• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,462 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 13: It's About Time

Chapter 13: It's About Time

The episodes have been more apart since Celestia told Twilight and her friends too write a report only when they learned a lesson. Its been a month and a half since the last report. A month since Twi and I got together. Twilight had told her friends about us. They seemed happy about us being together. Pinkie threw us a party. I couldn't get out of that one. I was currently flying over to the library. I landed in front of the front door.

"You have to help me!"

"Whoa Twi, whats going on?"

"I need you to send me back in time."

"What? Why?"

"My future self came to me to warn me about something but she was pulled back to her time before she could tell me what it was I had to look out for!"

"I'm sorry Twi. I can't send you back."

"What? Why?"

"I lost my nano band. I was only left with these wings and some magic. I'm sorry."

I knew that it was a good thing I hadn't told anyone about my fusion with my nano band. I would have to tell her once this was all over. And hope she didn't tell the others.

"I still have to find out what is going to happen. And I only have a week! I'm going to go warn the town."

"I'll wait here for you."

"I'll be right back!"


She was leaving and talking and closed the door just as I said bye. Well, at least there is something to do now for this entire week. I just sat down and read a book until Twilight came back wondering what to do. I took out a deck of cards from my VPD and practiced some card tricks the old fashion way.


I had slept in the library to see how Twilight handled this time travel situation. I went down stairs, got some break fast, and just played with my cards. I was there with my cards as Twilight was pacing. She then got an idea and left with Spike for something. She came back with that spiky/burnt hair style.

"Nice mane Twi."


She looked up at her mane and her eyes widened.

"Spike, grab me a mirror!"

Spike brought a mirror from...somewhere...and brought it in front of Twilight. She just looked at her mane in horror.

"Future me had her mane like this! I haven't changed anything!"

"I'm sure you will work this out Twi."

"Why don't you come and help me then?"

She just levitated me to a place with a telescope and told me to monitor what goes on. I just sighed. The shit I have to do for her.


It's the third day and she got her second mark. She had fallen and hit her head so now she had a bandage around her head. She had forgotten it was a sign until I pointed it out.

"Isn't that the second sign?"


"Your head bandage."



Fifth day of her time travel experience and her third sign is about to happen. She was looking through a telescope to 'monitor everything'.


"Hold up Twi."

I went to a near by chiminy, reached in, and grabbed a eye patch. God damn pinkie, why do you even put these things here? I gave it to her.

"Thanks. Where did you get that?"

"Pinkie has an emergency eye patch stash around the town."

"This is the next sign isn't it? Whatever future me warned me about hasn't changed. The disaster is still going to happen!"

She began to pace around in circle and talk about time travel shit. Here we go again. I had to try and calm her down.


It's the seventh day and Twilight has me out here in the middle of the night trying to break into a library in the castle. We where walking through the halls. A lunar guard came by. Twilight whispered something to me.


She went and hid behind a near by plant. I just leaned against the wall as the guard passed us. I just gave him a nod and he returned it. We went on with our day. Twilight was screaming at me in her whisper voice.

"Why didn't you hide!?"

"Let's just keep going Twilight. I am sleepy and you dragged me out here in the middle of the night."

She just sighed and kept walking. We reached the library and began to search. I had found the scroll that would let Twilight go back in time as Celestia came in and talked to Twilight.

"Here Twilight. I found a spell that would allow you to go back in time."

"I don't need that. Actually. I could use it to tell past me not to worry about anything in the first place. Thanks Night Wing."

"No problem."

I let her cast the spell as she vanished for a second and re appeared a second after she vanished from the room.

"-panic over..."

"And that's the end to that."


"What happened right now and last week is a loop in time. You go back to warn yourself not to worry but where brought back to soon. And by being brought back to soon, that made you worry in the first place."

"And now i'm going to spend the next week worrying about something that doesn't exist."

"And what have you learned?"

"Not to worry or panic myself too much about something."

I just scratched her ear. She seemed to like that, have no idea why.

"Exactly. Now can we go to sleep? I am kind of tired."

"Sure. Bye princess."

"Good bye Twilight, Night Wing."

I grabbed her and I flew home, carrying her. We landed in front of the library and went inside. She was half asleep when I dropped her in bed. I was about to leave when she grabbed my arm.

"It's kinda cold. Can you stay with me?"

She just had that smile of hers. God damn it, I am getting affected by this positive emotion. I just kissed her and smiled. She had a rough week anyway. Yeah lets go with that.

"Sure Twi."


We huddled together under the blanket trying to get warm. She just had her head in the crook of my neck as we went to sleep. We fell asleep very fast. This week was a tiring one without a doubt.