• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,576 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Moving Forward - Visiting Memories

Head twisting on a muscular neck, shoulders shrugging as armor was pulled on, Wyatt smiled. Looking in a mirror he could see that he was..younger almost. The lines were gone, his hair had color, deep and rich. He looked as if he’d been renewed. The two Bolos had gone all out for his request.

“Feel tons better, I really do.”

“We have done what you asked, nothing more.”

He glanced over, seeing the two Bolo avatars sitting quietly near him.

“I know.” He stopped his dressing for a moment and sat in the command chair, leaning it back against the console, “And I am not even going to say I know what you’re feeling. But you do understand why I made the decision?”

“We do.”

All three had talked, during the procedure. Flooding a human body with nanites that removed and replaced large sections of a CNS was not a simple thing, and had taken careful work. He had to remain awake during the process, while pain was suppressed, even then it leaked through, and by conversation distracted enough to not go into paroxysms. Recovery had taken two days before he was up and around again, during that time the search had gone on with indications of something in a nearby glacier.

It was a tough process, but one that was now over with and done. The clock had started.

“Then be my mates again, let’s go find something. We’ve only got a section or two left, but maybe we’ll hit gold?” He slapped the seal on his chest piece, seeing them still sitting there, “What’s wrong?”

Athena smiled, “Did you forget you were invited to the opening of the museum in Canterlot?”

He almost dropped the helmet he was holding, “They’re done? How in the hell..”

“Ponies are quite industrious.” Crusader’s faint smile was actually warm, “We did not know if it would be in time, but now you can go see it.”

“How are we.. I mean you can’t drive in there like here right?” He waved, pointing out the window to where the gigantic machines sat. “When is it? Was it today? We’re never going to get there in time.”

Athena chuckled, “Oh no, we’ve got something else planned.”

Wyatt paused, seeing them both looking at him, he could swear their eyes twinkled.

“What are you up to?”


“Do WHAT?”

Twilight grinned, prancing around for a second, “Teleportation! Trust me, the easiest way to go!” Cadence was there beside her with an easy smile, seeing the consternation on Wyatt’s face, Shining was trying not to laugh at the expression of disbelief.

The sergeant had changed into battle utilities, not needing armor in Canterlot, he hoped. Standing there slack jawed and then gathering himself back together.

“Look, I believed your magic, that you can do that stuff. Seen it, don’t understand it, but yeah.. Now you’re telling me you’re going to do a form of matter transmission from here to..to.. Canter..lot..”

Crusader spoke up, “Technically, it is not a transmission, merely a displacement of your body from one place to another with no intervening..” He stopped, seeing a finger pointed his way.

“You, be quiet. You knew about this and sprung it on me at the last second.”

“How do you think the Princesses got here some days? They teleported, fastest and easiest for talented magic users.” Twilight was looking quite smug.

“Why can’t we drive? It’ll be safer!”

“A Ferret would take too long, even at top speed. The other faster vehicles are basically open and would not be very good for a long drive.”

Wyatt pointed at the two Bolos, “You did this on purpose, I know you did.”

The sable Pegasus placed a hoof on her chest, the very example of innocence, “We did not know what the outcome would be and so decided the faster, the better.”


“I would very much like to see this!” Her voice was strong and resonant throughout the communications bands and ear pieces. They had spent all night formulating a running algorithm that would keep her intact for as long as possible until...that final time. Until then, it would bolster her and keep her from collapse.

Wyatt gritted his teeth, “Argh! You traitor! I don’t wanna be beamed across the planet!”

“You’re not going to be ‘beamed’,” Twilight spoke, “You’ll just be displaced, instantly.” She pointed to the silver metal circle set up for the transport, “You’ll go right to the throne room where Princesses Luna and Celestia have set up another circle just like this for a mass transport.”

She raised an eyebrow at his skeptical face, “We do know what we’re doing.”

“Unless you count that Manticore that got loo..” A lavender hoof was shoved into Rainbow’s mouth before she got any further.

“Concordiat scientists longed and dreamed for a day when matter transmission was possible. I can only imagine what they’d say now!” Calliope was chuckling through the link.

“We have relay drones set up for long term flight, transmission for communications will not be hampered. We are leaving our hulls here and coming right back afterwards.” Crusader was stepping into the circle along with the others, luggage had already been transported.

The tall human sighed, rubbing a hand down his face, “Fine, but if I’m missing any parts when we get there, someone is going to pay!”

