• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,576 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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It Happens....

Author's Note:

There is the use of a swear word in the chapter. Just a warning. Speaking plainly is what a soldier does, part and parcel. And it does happen :)

Enjoy folks.

“Thou knowest me not?”

The pegasus landed on the roof of the building next to him, “Strange, Anvil, for we are boon companions. Fighting those ne’er-do-wells for the sake of ponies in Maretropolis, and for you, everyplace.” The mare silently tread over to the low edge, peering at the window he was just looking at.

“What dost thou plan? It seems a power emerged into this realm and we must do much to see that it does not cause harm.” She kept gazing at the window where Pokey was still ranting, “The others have sent me ahead to scout out the situation.


“The Power Ponies.” A glance of large eyes speared him once more, “Art acting strangely, truly enow. You should ask Mistress Prism to see to that.” Her gaze turned back to the window, still speaking, “We felt a strange magic coursing through the realm, feeling something inside us change. We have figured it was this pony, whom thou now attempt to capture, causing it thus.”

He remembered that, right before he almost got his ribs shoved out his back. One hand going to his side for a moment as a twinge of phantom pain crept in.

“There was something a day or so ago. We felt it as well, but it wasn’t him.” Wyatt pointed downward to the target.

“Have you any ideas?” The pegasus paced away from the edge, “We all feel... different. The Power Ponies do not get along well in private, thou knowest, but it seems as if things have..changed.”

Now he was getting interested, against his better judgment, “How so?”

“We seem to...argue less, perform together better. Even Hum Drum says we are different.”

Hum Drum? Wyatt shook his head, “As much as I’d like to dig into that, I’ve got a mission. One second.” He watched her nod quietly.

Reaching up, he tapped his commlink, as was his habit nothing more, “Fleur, I’m in position, go.”

“We’re on our way!” Her voice was excited, first the plan coming together, then the action part. Tropic was going to be upset she missed meeting a Power Pony.

Oh, this was going to be good. He peered at the window now, waiting for his chance to take a shot.

Sky had dressed to the nines for this. A slinky, form fitting suit and gear that would have made some special forces operatives drool.

First the grappling spike, hitting the building and actually drilling itself into the brick, holding fast. Fleur had come up with that little spell. A rope, nigh-unbreakable, fed out from it to where the Crystal mare stood on the edge of the building before leaping off. They had not been detected so far, due to the amount of ponies nearby and keeping their own magic as muffled as possible.

He almost laughed, hearing the whoop of delight as she sprung off the edge, heading for the window where Pokey was still ranting at the executives.

The plan called for her to sling around in a circular way, passing the window closely and blowing it out, letting Tropic and Fleur have a shot with spells from the rooftop nearby. This would do a double-shot of distracting Pokey, and doing no harm to anypony inside. The spells would only affect the mad mischief-maker, nothing more. They would knock him off balance, allowing Wyatt to get one or two shots in, throwing him off even more. That’s when Sky, Tropic and Fleur would do a dynamic entry through the window and capture the gem.

First priority was that gem, get it and the threat ended there. If everything came together, there would be an end to this little story. If not, they’d have to keep trying, and they all did not relish another few days here with an idiot that was almost all-powerful running around.

He watched with a grin as his friend swung out and around with a war cry, tossing packages with her hoof as she dove by the window. The sounds of explosives going off, the window falling in glittering shards to the cleared street below. Pokey was immediately distracted, allowing the others to make an escape while he checked the opening.

What? Like we wouldn’t notify the authorities to make sure the street was clear? C’mon, we’re superheroes! Message spells were kind of cool that way, Wyatt thought to himself.

He was like a stone, keeping the little gas gun on target as he watched the three mares follow their plan to the letter.

As soon as the window broke, Fleur amplified her voice, making sure she had Pokey’s full attention.

“Come out of there, you criminal pony! You’re facing the Ulti-Mares! We’re ready for you this time! Give yourself up!” She stood proudly on the roof like a gleaming beacon, her armor shining like a star. Tropic was standing and glowing right next to her, the jewelry she wore bright and glittery, only enhancing the effect. Both of them covered in layers of spells that would have almost stopped a Hellbore round.

Wyatt chuckled, still holding the sights rock steady, gotta love those super hero announcements.

