• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,462 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 18: Making A Deal

Chapter 18: Making A Deal

I opened my eyes. I saw a human scanning me with some hand held device. I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw I was being rushed somewhere. I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw that same human injecting me with something. Then I slept. I woke up who knows how long later. I could see Celestia to my left standing there. I could see Twilight to my right, sleeping beside my hospital bed. I sat up. Celestia spoke up.

"That's a bad idea."

"Yeah well i'm full of bad ideas."

I sat up. I was in pain, but pain is nothing new. I could see my surrounding better now. I couldn't see that human anywhere.

"I must thank you for helping us with Chrysalis."

"Sure, sure. Did the human I see say anything?"

"He wouldn't say much. He just insisted that we make a treaty with Chrysalis. Then he Followed you here and injected you with something he just left."

"Where did he go?"

"I had one of my guards follow him. But he just says that he was there one second and after a bright flash of light he was gone."

"Just like that?"

"That's what my guard said."


"Either way I must thank you."


"Get well."

I saw her leave. I sighed.

"I thought she would never leave."


I turned around and saw Twilight. She climbed in the bed and hugged me. Then she kissed me and tried to get closer.

"I was worried I lost you."

"A single bullet to the chest wouldn't be able to kill me. Speaking of the bullet, did anyone take it out?"

"That human did. Who was he?"

"I wish I knew."

I had to stay there for an hour. Boring as fuck. Once I was clear to go they let me walk out. Twilight had to help me walk a little. The pain in my chest made me stumble once in a while. It was probably midnight so walking in the dark was worse. At least Twi had a spell to create light. We walked to the room in the castle. It wasn't that long a walk. I just got to bed. I decided to sleep until morning came. I was asleep for a while. Then I woke up to a smell I haven't smelled in a long time. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I smiled at that smell. I saw Twilight.

"Oh good your up."

"Why do I smell bacon, eggs and pancakes?"

"I'm making you breakfast."

"Well it smells great. let me just get up."

"No need. You'll be getting breakfast in bed."

"Break fast in bed? But- you know what never mind. I don't have a reason to complain this time."

She smiled and left. I just sighed and sat up. I just waited for her to come back with my breakfast. Not to long later she came with my food. Oh, it looked so delicious. Once I was able to eat some of it, it was better than it looked and smelled. Combined. Twilight just sat next to me.

"That was an interesting wedding day."

"That's an understatement."

I ate my breakfast. I stood up but Twilight wanted me to stay in bed. But I had to see how Chrysalis was doing. Once I convinced her of letting me go, she said she would go with me. Couldn't argue there. Once I knew where she was being held, I asked twilight to stay outside the door. Another debate there but I managed to win that one surprisingly. I got in the room where she was held and locked the door behind me. half of the room was for people to come in. The other half was her containment field that only changelings couldn't pass through. She looked at me and was more than displeased with me.

"You have doomed my entire species."

"I saved the pony species actually."

"Doesn't matter what species you are. You can't possibly live knowing you are the reason an entire species ends. You can't handle death."

"Of course I can."

"You are lying and you know it."

I sighed. I ran at her and pitched her to the ground with my hand around her throat. She was surprised as I looked her in the eye, as she was trying to breath.

"Never. Never say you know about me because you don't. And killing is something I really would like to do. Having the satisfaction of eliminating the vermin of the world such as yourself."

She was in total fear. I could feel her shaking. I was smiling at this. I had meant what I just told her. I would like to rid the world of her. But I had better plans.

"I could kill you right now and no one would give a damn that you just disappeared one day. I could kill you so easily and it would never affect me in the slightest. I could kill you with ease right now. I could end you."

I got off of her and she started gulping for air.

"But I won't. Because I am giving you a chance."

She was coughing and was clearly angry at me.

"Even if I where to agree on anything with you, ponies would never let us feed of their love."

"Not a problem. I have a machine that can recreate what love tastes like to a changeling."


"Yeah, I have it back home."

"And how would you know how to make it if you don't know about changelings?"

"I tested it on one and then wiped the changelings memory of it."

"You can do that?"

"Like I said. Never assume you know what I can do."

She backed away a little in fear.

"Don't worry, i'm not going to strangle you."

She went back to how she was.

"But I could."

She went back.

"But I wont."

She faced me again.

"Or will I?"

"Are you really going to do it or not?"

"Probably not but this is hilarious."

We talked some more. We came upon an agreement. If the machine I talked about worked she would consider the deal. I took her out of her little prison shield. Twilight and practically all the guards where apposed to the idea. But I reassured them. And when I said I was sure she wouldn't try anything, a just gave her my stare saying 'I dare you to try something' and she was in fear. Once I went through security, I flew with Chrysalis homeward. Hope my machine works.