Twilight waved nonchalantly as her horn lit up along with Shining and Cadence, “It’ll be fine.” As the magic auras got intensely bright, she did put forward one last thing, “Oh! It’s your first time, so you might get a little nause..”

Then the world was gone.....


“Are you sure he’ll be all right?” Celestia’s voice was concerned as they stood outside the restroom in a royal guest chamber. The sounds coming from within were disturbing to say the least.

Luna was eyeing the door, wondering if somehow a beast from the Everfree had gotten loose, or some otherwordly thing had stepped through to menace them. The guards up and down the hallway were holding their spears a little tighter.

“Oh, he’ll be fine. We’ve got his vital signs, they’re fine, just a bit ..uh..jittery..” Athena was worriedly looking at the closed door alongside Luna.

The rest of the group was standing in the guest chamber, silent and not knowing what to say, even Pinkie who was wide-eyed at the amazing noises.


......and came back with a roar!

With a bright sundering of light, a room coalesced around the group as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood nearby with smiles on, ready to greet their visitors and make them welcome.

The group was already moving around, used to things like this as everyone was making greetings, joyful voices sounding as if they could not wait to attend the opening of the new museum of the past. So much work had gone into it so quickly.

Wyatt had not moved, blinking his eyes for a moment as Celestia stepped forward.

“Sergeant Carpenter, it is very much our..are you all right?”

His face had taken on a distinct shade of green.

Not any normal green, such as a pony would be colored, but a bilious looking shade. Particularly rancid in aspect and kind, it covered his entire face down to his neck as he ran a hand across his stomach. This was a green that presaged something everypony knew. Something bad was about to happen, suddenly and all over the place.

“I...” He couldn’t speak, the color becoming more and more vile looking within seconds as a look of horror crossed Twilight’s face.

“No! Nononono! Not in the throne room!”

Ponies scrambled out of the way as Twilight rushed over, grabbing his legs and popping out of existence.

Static from the opening of the commlinks so they could track where she was, and if they were intact.

“NO! Not there! THERE! Oh, CELESTIA, NO!”

Twilight’s voice was almost screaming in fright as a sound came through the communications devices that had them all clutching their own stomachs in sympathy.

Water splashing, muffled sounds of two voices, almost as if one was drowning the other. It was a play from a nightmare that even had Celestia and Luna looking a bit pale around the gills.

“They are in the guest quarters, first room on the right.” Crusader’s voice was tinged with what almost sounded like disgust.

Everypony dropped what they were doing, rushing out of the throne room, down the hall and breaking in skidding halts in front of the door. Opening it, the doorway to the facilities was shut as they all crowded in, hearing and not wanting to.

The sounds suddenly stopped, nothing was heard in an eerie deadness to the air. “Should we...go in?” Athena was asking shyly. Water was heard, like the splashing of a waterfall, then stopped, letting the stillness come back.

“I think..” The door flew open with an aura of magic, slamming back as a wet Twilight came out, ramming it closed behind her with a studied look on her face.

There are many looks, many kinds. Ponies are an expressive race. They elicit joy, laughter, smiles, sadness, the whole gamut.

The one currently on Twilight’s face was a mixture of such, none of them good, as she shook her mane. Wet and soaked to the bone, she stepped into the hall, planting her butt on the floor with a raised hoof to inquisitive eyes that said “Do not ask...ever.”

All the group could do was wait out the trying time, standing silently in the hall and wishing they were all someplace else.

Wishes still didn't come true.


“I think I lost a kidney.” The voice came from under a thick comforter where Wyatt lay on the fluffy mattress. His clothes were being cleaned while..well..disposed of if the looks on the servants faces were anything to go by. He’d had Athena and Crusader bring a ditty bag of extras along, so he was fine, but for right now the rest did him some good to settle an unruly stomach.

“You did not lose a kidney.” Athena chuckled while she and Crusader sat next to the large bed. “As a matter of fact, you’re malingering, your vitals say you are fine.”

“By the way, what happened?” Athena was intensely curious.

“No. There are some things I will lie about, some I will tell stories about. This is never going to be either.” The drawn face from an hour earlier was looking much better.

“Will you please apologize to Twilight for me?”

“She’s been...busy.. I think on her fifth bath right now.”

A hand went up, rubbing the forehead, “Oh, lord. She’s gonna be mightily pissed at me.”

