• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,462 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 3: Hello Discord...And Goodbye

Author's Note:

Discord: Brown

Me: Grey

Clone 2/ Jason: Red

Clone 3: Light Blue

Clone 4: Turquoise

Two or more talking in unison : Alternating

Sorry if this chapter is weird or has several mistakes. I wrote this while sick.

Chapter 3: Hello Discord...And Goodbye

I Jumped through the portal and began to fall. That was my first skydiving experience. The adrenaline from free falling was exhilarating. I was falling with my cloths and hair flying all over the place from the wind. We should get ready for battle while i'm falling.

"Nano band transform alicorn, item, alicorn magic, alicorn wings. Transform senji, item, blood. Transform Discord, item, chaos magic. Transform Danny, item, phantom... Transform original form, item, magic."

I was ready. I was still falling, around four hundred feet and falling. They still hadn't noticed me. I had my cloak on. It was tied around my neck as the back was flapping around from the wind. I reached two hundred feet as I went into a dive with my wings tucked in. I reached one hundred feet when they noticed me. I was sixty feet off the ground when I spread my wings and landed on the ground. It was a hard landing so I just landed and had to crouch to catch myself. Everyone was looking at me. They girls all yelled my name in unison.

"Night Wing!"

"What have we here?"

I slowly rose to my normal height. I untied my cloak and dropped it behind me. I began to walk to Twilight and her friends. I just walked up to them and said something before they could say anything.

"Stay away from this. Don't try to help, I might hurt you. Get back and don't interfere."


I used my magic to push them backwards. I pushed them a safe twenty feet away. With their ears, they could still hear us talking. That should be enough. Let's get to work. I began to walk towards Discord and withdrew my Solar Sword(celestia sword). I walked as I dragged my sword along side me.

"Tsk, Tsk Discord. You thought sending me to a whole other universe would stop me?"

"You came back, I can fix that."

"No Discord you won't."

"I know how you humans work. All I need to do is make you feel pain and you will leave."

He made a small dagger appear from thin air and it flung itself toward me. I just went intangible as it passed harmlessly through me. He did not seem amused by this. He just kept making random daggers appear around me as they went harmlessly through me. He just laughed.

"You think being like that will stop from me causing you pain? I may not be able to cause you physical pain. But nothing will protect you from mental pain."

He teleported in front on me and placed a finger on my fore head. He was trying to corrupt me. Twilight and their friends knew this and came to help. I didn't budge. He them his hand on my head. We stayed strong, using all our strength to stop this. He placed two hands on my head and began to slowly crush it. I couldn't hold anymore as my body began to drain of color's and became grey. I slowly curled into a ball and started to cry. My maniac like smile increasing every second of it. Twilight and her friends circled me.

"What did you do to him!?"

"I simple showed him his child hood."

"What do you mean? What did you do to him!?"

"Fine i'll tell you. He had a terrible child hood. Always worrying about his parents and siblings. Having to worry about his studies. And being picked on from the very first day of school to the very last. Constantly shoved, kicked, punched, insulted by his so called friends. Very alone, very depressed... Very angry."

I slowly uncurled from my ball position. I just looked up, stream of tears coming down my face, and my ever growing smile. They just stared at me. Twilight and her friends looked at me in worry.

"Here, let's help him!"


"Where going to help!"


"Your not thinking straight! Discord-"

"I know what he did. Thank's Discord, that's just what I needed."

I couldn't stop laughing like a maniac. All three sources of magic flowing through my body. I threw Twilight and her friends back with a blast of magic. They yelped in surprise from the intensity of my magic. Discord had an amused look on his face.

"Hell of a child hood. Suicidal ages 12 and down. Wanting to murder every asshole in sight ages 13-18. Abandoned all feelings I had ages 19 and up. I always had to hold back my anger. Not this time."

"What do you plan on doing?"

"I'm gonna kill you."

"I'm immortal. I can't die."

"Then I'm going to have a hell lot of fun torturing you!"

I flew up to his face and began swing my sword around him. I cut his beard and scratched his cheek. He was indeed surprised at my speed. He flew backwards and smiled. His smile turned to fear when I cut his back. He never even saw me move. He yelped and screamed in pain. I just kept laughing.

"So God's can bleed? That's one for the books."


He shot something to me, I turned to a darker shade of grey. He was trying to corrupt me even worse than before. He was very serious as nothing happened to me. I just laughed even harder.