Sky was hugging the wall above the window, out of sight for the moment after swinging back; standing ready with a net that would shrink when it hit, trapping anything inside and constricting tightly so they could not move. Wyatt could see the huge grin on her face, chest heaving from exertion. The mare was loving every minute of it.

Pokey looked upwards after rushing to the now glassless window, seeing the two Ulti-Mares standing there before he was blasted backwards from the force of their spellwork. Beams of light and coruscant trails of power that blinded the eye rammed home like bullets, the two Ulti-Mares using the best of their spells to keep him off his hooves.

Wow, they’re going to need some serious stonework now. The opening for the window was now large enough to offer passage to a well-sized marching band. Fleur and Tropics’ magics taking a large chunk out of the side of the building. Thank goodness it was only two stories up.

Wyatt kept watch, seeing Pokey get back on his hooves after casting a shield in front of him that was taking a battering from Fleur and Tropic. It was dimming quickly as he shook his head, stepping forward to fight his enemies. Spells blasted outwards, pummeling Fleur and Tropic as they tried to hold back the might of the Eye of Argon. It devolved quickly into a defensive battle, although the two mares were still giving as good as they got. Pokey looked very confident as he moved towards the windows’ edge, assured of his victory.

Right into Wyatt’s sights.

His mind reacted fast, finger even quicker as it pressed the jury-rigged firing stud on the handle. A metal dart of plain manufacture flew from the barrel, streaking through the daytime sun and slamming right into the stallions’ shoulder. The shaft sunk deeply, blood splashed over the pony’s leg as he stumbled, making him lose all concentration and allowing Fleur and Tropic to ravage him with the might of their spells.

Wyatt chanced another, the dart slipping across the distance and slapping right next to the other one in the meat of the shoulder again. Pokey was screaming in pain and dismay as he got trapped between Wyatt’s sniping and the spells that were stripping him of any chance to fight back.

Sky took the chance, pushing off from the wall and slinging into the window, tossing the net on the wannabe god. The magically enhanced cords tightened around him, making him unable to move or see anything that wasn’t in line with his sight.

Fleur and Tropic followed quickly, levitating into the room and bowling Pokey over with plain shots from hooves that were magically reinforced, making the crazy helmet dent and slide to the side, blinding Pokey for now as they worked to find the gem.

Fleur, as Prism, bound the Unicorns’ horn with even more powerful magic, making sure he could cast nothing more until they stripped him of his ill-gotten power.

Wyatt stood up, unreeling a cable whose end he threw over the edge of the roof, the spike unerring heading for the opening and drilled tightly into the stonework. Hooking a U-shaped contraption on it, he grinned back at Zapp.

“Gotta catch a bad guy! See ya there!” With that he jumped off the roof and slid down the stable line, entering through the hole in the wall and landing with one knee and a fist on the ground, slowly standing up to the amazement of the others in the room.

“I have always wanted to do that.”

“Wyatt! That was for emergencies!” Sky was admonishing him.

“Hey, if ya got it, flaunt it.” He looked around, “Am I right?” Tropic laughed, both of them exchanging slaps.

Fleur raised a hoof, “We’ve got a problem,” Pointing at the netted criminal pony. The pretty model mare was looking a bit..off...

“Oh?” Wyatt was looking at the trapped pony like he was going to gut him, “What now?”

“He swallowed it.”


Wyatt sat on a bunk in the Ulti-Mares secret hideaway, hand to his face as the others laughed, “I cannot believe you had a spell for that!”

Fleur was trying not to grin, “It’s just a simple spell of..”

“Stop!” One hand was thrust outward, “I don’t want to hear details!”

Tropic giggled mightily, “But we got the gem!” She bounced it in her hoof, ready to send it back to the museum. The look she got from Wyatt made her giggle so much she almost dropped it.

Sky was nudging him, “You’re the tough soldier! You said so! Haven’t you ever seen...” She was stopped by the disgusted look on Wyatt’s face, laughing so hard she fell over.

“Never will I forget that. Never. Ugh!”

“One thing though, shouldn’t we be gone now?” Tropic was looking at the others, “We beat the bad guy, and got the gem, so...” She shrugged helplessly.

Fleur nodded, a confused look crossing her face as she realized they were still there, “We should have been out as soon as we finished the mission.”

“Oh, don’t tell me we’re stuck in crazyland?” Wyatt was looking pensive, thinking of all the places he’d rather be.

A nuzzle on his cheek from a burnished gold muzzle made him glance Tropics’ way, “Don’t tell me you’d find it just soooo bad to be stuck with three of the prettiest mares around!”

“Tropic, you flirt.” Wyatt gently pushed her away with a laugh, seeing Sky covering her mouth with a hoof. The gold mare just winked at him with a swish of her tail.

A sizzling sound, an actinic flash of light and a few figures were standing in the circle of power Prism kept for spellwork. A squeal from Tropic made them all turn, looking at where she was pointing.

The Power Ponies stood in the silvery boundary, looking around at the extensive workshop and libraries that the underground place hid. Zapp waved to Wyatt who gave a short salute.

“The Power Ponies!” Tropic almost bounced right off the floor, being held in place by Sky who was whispering in her ear.

“We’re super ponies too, don’t act so fan-mareish.”

“Oh, right.” The golden mare just stood casually, but inside she was squee’ing with joy at seeing her favorite comic characters come to life.

“We have come to congratulate you on your victory Ulti-Mares, well done.” Zapp’s voice was warm in the comfortable surroundings.

“Zapp was telling us all about it,” A masked pony was saying, done up in a bodysuit that showed mountains and peaks on her legs, Masked Matterhorn.

Tropic smiled, “A good plan and good teammates, all that adds up.”

“It does,” A red clad mare was saying, stepping out of the circle with the rest, joining them on cushions and other seats alongside Fleur, Sky, Tropic and Wyatt, she was carrying what looked like glowing horseshoes and a lasso, “Always nice to have a plan, though sometimes...” She shrugged helplessly, giving them a ‘what can you do’ look, “It doesn’t quite work out.”

All the ‘Ulti-Mares’ nodded, knowing that feeling from the first.

“Beyond congratulations, why are you here?” Wyatt, searching their faces and seeing slight looks that gave tells something else was up.

“I felt thou wert acting oddly, Anvil, and so told my companions of this. They decided it would be prudent to investigate, to make sure of nothing wrong.” Zapp smiled again, “Of course that..Pokey?” She received nods, “Could have affected you with the power of his magic.”

Fleur gave him a look, their associations the past days had given him a familiarity with all three mares, knowing the glance meant ‘What is going on?’

He gave a gesture with his hand, indicating everything was fine, making it look like an airy wave, “Oh, well, I can understand that. Haven’t been myself lately.”

Sky and Tropic choked on laughs that quickly turned to coughing fits.

A pretty pegasus in a green outfit nodded, “We understand, it’s the same with us. Something odd is going on.”

Sky perked up, “Oh?”

Another mare nodded, clad in a skin-tight suit that was emblazoned with diamonds, “It seems like something changed. We all felt it, a wave of magic going through the entire city. Didn’t you?”

Fleur made an agreeing motion before she could stop herself, “We did. I do wonder what it was.”

“We were kinda hoping you might help, Prism. You are the Mistress of Magic.” A small pony wearing a cape leaned forward, gesturing, “You’re really powerful, can’t you tell us?”

Fleur fell right into her act, “I can’t. Unless I can find where it originated, or who cast it, I couldn’t tell you much about it. Only that it felt odd.”

“That it did,” Masked Matterhorn agreed, “Like everything in the world changed in that moment. Maybe that Pokey pony was the cause? We’ve heard about the gem he stole.”

“The Eye of Argon?” Tropic bounced it on one hoof, “Yeah, it is pretty powerful.” She showed them the largish gem, well over fifty carats and a bright pale blue, it was shaped just like an eye.

Tropic grinned brightly, “He really wasn’t very smart. Some poor pony who thought he could get friends, and maybe a marefriend, if he had a lot of power. So he decided that taking the gem and using it would be a quick and easy way, kinda sad really. He wasn’t a bad pony when they talked to him, just kinda normal.”

“He wasn’t normal, he swallowed it.”

Wyatt’s deadpan statement made every eye of the Power Ponies turn his way, “Do what now?” Mistress Mare-velous was looking confused.

“That idiot swallowed it. He stole it and ate it, so he wouldn’t forget where he put it.”

