• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,463 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 21: Spike at Your service

Chapter 21: Spike at Your service

I was walking near the everfree just past the barn. In my pocket I had a small hand held device that I kept with me as a reminder of how I got here. Well, now it held another purpose. I heard a cry for help from what heard like Spike. I ran to where I heard Spike again. I saw Spike below being cornered by timber wolves. I got a rock from the ground and threw it at one of the wolves. It growled and stared at me.

"Night Wing!"

"Hey Spike. Need a hand?"

I jumped down to his level. I took out one of my swords and got in front of Spike. I began to fight off the wolves one by one. Once I had managed to make them all retreat I looked at Spike.

"That was AWESOME! I owe you my life!"

"No problem Spike."

I just made sure the wolves were gone and Spike was safe, I left Spike to whatever he was doing. I just went to the library to read since I didn't have much to do. I was there for about half an hour wheen I got thirsty.

"Damn i'm thirsty."

Right before I got up to get water Spike appeared in front of me with a glass of water from out of nowhere.

"Here Night Wing."

"Uh..thanks Spike."

I drank and kept reading. I was reading when I was about to drink again. I accidentally dropped the glass of water.

"Shit. Gotta clean this up now."

I was about to go get something to clean the water and broken glass when Spike came from somewhere and cleaned everything up. Then he just stared at me. I thanked him as he left to do something else. I have to talk to Twilight.


"Why would Spike do things for you for no reason?"

"I don't know. But he does. Observe."

I grabbed a book from the shelf and dropped it on the floor. Then I spoke.

"Oh no, I dropped a book."

"I got it!"

Spike picked up the book and put it away. Then he looked at me expectingly.

"Thanks Spike."

"Your welcome."

Then he just walked away. I just turned to look at Twilight who was just looking at what was happening turned and stared at me slightly worried.


"Well... i'm sure there's a reason for his behavior. Let me just get him."

"I got it. Watch. Spike, come here for a second yeah?"

Spike was in front of me from nowhere. Little fucker was practically teleporting when I called. He just stared at me.


"Twilight wanted to ask you something."

"Okay. What is it Twilight?"

"Why are you doing everything for Night Wing?"

"He saved my life. I have to keep helping him until I repay him. I must fulfill the noble dragon code!"

"Noble dragon code?"

"A code of honor!"



I was just thinking on this. So now since I saved his life, he must repay me by saving my life. Hmm... I was thinking as Spike was talking with Twilight. Then my stomach growled. They both looked at me when Spike smiled.

"I'll make you something."

Spike entered the kitchen. He started to make something as Twilight and I sat on the couch. She was hugging me as we just sat there.

"Spike can cook, right?"

"Yes. He would prepare the food from time to time."

We waited for Spike when he called. He had made food for Twilight and I. We sat down and ate. His food was actually pretty good. With that Spike left. Once we finished eating I went to the farm. Twilight stayed in the library.

Once I got to the barn I asked if they needed help with anything. They needed help carrying buckets of apples. I was carrying them around for about an hour. When I noticed wolves treading the edge of the forest near the end of the barn. I just kept working. I would stop now and then for a break and water.

Next I had to move a big pile of rocks so they could put it to good use. I was moving them when suddenly the wolves came out of the forest and started to make their way to us. Apple Jack left running but as I was going down the mountain of rocks, some rocks fell and trapped my foot. Apple jack yelled at me.

"Get out of there!"

"My foot's stuck! I can't get out!"

The wolves were coming after me. Spike and Twilight were walking by. Spike saw me as he ran at me and unstuck my foot. With my foot free I grabbed spike and jumped to freedom. Then Twilight with her magic fought off the wolves. Once the wolves were gone, she came to check up on me.

"Night Wing! Are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine. Thanks to Spike here. I owe you my life Spike."

"You do?"


His eyes went wide with realization.

"I fulfilled the dragon code?"

"You did."

He was beyond excited that he returned the favor. A life for a life. He was being congratulated by the other girls who came...from somewhere... as Twilight and I were just hanging back not to far from them.

With his little celebration over we walked home. Well, I walked with Spike and Twilight to their home. We got there as Spike yawned and went to bed from his long day. I was just going to drink water and leave. But while drinking Twilight asked me something.

"You could have gotten loose without his help."

I coughed. I think water went down the wrong passage way. I coughed a little more as I looked at Twilight.

"What? What makes you think that?"

"Well, it was obvious you would try to help Spike return the favor. And those rocks couldn't have trapped your foot. You had the strength to get out."

"Twilight. Always thinking. Yeah I helped the guy out."

"And if he didn't show up?"

"Then I would have to fight those wolves again. It was a gamble. But a gamble in my favore. Bye Twilight."

"Bye Night Wing."

She kissed me as I left home ward. I sighed and shook my head. Of course she would figure my plan out.