• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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A Stage is Set.

My Bard wrote, “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

Too many in my time thought bad or of doing it. Bolos are paranoid for a reason, it keeps us alive and fighting. It kept the Concordiat as safe as we could make it and our Commanders as well.

It has been ten days now since the fight. My cores are running smoothly as I plan in my tactical database. I am feeling the itch, that something is not right. Even on this rainy morning I look outwards from the farm and wonder what might be in progress.

Human commanders had hunches, a ‘gut’ feeling. I have always depended on logic, the knowing of something. But this is a dread, something I cannot pinpoint in my psychotronic arrays, it is making me feel distinctly edgy.

I mentioned it to Applejack earlier and she listened close offering a good piece of advice. Maybe I am so used to conflict that in a time of none I would still want it. She does have a point.

But I truly think this is different from open warfare and the desiring of it.

For now though, I will keep watch.


Manehatten was the ‘big city’ everypony wanted to see at least once in their lives. The hustle of business and crowds of ponies bustling this way and that on their busy lives. To the small town folks it was a noisy burg, full of lights and commotion. To others a wondrous place to see the tall buildings and what ponies could do with effort and time.

But to others, it was a hunting ground.

The white Unicorn mare sat on the barstool, toying with a freshly made drink as the sloe azure eyes took in her surroundings. The posh decorations, the soft lighting, showing off the class and style of the uptown tap room. It was small, out of the way, only known by a few. A perfect place to duck into off the street.

Ponies chatted low in the warm atmosphere, enjoying a time away from their busy lives. Mid-morning was a slower time in the city, not as much to do but always something. It wasn’t crowded, just enough to make it comfortable without being close.

But the mare fit right in, her indigo mane curled in the latest fashion, tail to match. Her coat was immaculately groomed, shining softly against the inset lights of the room. She spoke in low tones to the bartender when she wanted another drink, pushing across bits with an aplomb that caught the eye.

Those eyes glanced her way now and then, seeing the trim body, the lines of muscle that flowed smoothly underneath the gleaming exterior. Her polished hooves resting on the bar in front of her as she barely made eye contact with anypony, seemingly wanting to be alone or waiting for someone special to walk in the door.

A few stallions, a mare or two had tried to pass the time with the fashionable Unicorn, but were brushed off with nary a care to feelings. She seemed to want nothing to do with any one so far.

The door opened onto the warm afternoon, letting in two more mares that walked directly to the one at the bar.

One was a buttery gold pegasus, slim and lovely as she walked slowly through the room, almost as if she knew every eye was on her. The pink mane and tail flowing in waves of color that only heightened the sense of sexuality and want when she passed by a table. The gleaming wings brushing outward in a ruffle before settling against her side, she sidled up to the Unicorn with a nuzzle on the cheek. Her cyan eyes sweeping the room with a glance before turning back to her friend.

The other was a two toned pink mare, another lovely figure with a smile that would brighten any day or place. She almost bounced with every step. Her mane and tail curly and fluffed to give that right amount of flounce to every movement and wiggle of her body as she shamelessly flirted and winked at a few ponies sitting alone, giving them a little thrill in their boring lives.

The three of them smiled at each other for a moment, looking around at the room as if judging it for the first time since walking in.

A pony here, a pony there; a couple at a table, the bartender. As before, not crowded at all, just enough.

Had anypony been paying attention, they would have noticed that the last mare in had locked the door.

The elegant Unicorn gestured for the bartender to come over, he leaned forward to hear her low voice as she reached out to caress the side of his neck with one hoof. The sharp point entered a vein quickly and dropped him on the spot without a sound. She glanced over the counter top to see the stallion trembling as the fire rushed through his veins.

The three mares turned to face the rest of the unsuspecting room. Their eyes glinting with malice and glee as they rushed to the others sitting quietly.

The customers never knew what hit them.


Onto the street three mares exited the now quiet tap room, as evidenced by the sign that had been turned to read “Closed”. Exchanging glances as they stood on the sidewalk, nopony would have noticed anything wrong unless they had looked very carefully. They would have seen sly smiles, a look in the eye of lust and insanity that knew no bounds. But to those passing on the street, nothing.

The Unicorn leaned over, giving the other two a peck on the cheek as if a friendly goodbye. Splitting up, they headed their separate ways.

There was more prey to be found.


The city guard scratched his neck, looking down at the body laying on the floor of the plush apartment. The Unicorn medic was scanning with a diagnostic spell and shaking her head.