Crusader shook his head, “I think not. She will show some restraint I am sure.”

Athena couldn’t help but shake her head minutely, coming over the battlenet in a transmission to Crusader.

“The look on her face? It’s going to take a little time.”


Calliope, can you receive?” They were testing the communications relays.

Oh, yes.” She sounded reluctant.

Is something wrong?

Oh...well..his commset was on the whole time and..I.. Don’t wish to talk about it.” They had never heard that tone of disgust before from her.


“Hey, one of you lazy Bolos hand an old man his bag? Sick here ya know, could fall over any minute. Chop chop!” The snarky tone was back, making them both look, seeing him sitting up and holding out one hand as if for service. It seems the nanite boosting was performing flawlessly, he appeared to be in fine fettle.

Athena made sure the bag smacked him good when she whacked it with a hoof off the floor.


“So..what’re we doing now?” Spike asked, knowing another dull meeting was going to happen.

Twilight was holding a scroll aloft with magic, pacing the floor as Spike and the others lounged around in a common area, private and secluded, it gave them all a chance to relax before everything kicked off. Wyatt was dressing, or attempting to in the odd bathroom as Athena and Crusader attended the meeting.

“We have the reception, where dignitaries are going to arrive for the opening. There’s the small brunch of course, this is early afternoon; and since we arrived this morning we have plenty of time to get ready.”

“Then the party for the opening is tonight after the reception.” She was grinning at her list, “And it’ll continue as the opening commences and ponies get to tour the museum! Isn’t it exciting?”

“Can’t we just sneak in and look around? Without all the snobby ponies?” Rainbow was looking disgusted.

Applejack raised a hoof, getting it slapped by Rainbow’s.

“We will not sneak in! We’re representing Equestria as the Elements of Harmony because everypony will want to see us there. The Princesses will be making short speeches and Wyatt will..”

“Will what?” He had just walked in, tugging the light battlefield utility coat closed over his fatigues, a hat firmly on his head as talk stopped. His eyes narrowed as if he’d almost walked into an ambush, hair on the back of his neck prickling.

“I will what?”

“Receive a Medal of Friendship for helping save the Empire, after which you’ll be asked to make a small speech, about it and the museum.” Twilight read right off the scroll, smiling at him warmly.

Applejack grinned at Rainbow, giving her a nudge, “Oh, here we go.” Seeing Wyatt’s eyes narrow to almost a glare.

“Speech? What speech? I don’t do speeches.” He pointed at the two silent Bolo avatars, “Give it to them, they did the work.”

Crusader answered, “We prefer to remain in the background if we can. You have been given credit for the defense and none will gainsay you. It has been arranged.”

And it had, by Cadence and Shining talking to ponies who would be there from the Empire, letting them know Crusader and Athena’s desire to remain behind the scenes if they could. They had been moving far too much and gathering unwanted attention. They did not wish Ponyville to become more a center of interest, it was bad enough with all the strange goings on.

It would fade in time, but the less attention, the better.

“And you tell me this now?”

“It was a surprise, we thought you’d be pleased, darling.” Rarity was lying on a cushion working on something as she glanced upwards.

Silence dropped in the room like a hammer as he stood looking at the ponies and one dragon.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, “Fine, but it’ll be short.” He started to head back to the guest room, throwing over his shoulder, “Long as there isn’t any stupid statues or anything!”

Twilight was frantically scratching out a couple of things on her list as Fluttershy hoofed over some bits to Pinkie.

The pink mare grinned, “Told you.”


“You absolutely cannot wear that, it’s just not proper!” Rarity was aghast, seeing Wyatt standing in battle dress in front of the mirror, making sure everything looked correct.

“Why not? I don’t have a dress uniform and whatever so called ‘dignitaries’ are there won’t even know the difference.” He slapped a hat on his head, adjusting the brim and nodded, looking good.

She had gone to his rooms to inquire about dressing for the reception when he had informed her of what he was going to wear. The argument had not let up since.

“Then let me show you what I’ve done, we simply cannot let you arrive in anything but the most fabulous outfit!” She floated in a long bag which looked like something a suit would come in.

Raising one hand he shook his head, “Oh no, nono. No bow ties, no black suits, nothing. I’ve never been fancy and am not going to start.”

Rarity glanced over one shapely shoulder, her eyes sparkling in the soft light of the room, “Trust me, darling.”

