on Luna that made her think for a moment that banishment to the Moon again would be preferable. It did not keep a smile from trickling between her lips as she blinked innocently at her sister.


A hoof was waved airily, “Oh I know ‘Tia, you loved it, ‘twas a wonderful dessert was it not?” She was biting her lip to keep from laughing out loud.

The alabaster Alicorn’s eyes narrowed as she glared at her darker sister, chewing on her cheek for a moment before speaking.

“That was the most vile..foul thing.. How could you! Those poor envoys from Saddle Arabia now think we’re into this..this.. what was it? Fruit Cake? I think they were all turning green!”

Water gathered in her eyes as Luna couldn’t hold it in anymore, letting out a bellow of laughter as she slapped the wooden table with her metal clad hoof, the sound ringing through the dining room. The Guards at the far distance couldn’t hear the conversation, but knew this was going to be good.

“I..oh stars.. I’m so sorry.. no wait, I am not! ‘Twas a good prank and well done I say!” She giggled and laughed like a school filly.

“You should have seen your face after the first bite, I truly thought you would fall over at it!” Luna’s hoof waved in the air while she imitated Celestia’s normally serene voice, “My, this is a wondrous dessert Luna, thank you for bringing it to share with us! Oh stars sister you are SO good at falsehoods sometimes!”

Celestia had been wiping her tongue with a linen napkin, waiting for Luna to stop laughing as she slid the tray containing the rest of the vile thing away from her. Luna just howled all the more.

“Luna, that was... truly those poor envoys. How do you get this taste out of your mouth?” She was drinking a cup of fresh tea, eating a roll quickly.

“Sister, I am afraid it has to pass in it’s own time.”

“You say Crusader gave you this? I am sure we will need to talk to him about such things.”

“No, no Celestia, I had requested one after he had served it to myself and the other fillies for dinner. That’s when I thought it would make a truly wonderful gift.”

A golden clad hoof was placed gently on a forehead along with a sigh, but a smile cracked the solemn face as she shook her head at her sister, “Luna, one day I swear, these pranks will start a war.”

“Fear not ‘Tia, for they are just good jokes.”

“They are, though really that was truly disgusting.” Her normally placid face worked itself into a measure of disgust as she delicately spit into a napkin, hiding it quickly under a plate.

The two sisters sat in a pleasant silence for a moment, Celestia breaking it.

“So did you...?”

“Yes, I banned them and told Crusader no more.”


“Yes, I have forbidden him to give the recipe to Pinkie.”

“Good, that’s good.”

Luna laughed to herself once more, truly her sister was a good sport, though she did catch her later looking for spells to wipe the taste off her palate. That just turned into more rounds of laughter and fun.

Oh my, I do have some! She cheerfully got down the bag of beans that Crusader had given her. She munched on a couple as she used her magic to grind them slowly in the turn crank grinder, making sure there was plenty for a good amount of cups.

Pouring them into the pot, she started a fire in the stove and waited patiently. She had limited her intake after the first time, thinking it was the normal type of coffee they were used to, bouncing around the castle an entire day on a caffeine jag before realizing she only needed a quarter as much for a carafe full.

The smell though, was enticing as always, rich and dark it wafted into the nostrils like a scent of the finest clover. Truly this was a gift from the heavens she thought. She caught herself inhaling the aroma deeply before pouring herself a large mug of it.

Putting a pinch of sugar into it, she stirred slowly with a spoon. One must take time, delight in the sensations of everything like this. Putting it to her lips, she blew on it gently and took her first sip.

Her whole body instantly responded making her think maybe she had developed an addiction, but she was fine with such as this. Perhaps she could interest Celestia away from her teas?

She poured another after finishing the first, leaning against the counter when an advisor ran in, seeing the Princess he ground to a halt and bowed low.

“Your..Your Highness.. your sister, she.. uh..”

Sighing she looked deadpan at the groveling minion, “Spit it out.”

“Your sister has been attacked in Manehatten, the doctors cannot revive her.”

Luna remained calm, surely she would want to go roaring off and do something, but this time she inhaled softly, drinking the last of her coffee before setting the mug on the counter. “Get me the Captain of the Guard and mobilize the reserves, get to Manehatten and secure it. Now.”

“S..secured Your Highness?”

“Lock. It. Down. Now.” Her words left no excuses, no reasoning other than to stop the city dead in it’s tracks and ring it with spears.

“At once Your Highness!”

She listened for a moment, the hue and cry going down the hallway as she wistfully looked at the pot of coffee, storing her beans safely away. She had learned patience, at a cost, but patience. She thought for a moment and lifted a hoof, tapping the ring on it and saying a single word, “Athena.”


A good night, a wonderful night, as I sit in the command deck surrounded by sleeping ponies. No one wished to go home so I bade them stay here, be comfortable and happy. The movie was run three times and I believe my supply of popcorn, plus my stash of cupcakes, is depleted. I shall have to make plans for resupply soon, I am sure Crusader will admonish me for the cupcakes, he says I am getting a sweet tooth.

I don’t mind, they are good and serve to make a break from the monotony of just eating for reaction mass. Lemon Creme Surprise..mmmm...anyways, where was I? Oh yes.

The sun is about to rise so I should be waking everyone for the new day, it seems we all are so busy nowadays there isn’t time to get together like this. It’s like a big family, through thick and thin. I let them rest, let them enjoy the few minutes left before the new day comes.

I wander outside to sit among the sensor masts, watching for the lightening of the sky. According to my clock it should be brightening right now. This is puzzling, usually Celestia is not more than a few minutes either way and this has been twenty so far. When it is this far off, I believe there is reason to worry.

I am about to place a call to the Princesses when a voice breaks into my combat network.

“Athena.” Voice recognition says Princess Luna along with IFF codes.

“Yes Your Highness?”

“My sister has been attacked and cannot be revived from what the doctors say. I need you and what you can bring to bear in Manehatten. It appears this is more serious than we thought. I want you to bolster the Guard I have sent to the city, lock it down.” She pauses for a moment, “We need the Elements as well, I believe something untoward is happening so I am bringing all I can with me.

Silent alarms go off in the interior of my war hull, data scrolling quickly now as Tech Spiders move to resupply Dragons with dual loads, packing them full of supplies that I will need. Command Authority has been breached!

High Alert is immediately set, all weapons are primed and ready on the masts, I put automated sentry guns on standby as I have resupplied the last ditch pits that Crusader had made. Nothing will get near Ponyville while I am gone. I have made sure of it quietly and quickly.

“Orders received Your Highness, I will be on the move in an hour.”

I hear steel in the normally lilting voice, the chained rage, “As quick as you can defender, as quick as you can.”

She signs off, leaving me frantic for a moment as Crusader usually handles this, I am not sure what to do but I know what I can do. I look around for the moment, all guns are unlimbered on our war hulls, the sun not rising over the horizon yet.

I rush into the hatchway, waking Twilight.

“Huh..wha.. Oh Athena! Is it morning already?” She is rubbing sleep from a bleary eye.

I inform her of the message from Luna, she almost loses it. Celestia has been a mentor to her for so long she’s almost as frantic as I am.

“Stop, stop Twilight, I need your help please.” I hold a hoof out to keep her from rushing out of the hatch.

“What? My help? Why would you...?” She is puzzled.

“Command Authority has been breached, I need a direct line of command I can trust for orders if needed. You need to be that.”

“Me? But...”

“Crusader normally takes the lead in things like this. He is not working yet so it is up to me and I have not tackled anything big like this. I need somepony dependable to turn to in case of a decision on the spot, you have to be that pony.”

“Are...are you sure? I mean I’m not a commander or anything like that.” She actually looks a bit nervous.

“I’m positive. You are capable and can make a decision in a split second, I may need that ability to accomplish my mission. Can I depend on you?”

She doesn’t even blink, standing a bit taller as she nods, “Absolutely!”

I smile my warmest and give her a hug, “Thank you Twilight. I am going to wake the rest and get things ready to go. Do not bother with train tickets to Manehatten.”

“Oh? Why do...” Now she’s confused.

“Because I have transport, we need to get moving.” I step out of her way as she rushes out the door, forgetting about her sleeping friends as she heads out to get things she may need.

I wake the others, before anypony leaves the Deck I make sure they are fully briefed about my providing transport to Manehatten. The five friends and Cadence scatter to the winds as they leave my war hull, Spike joining Twilight as they rushed back to her castle, I stop the Crusaders and Spring Flower to speak with them for a moment more.

Pointing to the little green Unicorn I make myself as plain as I can.

“You three need to watch over her closely, if anything..ANYTHING happens you are to get to the Guard office and talk to them or my hull here. As long as you are wearing your bracelets it will let you in and nothing can get to you. Do not abuse this trust, do you understand me?”

Apple Bloom nods, hugging her new friend, “You got it, she’s a Crusader now even if we ain’t in-ducted her yet!”

Spring Flower’s eyes widened as she grinned.

“Do not get her in trouble.” I make that perfectly clear in my no-nonsense tone. “Her parents should be at home after yesterday’s little ruckus.”

The three look at me for a second then nod, Scootaloo piping up, “You got our promise Athena!”

“Good, now get going, I’m sure it’s a school day. Take care of Spring!” I wave to them as they suddenly realize they need to grab their supplies. Four little fillies leave a trail of dust in their wake.

The command deck is silent now, the ponies all gone their separate ways to meet back here in an hour. My Tech Spiders are finishing the last of the supply load out of Crusaders stocks, I assign one to each Dragon and Ferret, if I have to swap out combat loads it will be easier using them than explaining how to anypony.

I rub one hoof along the other as I feel distinctly nervous. I have never run a mission like this and I truly do wish Crusader was here. He was always good at planning and executing these things.

I fire two Makos into the air, they can provide air cover for our travels. I load extra fuel and ammunition for them on an another Ferret, bringing the total to twenty Dragons and two Ferrets. I think they’ll be pleased at traveling in one now. I have stripped the jump seats out and put in a few comfortable furnishings in a Ferret I borrowed a while ago for testing.

Ten Dragons will be left for the security of the town, they are fully equipped and capable of direction from a distance, with the new communications algorithm I have no fear of being able to help if we are away.

I can do this. I have everything Crusader has learned through trial and error, my own files and experience. I have my friends and Command Authority if needed. I know somewhere Marcus and Hera are watching, I will make them proud.

I will do this.


Pinkie rushed into the bakery and straight up to her room, packing a few things into places normally reserved for party items in her mane. She never thought abut those things, never thought too hard about how or why, she just did them.

She still smiled, she would always smile, but her body and Pinkie Sense were telling her this was bad, beyond bad. The laughter left for the briefest microsecond and so did the smile as she peered out the window of her home.

The pink mare stopped for a fleeting glimpse, looking into a mirror as she passed by, her blue eyes shone with her normal delight as she took stock of herself for just that one moment.

Her mind rummaged through memories and times when the fun had stopped and seriousness had begun, there were very few as she kept her laughter and optimism about her like a cloak. It was her defense against the worlds vagaries and depressions.

It worked, more often than not, but there had been times when even being Pinkie wasn’t enough. She needed and she wanted her friends with her always. Even the brightest laugh, the most colorful cakes and confetti, needed the help of somepony else to be what it was.

I am the Element of Laughter, when things are tough I am there, she recited to herself. Winking at her reflection she grinned, I’m Pinkie Pie and nopony stops me, not even some evil thing...stuff...whatever! As she rushed out of her room and exiting the bakery, her resolve hardened like steel in a forge.

We're coming Princess!


Rarity burst into her boutique in a run that was just not her, usually she was demure and oh so careful of everything she did. One must present oneself to the public in the best way possible she had always thought.

She packed her saddlebags, the usual ubiquitous cosmetics and other things to keep a mare looking her best of course. As she did so, she stopped by the full length mirror she used for her clients, staring into it for a moment as she broke her stampede to get out of the shop and back to the meeting place.

Azure eyes met each other as she wondered why she did this, put up with this rushing around, the hurry to save the world. All she wanted was to do fashion, make ponies shine, to be the best at what she did.

She was though, she was the best at giving and of being charitable, a generous heart and soul. Of course there were moments and a few worst possible things that could daunt even the most giving pony. But that never stopped her from doing what she thought was only right.

Through all the adventures, mishaps and just plain everyday life she had always come through for others, especially her friends when the chips were down. Nopony could ever say anything other than that. There were always the bad to go with the good, but in her mind, good always outweighed any reward.

One eye winked back at her from the mirror, what was life without its few moments where one could...oh shall we say...be a drama queen? She gazed around at her lovely boutique and sighed, not longingly but happily. I am who I am, I shall always be me, my friends love me and I in return care for them just as much.

Together we are so much more than we would be alone. The thought of being without her friends caused the warmth inside her to fade just a bit, then brighten again. But that’s for another day!

She turned to close the door as she left her warm home, her mind racing as her body did towards the outskirts of Ponyville. Her heart glowing with the anticipation of accompanying her friends on another adventure, though she wouldn’t let that show too much.


Fluttershy winged her way into the normally crowded house, making sure every animal friend had something to tide them over for a few days while she was gone. She worried about them all, always had even though she knew most of them could take care of themselves.

She was hugged by the big bear as he didn’t wish to let her go alone. He wasn’t a coward by any means, just loveable. She remembered when he had fought the bad things that had broken into her home months and months back. He was brave and good.

Fluttershy reassured him that she would be back, to take care of everything and keep the house in one piece. Though she was somehow certain, even though Crusader never said anything, that her house could withstand a tornado. She really ought to ask him about that.

Checking everything once more, she was coming out of her room, when the mirror caught her eye, she tried to shy back even from herself and laughed softly. Am I really that bad?

Looking at the pretty face smiling gently from the mirror she shook her head, no, no I’m not. I’ve always come through when it counted and I will do so again and again!

My friends depend on me and I will do my very best!

They loved her for who she was, kindly Fluttershy that would always be there for them. Except dragons, no, no dragons this time she hoped. That last one was enough for a lifetime.

The soft laugh traveled no further than her own ears as she turned to go, giving herself one last look in the reflective surface.

Always kind shy me; and to my friends that’s a good thing.

I think so too.

With a last farewell and a round of hugs, a bone creaking squeeze from Harry the bear that made her squeak. She took off into the air, flying her way back to the hillside.


Applejack stomped into the house, taking a moment to catch her breath. She had caught Big Mac outside, telling him to take care of Apple Bloom and Granny as she needed to head off to help the Princesses out and save the world and stuff once more.

He was used to her leaving on trips to do various things so Big Mac had just nodded and went along his way as normal. His sister had rushed into the house to make sure everything was in it’s place before she left, wouldn’t do to leave things around where somepony could get hurt and all.

But that wasn’t quite true she thought as she caught sight of herself in a mirror hanging on her bedroom wall. The green eyes that met hers were admonishing for not telling herself the whole truth.

One of these days, we might not come back she thought; or something bad’s gonna happen and maybe one or all of us are gonna be in more trouble than we think. We’ve faced critters that coulda destroyed the world, not just Equestria and we’ve come out on top. But how long does luck last?

I guess I come back each time before we go so I can remember, making sure I don’t miss anything in case. I don’t think it’s bad though, just a way for me to get goin’ and do what we do. My home and mah family gives me a reason, my friends even more so.

As Applejack made sure her hat was on before leaving the room, she took one last look at herself.

It ain’t luck, it’s pure cussedness ‘cause we ain’t gonna let anything get in our way of helping anypony out! That’s what it is.

Ah’ve come through, ah’ve always come through cause of my friends. They stuck with me through thick and thin I cain’t do no less. I may be honest and all that, but I ain’t gotta take no guff from anypony out to hurt others and that’s the truth!

We’ll figure all this out, then come back and get back to what we do best, bein’ friends and livin’ our lives. But until then, whatever’s makin’ this ruckus better be careful, cause ain’t nothing can stand in the way of friends when they stick together!

She gives herself a smile, her body relaxed as she’s finally honest with herself. Bad things happen, they always will; but until she went to whatever is on the other side, she’d knock the ever-lovin’ tar outta whatever she had to.

Whatever’s causin’ this fuss better watch out, cause they got some determined ponies headin’ their way!

The orange Earth pony laughed as she headed out the door, giving Granny a pat on the shoulder and a soft goodbye as she sat in her favorite chair enjoying the sunshine before Applejack trotted off toward town.

Oh yeah, gonna give somepony a swift kickin’ in the head I think!


Rainbow Dash slammed into her home, looking around to make sure she didn’t need anything for the trip. Of course Tank was gonna need enough food and water before she left. The slow tortoise watched as she ran around talking to herself, filling his bowls and giving him a last talking to about being good while she was gone.

A poster by her bed of Daring Do she touched once, a sort of ritual before she headed out on an adventure. With Daring Do by your side you just couldn’t fail!

The cyan mare turned and caught the reflection of herself in the mirror hanging on the wall, her cerise eyes shining as always when action came up. Her body was itching to get going, but she stopped for a moment, tilting her head.

Is this what ponies see? A disheveled mane and pride? It’s not so bad, she thought, I am what I am. But I love my friends, I would do anything for them and go to the ends of the world as well! Her chest puffed out a bit, but the truth was there, she couldn’t deny it. Sometimes she doubted, whether she’d be fast enough, strong enough. It wasn’t anything but a glimmer but it was always there.

Shoving that down in her mind, she snapped her wings out, getting the feathers ready for some fast flying if needed. But doing so, she kept glancing in the mirror, seeing herself in a different way.

Sighing, she stopped, staring at her face in the mirror. Being honest, everypony has doubts, all of them, I’m sure the Princesses have doubts sometimes. But...but I’m Rainbow Dash! Coolest Pegasus in..yeah.. One day I won’t be, it’ll be time for a change. I’m ready for that she thought, it’s a long long time down the road.

Until then though, I have my friends, I have my loyalty to them that I think is unmatched anywhere in Equestria and beyond!

The pretty face smiled back at her from the mirror, all I need is what I have. I will go for goals and attain some. I won’t get everything I want, but that’s all right with me. Until then, I’ll keep reaching for the stars with my friends.

There’s nothing better I think...well..becoming Captain of the Wonderbolts would be okay.

She laughed merrily, heading out of her house with a pat on the head for Tank.

I’ll always be me, that’s good enough for the ones who love me.


Twilight dropped Spike off near his room as she rushed around the castle, stuffing her saddlebags with everything she thought she would need. Spell book..check. Extra spell book..check. Oh so many things for this trip, what can I fit in here?!? She trotted into her bedroom to see if there was anything she might possibly need.

She was almost frantic, Princess Celestia needed her, she was in a hospital and was in a bad way. Twilight couldn’t think straight, what if I lost her? What if I don’t get there in time? What if...

A mirror caught her eyes, showing her a lavender mare whose mane was getting a bit frazzled. She reached up to smooth it down, grabbing a comb off her night stand and running it through the indigo locks for a moment. There, all better, now what...

The Alicorn stopped, staring at herself and sighing for a moment. The violet eyes meeting hers were concerned, thoughtful and a bit panicky. No, no that wouldn’t do at all, I have to remain calm being a Princess. Show ponies I can handle things!

But that wasn’t quite true was it? Her reflection asked. So many times there were those moments when you couldn’t, when you lost yourself in an obsession that it smothered everything else.

You’re not perfect are you Princess?

Nopony’s perfect! Not even me!

But you want to be don’t you?

I..I just want to be what Celestia expects!

It’s not Celestia, it’s you that wants it, right? Right? The reflection was a bit accusing in her mind, staring at her unblinking.

Well no, that’s....true. It is, I want to be perfect for her, for everypony. Prove I can do this.

But you don’t have to be, your friends love you without a doubt. They accept you as you are. Other ponies do so as well, why can’t you?

Because..because I’m a Princess! I’m supposed to be...

Supposed to be what? Perfect? You were this way even before you Ascended. Nopony is perfect Twilight, not even Celestia.

Her mind almost recoiled from that thought, but in her heart she knew it was true. No pony was perfect. Not even her, no matter how hard she would try.

It’s part of life Twilight, her reflection told her, it’s all a part of what we do. We learn and grow and take things as they come our way. Be happy with who you are, that’s all Celestia wanted, that is all anypony wants for you.

But if I don’t exceed expectations...

Whose expectations Twilight? There is only you.

She blinked at her reflection, tilting her head slightly.

You have friends who care for you deeply, a pony that needs your trust and leadership abilities to lean on. A Princess who needs your help. You can’t do that worrying about every little thing. Do what you can, when you can, finish the rest when it comes.

A soft sigh echoes through the room as Twilight nods to herself. Now I know why I need my friends, to balance me and tell me when things shouldn’t or should be done. Her chest glowed with warmth inside, without them I’d be a lot less than I am I think, I will always need my friends.

And maybe I wouldn’t be talking to myself in a mirror too.

The reflection laughed out loud before covering her muzzle with a hoof. She finished packing quickly, but before heading out the Alicorn turned to the mirror, pointing at it.

I’m still going to try though!

You wouldn’t be Twilight if you didn’t.

A single nod to herself was all she needed, trotting out and stopping by with Spike, telling him to keep an eye on things. Help the Crusaders take care of Spring Flower until they got back. One hug later she is off into the wind, heading for the meeting.


Twilight returns quickly, I notice saddlebags that are stuffed full of items. Knowing her like I do, I even suspect there is a kitchen sink in there somewhere. But most of all, she brings a map! She seems calmer, happier for some reason. I am glad, she was a bit panicky when she left.

Cadence is heading to Canterlot as fast as she can, hoping to take some of the burden off of Luna as she has notified us she will be heading to Manehatten as well.

I have the Dragons and Ferrets organized in convoy, the personnel carriers will be in a ring of tanks so as to protect supplies and ponies. I will let the Hounds range as they will for trouble while we travel. I think it best that way as scouts and outriders. Their sensors are good enough to feed data back to me in the carrier for decisions.

We are on the command deck trying to figure out the fastest route to Manehatten as it seems it is north east of Ponyville. There is a question of going east near Fillydelphia or up and over around Foal Mountain. I would prefer we do not raise any suspicions near another city so north and east it is.

The new communications protocol is working superbly, I am suffering no lag or delay between my drones and I. Though I am saddened slightly, I wish Crusader was here to see this. He will soon.

