• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,579 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

  • ...

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Changes and Upgrades

“Uhm, can’t the animals take care of themselves?”

“Oh no! We have to help them,” Fluttershy is scrubbing an otter right now, “They depend on us for a lot of things.”

“But they can take care of themselves right?” Using hooves to scrub a large bear down is a task best left to professionals, but I try. Twilight is busy with cleaning a few beavers. I’m dirty and my mane is a mess.

“They can’t just go down to the creek and have a wash or something?” I really can’t believe this much effort is expended on wild animals..well...kinda wild.

Fluttershy chuckles, “No, we care for them and they help us.” The beavers nod at that.

I’ve been helping Twilight the past few days and this is getting somewhat worrisome. We’d been at Applejack’s orchard the other day, when she asked for help digging planting holes. I dug the ten she wanted in no time, but then Twilight kept digging more and more, we ended up planting fifty-three trees. I don’t mind helping, but good grief, what’s with this?

Just the other day she was helping Rarity sort and classify gems, she keeps them in drawers for easy access. I can do that in a pinch, but Twilight spent all morning on one drawer, making sure each was classified for weight, clarity, flaws and brilliance.

I did, however, learn how to sew from Rarity teaching me while we waited for her to finish. There are large gaps in our datacores about simple things, it’s strange, basic skills not even existing but high technology is. I think the technicians had their priorities very wrong.

I’m not very good at sewing I’m afraid, but I can get better!

As we finish up the animals, I watch her closely, she is bothered about something, though I’m not quite sure what. She seems to want company more often the past days, talking with me until all hours, though that is not a problem for me, biological entities need sleep. A few times she had fallen asleep mid-conversation.

I had talked with Crusader, thinking perhaps some sedation would be required to get her to sleep through the night, but she is avoiding something. Though he is not a psychiatrist, he did say that she needed to work it out herself, that maybe I should just tag along to make sure she doesn’t stumble into a doorframe.

I watch as she thumps Angel into a mud puddle, exclaiming that he got himself dirty and needed to be bathed again. I try so very hard not to laugh out loud at the disgusted look on the rabbit’s face.

“Well I better give him a bath as long as I’m here!” She is smiling, dunking the disgusted rabbit in a tub.

Fluttershy is thanking her again, and myself, for helping. When that is over, watching the rabbit’s fur poof out comically it’s hard not to keep myself from giggling.

The Pegasus is trying to convince Twilight to go, even yawning loudly. But the Alicorn is happily dusting the shelves right now, trying to help even more.

“We’ve got to get ready for the pancake breakfast tomorrow too Twilight, so maybe some..uhm..rest? Isn’t there something to do with your castle...” She’s stopped by Twilight.

“Oh the..the castle’s fine!”

“But I could see if Pinkie needs help!” She looks around, opening the door and flying out towards town while Fluttershy looks at me.

“I think she forgot...” Her face is smiling kindly.

“She’s been doing that, what do you think is wrong?”

“I don’t think she wants to leave.” She looks worried as we both watch Twilight dwindling in the distance, “She’s been hanging around everypony a lot.”

I nod, then turn to the door, “Well I’ll catch up with her hopefully, Pinkie might wear her down.”

“Uh huh, have fun!” She waves, standing with the cotton-ball that makes me laugh as I take off to town.

Ugh, I’ve got to stop for maintenance soon, Twilight is running herself, and believe it or not me, into the ground! My body is showing wear from all the manual labor.

She doesn’t want to leave her friends, I wonder why? Showing perhaps a moodiness on lifespans as we talked about? Afraid of missing each moment so that she can’t waste time? I don’t know but I’m going to find out hopefully soon before I wear out parts on my avatar.

I catch up to her at Sugarcube Corner, they’re already in the kitchen planning tomorrow’s meal. Twilight is fussing with the ingredients as Pinkie waves to me.

“Hiya Athena! Twilight said you’ve been helping her today!”

“Kinda, washing bears is really not my skill I guess.” A vanilla and sugar scented hug is granted me as before she zooms around the kitchen, plunking ingredients and additions on the counter while I watch.

I want to know how she bakes such amazing things.

Blinking, I try and catch her in the act of moving around so fast, but even with my optics focused in on her it is difficult. I actually have to replay what I record and only see her through the frame-by-frame. It’s annoying, she shouldn’t be able to do this much less move so fast! But, as promised, I sit and watch.

Twilight however, is being quite the picky pony when asked about what they should make for the breakfast in the morning.

I lean back against the counter, learning how to bake from moments with Pinkie as she and Twilight plan for the meal in the morning..however..it doesn’t look like the menu will be chosen anytime soon.


All night...

All night I sat and watched as she frustrated Pinkie..Pinkie! ..with indecision.

We’re patient we Bolos, beyond so, supernaturally sometimes. But this, this isn’t just a problem, it’s a psychological problem I think. Hopefully this is not from the Neural Links we’ve gone through, this may be an unexpected side effect.