"Trying to corrupt us are we? Break us even further? You can't break whats already broken!"

He shot something at my wings as they dissolved. He literally dissolved them. It hurt like a bitch. I fell to the ground. I could see Twilight and her friends watching from the sidelines, paralyzed from my magic. They stared in horror as I hit the ground with a big thump. Discord's smile came back to his face. It instantly left as I transformed into a ghost. I flew upwards.

"Dissolving our wings wont do you any good here Discord!!"

From the tip of my sword, I shot a beam from my new ghost powers. He just flew backwards. I shot again, only for him to dodge them this time. He was getting frustrated. He grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I hit the ground and began to bleed. My blood slowly moved from my head and back toward my arms. I had blood knifes. I flew at him as my blades grew nearly thirty feet outward. This was making my vision shifty and made me dizzy. I didn't care. He was going back to stone.

I cut through everything he made appear and threw at me. I cut the edge of his tail. I cut a good inch off. He was getting pissed. He grabbed my blood knife and cracked it. I made what was left of it go back into my body. I solidified the blood from where I was bleeding so I wouldn't loose blood. With my blood knife no longer a choice of weaponry, I brought my Lunar Sword(Luna sword) out. I was on the ground and began running toward him.

"We'll drag you down to hell ourselves if we have to!!"

My swords began to glow. I charged at him, with all the strength I could muster I cut a giant X on his chest. He was definitely in pain. His blood was a dark black. He threw me once again to the ground. He grabbed my sword and stabbed me through the leg. We yelled in pain. He tossed us aside. I took the sword out of my leg and held it. I stood up, surprising him.

"Pain only makes me stronger asshole!"

"Stay down already!!"

"Make us bitch!"

"I will!!!"

He was definitely enraged at me. He was pulling everything at me. He used chaos magic to throw and make thing's appear but I just walked toward him and used my chaos magic to stop his. He was getting more pissed by the second. I just smiled as the time came. I turned into a ghost and overshadowed him. I entered his mind and showed him what a human was capable of. He smiled at what we could do. Then his smile slowly turned to one of horror as I displayed every single God damn painful experience there is for us and gave it to him. I wasn't even done when he threw me out of his mind. He had a face of fear and anger. It felt good, being able to make a God fear us.

"Cmon Discord. I thought you liked chaos! What kind of God of Chaos can't even take the torture of one human's mind!? I wasn't even done showing you what Humans could and have done repeatedly!"

"Die already!!"

He made daggers come out of nowhere and stab my back. Talk about a back stabber. Don't get into something dangerous if you can't take the consequences! I just looked back. I cloned myself via ghost powers and he pulled the daggers of my back. We looked back at Discord. He was more angry than fearful. Just barely more angry. I made another set of clones. There was four of us now. We just looked at each other.


"As I can ever be."

"I always wanted this."


We charged at discord. Each with a pair of swords. We kept cutting him, blasting him. He was very angry and slowly losing his energy. My swords where glowing even more than ever. I kept attacking.

"Cmon Discord! Ha, i'm not even at my worst! I'm barely at my laughing stage!"

"You wouldn't do this in front of your friends!"

"Not normally no. This isn't normally though! Feel the pain you have been escaping all these centuries!"

We kept coming at him. We kept cutting him. He was slowly loosing energy. We decided it was time. We all looked at each other. We came to a silent agreement. He was in a fatal position. It almost made us feel sorry for him. No it didn't, that was a complete lie. We placed ourselves at equidistant intervals in a circle around him. Equidistant, so grown up. We dug our swords into the ground.

"We can't kill you Discord. But we know how much you hate being stone. Stay in your prison for the rest of eternity!"

Our swords slowly made a black fire tornado engulf him. The fire swirled him until it dispersed and revealed a petrified Discord. We took out sword from the ground and put them back in their sheaths on our backs. We had a good release of our pent up frustration. We still had way more to let out, but our job was done.

We high five'd each other and began to notice something. Our appearances where different. One was neatly combed, and ironed clothing. The other was completely without order, and clothing some what worn out. And one had spiky-ish hair and slightly baggy clothing. I noticed one of us was still angry and being a douche. He was laughing and celebrating what we did to Discord We stared at each other until one spoke up.

"Ha! I have control of this body!"


"Hell yeah! Isn't this great!?"

We looked at each other then saw our other two clones. We had the same thought.

"Are they...?"