Sky was almost laughing out loud again, “We wondered where it was, because we never saw it on his hat..helmet..or on him!”

“Whoa!” A filly with a hoodie on her outfit laughed, her body almost blurring as she tried to pace slowly, “That’s the best story I’ve heard all year!”

“Oh, it gets better!” Fleur was trying not to grin, “You should have seen Anvil’s face when we cast the regur..”

“Stop!” The hand was outthrust again, “Just...no.” He inhaled softly as if trying to hold something in, “The sounds he made.. Ugh..”

The band of mares laughed uproariously at the disgusted look and comment once more, the Power Ponies joining in when they realized what was going on.

Sky was patting his arm, “There, there, ‘Anvil’, it’ll be fine.”

“Oh, shush, you.”

“Might we take a look at that gem? I have a few things back at the Power Ponies Lair I could analyze it with!” The Masked Matter-Horn as eyeing the gem with an interested look, although Radiance was looking at it in another way.

The slim mare was nudged by Mistress Mare-velous, making her toss the look of pure desire right out the window, “Knock that off.”

“You’re right”, the diamond infused mane bobbed as she nodded, “I really shouldn’t do that.”

This caused every one of the Power Ponies to glance her way, seeing the truth in the statement.

“See? Even Radiance doesn’t want to..uh..uhm..’appropriate’ things anymore.” Filli-second was making air quotes.

“I admit, I do covet a few things, but..well, it wouldn’t be right for a Power Pony to do that!”


The Ulti-Mares nodded, Tropic tossing the gem upwards in her hoof, “Well, you can investigate it all you want, at least it’s out of the hooves of anypony wanting to do harm.”

“Until the next time it’s stolen.” Mistress Mare-velous gave a short bark of laughter.

“Oh, no,” Fleur was shaking her head, “The museum promised us they’d lock it up deep in their vault.”

“Anyway, it’s all yours!” The burnished gold mare swatted it gently in mid-air, tossing the bright gem to Zapp, who caught it gracefully.

A tugging started on all of them, Fleur looked at Tropic and Sky, who saw Wyatt patting at himself.

They could feel it getting stronger as the force was the reverse of what had brought them here in the first place.

Sky whispered up at Wyatt, “We’re going back!” She saw his silent nod.

The Power Ponies watched as the Ulti-Mares forms and shapes rippled for a moment, becoming strange ponies, and one very tall figure whom they had no definition to describe, before settling back down into familiar faces.

“That, was very odd.” The Masked Matter-horn was saying, seeing the ripple fade away as the Ulti-Mares stood there looking at each other.

Prisms’ voice was sweet and pleasant as she pressed a hoof against her armored chest, “How odd, that strange force.”

Anvil nodded, the stalwart Earth pony stretched out a leg as if testing it, “Very much so. Almost like we weren’t ourselves for a while.”

Zapp kept her own counsel, looking at the gem, and the ponies who were chatting as if nothing had happened, chalking it up to the use of power the past few days. But she would swear, until her final days, that the tall figure whose form shimmered into being for just a split second, had winked at her.


Once again, magic blinded them, pushing them into a tunnel of which the only direction they could go was one way. Hopefully to Equestria.


“Maybe..” Twilight was looking at the comic book closely, “Maybe we can research in the library of the Royal Archives and..”

Athena turned at the sudden yelp from her friend, seeing a pulsing glow coming from the book, pushing everypony and everything away from it, clearing a space in which four familiar looking beings appeared with a bright flash and low thundering boom.

“We’re BACK!” Fleur reared up, hugging Wyatt, giving him a crushing embrace alongside Sky and Tropic.

“Oh, Celestia, was that a trip!” Tropic slammed down on all four hooves, looking around at the quiet workshop and seeing three very surprised ponies staring at them.

“Hi! Have we got stories to tell!”

Wyatt smiled at the shocked faces, turning to a grimace for a moment as he clutched his side. Pain made its way through his chest and body, the wound from Pokey’s magic coming back full force.

“What the..” He never finished the thought before landing face first onto the hard floor.

The last words he heard were Twilight screaming for medical help.


“It appears the nanobots inside him were disabled from the magic transporting them, I can only assume.” The calm voice was so very familiar as Wyatt cracked one eye, seeing a stone ceiling above his head and the delightful smell of ponies all around him.

