• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,462 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 17: Wedding

Chapter 17: Wedding

I woke up. I was still sleepy from yesterday. I yawned and stretched. I awoke to see Twilight on my chest. Yesterday was an interesting experience to say the least. The whole inter-species intercourse took a moment to figure out but seemed alright.

Her method of falling asleep faster worked well. I just stretched and looked around for a place to take a shower. I found one not to long later. I took a shower, changed clothes, and walked around the castle. I passed by that window I fixed again only to see me fighting discord. God fucking damn it! I changed it and stared at it for a while. It stayed the way it was meant to be. I sighed and walked off.

I turned the corner and hit something. I fell backwards landing on my ass. I looked at what I hit and I saw Cadence. Well, Chrysalis in her form. She stared at me. Amazed. Guess she doesn't know who or what I am. I stood up and began to talk.

"You must be Cadence."

"Uh, yes. Who are you?"

"I'm Twilight's boyfriend, she talked about you. You're going to marry her brother, Shining Armor right?"

"Yes, i'm marrying her brother."

"Cool. So hows the wedding planning so far? Everything in check?"

"Yes. Everything is exactly in place."

She had a dark smile when she said that. How do these ponies miss the clues that Cadence isn't Cadence. Or at least suspect of her. She held that smile for a moment and then said bye. We parted ways. Now I was just roaming the halls. I saw a balcony nearby so I went to sit on the balcony. The balcony had a great view of ponyville. I was there for a while when I heard Celestia's voice.

"A beautiful view, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is."

I turned around and saw her smiling. What are you smiling about? I did not like the way she was smiling. What she said next made me think over what happened.

"So how was last night?"



She had that smile. I was just thinking over what had happened yesterday. I kept replaying what happened yesterday over and over in my head. This fucker planned it.

"I hate you so fucking much."

"No you don't."

She just walked away. She never stopped smiling. I sighed. I got up and walked away. I passed that fucking window. I got mad, punched it, and reassembled the shattered glass to show the girls defeating Discord. I walked away, back to my room. I got in bed and tried to rest. I felt Twilight get closer and hug me. She spoke in a tired voice.

"Where'd you go?"

"Just a walk."


We lay silent. She moved to try to get more comfortable. We lay there for a moment. Then she got up and looked at me.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask, but getting an answer is something different."

"You know the future. Right?"


"Do you know about today?"


"Can you tell me what to do? Cadence isn't acting like herself. I think somethings wrong."

"Twilight. Do what you think is wright. That's all I can say."

With our conversation over we took a nap. Later I woke up and found that she had left already. That was a nice rest. I got up and walked around. I passed by that fucking window again. I showed me defeating Discord. I sighed very irritated and changed the image painted. I saw something in the sky. I saw the changelings there.

"Oh fuck, i'm late."

I ran to where the marriage was happening. I made it to the place as I saw Twilight and the real Cadence with her. Chrysalis was just changing into her original form. I turned into a changeling and flew down to Chrysalis once she was done with her intro. Because you're just an ass if you interrupt someones intro. Once everyone knew she was Chrysalis and that shining was under the spell. I did forget that Celestia challenges her. So I didn't have time to save her reputation. With sunbutt out and the girls worrying about her I flew down to Chrysalis in changeling form. She seemed surprised that a changeling was here.

"What are you doing here? You are supposed to wait and attack all at once."

"Yeah? Well bitch, I ain't the waiting type."

She seemed a little set back on my remark. I changed back into my human form slowly. She just stared in awe. In the middle of my transformation I took out one of my swords and transformed it into a shotgun. Once my transformation was done I had the gun pointing between her eyes. I smiled.

"Surprise mother fucker."

I shot. Since the gun only shot harmony she was immobilized for the moment and not dead. She fell to the floor. Everyone was in shock. I walked over to Celestia.

"Yo tia. Chrysalis is knocked out. You are going to put her in a jail or something and then you are going to make a treaty with her. She could be a good ally. And you might need those."

I saw twilight and Cadence walking toward me. I extended my hand.

"And you must be the real Cadence."

She just looked at me. Then she turned to twilight.

"He's the one you where talking about?"

"Yeah that's him."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Night Wing."


I heard the shield break. I only thought of one thing. Fu~ck. I forgot about the changelings outside. They where flying in. They where everywhere. Have to fix this now. I sighed. I moved to the middle of the room. I took my other sword out and changed the gun back to my sword. I dug both swords into the floor to my sides. I concentrated on my magic. I concentrated for a moment. Just as the changelings burst into the room, a wave of harmony blast through everything in sight. All the changelings just dropped. All unconscious now. I removed my swords from the ground. I looked back.

"Okay. Every changeling in the area is now unconscious. You should probably get them all rounded up and-"


Everything froze for me. I could see the girls eyes widen in horror. I looked down at my chest to see blood. I fell. Twilight and the others came around me to help me out. The last thing I saw was two humans fighting each other. Both of them where fighting for a gun. I passed out thinking one thing. Fuck my life.