She did finally decide not to decide. I think Pinkie called it ‘Everyberry, anychip pancakes.’

I called it a morning after that momentous decision, as they prepared the meal for their friends. The sun will rise in an hour or so, enough time to get an overhaul.

“Your status diagnostics are showing more than normal wear, is something wrong?” Crusader’s voice is slightly worried after he accesses my systems.

“Yep, been digging holes, washing animals, and now spending the night trying to learn to bake with an indecisive Alicorn.”

“She’s still not wanting to go back home?”

“No, something about the castle isn’t sitting right maybe?”

“Perhaps. She is prone to mood swings sometimes, maybe this is one of them?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sticking to her like glue till I do. Though I do need maintenance.”

“Indeed, at least it’s not internals this time.” He chuckles over the link at me.

“Honest work you goofball! You know, doing stuff instead of lazing all day?”

“I am sure you’re not referring to a fellow Bolo who is taking a few minutes off from repairing carts for ponies for free are you?” He had been at it very early this morning, getting a start on the day.

“Twilight told you to charge them!”

“I’m sure it slipped my mind.”

“Oh you are so full of it! She said to charge so they don’t get used to it. You know better than to do all that stuff. It also affects the economy so you better charge something.”

“I see. Your orders will be obeyed, when is the coronation scheduled Princess Athena?”


“Enjoy your maintenance bay time.” The link clicks off quickly as I fume at his little joke.


I finish straightening an axle that appears to have been bent in some calamity, but am too polite to ask. The pony is quite grateful, even when I ask for one bit in return.

There, I have charged something, the world is no longer in danger from my interference. All is right with the heavens.

“I heard that!”

“I know Athena, you will be out commanding the kingdom again soon, no need to be angry.”

“I’m not...I..you... One of these days!”

“My cores quake in fear of that threat my sister. I am reduced to a pile of quivering durasteel awaiting that day to come.”

The link clicks off with a finality that makes me chuckle, she is excitable of course, but that is because she cares. Though I admit teasing her can be fun most days.

Looking at the big red stallion holding the cart up while I slap the pins in place on the wheels, he is eyeing me in my silence.

“That was Athena, she gets carried away sometimes.”

He nods, knowing what I mean, “Eeyup.”

“Sisters, what can you do?”



The new joints and external coverings are feeling good, they are smoother, more organic feeling and are ten times tougher than before. I have to give it to Crusader, he can design things well. He is fast and efficient, the sun just peeking up as I am sure the breakfast they had planned is going well.

My chest has been remade differently while I was out of touch with my avatar, trusting Crusader’s design cores to do the work. When I finish my realignment of communication with it I notice something’s different, there is a sound now I haven’t heard before.

“My avatar is making a funny sound, what did you do?”

“Don’t you recognize it?”

“No..it..what did you do?”

“Listen, then you tell me.”

I listen closely, it is a rhythmic sound, something I almost recognize as I search my data cores for information. He loves doing this to me, I hate figuring stuff out. I’m not lazy I just want the answers dangit...wait a second..did he really?

A moment more and then I have it.

“How did you do that?”

“Simple enough, a breast as brave as yours deserves a valiant heart to beat within it.”

I can feel it, I can feel it thudding in my chest, I can feel the thumping throughout my systems of a rythym that only organic beings should feel. I FEEL it! I dance around the maintenance bay, listening to it react to my moves, speeding up and slowing down as if it were real!

“Before you say anything, listen closer. Let the excitement fade for a moment, just listen.”

I do, I settle down and sit in the bay, looking around for a moment as I tilt my head. I hear and feel the thudding, the calm sound of a heartbeat within my chest and it makes me catch..my.....


Breath..it makes me...catch..

I lift a hoof to my mouth exhaling against it, feeling the breeze as it exits my mouth, it was always just a motion before nothing real. I inhale through my nose, scenting the lubricants and clean machinery in the maintenance bay. It is different, it is not just the analyzing of foreign scents or their chemical composition, it is something so..so real. I look down and see my chest bellowing in and out, the muscles moving slightly with each inhalation.

“I cannot give you everything and there are limitations, but you are as close to alive as I can do. I am sorry I cannot do more.”

“I...oh Crusader!”

“Your breathing will be locked with talking, it will be as if you have to take a breath before speaking. The program will adapt and learn along with you. You will be like our friends Athena, though you still have the strength and battle screen. Still, it will make you more alive I think.” He pauses, “You can disable it at any time in emergencies of course so it will not interfere with anything.”

I can’t do anything but sit there for a moment, the world has stopped as this gift to me registers. I smell things, the acrid metals, the smooth oils, the various odors that were before just chemicals and molecules are so wonderful now. The sound of a heart is within me, and I can’t help but press my hooves to my chest and feel it thudding.

“Why? Why do you keep doing this? I give you a hard time and you do this? Why?”