The bag opened with a flourish of her magic, a hanger lifting out to settle in air as she revealed her surprise.

He stood for a second, then sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at what hung from the wooden hanger like it was something otherworldly.

“Where did you come up with that?”

Rarity smiled, always enjoying the look on pony’s faces when they saw her creations, “When you know the right pony, you can find out anything. What do you think?”

He walked over to where it hung in midair, looking at it with astonishment, but also a critical eye.

They were Concordiat Bolo Officer’s Grays, cut to fit, it appeared, and stitched so fine it looked machine done. His chevrons were weaved in gold, delineating a Sergeant of the Concordiat Infantry, even the patch for his Unit was there, done in subtle colors that shone against the backdrop of a shimmering gray. His name was stitched on one side, in an amber thread he had no idea could look that way, and his awards were on the opposite side, done with minute gems that sparkled along the colorful ribbons showing the battles and campaigns he’d fought so long ago.

He didn’t mind not being a Captain anymore, that hurt was long gone, and any enlisted that could look this good, he’d take it.

He fingered the sleeve, where service stripes in more golden color shone brightly against the gray.

“This is amazing.”

“I was so hoping you’d like it.”

“More than Miss Rarity, more than. I think any soldier would be proud to wear this.”

“I’m so glad.” Her smile was bright and getting more so, “I’m afraid we couldn’t find..shoes? They had some strange name but nopony could make them on such short order, Crusader and Athena said you could wear your boots with it?”

“That I can,” His voice was soft, still staring at the marvel of masterwork tailoring, “I can.”

He leaned down, dodging the horn and planting a kiss on a quickly blushing cheek, “You do me an honor, Miss Rarity.”

The hanger swung over to a hook as she stuttered, “Well..well..I...I’ll leave you be then! Don’t forget, we’ve only got an hour!” She trotted out somewhat fast, the door shutting behind her with a whisper.

Wyatt smiled, taking the clothing off the hook and walking back into the bathroom.


“You were blushing.”

“I most certainly was not, I was just in a rush!” Rarity huffed, looking a bit stubborn as Twilight gently teased her.

“Riiiight. Looked like a blush to me.” Rainbow joined in, not wanting to let Twilight have all the fun.

They were all gathered in a waiting area for the reception, dressed to the nines and ready for anything. Rarity had passed them all in the hall earlier, trotting through the group of friends almost obliviously as she went to her rooms to get ready for the soiree.

Now they had a chance to quiz her about the apparent ‘rush’.

Athena was watching it all, “I hope he didn’t say anything to offend, Rarity, he can be kind of snarky.”

“Not at all! He just thanked me for the clothing.”

“Some thank you, having you turning red as one of my farms best apples.” Applejack got a hoofbump from Rainbow as Pinkie nudged Fluttershy with a grin and waggling of eyebrows, making her giggle.

“He was a gentlepony, nothing more. Such salacious talk!” Rarity huffed, but the smile on her face told she knew it was good natured. One gleaming hoof rising to touch her cheek where it had been given a kiss in the most courteous manner.

She had outdone herself in outfitting the group for the opening, having known about it a while ago, she’d planned and plotted in the Empire while they’d been busy trying to keep those things from overrunning it.

Even Rainbow Dash had consented to having her mane done up, the multi-colored swatch of usually messy hair gleamed and shimmered with the touch of Rarity and her skills, as did everypony else. Spike looked rather dashing in a new tuxedo she’d had in mind before tonight. She herself was draped in a smooth silken dress that flowed like water when she moved.

Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy wore colors that brought out the best in them, gems sparkled and glinted, fine fabrics whispered as they moved or sat, carefully, on a cushion.

She had stayed up nights, working hard on them to the detriment of anything else, except when needed for help doing something for the defense of the Empire.

Once again, she had pulled off a stunning look for everypony.

Athena’s sable coat glinted under a flowing drape of fabric that set off her honey and gold mane, eyes sparkling as she couldn’t help but admire the dress in a mirror that was set up in the room so everypony could make sure it was all perfect.

Crusader had relented to try something new when pressed by the Unicorn, colors that worked with his darker coat, it gave him an air of sophistication he kept telling her he did not want, nor need.

Even Bolos know when a cause is lost.

In any case, they were ready. Just waiting on one pony..er...person.

“So what is he doing? Did he get lost or something?” Rainbow was craning her neck, trying to look down the hallway toward the guest rooms.