Other guards were checking the surrounding area to see if anypony had seen anything strange.

“I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Well what’s going on? Is she alive?”

“No...and yes.”

“Well it can’t be both!” The guard was exasperated, this was the second one they’d found today.

“I’m telling you the spell says yes and no.” She was at her wit’s edge, the spell’s readings were giving her a headache.

“Well what’s causing it then? Can’t be another Tirek can it?”

Puzzled eyes met his as the mare shrugged, “I don’t know. Celestia’s name I hope not.”


Spring Flower loved her new toy, it was a nifty one made to help little Unicorns learn how to use their magic by lifting and setting colored blocks in place. They traveled along a wire so they’d never get lost, you could keep trying over and over again without effort.

She was waiting for the rain to stop so her family could all go out for lunch today, it was going to be nice and cool after the showers.

Her face lit up in delight as she kept trying to move the colored blocks with her magic, failing more often that not but having a grand time. Her laughter was like the rain outside, fresh and wonderful.

She had saved a few bits as well and her parents had promised she could get a special treat from Sugar Cube Corner as well, so it was a doubly good day.

Her horn sputtered slightly, going out as she looked around the room a bit fearfully.

A frown crossed her pretty face, making her clamp her tiny hooves over her ears as she shook her head, “No! I did what you said, leave me alone!” She shut her eyes tight trying to block out whatever it was.

Her head tilted a bit as if listening to a silent voice, “I said no! You leave my mommy and daddy alone!”

A knock came at the door, a polite tapping, “Spring, are you okay in there?” Her mother’s voice sounded a bit anxious.

“I..I’m o..okay Mommy!”

The door opened a crack, a pair of very kind eyes peeked in, smiling at the little Unicorn, “Are you sure? Sounded like you were talking to somepony.”

“Oh no Mommy, just playing.” She cracked a small smile.

“Alright then, it won’t be too long, we’re going to go eat soon.”


She clutched her new toy to her chest, eyes tearing up a bit as she remembered how nice the pony had been who helped her get it.

She wished she hadn’t lied to Mr. Crusader about the voices being gone.


Fluttershy was having tea with her animal friends, it had been a wonderful day and she was happy spending time in the house Crusader had built for her. Being at the edge of the Everfree was dubious at best, but with a touch she could close her house up and sit happily inside to wait things out.

Angel Bunny of course was being his usual... self...., but according to Fluttershy he was just being a ‘rascal’. Most ponies thought about murder and mayhem when the animal was around, therefore he didn’t go out unless it was with Fluttershy.

She had worked all day, happily singing to herself as she made dinner and tea. The animals were always grateful for the food and attention, knowing she worked hard at it and not taking advantage of her kind nature.

Angel Bunny however...

He pointed to a bowl of salad, missing a minor ingredient as he pointed the other paw at a recipe book. Fluttershy was comparing it quickly and shrugged.

“We don’t have that Angel, so you might want to..uhm..do without.”

The little rabbit stamped a foot, kicking at the bowl and spilling the contents.

Fluttershy didn’t cringe back, she stared at the bowl for a second, then at all the other animals enjoying the things she’d put out.

Looking directly at the rabbit who glowered at her, she hissed in a quiet voice, “Then don’t eat!”

Turning back to the other animals with a smile, she sat and had her tea.

The other animals never liked the rabbit anyway, so ignored the shocked look on his face as he stared at the others having a pleasant time.


Athena was sitting in a clearing in the Everfree, enjoying the clear air after a rain shower. It was fresh smelling, the hint of flowers reaching her sensors.

She and Crusader were going out tomorrow to check the sight of the last fight, seeing if any clues to what it was remained. She highly doubted it and so did he, but thoroughness is part and parcel of themselves.

Glancing upwards, she could spot the drone on patrol high above, so had no real worries, she tapped into the processor and took a look at the surrounding area. It was clear and appeared to be silent. More animals were making their way back into the battleground now.

She desperately wanted to see the butterflies again. They were so very pretty and she hadn’t seen anything like them before. But her searches were fruitless. She’d seen many others, but none of the gleaming magnificent ones that surrounded her and Crusader.

But she still smiled, looking around at the sunshine coming through the quiet trees. The forest not so spooky now as she quietly watched the normal butterflies making their rounds of the flowers.

Zecora had told her to stay away from the blue flowers, “Poison Joke” she called them, advising it would not be a pleasant experience to be found in a field of them. So she studiously avoided them in any form, just in case.