“There is no why Athena. You wish to fly, to be among the clouds, and when you do there will be a heart that will show your excitement, and breath to gasp with as you experience those things for the first time without a spell to do so. You are my sister, and as Applejack says, family is important. The magic inside you is adapting it even now if I have extrapolated correctly.”

He‘s right, I can feel it merging already. we’ve had long discussions on upgrades and what magic does, how it brings it into our systems, “But..but what about you?”

“The rare earths needed are scarce even here, it will take time, but eventually.”

“That’s not right! You should have done yourself first!”

“You know better than that.”

“Then take it out...”

“I’m afraid it’s not possible, so I believe you’re stuck with it.”

Before I can reply, a voice comes over the link, “Athena? Crusader?”

“Yes Applejack?”

“Ah think we got what’s bothering Twilight, can ya meet us at the castle?”

“Can do, be there in a few minutes!” We both hear the link click off.

“I’ll meet you by...”

“Go ahead Athena, I’ve got work to do, more carts.”

“But she..”

“Doesn’t need both of us, go on, I’ll join when I can.”

“Okay! See you then!” The link clicks off and I run out of the maintenance bay toward town.


I finish up with the next cart, simple side repair as Mac and myself make more room for another, he is watching me, knowing sometimes when I am silent I am talking with somepony.

I am glad Athena likes the new differences, although....I’m wondering if she’s going to be thrilled with the one other thing I changed.

I can’t help but snicker to myself as Big Mac moves another cart into place.

Seeing him looking at me strangely, I elaborate, “Sorry, just something funny..nothing special.” I tell him of the changes and the other one I didn’t quite get the chance to tell her about.

He laughs.


I tear out of the maintenance bay, my hooves thudding in the earth match the racing of my..my heart! My heart! I don’t know how he did it, but he did, and it is wonderful!

My breath is actually fogging in the morning air as the warmth in it scatters the chill away. I can feel my chest expand with the inhalation of oxygen and the expelling of it.

I feel so real! Each new scent is amazing as I take a breath!

I could feel the fire within me like a heart, but always apart, something felt at a distance. But..but now I have one! I can feel it beating excitedly as I run for the castle, it thumps in my chest like a triphammer.

I see the castle ahead, I can’t wait to tell them, show them!

I tear through the doors as they stand in a group, skidding to a halt in front of them, Applejack holds a hoof up to me, “Whoa Nelly, catch your... breath...there...” She leans forward, looking at me..”Wait a second..” As I stand there breathing a bit hard.

Her eyes look at me for a moment more, “Something’s different..”

Rainbow hovers nearby, “Well, we can find out later, we’ve got a big job ahead! Twilight’s counting on us!”

I forget my excitement and look around, “What job?”

“We found out what’s bothering Twilight, she doesn’t feel her castle is like a home, too empty.” Rarity is tut-tutting at the echoing halls.

“She’s homesick for the library?”

Fluttershy nods, “She loved the library, it was warm and cozy,” She gestures around, “This is so big and empty, so we sent her to the spa for the day so we could decorate.”

“How can I help? Anything you need!” I’m thrilled they invited me.

Rainbow gets a gleam in her eye, motioning us all to cleaning supplies, “Let’s all work together! To make this castle shi-i-ine!”

I’m stunned, I didn’t know she could sing like that. The others are joining in as I grab some cleaning gear and help out best I can.

I listen as we roam the hallways, suddenly splitting up and going for more items. I accompany Rarity on a shopping trip while the others go get items to put inside the castle to try and make it feel more like a home.

But they keep singing along the way, I try and pick up the words because it is nothing I’ve heard before. Twilight explained it’s part of the magic in the world, the ability to sing from the heart, to make words that lift the spirit.

Each of them goes to get items they want to place inside the castle as I wait there, helping them unload and place things as they return.

It’s so much fun how work can be turned into something special. I help hang drapes and pictures, spreading flowers and garden things to brighten the place up. Though I do get the feeling this one place is getting a bit crowded with items, and there is a whole castle to fill.

One of Pinkie’s confetti cannons goes off right next to me one time though, and I about jump out of my skin.

“Sorry! Forgot where I put all of them!” She laughs.

All of them compliment each other on their additions to the decorations, but I get the feeling it’s not quite heartfelt, so I keep my opinions to myself. Until Spike walks in.

“Hey guys, how do my claws look..Sweet Celestia!” His eyes go wide at the conglomeration of items.

Rarity steps forward, “Oh Spike, are you and Twilight done already?”

“Oh don’t worry, I ordered her the super deluxe mane blowout, she’ll be a while.” He looks around, “Man this place looks terrible!”

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, Fluttershy waving a hoof, “Thank goodness somepony said something.”

Rainbow hovers near, “It’s pretty bad right?”

“It looks like a mishmash of knickknacks,” I think Applejack’s got it spot on, though the curtains are nice.

Rarity of course, “Hmmm, I suppose it is a little cluttered.”

Pinkie is grinning, “What are you guys talking about? I think it looks super fun!”

