• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,462 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 5: Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey

Chapter 5: Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey

Celestia didn't know I knew what she knew. Knowingception. Anyway's, she had just arrived, but didn't see me beat the shit out of Discord. My swords on my back had a light glow. The girls noticed my glowing swords but paid attention to Celestia. Especially Twilight, who could tell what her mentor was about to say was something serious.

"What is it princess?"

"It's about Night Wing. Twilight, he-"

"I am the representative and bearer of the elements of Balance and Guidance. Each sword representing an element. Still have no fucking idea why or how I represent these two but I do."

Twilight and her friends where taken back by that. Twilight looked at my swords which I had withdrawn midway threw the sentence. The ends of the swords handles no longer had a sun and moon. It had a ying yang symbol for balance and for guidance was a eye with an infinity symbol instead of a pupil and iris. Celestia had a expression that just screamed confused and surprised. I laughed.

"Wow tia, I have never seen you with that expression on your face. Man I wish I had a camera."

I laughed a little. Sun butt seemed of guard by me using her pet name. Twilight's friends just kept looking back and forth between me, my swords, and Celestia. Eventually Celestia spoke.

"How did you know you where an element and the elements you have?"

"I knew the future."

"I already know that."

"Not the future I told you, this future. What happened today and what happens in a few hours. I knew all this would happen, I knew I would be a bearer of two elements, I knew Discord would throw me into a different universe. I have known for over a month."


"Time travel. Time travel via technology. Well, magically enhanced nano technology."


"Just watch."

Twilight was very curious and intrigued by what I had said. I held my hand up in the air as a mixture of nano technology and three sources of magic flowed into the palm of my hand. It made a ball shape and I threw it into the air in front of me. It stopped about a foot and a half in front of me. The vortex thing opened. I saw me, cutting trees with my blood. Celestia, Twilight, and her friends observed as I cut down the trees. Then past me heard something and saw Twilight had passed out. That was my cue. I made the vortex appear behind me.

"Is that?"

"Yes it is."

Before past me could move I made a ball of nano bots containing the information of this timeline and what would happen. I threw it as it made impact with the back of my head.

"Head shot! HA!"

I saw past me slowly fall to his knees and collapse. Doesn't he, us, think in our mind that we would kill whoever did this? Yeah, thanks for the reminder Eon.

"No you won't."

That over past me passed out and that was that. I closed the time vortex and saw Celestia, Twilight, and her friends staring in shock, curiosity, and confusion.

"What did you do?"

"I gave myself the information of this timeline so I could prepare like I did before and just did now. Time travel shit."

"Wait, you can time travel?"

"No, I can so far only send information through this. I don't know if an entire living creature can go through the time. I'll test that later. Oh, I just remembered! Something hit you to right Twilight?"


"An that explains how we ended up in bed at the library and not in the forest."

I went over to Twilight and placed a hand on her head. I withdrew a handful of nano bots. She seemed confused by that.

"What did you do?"

"I withdrew nano bots that you had."

"How did I get them?"

"Just watch."

I opened another time vortex. To the same time, but this time at Twilight. I shot the nano bots at past Twilight which made her pass out. Closed the vortex and opened on when we where both knocked out and teleported past us into the library and put is in bed. Same bed I might add.

"I still don't get this."

"It's simple, peopl-oh I almost forgot."

I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and took out a pen. I ripped a piece of the paper and wrote 'Test 1'. I reopened the time vortex and used my magic to save it in past Twilight's mane.

"What did you do?"

"I put a piece of evidence in the past to re assure myself of my future."


"Remember the thing I picked up when the storm hit and I wouldn't tell you what it was?"


"They where pieces of paper. Each with the word Test and a number. That was me doing things with time, leaving evidence."

"Okay...? I still don't get this time travel."

"Oh it really is simple. You see, people and pony's think time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective view point. It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey...stuff."

"...that doesn't really help."

"It wasn't supposed to. I just really wanted to say that. I'll tell you more about time and show you what time is capable of later. I'm kind of tired from having to beat the shit out of a God of Chaos."

"So you have two elements?"


"What did you use though? I felt a magic that I have never seen or felt anywhere before."

"I had three sources of magic within me. Chaos magic, Alicorn magic, and Human magic. Alicorn is your basic magic, chaos is random and destructive. But human magic is unstable, even more destructive, and runs off of hate, wanting revenge, and all the other negative feelings you can think of."

"That doesn't sound so good."

"Because it's not. Now if we can just head back home, I would appreciate some sleep. Taking down a God sure leaves you tired."

It took about half an hour for us to get ready and leave back to ponyville. Fighting a God of Chaos was fun. I knew I would have fun like that later. Now it was back to the smaller things. I also had to make the other test's things happen. I always said there was to many variable in life. Who knew time travel would be one of those variables.

This has helped, just helped, and will help me in my life. Time travel is a helpful and dangerous tool. The things people or pony's could do. I had to use this wisely and make sure I didn't get famous. I don't want people thanking me for saving them. I could erase their memory but that would be abuse of power. God damn it, smiles is already affecting my actions.

We got to the library and said our goodbyes. Twilight was worried about my health. I had told her I was fine and left it at that. I slept on the library because I really needed some rest. I went to sleep with three voices in my head now. What oh what does my future hold? No doubt my future was going to hold some surprises. Don't want to mess with time to much. Or have I already messed with it...or will mess with it in the future about my past which could be my present. Fucking time travel man.

Author's Note: