• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,463 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 2: Thanks Clock Work

Author's Note:

Me: Grey

Danny: Lime Green

Sam: Violet

Tucker: Orange

Clock Work: Green

Chapter 2: Thanks Clock Work

Everyone went silent. If someone knew your greatest secret that you kept even from your own family, you would be stunned as well.

"So you going to help me or what?"

They where taken back by my nonchalant tone of voice. Eventually Danny talked. Then Sam joined in. Tucker just kept staring at my sword. I had to answer a few questions. I had a serious Déjà Vu moment with these questions. We talked for a while until we agreed to talk tomorrow and all went to sleep. I just went to the roof and slept there. I watched the stars until I fell asleep.

I woke up, still on the roof. The sun was barely coming up. I decided to go for a fly. As it turns out I don't have to turn into a pony for the wings. I can select the item from a creature of my nano band. So I was now a human with wings. I flew around for a few minutes and came back to the roof and landed. I stretched my wings and just sat on the roof, looking at the sunrise. I heard someone coming.

"Are those...wings?"

"Yes. Do they bother you?"

"No, no. It's just odd to see someone with wings."

"Let me fix that then. Nano band, remove pegasus, item, wings."

My wings slowly dissolved onto my body. Danny just stared in shock and curiosity. I just lay on the edge of the roof.

"Having wing's is nice but you can't exactly lay down comfortably."

"How did you...?"


"Right, you said your universe had better technology."

"Not all of my version of earth. Just the people I worked for."

"You still haven't told me who you worked for."

"It is no longer important."


"Should I start to talk or do we wait for Sam and Tucker?"

"We should wait for them."

We just sat in silence for the most part. We made small talk every once in a while as we waited for Sam and Tucker. Eventually around two hours later they came to the roof. Tucker couldn't keep his eyes of my sword. Yeah hes jealous. I saw Danny and Sam share a kiss. I had asked if they where together, they said yes. At least this universe is up to date. We talked for a while. He was up to date. Apparently Vlad was the main enemy now. So he was constantly being attacked by him. I accidentally asked why he didn't capture him. They just kind of looked at each other.

"Sorry, stupid question to ask why you don't capture him."

"What? Why?"

"If the mayor suddenly disappeared it would raise questions."

"How did you know that? You captured him before he turned human."

"Great, have to explain again...wait your level seven. At least I won't have to explain what a TV is this time."

"What are you talking about?"

"I already told you I was from a different universe. Well the people I worked for found a way to go from one universe to another. Not all humans could, only ones like me. We had a slight change in our DNA that would allow us to cross universes. I landed in one and couldn't be brought back so I decided to protect that universe. It is only a level one planet, since most of it's stuff runs of magic."

"Magic? Magic doesn't exist."

"Tell that to them. They are not even human."

"What are they?"

"If I told you, you would keep asking questions. Wait...here let me show you. Nano band tranfrom unicorn, item, magic."

Slowly a glow covered my body and then slowly faded away. They just gave me a questioning look. I levitated them. They seemed surprised but said that ghost could do the same. I pointed to a near by roof, and teleported us there. That seemed to make them question things. Eventually I got them to stop and went back to the topic at hand. Not before Tucker questioned me about how I did that. He wanted some of my technology, I denied his request.


"Cmon! It could help us out! Especially with ghost hunting!"


"Give me one reason why!"

"Well for one, if I advanced your technology centuries ahead in days it would mess up the economy, have some chaos, and eventually make panic, which can lead to destruction where there would be war for this new technology eventually making everyone kill each other off."

"Umm...Two reason?"

He had an innocent smile. I just gave him my 'Are you fucking kidding me' face. He stopped. Then we got back to my reason for coming to them.

"So why did you need help again?"

"I need to get back to the universe I was protecting."

"How did you leave in the first place?"

"I was fighting a God of Chaos who threw me through a portal making me land just outside of town."

"You where fighting a God of Chaos?"

"Yes I was. Yes I was alone. Yes I know it was a stupid thing but I had to."

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You answered our questions before we even asked them."

"Time will tell. Speaking of time, we need to go visit Clock Work."

"Why him?"

"Because he can help get me back."


"Just trust me."

"Why should we?"

"I don't know, the goodness of your heart?"

They just stared at me with the most confused face I have ever seen. They just looked to each other and agreed. They told me to hind my sword. I just put my cloak over my sword. We walked downstairs to the portal. They got the weird flying sub thing. We just got in and went into the portal. We where there for about an hour until we reached a tower with these clock insides floating around it.

We got of the flying sub and walked in. We just walked straight to the main area where we waited for Clock Work.

"My, my. What do we have here?"

"It's me. I have someone here who says you can help him get home."

"He doesn't need my help to get home. He needs my help to do what he has to do when he gets home."

"Nano band, scan, Clock Work."

He just stood still in front of me as my nano band scanned his DNA. He knew what I had to do, and I knew he knew.

"What did you do?"

"I scanned his DNA. Now I have his knowledge of time. More or less his knowledge."

"Why did you let him do that?"

"He has done it before. And will do it in the future."

"What does he mean Night Wing?"

"It's nothing. And it's everything."

I just smiled at that comment. They looked at me like I was crazy. I have gotten used to that expression. I walked up to Clock Work, shook his hand, and walked away.

"Where are you doing?"

"Going home. Nano band, transform Discord, item, chaos magic."

My body was once again engulfed with a magical aura. My hair floated a little during the transformation of chaos magic. With that done I made a zipper appear in the middle of the air. I turned back to Danny and the others.

"It was an honor meeting you in person. But now I have to go save my friends."

"Uh..yeah, it was nice meeting you to."

I reached and unzipped the zipper to reveal a portal like vortex. I thought of where I wanted to go and saw the vortex slowly show me what was going on in the other universe. Danny and his friends just looked over my shoulder. I saw Twilight and her friends making a rainbow to stop Discord. He had a smug grin on his face. The rainbow made impact and did nothing at all. Twilight and her friends faces changed from confident to frightened in an instance. Discord couldn't stop laughing. That was my cue.

"Good luck in your future Danny. Now if you will excuse me, I have a God of Chaos to defeat."

Not waiting for a response I walked back, ran, and jumped into the portal as it closed behind me and I began falling. You are in for hell Discord.