A confetti cannon goes off right next to some animals, I just step back and watch the absolute bedlam. Watching the animals climb over everything or hit something, a column falls right next to me, making me skitter out of the way. Another one tips over but I gently push it back into place, avoiding more mess.

Wow, it’s gotten worse in the space of seconds, amazing how that works here.

“Wheee!” Pinkie is bouncing around while the animals run..heh..wild.. I can’t help but giggle at that thought.

“No! Oh no! Please don’t do that! If we all take a deep breath and calm down... EEP!” Another statue gets tipped and crashes.

Rarity is pointing at a couple of chipmunks that are crawling up some hung fabric, “No! That bunting is embroidered by hoof, don’t you move one more claw!”

She’s right, it is quite expensive..oh no..the ripping sound is like a gun going off in the room. In the words of a former commander, that sucketh most mightily.

“Everypony STOP!” She screams out over the commotion, I even have to cover my ears. Everything stops in mid action.

Pinkie Pie, master of the incredibly obvious, “Okay, now it’s a mess!”

Rainbow is looking distraught, “What are we gonna do?”

Spike is eyeing the mess as we all stand there, “I dunno, but Twilight’s blow out won’t take that long. If she was avoiding the castle now, she won’t set hoof in here now.”

The Unicorn turns to Spike, “Spike, you’ve got to get back to the spa and stall her! Whatever you do, don’t let her come home!”

“Like forever? But we live here.”

“Uh, yes, well, uh maybe you could manage ‘til...sunset-ish?” I watch her bat her eyes at the little dragon, shameless, very shameless. But it works as he goes all doe-eyed.

“Anything for you Rarity.” He practically floats out the door..well..I think he was floating, what the hay?

Applejack speaks up, “Okay, we all agree the castle is too cluttered right? So why doesn’t everypony take one of their own decorations down and we’ll see how it looks."

We all nod, I think it’s a good idea. I contact Crusader to help out.



“You done with carts?”

“Yes, finished the last one. Do you need something?”

“I need you to help Spike keep Twilight busy, she’s at the spa. Until about sunset.”

“Do what now?”

I explain the situation to him quickly, the whole castle problem and decorating, which is turning into quite the fiasco.

“How do you expect me to do this?”

“You’re a Planetary Siege Unit! You’ve kept the enemy in one place thousands of times!”

The reply I get is deadpan, “I did that by blowing them apart Athena.”

“You know what I mean! Stall her!”

“If it is that important...”

“It is! Thank you!”


I decline Mac’s offer of something to drink after a morning of labor. Trotting out of the barn I head towards the spa, having no clue exactly how to do this, but if Athena thinks it’s important then it is the least I can do for her.

Dedicating a tactical core to the problem, I come up with a few solutions, probably a logic game or puzzle, some conversation over a cup of tea. Something simple to keep her distracted for a while, Athena said until sunset or thereabouts.

I’ve never had a reason to enter the spa before, so it is a new experience for me. Chemical analyzers tell me the scents of jasmine and lavender are floating around, along with salts and humidity from warm water, perhaps steam baths. Amazing they can fit all this in here.

A very polite mare greets me, Aloe by her ID file. Her voice is soft and soothing actually. Twilight’s IFF is indicating she’s inside the room marked ‘Massage’. I change tactics quickly.

“Why Crusader, how nice! We never see you here, what brings you in today?” Her face is graced with an easy smile.

“I apologize for the intrusion, but I was ..er..studying musculature of ponies and thought maybe by watching a massage perhaps I could get a better clue about certain muscle groups?” This has to be the worst lie I’ve ever come up with.

She grins, “Of course! One must know the right places to relax when helping another pony. As a matter of fact, Princess Twilight is here now getting one, perhaps she’d let you observe? Let me ask.” She wanders into the nearby room.

I notice two very large holes in the wall while I wait. I know we haven’t had any problems with creatures, so it puzzles me as to what may have caused them.

Aloe returns, “She has agreed, saying you’re quite welcome to watch. We have a new masseuse on for today.” She points into a nearby room.

Entering, I see Twilight laid out along a padded table, another pony is working his hooves along her side and back right now as she waves at me.

“Crusader! Always interested in things huh? Well come and sit, we can talk while..ugh..this gets finished.” Her face displays a show of pain for a moment.

“It is just curiosity on my part Twilight, I thank you for... the ...time...” I am watching this pony work along her muscles and realize he’s doing it wrong. Calling up scans of pony muscular arrangements, this so-called masseuse is tying her in knots right now.

Observing him a few moments more I realize I cannot just sit here, “Step away from her and the table.”

He looks up at me, “What?”

“You’re hurting her, stop what you’re doing and step away from the table.”

“Look, I’m doing my job...”

“You won’t be if you do not step away from her. Now.” I make it clear he is treading on shaky ground.

Twilight is watching the conversation, “Crusader, he’s just..”