“But why did the wound come back? It..it was healed!” Yes, he knew that voice too.

“We don’t know, all the magic, the..messing with the spell containing the story-land. It could be a myriad of things.” The sweet voice was sounding concerned, and very close.

“The Royal doctors have got it though, they say it will be a few days, even with the med-paks.”

“Oh, that’s good to hear.” Sky, he thought. That was Sky, sounding close to a breakdown.

“Oh, would you all quit moping.” Wyatt’s voice cracked, his throat dry from the long sleep that had been induced to relieve pain. His eyes open fully now, seeing a crowd of ponies around the bed in the large, quiet room.

“Wyatt!” He was immediately embraced by three ponies who planted kisses on his cheeks with thousand-watt smiles.

Well, it seems you made a few friends while adventuring.” Calliope’s voice in his ear once more, was filled with good humor and quite a lot of concern. The speaker broadcasting it to the room where ponies chuckled.

“I’ll have you kn..kno..” He coughed, taking a sip of cold, fresh water from a glass levitated to him, “..know. He pointed to the three mares, “We make a damn fine combat team.”

“I am ..SO..so sorry.” Twilight’s voice came through the happy murmuring, the crowd parting to let the Princess through to stand by Wyatt’s bedside. He was watching her with an interested expression.

“I messed up the spell trying to get you back, that’s why you got hurt. It was my fault.” Her violet eyes were filled with wetness and shame, trying to take responsibility for everything.

Befoe she could say more, his hand reached out, gently lying on her withers as he leaned forward, his voice only for her, “Stop apologizing. You tried, that’s what matters.”

“But..but you.. If I hadn’t...”

“If ifs and buts were candies and nuts, we’d all be fat.” His tone was merry and mischievous, “We have a saying Twilight, from long, long ago, that applies to these things.” He crooked a finger, motioning for her to come near.

The lavender mare leaned forward at his gesture, his mouth close as she perked one ear and listened as hard as she could.

“Shit happens.”

The translation was perfectly clear, directed to Twilight by Calliope, as she recognized the privacy and need for it even so far away.

The Princess cracked a tiny smile for a brief moment, “I don’t..”

Wyatt kept his face near hers, “You plan something, it all goes wrong, that’s what we say. You put orange juice instead of milk in your cereal, shrug it off, it happens. No matter what, no matter how hard you try, there will always be that time when it happens.”

“But..” She whispered, “It happens so much to me.”

“You move on and keep trying right?” He saw her miniscule nod, “That’s what we do, we keep on. You tried, it didn’t work, but we all made it back. You can think of what ‘may’ have happened all day long, won’t change here and now.”

“I could have gotten you killed!” The whisper was fierce.

“You didn’t. I’m here, and I’m fine.”

“It doesn’t make it any easier.”

Wyatt shook his head, “No, it doesn’t. But we learn from our mistakes Twilight, we grow, become better people. We try not to make the same ones again, but when it does go wonky, well...shit happens.”

This time the smile was millimeters wider, “You sound just like Princess Celestia, except for..do you have to use that word?”

Wyatt’s eyes twinkled, “You think Princess Celestia, in the morning before she’s had her coffee, trying to wake up after dealing with all the crud of the court, doesn’t mess up once in a while, but no one ever hears her say anything? Ten to one she’s got a magic spell to keep folks from hearing her cuss.”

Twilight stifled a laugh. A picture of Princess Celestia in her mind, tossing a coffee mug over her shoulder and looking out the window with a deadpan expression, the sun raised at the wrong angle and brightness for morning, saying ‘Well, shit..” Making her almost shake with giggles.

“We all have those moments Twilight, all of us.”

“I...guess so.”

“Then stop apologizing, okay?”

“I’m sor..” She stopped at Wyatt’s look, “Yes, I’ll do that.”

“Sounds good to me.” They both exchanged a smile, and a private look before the doctor came in, shooing them all out.

Out in the hallway, everyone was curious as to what was said, they couldn’t hear a thing even as close as they were.

“So, did he accept the apology?” Applejack was wondering along with the rest.

“Kind of..he just told me things mess up some times.”

“What’d he say?” Rainbow was hovering near, seeing the lavender face sport a small grin.

“Shit happens.”


To be continued.....

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