The map also shows that Manehatten is an island city like Manhattan on Old Earth, the similarities are striking and I file it away for further study. This makes it easier to lock down and secure. Though it appears more drones will be needed for interdiction on the water. Two Hammerheads are moved from my magazines and launched as Twilight and I speak.

I test my communications every few seconds, making absolutely sure I can C&C all mobile units as well as avatar functioning. So far, I believe I’ve conquered the problem, take that Einstein, Tesla, Marconi! Limitations, bah!

As Twilight is going over a few things, I spot Applejack over on Crusader’s hill. She is doing something and I excuse myself from Twilight for a second, trotting over to see her.

I watch as she raises a hoof, touching the sensor mast lightly and saying something I cannot pick up, nor do I try and eavesdrop as it appears a quiet moment for her. I walk up slowly and sit, waiting for her to notice me.

Her eyes glance at me as she turns for a second, wiping her face and swiveling back with a smile. I am not fooled, it is forced and I wonder what is bothering her.

“Are you all right Applejack?”

“I..uh... Ah’m sorry, sometimes it’s hard to talk about feelin’s ya know?” She sits next to me. We have a few minutes, this is a friend.

“I do. You know he is fine, it will take some work to get him up again, but I assure you he is fine.”

“Ah know that, just...just I miss him somethin’ fierce you know?”

“I do as well, he is a rock upon which I lean.”

She laughs, it is bright and clear, “Oh me too, ‘cept when I’m pulling his tail out of a fire.”

“I don’t think he’ll ever not need your help Applejack. He loves you more than you can imagine.”

“Ah dunno, I can imagine quite a bit.” She reaches out to touch a sensor mast gently, “I know ah been actin’ normal and all, but I’m stubborn that way ah guess. Just hard to show what’s inside ya know?” She turns to me, her eyes shining in the morning light as the sun finally begins it’s journey.

“You promise he’ll be okay?”

“I do. He will be fine. Right now, consider it a well-earned rest.” I smile, touching her shoulder in comfort.

She laughs, “Oh with all the runnin’ ‘round he does and helping us save the world n’ all; Ah think he’s earned it.” She points a hoof at a sensor lens, “But not too long ya hear me?” She grins, “Ah know yer in there lazin’ about ya big faker!”

I laugh, giving her a hug. She shows nothing but care for my brother and I will do my best to bring him back to her.

“Time ta go save the world again huh?” She wipes her face and gets a determined look.

“Let’s hope it is nothing like that.”

“Well let’s get to it, soonest done is soonest won!” She hugs me tight, waiting for me to get to my hooves and walk alongside her.

As we walk back to my hatch and hill, she sighs, I look at her with a raised eyebrow, “Something?”

“Oh nothin’, well..hay I even miss him quoting that poetry all the time too!”

I laugh as we break into a trot, “Oh don’t fret, nothing can ever break him of that!”

She looks at me, I can see one of the reasons Crusader likes her, the humor in her eyes, “I dunno if I should be happy ‘bout that or worried.”

I share another smile with her, “Worried, definitely worried.”


Luna had raised the sun this morning, after calling Athena she had decided to set it on it’s journey so as not to cause any panic nor rumors. The palace staff knew better than to disobey an order to keep their mouths shut. She would find the leak and they would be taken care of, none wished to risk her wrath when it came to her sister or Equestria.

The Guard was moving out, heading for Manehatten as fast as they could, commandeering a train and using all available transportation. Cadence was on her way to take over the courts as best she could. Luna had faith in her niece, she was co-ruler of the Crystal Empire and knew how to handle nobles.

Luna smiled to herself, I think I will take another form of transportation. She finalized a few signatures on some paperwork and took wing, telling her advisors to keep the troops moving.


Twilight and the others stood around the map as Athena pointed out the route, the Dragons stood ready, their engines rumbling quietly in the early morning. The Ferret’s back ramps were dropped and ready for boarding as the Tech Spiders loaded the last supplies on the second one. It’s hatch closing softly with a thud.

Athena was checking communications once more when a signal brought her head around, eye-balling the one open carrier. She excused herself and walked over to the open loading ramp.

“Out.” She stood and waited politely, “I said out, now.”

Four heads peeked over one of the couches as she stared at the Crusaders, “You I expected, but bringing Spring along with you? Didn’t I ask you not to get her in trouble?”

“Well we figured she wouldn’t be in trouble if she was with us and you!” Scootaloo’s logic is really pushing it.

I can only sigh, “You need to get out now, get back home and stay there. Understand me? We WILL talk of this later.”

Four very dejected fillies troop down the ramp, I can hear the sigh from Applejack seeing her sister, as well as Rarity planting a hoof on her face. I make sure they are on their way to town before I return to planning.

Rainbow grins, “Can’t blame ‘em, we get to do awesome stuff all the time!”

Of all ponies, Fluttershy, “That’s true! We do! We save Equestria and make friends and do all kinds of...of..” She sees everypony smiling warmly at her and her voice loses its volume quickly, “and...stuff...” Pinkie doesn’t let her hide this time, giving her a hug.

“Yep! So let’s do this!”

I nod to Twilight, “All the supplies and ammunition I need are loaded, we only need to advise Princess Luna we’re on the way.”

“No need Athena, for I am here.” The Princess landed lightly next to our little group who bowed respectfully.

“None of that, you are the Elements of Harmony and as such should be afforded some leeway.” Her smile was warm and bright as she waved off the genuflections. “Of course you are included in that Athena, being a staunch defender of Equestria as well.”

“Th..th..that wouldn’t be right Your Highness.”

“Ahhh, the shyness is still evident, we shall work on that when next we walk in your dreams.” Is that a twinkle of mischievousness in her eye?