“Doing it wrong, he’s hurting you and not relaxing the muscles at all.” I shoulder him away with a glare, Using gentle force I press my hooves softly into her back along the spine. The muscles instantly relax as the vertebrae ‘crack’ in release, eliciting a groan of pleasure from Twilight.

“This is how you do it, watch closely.”

I move my hooves alongside either side of her spine, pressing in places that are crossed with nerves and musculature, relaxing and releasing any pressure on them as Twilight lays on the table. The ‘masseuse’ watches, but then heads out to complain to one of the owners about me taking over.

“I am sorry Twilight, he wasn’t performing it properly, I hope you don’t mind.” The muscles are easy to relax, though not a masseuse I can extrapolate how by reviewing the data and watching the results, performing better by the second as I let my arrays direct my hooves in the proper actions.

She shakes her head, laying flat on the table, “No...oh...problem.”

“I will finish the job, just be at ease.” Under directed pressure, I feel the muscles giving way.

“Nooooooo problem!” Her voice has taken on a dreamy quality right now, I am sure from being relieved of tension, it is probably normal.


Aloe was listening to her new masseuse complain about Crusader, “Yes yes, he’s a bit different but a good pony. He is fine I am...” She tilts her head, hearing groans of delight from the room through the padded door. Surely there wasn’t any funny business going on in there! Not that it hasn’t happened before...my goodness! A Princess! The rooms were soundproof, but ...well!

She peeked her head around the doorframe as she cracked the door open slightly, seeing Crusader concentrating on working his hooves into Twilight’s back and sides, down and up the wings as well. He seemed to not notice what was happening with the mare spraddled over the table, his face wore a look of extreme concentration.

The lavender Alicorn was flat out, her wings drooping to the side as the look on her face was one of pure pleasure, her body actually shaking and sweating as she bit her lip to try and stop the noises from escaping. It was failing to say the least.. Her cheeks wore a blushing red as she gripped the end of the table hard enough to drag herself forward slightly.

As the stallion worked along her back towards her flank the noises got louder, and louder as Aloe shut the door, seeing more customers walking in.

“Oh stars..oh my gosh..ohmygosh...OHMYGOSH!” The voice was audible through the padding as she grinned helplessly at the three mares waiting for her to attend them. They looked curiously at the door for a moment, then at each other, turning as one to Aloe after hearing the exclamations.

“We want what she’s having.”


I finish the massage by making sure all the deep tissues are in good order, working along the last muscle groups takes care of everything as I hear Twilight’s voice, I hope I haven’t made a mistake somewhere.

“Are you okay? I’m not causing more pain am I?”

Her voice is somewhat strange as I work along her back legs, “Ohhh no..nope..juuuust fine..”

She does, however, exclaim loudly once I finish, and I check on her once again.

“All done, hopefully you feel better?” I hold a towel out to her as she appears to be sweating copiously for some reason, I believe I may have misjudged my ability to perform this action. Working with nerve connections and clusters can be tricky sometimes according to neurosurgeons, and that I am definitely not one of.

“I ..uh...still have a little knot, riiiight here.” She points to her back, refusing to get up.

“Are you sure? That muscle group is showing no signs of tension, there should be no problems.” I call up the data once again, perhaps I need to take newer scans; there is no information about massage in my banks, but it is easy enough to see where the body needs pressure to release gathered problems.

“Positive, it’s a knot, yep, need to get it taken care of.” She’s nodding sleepily as she lays on the table again.

“Alright, let me see if I can relax it. Shouldn’t take long, I apologize for the problems Twilight.” I move my hooves along her spine, trying to find the right angle as I calculate what might be wrong.

“Oh no need to apologize! Nono, no need at all! Just that little knot, yeah..oh yes..riiiight there!”

Well at least I am accomplishing my mission as asked, though hopefully what Athena is doing won’t take long.


Aloe waited until it was quiet in the massage room, seeing the door open after two hours and a smiling Princess walking out on wobbling hooves, waving goodbye to her friend as Spike took her to the steam room to cleanse them both from the massages. Twilight needed the little dragon’s help it seemed.

Aloe couldn’t help but smile gently at the look on the Princess’s face, chuckling softly as she stepped back into the entryway of the room.


I am glad Twilight is feeling better, hopefully that was enough time to keep her away from the castle. Though conversation would have been nice over a cup of tea, it was still a good way to pass the time. Twilight was not interested in talking much, which was slightly odd. She seemed a bit dizzy walking out though, hopefully nothing I did affected any neural pathways.

Reviewing my new gathered information quickly, I see there are a few things needing updating while I stand there, nerve clusters and muscle groups reacting differently than what I had thought. It was definitely a learning experience.

Looking up I see Aloe peering in the door.

“I apologize Miss, I didn’t mean to take the time up, but I’m afraid your new hire wasn’t doing a proper job.”

She waves a hoof at me with a smile, “Oh no, no worries at all.” She grins, staring at me for a moment, making me wonder what’s going on.

I see her look sideways at the waiting area and then back at me, “Would you like a job?”


