• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,462 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 11: Read It And Weep

Chapter 11: Read It And Weep

"So what happened?"

Twilight, Spike, and I where visiting Rainbow in the hospital to check on her. Still not exactly sure how she ended in there but we where at a jogging pace. Fluttershy had told the others already and told us last. We where the last to visit her.

"She broke her wing."


"She was practicing flying and crashed to the ground."

"Okay. Seems legit."

We walked to the hospital. This town wasn't exactly big so it didn't take long to reach the hospital. We entered and asked for rainbow. The nurse told us in what room and we walked to the room. We where making small talk until we reached Rainbow's room. She looked like she was bored out of her mind.

"Hi Rainbow."

"Oh, hey Twi. Hey Night Wing. Hey Spike."



"Here Rainbow. I brought something knowing you would get bored in here."

"Thanks! What is it?"

Twilight reached into her back pack and pulled out a book. She handed it to Rainbow who just looked disappointed at what was given to her.

"A book."

"Twilight, only egg heads like reading books."

"Rainbow, sign here please."

"What? Why?"

"This paper says that by your rules, only egg heads read books. Just write your name on the line."

I knew what was about to happen when twilight had handed rainbow that book. I handed her a pen and she wrote her name on the line. She was confused as to why I had her sign that, but I didn't say anything.

"What was that about?"

"Something I will reveal later. Anyway's, Rainbow why do you say only egg heads read books?"

"Only they would find books interesting."

"Okay. Well good luck with your wing. I should get going."

"Wait for me Night Wing."

"Good luck with your injury Rainbow."

"Yeah, bye guys."

We left as I just made a copy of the signed paper. I made two extra copy's for now. Twilight was just looking at me.

"What is that for?"

"You know how I know what happens?"


"Well, this is one of those times."

"What happens to Rainbow?"

"She ends up liking that book. Then she gets healed up so they let her leave. then she tries to go back in and act like she is sick in order to get the book."



"So, that's why you made her sign that paper?"

"Exactly. Now we just wait to see when she heals and tries to get back in."

She just listened as I told her what happened, or at least will happen. She just seemed happy that Rainbow would finally read. With that done we went to the library to wait.

The next day we went to check on her again. I stopped twilight and grabbed her. We went invisible and peeked through the door. We saw her completely captured in interest by the book. I went back into the hall and turned visible. Then we made sure to have our steps heard so she could hide it from us. We entered as we saw her in a strange position over her pillow.

"Hey guys."

"Hi Rainbow."


"Have you read the book yet?"

"W-What book?"

"The one I brought for you yesterday."

"Oh, that book. I already told you, reading is for egg heads."

"Let her be Twi. If she doesn't want to read, she won't."

"Yeah, what he said."

"To bad, that's a good book."

"We should leave her be. Bye Rainbow."

"Alright, bye Rainbow."

"Bye guys."

We left into the hallway. I grabbed Twilight again and went invisible and took another peek into the room. Sure enough she was reading the book again. With that done we left. We went back to the library where we where until it was almost night. We went to go see rainbow. She was outside, just looking down. I let Twilight talk to her while I turned invisible and intangible and went to grab the book. I came back and saw Rainbow and Twilight hugging. I turned visible in front of them, startling them.

"Here's the book Rainbow."

"Um..thanks? How did you know I liked the book?"

"You just told me."

She just kind of looked at me as her face grew red realizing she technically did just tell me. Twilight lightly punched my arm.

"He's kidding Rainbow. He knew this would happen."

"Oh. He, he. I knew that."

"And what was it that you called people that read books? Oh right, egg heads."

I just pat her head.

"Welcome to the club Rainbow."

"Okay, so not all pony's who read are egg heads."

I took out a paper.

"Actually, you signed this saying you agree that anyone and everyone who reads is an egg head."

She grabbed the paper and tore it up. She shredded it and stomped on it. She just had a smug grin and looked at me.

"What paper?"

I took out another paper and shoved it in front of her face. She just looked at the paper, slightly confused where the second one came from.

"Why, this one."

She grabbed it and shredded it. I took out another and she tore it. I grabbed another and she just kept tearing them up. I grabbed a hand full and threw them in the air. She grabbed all of them and tore them up. I just smiled. I had another few dozens, but left it at that. I told her I ran out, and she just smiled triumphantly. But one look at my smile and she was skeptical about me running out. We walked to the library and then walked our separate ways home.