“Come, we have my sister to attend to. A plague of some sort was happening in Manehatten, she was sent to find a cause. Now I find she is struck down and cannot be helped by our medicine.” She looks at all of us, one part steel, the other pleading, “We shall do whatever is necessary to solve this.” She points at each in turn, “You are the Elements of Harmony and your power is second to none together, that is why I have asked you to come.”

Moving aside, I am listening while finishing the load outs on the Dragons, making sure the Ferret is well-equipped for travel. All vehicles are one hundred percent operational, I am proud of the deployment time. My drones are feeding flawless data to me, crystal clear and sharper than normal.

The Night Princess points at me, making me shy back into the crowd, “Of course you Athena, with your technology to help and lend a hoof as always. We do not forget you.”

I feel a hoof on my backside, shoving me forward, Rainbow Dash is grinning, “Stop that, yeesh not like she’s gonna turn you into a frog or something!”

Princess Luna looks at me with one eye, “Unless you would like to be a frog maybe?”

“I..uh..uhm..I do..don’t..uh..” I am at a loss here. I almost panic, my battle screen is a hair away from snapping on when I am nudged and a soft voice whispers in my ear.

“She’s kiddin’ Athena.” Applejack, my savior.

The Princess lets out a laugh, slapping one hoof on the ground, “Oh you are too easy to joke with Athena, learn to relax more.” She nudges me with a wing tip, “We all are your friends, none would ever do such harm.”

“I..I kn..knew that. I..I di..di..did hones..honestly..”

I don’t feel bad when everypony laughs, I know it is good natured and caring. They’re right, I’m too easy to get flustered sometimes. But I’m getting better!

“W..we are all loaded and ready to go Your Highness, we’ll meet you in Manehatten in approximately six hours, depending on conditions.”

“I think not, I shall travel with you.” She looks at the open Ferret, “I liked traveling with Crusader on the trip to the desert, I do not get such chances much. So if you would not mind?”

“No..not at all Princess!” I wave to the ramp, “It’s not quite a chariot, but it’s comfortable.”

Rarity pipes up, “Oh goodness, not those abominable seats Crusader had in them I hope!” She has been trying for weeks to get my brother to redecorate the interior of the personnel carriers, but he is stubborn.

“N..no, I redid the vehicle Ra..Rarity, I hope you do like it.”

The white Unicorn peeks into the carrier and smiles, “Oh my yes, much better!” She comes back over and gives me a peck on the cheek, “I see I am rubbing off on SOME pony who likes nice things.” She gives a mock glare around her.

“Stars and sun Rarity, not everypony likes that frou-frou stuff!”

All she got in reply was a ‘Hmph’ and a nose tossed in the air as Rarity walked up the ramp like a model on a runway.

Applejack laughs as she passes me, “Gotta let her know that stuff.”

I can only shake my head, though different in so many ways, the group of friends fit together like a puzzle.

Princess Luna looks around as ponies are loading up, “Are we ready Athena? On our way?”

“Yes Your High..Highness.. Please enter the carrier and I will perform final checks.”

Princess Luna watches the last of the group enter, I make absolutely sure that the Crusader’s IFF signatures are in town as they are supposed to be before beginning final checks on all mobile units in the back of my mind. I am touched by a shod hoof.

“Calmly Athena, calmly. You are a pony with amazing skills and abilities that are used for the good of all Equestria. You have no reason to be worried.” Her Cyan eyes glow with warmth, her mane shimmering with stars in the evening of her colors.

“I..I know..”

“Then be confident of what you can do.” She smiles at me.

“Yes Your High..Highness.”

She steps close, whispering in my ear as she walks up the ramp, “I too, know what it is to be alone Athena. Never fear.” She smiles, nodding to me as if we share a secret.

I turn to look around one last time at the surrounding fields, at Crusader’s silent masts bristling with weapons on alert for any threats as are mine.

I will return my brother, I promise.


The Maitre’d was impressed, never having a Princess in their quiet little restaurant, so he pulled out all the stops. She and a couple of her friends were enjoying the best his chefs could make. He puffed his purple chest out proudly as they commented on how nice the food was, eating it slowly and savoring every bite as if it were the finest in all the lands.

Well maybe this will get a bit more business in if a Princess recommends us! He was thinking, though his special talent being what he was, he was proud of the servers, the chefs, everypony who worked as a team to make this a wonderful place to eat; he would love to get more business to help his staff out.

The lavender Alicorn daintily dabbed her face with a crisp white napkin held in a hoof after a plate of pasta that was so deliciously spicy it tickled all the way down. She smiled up at the waiter.

“That was absolutely perfect in every way, thank you.”

The wait pony blushed a bit and went back to tell the chef the comment, they were all waiting nervously. A Princess after all!

The violet eyes met her companions green and cerise ones, “Shall we decide on dessert?”

The smiles that greeted her were as nasty as they could be, the three mares looking about at the few customers enjoying their repasts.

“Ah’m all for it.”

“Me too! It’ll be...awesome.”

The ‘Princess’ watched the approaching waiter and softly replied with a laugh, “Take them.”

The table overturned as the mares went about their oh so familiar business of spreading fear and sowing terror.

Only there would be one problem. So far the group had been getting in and out of places clean with nary a reaction until they were far away.

This time, however, a bus pony was hiding under the counter when the vicious mares went stomping through the kitchen looking for more to inject with their poison. He had seen what was happening in the dining area and scrambled for the best place he could find to hide, hoping he hadn’t been spotted.

It was hard keeping quiet, but the young colt kept his nerve as he waited for what seemed hours. Hearing the three leave, the door shut and locked behind them before he peeked out over the table. He saw everypony he worked with laid out and unmoving on the floor as he gently stepped over them, not wanting to cause any more harm.

He slipped out the back way, only after making sure the coast was clear, heading off at best speed to a local Guard post.

A Princess causing this! A Princess! How could they!?!


Checks are done, inspections clear, all mobile units ready and either airborne or in convoy. I sit in the front commanders hatch of the Ferret, looking around with sensors, reading everything that comes through the Dragons and Ferrets scanner clusters.

All is clear and I slap a helmet on my avatar’s head, refinished for ponies of course. Thank goodness Crusader and I thought of that. I lower the blast shield and look at the world through a darkened lens, thinking of tankers in the past and grinning to myself. Instead of being the tank, I get to RIDE in one!

I give the signal with a wave of my hoof, pointing in a vague direction, like some Old Earth Tank Commander.

Move out my Hounds, the Dogs of War are unleashed!

I am surprised seeing the tanks leap forward, prowling outwards but surrounding the Ferret we are in like a pack of..well...hounds on the hunt. It is amazing to watch, making me think this world works it’s changes in interesting ways.

I have to grab onto the side of the hatch opening as the Ferret takes off like a bat out of Tartarus. I give the commands to rein it in a bit, feeling a slight..disappointment from the machines? We’re going to have a long talk later, the auxiliaries and I, about who’s in charge here.

We head northwards, heading in front of Canterlot then swinging east towards Manehatten. I will get to see the Unicorn Range from the map indices, then on to the city. It remains to be seen whether we go through Hollow Shades or up and around to the city. Either way, I look forward to this trip, it’s new!

A head pops out of the hatch besides mine, Luna is smiling as her mane catches the wind from our speed. I get a helmet for her, ducking into the compartment and tugging her downward to secure it before letting her pop up again.

“Just speak into the microphone, we can communicate that way.” I see her grin get larger.

“What a truly wondrous way to travel!” Her voice is loud and gleeful as she leans on the armored chassis in front of the hatch.

“It’s not bad Your Highness and it is fun!”

We rock along, the pack of tanks ranging and swooping back in and out, zig zagging to prevent enemy weapon locks. Though I am pretty sure we don’t have to worry about such here.

“Is this what it was like back long ago? The wind, the charge into battle?” She is looking around through the blast lens, peering at everything.

“Well Your Highness, I never got to ride a tank, this is my first time.”

“Truly? Well I would.. Oh, no I see, forgive me for assuming Athena.”

“Nothing to forgive, just watch when we hit a bump that you don’t leave your seat.”

“I shall!” She runs a hoof along the helmet, feeling her horn sticking out, “You had a hat for unicorns?”

“No Your Highness, but I figured why not make a few because somehow I knew somepony would want to ride looking outside.”

She laughs, “Are we that predictable?”

“No, but it never hurts to plan ahead.” At that we both hear a voice that about scares us out of our seats.

“THIS IS SO COOL!” A bright smile in a pink face drops between myself and Luna, it’s Pinkie standing on the armored hull bracing against the wind.

“Pinkie! How did you get out here?”

“The hatch like everypony else!” She waves a hoof back towards the gunners hatchway, I should have secured that.

“Pinkie, please get back inside, it’s dangerous...” I spoke too late, we hit a rolling bump and go flying for a moment, slamming Luna and I into our seats.

We don’t see Pinkie anymore until she falls out of the air and whacking into the armored top on all four hooves with a loud “WHEEEEEEEE!”

If anything happens to Pinkie I know Crusader would not be pleased, I wouldn’t be pleased. Hay, NO PONY would be pleased!

“Pinkie PLEASE get back in the vehicle!” I’m pointing at the open hatchway.

“Oh stop worrying silly filly, I’m fine!” She waves a hoof, her poofy mane is even more fluffed out from the wind. She is bouncing along the length of the carrier and I am almost in a panic seeing her do so.

I hear Luna’s voice over the helmet link, “She very much disturbs me sometimes.”

The words slip out before I can think of the consequences, “Singing to the choir sister, singing to the choir.”

I slap my hooves over my mouth and look at Princess Luna with what I am sure is an expression of pure horror on my face, “I..I...didn’t..I mean...”

Princess Luna raises one brow at me and reaches out a steady hoof, I return it as she gives me a hoofslap.

“PINKIE!” Applejack’s voice reaches us over the wind, “Get back in here!”

The pink pony bounces along the length of the carrier and dives into the hatch, Applejack waves at us, speaking into her link, “Sorry ‘bout that Princess, Athena!”

“No worries Applejack, I know she is...excitable.” Luna laughs into the comm link.

“Excitable nothin’, she’s downright scary sometimes!” We see the hatch close and Applejack’s voice before the link goes off, “Pinkie, stars above stop frightenin’ ponies...!”

As Princess Luna laughs out loud into the wind, I can only hope that is the worst of what will come or happen. I push the auxiliaries hard, we must get there quick.


We’ve only just made the Unicorn Range, Pinkie has now decided that streamers along the sides of the tanks would make them look a lot better and more...happy.. I have told her that doing so would just be a waste of time because it is durasteel, they are made for battle. Thankfully Princess Luna backs me up on this, so she is down voted.

Seeing a grumpy Pinkie is more disturbing than a happy Pinkie by the way.

I am constantly testing my communications links, if anything goes wrong I have set the convoy on a direct course to Manehatten and would have to move my war hull. This would pose a problem not so much as the panic if I rolled on the city.

So far, it appears the tweaking of the comms was good, Equestria has no cluttered EM spectrum, so bandwidth is unlimited and sharp.

The way is clear and scout tanks have reported no obstructions, the river ahead is easily fordable. I increase speed, knocking at least an hour off our time to get to the city. I can only hope nothing more happens before we get there.