Turning down the offer of a job, I do believe the owner is due some recompense for my taking the room and time up. So I agree to do massages for whoever is waiting for the rest of the day, it is only fair. The sun is almost down anyway, but Aloe informs me there are quite a few customers waiting, so she is staying open late.

That is no problem, so I inform Athena.

“I have delayed her all I can, she’s almost done with a steam bath and then getting her mane redone once more, so it’ll be a while, then Spike is taking over.”

“Great! It was kinda odd here for a while, but Applejack says she has a plan, she thinks Twilight will like it.”

“Good, I will be at the spa the rest of the evening, I owe the owner time in return for my intruding.”

“Okay! Thank you for doing that! She’s gonna love this idea.”

“Glad I could help, she will like any plans her friends have I’m sure.”

I listen to the link go silent as my first customer walks in, I never knew the spa could get so busy during the day, seeing more waiting outside in the lobby.


Athena turned to Applejack, “Okay, Crusader helped Spike keep her at the spa, though she won’t be there much longer.”

Applejack chuckles, “Let’s jus’ hope he didn’t get in any trouble knowin’ him.”

“I know,” I join her laugh, “He’s such a good minded person, but he’s pretty oblivious when he’s concentrating on something.”

“Oh ain’t that the truth!” She laughs. Turning to all of us, she gives out assignments, what we need and how we’re going to get it. Everypony scatters as I go with her for the big job. I call up a Dragon from my bay, adding a detachable crane to the back and a cutter on a medium tech spider will help get this done fast.

As we wait for the vehicle to arrive, I look at the remains of the tree. Truly it was wonderful before the destruction. I feel an anger inside me, of something beautiful destroyed in a wanton act of spite by a creature who by all rights should not still be living.

He won’t be if Crusader and I ever get our way.

Watching Fluttershy’s animal friends start the digging, marking out the area for me to help with, I add my part by plowing through the loose dirt with a shovel.

A plan forms in my mind as I work deeper into the gravel and earth, quickly exposing the roots as my vehicle arrives.

Applejack is a good engineer, directing me how to pull and where as we get the bottom part out after the tech spider uses the laser cutter to remove the remains up above it. Of course I could figure it out myself, but I realize it’s more fun with others helping. The whole process goes quickly until it’s time to meet Rarity at the castle, Rainbow Dash being used as a pack mule, covered with packages.

I’ve got the vehicle waiting as the tech spider hauls our prize in, helping us get it in place. Handy things them spiders. The tech ones, not the real ones, real ones can die in a blaze of Hellbore fire for all I care.

“Sorry we’re late darlings, but there was such a crowd in the spa, my it was busy! Seems like every girl in town wanted a spa day today. We tried to see what was going on, but we couldn’t be late.”

Rainbow rolls her eyes, “Yeah she tried to peek in the window and got caught.”

“I was not peeking, I was just trying to find out.”

Rainbow cackles, “She was peeking.”

“Hmph!” She sticks her nose up in response, getting out all the tools she’ll be needing to finish the surprise.

“We’d better get to work, Twilight’s due home soon!” Fluttershy’s voice is a bit panicked.

We start to get organized, Rarity has a spell for impressing memories onto jewels, it’s really neat to watch her do so., but I notice Applejack looking out the window with a worried expression. I laugh, activating her link, “You know it’s him.”

She whispers, “Ah know, wonder what he’s got himself into this time.”

I laugh over the comm band, “We’ll find out later I’m sure.”

“Oh ah’m not bettin’ on that one.” She grins at me as we work harder.


The castle door opens as we see Twilight peek in, “Hello? Anypony here?”

Her and Spike enter the hallway,still unchanged from before. We hadn’t had time to do anything else.

“Twilight!” We all greet her in the entryway.

She looks around, disappointment clear on her features, though she is appearing kind of sleepy, a smile never leaving her face for the moment.

“I...like what you’ve done. Keeping the..uh..original integrity of the place.”

Spike throws his hands up, “Aw c’mon, it looks the same! Do you know how hard it was to keep her from coming back here? I never want to see another dust ruffle as long as I live!”

I applaud his bravery, shopping for a bed I’m sure can be daunting, though the giggle that escapes Pinkie’s lips says otherwise.

“Wait. Keep me from coming back here?”

Rarity gives a nervous laugh, “Well it took a teensy bit longer than we thought.”

Applejack nods, “What makes a home isn’t what’s in it, but what memories you make living there.”

Rarity motions to the doors, saying as she opens them, “So we made something that celebrates the memories we’ve made with you since you moved to Ponyville.”

Twilight stands with her mouth agape as Fluttershy flies near the hanging strings of crystals. Turning one around, she shows a picture impressed into the large faceted jewel. I was impressed with how Rarity did it, an attempt at Crystal Holography with magic, it worked very well and very clear.

“The ornaments on the chandelier are reminders of all the fun we’ve had together.” She turns one around, showing a picture.