With a sigh, she got to her hooves, wondering where she could search next for the pretty butterflies. She was patient, having plenty of time now that the crisis was over for now at least, so she went hunting for them every chance she could. She loved her avatar, having a range and movement she’d never thought was even possible, returning only to her hull in a fashion for sensor watch or maintenance.

She did wish she could fly though. She was poring over books of magic with Twilight sometimes in the castle, looking for a spell, temporary or permanent that would give her the capability of a regular Pegasus. No one had ever done that kind of research, about the inherent magic in ponies so Twilight was excited for a new avenue of spells. She threw herself into it with abandon, looking for the right combination to help her friend.

Athena kept smiling to herself; Twilight was so wonderful, she was studious and shared information about everything. Athena loved listening to her talk about their history, or magic, pretty much anything that came to mind. The past couple days they had been spending time together in the library discussing scientific achievements of both races, humans and ponies.

While aware of the tech rule, Athena had told Crusader it was Twilight and she would never break a promise not to share information like this. He had consented, letting her know that even though the science was advanced, she would find out that ponies did not want it. They preferred to find things themselves, developing along a line of magic and engineering that baffled both Athena and Crusader some times.

She thought back to the grenades that they had used, hoofing them right back over to Crusader and Athena with a firm no to the offer of more for emergencies.

She was interrupted in her thoughts by Rainbow Dash, smashing into the ground next to her with a loud “OOF!”

“Rainbow! Are you alright?” Athena stared helplessly.

“Yeah..yeah I’m good. A bit of a miscalculation there. But nothing I can’t handle!” She was getting unsteadily to her hooves, shaking her head.

The sable Pegasus laughed, giving her a nudge on the shoulder, “Maybe we ought to make some armor for you, keep you safe?”

She received a single eyed glare, “I don’t need armor! I’m Rainbo.. OW!” Her happy smile turned to a disgusted look as she shook grass out of her wing, “Okay, not so awesome today.”

“So are we still on for flight lessons soon? I really like practicing. I know it’s kind of a long shot, but still, it’s fun learning.”

“Sure! I can tell you more about the weather work too, you’ll like that I think.”

“It’s interesting, hard to believe you can move clouds that way even though I’ve seen it.” She shook her head at Rainbow.

“Yep, it’s what we do!”

“I would like to be a weather pony, I really would.” Athena looked up to the sky, staring at the crisp blue as she and Rainbow walked toward town.

Rainbow nodded, then chuckled, “Well, don’t worry too much about it. Not like you’re ever going to fly for real anyways.”

The nasty comment was said in such an off-hoofed way that it took a moment for Athena to catch it and stare at her friend who kept chatting happily at her as they walked towards town.

A pain shot through her, feeling like she had been stabbed in the heart from a simple comment.

Surely she hadn’t meant it the way it sounded Athena thought. Rainbow was her friend, she’d been showing her everything about being a Pegasus. It was surely not meant the way she took it.

Athena tried to console herself, it was just a comment anyways. Not meant to be mean.

Wasn’t it?


Twilight was setting in the quiet Library, a book thick and old opened before her as she read the runes contained within. Spells were her life and love, she was going to find something for Athena. If not, she could make something, being an Alicorn why not use her power to do so? What good is being a Princess of Friendship if you couldn’t help somepony, especially Athena.

The sable Pegasus was kind and sweet, listening for hours as she expounded on different subjects, actually running out of things to say before Athena got tired. Which was truly a first for Twilight, usually when she went on ponies stopped her before she got in depth.

Her eyes lifted from the book, staring into the distance as she thought of Athena, then Crusader.


He was kind, attentive, oh so very polite. True he made mistakes, but he was honest and good willed toward everypony. Well, except when he hit Discord, but even then no one really begrudged him that one. She chuckled to herself for a moment.

Twilight’s violet eyes went soft, thinking of him and how she felt. She always had a warm feeling when around him but paid it no attention. Sure she’d been on dates, even kissed a stallion a few times. But no pony really caught her attention until he showed up. He listened, really listened to everything she said and asked intelligent questions about it all. He was truly insatiable in a quest for knowledge.

He was her friend through and through, she felt lucky to know some pony like him.

Twilight loved being his friend, she knew he would do anything for her and the others. It made her happy when he smiled, though he was in love with Applejack, Twilight couldn’t help but feel a little warmer than a friend towards him whenever he made a joke or played a prank on her.

