• Published 27th May 2015
  • 1,016 Views, 22 Comments

Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium - Danny Eclipse

After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.

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Somewhere far from Ponyville, at the edge of the border line of Equestria/Griffin territory...

I was walking in town. I went into a bar where the ponies there were talking. I went to the counter and put a bag of bits on the counter.

"Give me some bottles of Vampire Wine for leaving." I said with a big eagerness

The Bar Manager nods and pulls out a container of 6 bottles of Vampire Wine. I thank the pony and left the bar.

I've arrived back at the safe house. I grabbed the newspaper and began to walk into the house. I heard the TV was still on but I ignored it entirely. I sat on my couch and began to read the newspaper.

Report: The Rebels who swore to retake Equestria has conquered it back. Queen Luna of the NLR has fallen and the NLR scattered across the world. Many of NLR allies refuse to aid the NLR and the rebels have chosen to ignore them, while focusing on finding the Changeling Queen known as Chrysalis. She and her changelings are still loyalist for the NLR and Charming Thunder, leader of the Rebel Military hunt her down. If you know her location, don't hesitate to contact Canterlot.

I looked at the picture that was with the report. It was a group picture. There was Charming Thunder, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Princesses Celestia and Luna, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance. I smiled, remembering the good old times before the Civil War. However, my attention was to the TV when I heard King Talon, ruler of the Griffin Kingdom, say something about me.

"I assure you this, my fellow Griffins, that the famous outlaw criminal Danny Eclipse will be facing justice for his crimes....very soon." King Talon, Emperor of the Griffin Kingdom, said with a hint of satisfaction

I pulled out my lightsaber and threw it at the TV, breaking it in the process.

"I'm not going to surrender, retreat, or even fall to your forces, King Talon. I would rather die than become your captive, you son of a mule." I said with angry tone.

I get up and walk over to my computer and activated it. Adjutant's face appeared on my screen.


Adjutant Replied "Your forces are prepared and awaiting your orders, Prince Danny. Uploading tactical data about the colony and main compound."

I nodded in approval "Good. It’s about time we kicked this revolution into overdrive. Tell King Metamorphosis to position the Defilers into the main complex and let us free these innocents from the New Lunar Republic." I said with some eagerness.

I pushed the green button and I left the bar. I put on my some gear. It was mostly black with some red. The uniform was mostly leather but I didn't care. There was metal at the chest plate and some steel front hooves. I wore a black and red cape and hood and created a mask. I could still see where I was going and it even had some good equipment invented into it, like; Night Vision, Cloaking, some other cool gadgets. I even made a Sombra horn replica where I could channel my force powers into. I put on the gear, left and met up with some troops. Mercenaries Attack Squads, mostly of ponies but a few changelings. Although they weren't really buyable, they joined us anyway. As 3 squads met up with me, we began our approach to the Colony. Griffin soldiers were enslaving the ponies here into slavery. I really hated it and killed any griffins I came across. We ran into patrols and murdered them. We were outside one of the towns when we saw a transport loading ponies. 2 Griffin Guards, equipped with Blaster.

"Halt! We located the locals, let's see what they will do." I said with a hint of worry.

"Calm down, everypony. We are just taking you to the Colony because there is rebel forces here." 1 of the Griffin Soldiers said, reassuring.

"My brother went to the colony a few months ago..... He was punished brutally because he was just doing his job...." 1 of the many Civilians said with fear.

The Pony slowly began to walk away until he broke into a run.

"Hey look, a civilian is trying to run away. Shoot him, make it fun." The 2nd Griffin Soldier said in vile.

The 2 soldiers aimed and shot the running pony. At first, they missed but then they hit him and the other ponies went to the ground in panic. I saw the pony die and my rage couldn't hold back.

"Their shooting civilians now because they refuse to go to the Colony?! Move in and massacre the griffin scum! Make them pay for their crimes!!" I roared with rage and hate.

My team attacked the convoy and I pulled out my lightsabers. The left lightsaber was green with a black core while the right was violet with a white core. I blocked blaster fire and killed the guards then freed the civilians that were on the transport.

"Prince Danny Eclipse, it's been a while since you came out of hiding." Another Civilian said.

"I know and I regret it. But now, this is a new beginning. Time to rid of the New Lunar Republic's last remaining allies. Who's with me!?" I yelled.

The Civilians cheered and we led a march to the compound that held the weapons and tech. The Marshal, however, stopped our riot and we halted.

"Prince Danny, you know you are an outlaw here..." The Marshal of the town said.

"Are you going to stop us?" I threaten.

Thought for a moment before smiling "No, we are with you. We are with you to the end!" Marshal said with pride and honor in his tone.

The town cheered and we ran to the compound. The alarm blazed as we went inside. Griffin Soldiers began to mobilized to try to stop us but me and the men, women, and children began to fight back.

"This is a restricted area! You rebels are under-" A Griffin Soldier said before he lost his head to my lightsaber.

Suddenly, 2 Vulture Droids landed between us and the Compound but my Mercenary attack squads open fired on them, destroying them in the process. We made it to the compound and while my squads fired at it, the civilians threw Molotov cocktail at the building. Eventually, the compound exploded. We raided the inside and took the weapons, armor, and tech. The rioters were cheering in victory.

"I thought we couldn't fight the griffins, but we can!" A Civilian said with happiness and confidence.

"Now you got the weapons and ammo to do it. No pony can control you forever. Everypony is a free pony with liberty and rights. Not even Talon can change that. Remember, Talon can only control you, if you let them." I said with pride and smile when I finished.


I was in my safe house again, drinking the Vampire Wine. The thing about Vampire Wine is that when a normal pony drinks it, they are instantly drunk. However, to Vamponies like me, its like drinking normal wine. I was drinking it in the kitchen, where I put the container at. I suddenly heard the door open. I heard footsteps as the stranger walks in.

"You know, for the most wanted pony, even if you a master of stealth, in the nation - you are not that hard to find. I bet even Talon's goons would be able to find you if I did." The Stranger said

I slowly reached for my lightsaber. I didn’t know who it was but I wasn’t planning to find out.

"I had to see it for myself though..." The stranger says before I see a flash of light and looked to see Metamorphosis, who was smirking "Savoir of a simple colony. And to top it all off, you are the Son of Princess Luna. It's a wonder why the Griffins and the NLR Remnants aren't your own personal soldiers."

I grabbed my vampire wine instead of my lightsaber and smirked. "King Metamorphosis... Nice suit of armor. Titanium?" I said with a smile.

Meta sits next to me.

Meta replied "Pays to be prepared...and it IS titanium."

"You never came to insist when I liberated the colony...."

Meta replied once again, a bit more prideful "We managed to infiltrate their main capital and some other cities. We didn't get your message until AFTER the colony was liberated."

"Alright. So, to what do I own the pleasure?"

"We discovered that the Griffins have a few Mega factories we could use to expand our armies and fleets." Meta said with a evil smile on his face.

"Alright, so what is our first target?"

Meta replied "Astrid III, their factories are the closest and the most reliable. We can make ships there."

"Alright then. Next strike will be their factories." I said with a smile on my face.

Meta said with a smile on his face "Partners then."

"Well, let's get ready...." I replied.

Author's Note:

There, some modifications. Hope you like them.