“I’m sorry Rainbow, that was my fault. He wanted something for his outfit and I had to make do with a fast sort of work. Not my best, but it pleased him very much.” Rarity was blushing again, not meeting anypony’s eyes for a moment before smiling warmly, “In any case, he’ll be right along, I’m sure.”

Boots, as made by the Concordiat, were very quiet on the marble floors of the castle at Canterlot. Though not meaning to, Wyatt slipped right in while they were talking, causing everypony to almost jump when he spoke.

“Sorry I’m late.”

Inhalations of breath told Rarity she had scored. The uniform looked as if it were almost form fitted to the taut frame of the human. Insignia stood out but not too obtrusively on the sleeves and chest, an officers soft cap lay easily on the short cropped head. The Engineering Insignia gleamed in bright metal on the front. His headset was unobtrusive as he needed it for translation, but now slightly hidden by the soft cap, it would not look too out of place with the earpiece.

“I wasn’t sure whether Bolo Grays were allowed for an enlisted person, but to heck with it.” He smiled, that same roguish grin that everypony had come to know by now.

“I do hope I look okay?”

No one answered, none could. He looked as impeccable as anything they’d ever seen. But something was just a little off on one sleeve cuff.

“What is that for?” Fluttershy pointed to thin lines of colors that were lain out like bands along the shirt cuff.

“I wore those ribbons in combat, and they will be on whatever uniform I wear.” He held the sleeve up, showing them that Rarity had taken the originals, cut them in very fine ribbons and stitched them in place to look like stripes that belonged on the service outfit.

They resided in a place of honor below his service stripes, which indicated the many years he had dedicated to the Concordiat.

“So, once again, I do hope I look presentable.”

Twilight smiled warmly, “More than! I think everypony will be impressed.”

“How about you two?” He pointed to where Crusader and Athena sat, watching him. He wanted their opinion because he valued it, knowing they would tell him honestly if he was not looking correct.

Lavender and blue eyes met, conferred, and looked back at the sturdy human in a uniform they knew so very well.



The two co-rulers of Equestria met them before the reception, looking fit, trim and knockout in, once again, Rarity-done dresses that exemplified their status as Princesses.

The golden sun and the silvery moon were represented by their outfits as true to their Marks. Rarity had been stymied trying to drum up something that hadn’t been done before, coming up with simple and elegant solutions.

“Luna and I do hope you’re feeling well, Sergeant Carpenter?” Celestia’s mild voice was teasing and merry.

“Just..uh..fine, Your Highness, thank you.”

“Wonderful,” The tall mare replied, “It would not do to have a Hero of Equestria suddenly fall ill at the reception.” She saw a dark look cross his face, “Did I say something wrong?”

Wyatt’s voice was very quiet, “I am not a hero.”

“I beg your pardon?” Luna was there beside him, looking at him curiously.

“A hero, Princess, is what happens when everything goes to shit. When a plan works, or a mission is pulled off successfully,” His eyes got a faraway look in them, “Everyone goes home safe and sound, and not another word is heard. But when it falls apart, because of stupidity, bad intelligence, whatever, that’s when heroes are made. No one wants to be a hero, I’ve had too many times in my life that I was in such incidents by accident.”

Pale magenta eyes looked upon him kindly, and not one bit offended as she simply smiled, “Well. Our definition seems to be a little different.”

“To us, Sergeant, a hero is one who has the courage to face their fears. Even in the face of adversity, to plunge forward and do what needs to be done in that moment.” She waved to the surrounding group, “They have faced threats, but also challenges to their friendships and lives, that, to us, is a hero as well. Many things define it in our eyes.”

That warming smile broke across the pure white face, “We may not be so..militarily minded as we were centuries ago when founding Equestria. But it still takes hard work and a drive to do what needs be done. When we have a chance to celebrate such things, we do take it. It is pleasant to be reminded there is so much good in Equestria. Ponies and others alike.”

She leaned in and eyed him with a twinkle, “Besides, there are some ponies who think you’re a hero whether you like it or not.”

“I’m not going to win this argument, am I?” He was eyeing her in return.

“I wasn’t aware we were having one.” The smile never stopped, “And we are going to be late to the reception.”

Hands went up in surrender, “You win, done. Let’s go.” Everyone laughed, seeing the hopeless look on his face.

Athena looked askance at Crusader, “She is really, really good.”

He could only nod.

To be continued.....

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