Twilight couldn’t remain mad for long, that wouldn’t be right. Besides, there was plenty of time to get to know him further. She returned to perusing her tome.

Even though he cared for Applejack, it wouldn’t be hard to take him for her own.

She was a Princess after all wasn’t she?


Pinkie was bouncing around the bakery, cleaning up the last of her experiment in Chocolate Dipped Lemon Swirl Cake. It had gone really well she thought, though the sugar content was a bit high and the last filly that tried a piece almost went ballistic, it WAS good tasting though!

She’d apologized to the parents, telling them it was just a ‘little’ sugar rush and would be over soon. She made a note, cut back the sugar.

Her mane was poofed out and bouncing along with her as she happily hummed to herself, wiping a rag over the counter. She thought of her date the previous night, taking a moment to hug herself with a giggle.

Pinkie was just the happiest pony ever these last couple days, so many good things had happened, and best of all those mean things had stopped coming out of the forest to try and be mean to ponies. Now that stunk, it really did, maybe those things just needed a Pinkie of their own to make them smile and everything would be right with the world.

But that party, oh that party.

It had been the bestest night EVER!

Everything was so pretty and warm and...and..everything! Granite was so wonderfully polite, he’d danced with her and nopony else! Just her! She laughed out loud in the empty store, dancing a bit on her hooves as she put away the last of the pans.

Every pony looked they were princesses and princes, the gleaming, sparkling dresses and ties. Oh gosh it had been so wonderful! They’d taken enough pictures to fill a scrapbook, which by the way she had purchased just for those photos. It waited upstairs to be filled.

Rarity had taken her aside and redone her mane and tail, sprinkling on some crushed gemstones that had made her fluffy mane sparkle like a thousand stars in a pink sky. Her coat that showed through the dress was covered as well and she glimmered and shined like Luna’s Moon!

Of course she made absolutely sure that they took more pictures, she didn’t want to ever ever EVER forget that night!

She just couldn’t have imagined a party thrown just for her! She had the bestest friends ever!

They’d danced and laughed all night long! Everypony looked like something out of an old mare’s tale. She’d actually thought for a moment she would wake up in her bed and it had all been a dream.

But it WASN’T! It had been oh so really real!

She just couldn’t find the right words to describe everything, so she just smiled and sang and was a particularly happiest Pinkie ever today.

Letting out another happy sigh, she waved to Mr Cake, telling him she was going out for a while. Get some fresh air cause she’d been cooped up all day, it had been busy.

“Have fun Pinkie, thanks for the hard work!” Mr. Cake waved back.

“You’re welcome!”

Mrs. Cake smiled, “It’s good you’re getting out more instead of being cooped up all day young mare.”

She grinned brightly, “Yep! Good to get away from those two brats of yours as well!” She waved and bounced off towards the street, leaving a puzzled Mr. and Mrs. Cake behind her.


Rarity put the last of her materials away, thinking it had been an oh so productive week. She glanced at the designs she had kept in her room of the redecorating of Athena’s command area.

It was earth tones and soft colors that just made her squeal with delight as the ideas just flowed once she set her mind to it. She’d kept pushing things beyond her normal efforts, coming out with something that would not be out of place in Canterlot’s Palace itself.

She smiled to herself, seeing Athena’s pretty face smiling shyly at her as she showed her the new command deck, watching her wander around in wonder.

It was moments like that, that made everything she did worthwhile. The dresses, the designs; the putting of a gem just so in a stitch that made something ordinary into a design that would turn heads, make ponies look thrice at what was there.

She leaned an elegant hoof against the window sill, looking outwards to the green fields and blue skies, happy in her little shop. She had done so many wondrous things, been through so many adventures. Who’d have thought a simple dressmaker could do so much.

Rarity laughed, covering her mouth with a hoof, “Well, more than a simple dressmaker I’d hope.”

She had her moments though, the swooning, the overly dramatic parts when it was just the Worst. Possible. Thing! But those passed, her friends always forgiving of her little peccadilloes.

Rarity wouldn’t trade it for the world, nothing at all could compare to her life in this town, with these friends. Should she ever make it huge like some, she believed she would stay here in this place where she had made friendships to last a lifetime.

There was of course, her sister as well, Sweetie Belle was staying with her for the moment. Though she had a habit of getting into a bit of a situation now and then. Rarity chuckled at that, ‘situation’ is an understatement. She loved her little sister and tried to do her best for her. They were both learning the give and take.