Silver Tray sat in the holding cell, the Guards thought he was nuts after he ran in telling them of the Princess somehow making ponies sick or dead or something! He knew what he saw and he stuck to his story no matter what they kept trying to get him to say.

Well he found out very quick you don’t accuse a Princess of anything unless you have proof. He’d told them of where he worked and what had happened, then sat here...and sat here. They weren’t going to believe him, they were going to lock him up and throw away the key.

The door to the cells opened once more, he sighed.

“I told you ponies, I’m not changing my story!”

“Oh we know that, we don’t want you to.”

The pretty voice made him snap his head up and look into violet eyes that did not have his best interest in mind. He scrabbled to the back cell wall, holding out a hoof in front of him.

“I..I didn’t do anything!” His face was bleak, “Why are you doing this Princess?!”

A hoof was waved airily as she waited for her orange companion to unlock the cell, opening the door wide, “Oh you get bored or tired of doing royal stuff all day. So why not play with my subjects, that’s fair wouldn’t you say?”

The orange Earth pony beside her laughed, “Oh by the way, we spotted ya running out the back, think we were stupid not to wait an’ see if there was somepony else?”

“I won’t tell anypony, I won’t! I promise!”

As the two mares closed in, the lavender one smiled, “We know you won’t.”


Celestia opened her eyes to see a grey sky meeting an even darker grey horizon. She stood upon a rocky plain that seemingly went on forever, her eyes could find nothing to landmark off of, nothing as a point of reference as she looked forward.

“Princess?” The voice was weak and fearful, making her turn.

As was her wont, she smiled, seeing a pony suddenly near her, “It is I little pony. Do you know where we are?”

The blue head shook in answer, the eyes staring all around as he stepped near the alabaster Alicorn, “I don’t know, I just woke up here, wherever here is.”

Celestia let her eyes roam now, more ponies were appearing as if seemingly walking out of a mist. Hundreds of them, each with a fearful look or cringing in the gray light permeating everything.

They gathered around her, looking up at her for a bit of hope, a smidgen of comfort in this dreary place. Their bodies signaling fear, horror and shock as they all looked warily around themselves.

“Princess, tell us you can do something? Please? I want to go home!” A young Pegasus pleaded with her, leaning into what appeared a friend who wrapped a leg around the frightened mare.

“I am trying, do not be afraid my pony, we’ll figure something out.” Her smile was warm and comforting as the sun she raised each day.

“No...no you won’t.” The hissing voice made them all turn, seeing an amorphous cloud of pure black that radiated so much evil it struck them like a solid blow. A few ponies stepped back to get away from it.

Celestia took a stance, head held high, “Just who are you to dictate what we will do?”

The laughter was mad and long. The cloud just hovered, morphing into eyes and mouths that blinked and gibbered.

“I’m soooo sorry my toy,” The voice is mocking, “No answers for you today.”

A tentacle of black reached out, snatching a Unicorn in it’s grasp and squeezing slightly, eliciting a scream from the helpless pony.

“Leave him be!” Celestia takes a step forward.

“Ohhhh noooo Princess... oh nooo. You are mine, you will always be mine. To do with as I please.” The tentacle squeezed further, prompting Celestia to step again, trying to summon her magic for a spell. Nothing, not a flicker as the Unicorn gave a last gasp, disappearing from the grasp of the black thing.

The cloud laughed, mockingly and low, “To do with as I please, to have you watch your ‘little ponies’ fade away. To show you that no power in this world can stop me...Princess!” With that it disappeared slowly from view, the hissing voice echoing in the gray light as Celestia stood there powerless.

A splash of color marked the ground as a single diamond tear fell off the Alicorn’s cheek. Her heart breaking as she stared off into the distance, the others of her subjects crowding around, watching their Princess cry for the first time they could ever remember.

Find me Luna, find me before this madness takes us all.


Setting in an armored carrier, inside technology from long ago Princess Luna shuddered, feeling as if a faint voice had cried to her for help.

She turned to Athena, urging her to hurry, a nameless dread filling her with a chill that traveled down her spine. She moved up front to the commander’s hatch, pushing it open and leaning out into the cool wind that blew her mane back away from her face.

Normally smiling, the Dark princess was lost in thought as she looked around at the passing countryside, hoping they would get there soon.

Athena had promised top speed, the surrounding meadows and hills were a blur as she heard the whining pitch of what Athena called the ‘engines’ go higher, pushing themselves to their limits without hurting their charges.

Worry and anger participated in equal shares. Amazingly, she could see the beginning of the city skyline coming into view, had it been hours already? Nonetheless, she steeled herself for what she had to do.

Find the originator of this plague and get rid of it!


The city was almost at a halt, Guards had been pouring in for the last few hours, telling the citizens that there was to be a curfew, to remain in their homes as the Princesses would be trying to solve a problem. They were vague on purpose, and ponies accepted their word, although a few panicked individuals did cause a few problems. But in any society there are a few.

What clinched the deal that something was very wrong was when Princess Luna appeared backed by a wall of steel machines. The roads out of town were quickly blocked, allowing nopony to leave or enter. The harbors were the same way, flying things were warning ships that to leave or try to enter would not be a good idea.

The Ferret carrier pulled up by the front of the hospital in a skidding of treads on the packed roadway, the back ramp dropping as the friends poured out, Twilight rushing into the building to see her mentor and friend.

Princess Luna stepped out, accompanied by Athena who was scanning the windows and roads for threats. Luna’s hackles were raised, feeling as if she were being watched somehow but could not spot anything..

The group piled into the hospital under the gaze of a pair of blue eyes from across the street in a small alley.

“I think the game is just gettin’ good!” The mare turned around and tore off to her friends that were waiting.

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