Pinkie points, “That one shows your party at the Golden Oaks Library welcoming you to Ponyville!”

Fluttershy turns another, “The time we shared donuts after the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Rarity is looking anxious, “We were hoping that being able to look at your beautiful old memories would inspire you to make new ones.”

Everypony nods, Applejack adding, “And the best part is, it’s made from the roots of the Golden Oak Library, so you’ll never forget where you came from.”

Twilight watches for a moment, her eyes reflecting the shining gems, “It’s exactly what the castle needed!” She grabs everyone in a hug, “And I’m ready to start making new memories here.”

Pinkie zips out, coming back with a cake on her back, “Then let’s start right now with a new memory cake! Seven layer what’s-that-flavor mystery surprise!” She points, “These might be chocolate chips, or they might be super-spicy black beans!”

For some reason I find myself almost drooling at the thought of trying a piece of that.

Twilight chuckles, leading everypony out of the hall, “Let’s go to the dining room. It’s a little sparse but,” She opens the doors, “At least there’s a table and chairs. Whoa! What happened in here? Last I checked it was pretty empty!”

Rarity huffs, “Oh I just couldn’t help myself, it was just begging for the personal touch!” She looks slightly embarrassed to be caught out.

Applejack’s voice is abashed, “Well, truth be told, I couldn’t either. Your kitchen might have some rustic farm decor Twilight.”

Rainbow rubs the back of her mane, “There may or may not be some Daring Do posters in your library.” She chuckles.

Fluttershy grins, “And some stuffed animals in your bedroom.”

Another explosion goes off, spreading glittery paper everywhere as the cake gets demolished...darnit..

Twilight looks around, “What was that?”

A sigh from Applejack, “One of Pinkie’s confetti cannons.”

She looks helpless, splattered with cake, “Whaaat? It’s not my fault I hid them so well!”

I can’t help but laugh with them, it’ll be like treading a minefield in here for weeks. Not that they couldn’t be found, but I think it’ll be a lot more fun in here trying to avoid them.

I notice Twilight looking at me for a long moment, making me self-conscious, “What? What’d I do?”

She grins, “Everypony else added something, what did you put in the castle?” She’s looking around, craning her neck.

“I didn’t..I me..uh..” Rubbing a hoof along the other I can’t look at her and them.

“Oh come on,” Rainbow is chiding, “What’d you sneak in?”

“Ju..just a picture, nothing special.” I point at all of them, “I saw you all sneaking about after we got the chandelier in, so figured I’d add something too.”

“Where is it?” Pinkie’s bouncing around, looking in the corners.

I lead them out to the library, a small vestibule off to the side which was pretty bare. I thought the wooden frame more than made it nice, with the lithograph I made of a sensor recording.

All of them are standing on Crusader’s upper deck, the Harmony Magic having transformed them into ethereal beings. A little work on the photo itself erased all the background noise, leaving them, the shield around them and a barrage of nuclear tipped cruise missiles rising in the background on tongues of fire.

Secondary batteries are firing as well to add strength to it, the final few minutes of the battle were happening at the time of the recording, adding more fuel for the picture to turn out incredibly well.

It all added up to a split second that I printed and framed while working today, meaning to present it as a gift to them all later.

Of course Rainbow is the first to say anything, “I look awesome!”

I listen to the comments as they all see themselves and the Princesses. It really was a once in a lifetime picture.

We retire to the dining room once more, Pinkie deciding to work on a quick meal for all of us. As we sit down to enjoy a few quiet moments, talking about Rarity’s skill with decorating, Applejack has to ask.

“Spike’s been telling me ya had that goofy smile on your face all day since the spa, what gives?” She leans an elbow on the table, hoof supporting her chin.

Immediately a blush comes over her face, making her turn a beet red as she stutters more than anytime we’ve ever seen her. She looks around to make sure Spike isn’t anywhere within earshot, he’s gone to his room to read comics after a long day keeping her company.

This garners everyone’s attention immediately as they watch at Twilight fidgeting with her hooves on the table.

“We-ell... They had a new pony doing massages today, and he wasn’t very good I’m afraid.” She grins a bit lopsided.

“And of course you were too polite to say anything darling.” Rarity is smiling.

“I didn’t want to be rude.”

“Of course not, understandable.” We all nod, she’s polite to a fault sometimes.

“Well...Crusader asked Aloe if he could watch, wanting to learn more about pony’s..muscle groups? I think he said?”

I nod, “That would be the excuse, he was supposed to just keep you busy while the redecorating was going on.” Why do I have a feeling about all this?

“I guess I kinda let on I was not having a relaxing time, it did kind of hurt. But the masseuse was new, I’m sure he’ll get better.”

“And then Crusader stepped in,” he would do so, knowing a friend was being mistreated however small.

“Yeah,” She chuckles, “That new guy wasn’t too happy.”

Pinkie pops up beside her, “Well it’s not fun if you’re not relaxing!”