It was truly a wonderful life she had here, barring the disasters that usually befell Ponyville, she would rather stay in her shop and design for the world. Let them come to me. They did, the best and finest of the upper class, asking her to do a design or two for them.

She had a right to be proud, they all did.

She heard hoof steps behind her as Sweetie entered the room.

“Hiya Rarity! Hey, can I go out and play with Apple Bloom for a bit before dinner? We’re gonna try to get our Cutie Marks in Watercolors!” Her smile would power the world were it run on them.

“Of course dear, just don’t get too dirty now? It’s always a bit of a struggle to get you in the bath after your adventures.” She graced her sister with a ‘long suffering sister’ look, making Sweetie giggle.

Rarity turned, heading to an early bath as she had been busy all day, “Just be careful and only for a couple of hours all right?”

“Yes Rarity, thank you!”

“Oh, and don’t worry too hard about Cutie Marks, you’ll probably never get one anyway dear.”

Sweetie Belle watched her sister gracefully walk up the steps, the off hoof comment leaving her stunned and a bit sad as she couldn’t believe her sister had said that. Surely she didn’t mean to say anything so mean?

A deep frown creased the pretty face as she slowly walked out to where Apple Bloom waited with some painting supplies. Her normally bouncy curls a slightly less perfect now that the comment had struck deep within such an innocent soul.


I have finished my chores with a satisfaction I enjoy, the rain had stopped so I went to them with a will. I like doing things, simple things that take effort and skill other than pressing a button or directing a high energy weapon at it.

Fences are mended, bushel barrels repaired, it is a good feeling to accomplish something by the end of a day. I am content as I sit out on the porch once more, waiting for the evening to finally fall.

But the best time, is when my Applejack joins me like now, settling herself next to me as we both lean into each other. A quiet companionship that is comfortable to both of us. I turn to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“All done for today my Applejack. I even got the wagon fixed with Big Mac, so less to do tomorrow.”

She smiles, pushing a blonde lock out of her pretty face, “I dunno, you doing all this work we may have nothing to do by the end of the week.” A chuckle slips out as she nudges me with a shoulder.

“As it should be. There should be days when you can relax a bit more.” I look at the orchard, “Besides, harvest is coming, so doing that should be easier with everything else out of the way.”

“Won’t that be a pleasure. Ah tell ya it’s nice having to not play catch up all the time.”

She looks at me with warm eyes, “You like this doncha?” I hear a note of concern, “I mean you’ve done so many things, isn’t it boring?”

“Not at all, I promise you.” I gesture with a hoof at the surrounding acres, “This is more satisfying than anything I have ever done before.”

“Well, thought ya might get tired of doin’ all this regular stuff. Bein’ a Bolo and all.” She nuzzles me softly, “But if ya say you aren’t, well that’s fine with me.”

“I am happy to be here with you, always.”

She smiles in the waning sunlight, bumping me gently. “Well we got dinner ready so let’s get to it, maybe an early bedtime, been a busy day.” She turns and walks towards the front door.

“I mean hay, yer not even real, ya don’t sleep so why worry bout an early bedtime. So, early bed for me, c’mon.”

The comment is so off the cuff it takes me completely off guard. She has never mentioned nor said anything like that before. I understand my avatar is not real, but still, the delivery is what strikes deep. Meant to cause hurt.

Surely it is just tiredness that caused it, she did not mean such a thing and I am over-thinking this.

“Yes my Applejack.”

Author's Note:

1. Please don't PM me with WTF! I know I know:rainbowlaugh:
2. Angel is a jerk, period, I hate that little....yeah.. and if I could I'd knock him off, so there.:pinkiehappy:

Tip of the hat! Cornebre, Nightmare, Wacky, DragonMaus, BronzeDragon, Kenryuu, Sky Wolf, Jarimor, Timuri, BeingMe2, Uncle Mike, Nocara, Wise2Fox, Nacho the Brony, Uncle Mike, Militia Man, Mirror Shield, God of Physics, Enderborn Brony, Game Hunter, Lord Iron Skull, Booster Spice, The Nerd Force herself Meep! Moonfire, Morphy, Asheram, Fictional Fanatic, Exaxxion, Silent Mech, Shark8, Adam Jensen, Snoodman, Timothy48, Cosmic Flash, PhiliChez, Jerico, Officer Hot Pants, Evergreen Pine Apple For the wonderful comments and ideas that really do help make this better! If I haven't got ya now, I'll tip a hat later to those I missed! If I missed ya yell at me in PM, I promise I'll get it up in A/N next time!

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