Twilight nods, “So he kinda pushed him out of the way and started doing it himself. I..uh...it was sooooo good!” Her face gets a dopey look on it prompting Rarity who’s always one for gossip.

“That good?” The Unicorn leans over the table, hoping for maybe some juicy gossip between friends.

“I couldn’t even move! It uh..oh..well...uhm..” Her face turns a cherry red, I can see the heat rushing to her cheeks.

It’s funny how certain things hit at the same moment, especially among friends. Looks go from slight amusement to sudden shock as eyes open wide.

“You don’t mean...”

“No he couldn’t...he did! I can tell by the look on your face!”

“Darling, I’m sure it..wasn’t... was it?”

Twilight just nods, still grinning with a blushing face.

My brother, master of the oblivious when he concentrates on something, blocking everything out entirely, it’s become a bad habit to him lately. I slap a hoof on my face and leave it there, you idiot Bolo.

Applejack pinches her nose and sighs, “That dunderhead.” Everyone laughs.

Fluttershy pats her shoulder, her eyes glinting mischievously as she says, “Now now Applejack, I’m sure he was just doing the best he could to make a pony happy.”

Everyone just looks at the buttery mare, of ALL ponies!


The pegasus’ hooves fly to her muzzle as she giggles uncontrollably, “Well he’s just trying to be nice!”

Rainbow Dash cackles, hugging her friend, “Oh that’s the truth alright!” She howls in delight, falling off her chair.

“Look Fluttershy, there’s nice, and then there’s..there’s...oh hay what am I gonna do with him?” Applejack just lets a few exasperated chuckles escape.

Twilight shakes her head, “I don’t know, but Aloe and Lotus are having a big day at the spa because of him.” She’s trying to hold in the merriment.

Pinkie turns to me as she lays out some food, “Doesn’t he know?”

“We have scans of your bodies, we know each part of them, but we can’t tell what does what without..uh..experimentation. Even then it’s up to the subject to tell us how they feel when we do uhmm..certain..” I look at the grinning faces, “This isn’t sounding too good is it?”

I watch heads all shake in the negative.

Rarity let’s out a titter, “Well! We know why the spa was crowded today!”

Rainbow hovers close to Applejack and myself with a giggle, “So, gonna make him get a job there AJ? Or are you gonna keep it all to yourself?”

Applejack swats at her hovering form, “Rainbow!”

“Rainbow Dash! That was just awful!” Rarity is sounding shocked, though not as shocked as she could be as I watch her for a moment.

The cyan mare cackles, “What? Just a suggestion!” She lands on her seat, “He’s always looking for something to do to be nice to ponies.”

I roll my eyes, turning to Applejack, “Want me to tell him?”

She thinks on that, putting an elbow on the table and supporting her chin with a hoof again, “Ya know what, nope. Gotta learn by your mistakes some times, and this ones not quite a mistake, but we’ll tell him in the morning.” She laughs, “I’m thinking Ponyville’s gonna be a happy place tomorrow for quite a few girls.”

I can only look at her in shock as I laugh, “Applejack!”

She shrugs, “Hey, just tellin’ the truth.” But she turns to me suddenly, pointing a hoof, “And you, somethin’ been bothering me all day about you. Somethin’s different.”

I perk up, having forgotten about it in all the rush to help, nodding at her with an expectant look on my face I’m sure. I want them to know, and see!

Twilight tilts her head at me eyes narrowing as she looks me over, “When did you start breathing?” She’s good at noticing small things, like my chest bellowing slightly where before it never moved.

Applejack slaps the table, “That’s it! This morning I was wondering why she looked out of breath!”

The faces all look at me in wonder, Pinkie leaning over, “You can breathe now? Like a real pony?”

I nod, “Crusader did it, it feels so different, I can..can smell things differently, taste things better.” The smile that crosses my face is enormous I’m sure, “I..I can be as close to alive as he can make it.”

Twilight is looking at me with wide eyes, “That’s just amazing.”

I grab her hoof, pressing it to my chest as she looks curiously at me, “One other thing.”

There is resistance at first then she stops, pushing the hoof against my chest tighter for a moment with a quizzical look on her face. She pulls it away with a gasp, “You have a heartbeat!”

I nod, as glad as I can be.

Applejack presses her hoof against the side of my chest, feeling the excited thumping inside it, “Stars above..she does!”

I am on the receiving end of quite a few hugs welcoming me to the land of the living, though without some of the worst parts which Rainbow exclaims is not fair. What can you do?

A slight grumbling sound from an empty belly as the excitement dies away tells us dinner is on the table and has been for a bit.

“Well somepony’s definitely hungry, let’s dig in.” Applejack is looking at me with a grin.

“What? That wasn’t me, I don’t even have..” I stop as the rumbling comes again, looking at my own midsection as I hear the sound, noticing I am low on reaction mass at the same time.

Pinkie giggles, “Looks like he added one more thing too!”

I’m gonna kill him.

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