• Published 27th May 2015
  • 1,017 Views, 22 Comments

Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium - Danny Eclipse

After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.

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The Raid (Part 2)

My team enters the factory and began to walk through the area, keeping our eyes open.

"Remember, ANYTHING could happen. If you see droids or griffins, shoot first and don't ask questions later." I said with caution.

We began to move forward, our night vision goggles showing us down the hallway. We walked slowly, creeping low to avoid at first sight. As we left the hallway about 3 minutes later, things were getting quiet..... too quiet. I held up my hoof, stopping the advancing.

1 of Soldiers asked "What's wrong sir?"

"It's too quiet.... It's almost like we were expected....." I said.

The Soldier replied "You have a point..... The men are getting nerved at the silence."

"T3, you go ahead. We will cover you." I said, reassuring.

T3 beeps back and advances, his night vision allowing him to see. We followed him slowly. T3 made it in the factory room and that was when the lights turned on. We turned off our night vision and went down the stairs. We see nothing on so far so we began to pass a few droid platforms until we heard some gears whirling. We put our guns up as Battle Droids came to life and grabbed their blasters.

"Light them up!" I yelled to the men.

We fired our blasters at the droids. They began to fight back but had little success. When the droids were done, we looked around and found nothing.

The Soldier replied "Sir, I think this is a trap."

"I think we-" I said before being interrupted.

(The lights in the entire place turned on.)

"-Fell for it." I finished.

We heard a stranger’s voice on a speaker "Hello gentlecolts. Welcome to your demise."

"To whom I speak to?" I asked

"My name is Captain Ray of the Griffin Military. I'm in charge of this factory. And you are not allowed here." The voice replied.

"You knew we were coming, weren't you?" I said, a bit surprised.

Ray replied "Indeed. But enough chatting. Let's see how to fight against the strength of the droid army!"

Suddenly, we heard the place becoming lively. It began to make droids by the hundreds now.

"We need to find the main control room, otherwise we will be overwhelm by the sear number of droids. We need to locate the closest access panel." I said.

1 of the Soldiers was using his remote and found a beacon of a access panel close by.

Soldier said "There is an access panel in the next area, to the right."

Another Soldier replied "That's-"

"Yes, closer to the droids. Let's move!" I yelled.

We began to run to the next area, which was swarming with Battle Droids. We opened fire on them, destroying some.

A Battle Droid said "They aren't griffins, their intruders!"

Another Battle Droid said "You dumb bucket of bolts, its the rebels!"

Another Battle Droid repled "Blast them!"

They began to fire back. We took cover and returned fire. Endless waves of droids continue to attack us.

"T3, hack into the factory systems!" I shouted.

T3 accessed the panel and began to hack it. He began to beep to me.

"Wait, we can turn the tides? How?" T3 beeped his response to me.

"Droideka, Mark IIs?" T3 beeped responsively "Alright, now where is the Main Control Room?"

T3 responded to me, saying he has downloaded the schematics to his memory banks. He unplug and I activated my lightsabers.

"Fall back troops, I'll take care of this!" I shouted to my men.

I jumped up, doing a front flip while spinning my lightsabers and began to block the attacks. My troops began to fall back while I counter the droid threat. After they successfully retreated, I did a Force Push to the ground, making the nearby droids pushed back against the other droids. I turned off my lightsabers and pulled out 2 smoke grenades and pulled their triggers. They exploded, making smoke to cover my escape. I faded away into the shadows, making my presence undetectable. When the smoke cleared, the droids looked around and couldn't find me there.

The team made it into a safe place to rest up. T3 activated a map and showed them a red spot there, making a text that said "Droideka Core".

1 Soldier said "He's saying if we reprogram the Droideka Mk IIs, we would be turning the tides into our favor."

Another Soldier asked "Where's Lord Danny?"

"He went to the Main Control Room, no doubt. Let's do our job." 1 of the soldiers answered.

They nodded and began to march towards the Droideka part of the facility. They made it a core generator and T3 immediately began to hack it. Suddenly, they began to fall under blaster fire and see Battle Droids. The soldiers began to repel the Battle Droids. It took about 5 minutes before Droidekas turned online. The Soldiers aimed their blasters at them but the Droidekas didn't do the same, clearing the fact that they were now loyal to the Consortium.

I arrived to the Main Control Room, still invisible. There were 2 Purge Troopers there.

"Alright, let's see if I can get in without making noise." I whispered

I came out of invisibility and they looked at me. They fired 2 rockets at me but all I did was dodge them. I lifted my front hooves at them and shot lightning at them. They both got it and began to twitch every fast. After a few more minutes of shocking them, I stopped and they dropped to the floor like dead men. I walked over to the door and opened it. There, I saw a griffin there, Ray. He was pushing some buttons and he was ordering droids to engage the team while searching to find me. He didn't hear the door open, due to him being so focused to finding me and repel the team. I slowly crept to him and when he wasn't looking, I cut off his head. He fell to the floor as his body fell. I began to push some buttons. I turned the droids off and began to do some modifications.


I had installed Adjutant 23-46 into the main computer core, making her take charge of everything. Meta was next to me when we heard beeping.

Adjutant said "I am receiving a transmission from King Talon himself."

"Activate a hologram image of Ray to respond to the transmission." I ordered.

Adjutant did so and opened the Transmission, which King Talon thought was the real Ray.

Talon asked "Ray, is the Mega Factory ready?"

'Ray' replied with a hint of toneless "Yes, my king."

Talon nodded in happiness and replied "Good. I'm sending you 2 blueprints. I want them done as soon as possible."

'Ray' answered back "Understood. I shall get to them immediately."

Talon said "Good. I expect them done soon."

Talon ended the transmission and 'Ray' turned off. I took a look at the blueprints and gasped a bit.

Meta asked "What is it?"

"Blueprints to 2 new weapons for mass destruction. I think Talon's goal is to recreate the droid army to challenge Equestria." I replied

Meta asked "What are they called?"

"The 1st one is called: The Odin. A ground super siege walker. It can level a city block within seconds. It's main abilities are Barrage and Nuclear Strike. This thing is a destroyer from tartarus itself." I said with some twisted satisfaction.

Meta replied, shocked "Whoa.... Talon must really be desperate."

"Indeed. With a weapon like this, he can clearly repel large armies. And endless droids would help aid that too." I asnwered

Meta asked "Now, what is the 2nd one?"

"The 2nd one is called: The Eclipse. Its a starship with weapons that can- Holy Celestia!!" I shouted out, completely shocked at what I was looking at.

Meta demanded "What is it!?"

"The firepower of this thing can easily destroy entire fleets within seconds!! And the Super Star Destroyer wouldn't stand a chance against it's Super Laser! Talon isn't kidding here! He wants means to end Equestria and restore the NLR!" I replied, shouting.

Meta was now deeply shocked and replied "We should alert your Aunt and Mother!"

"NO!!!” I replied with anger “We have these designs and this was the Factory Talon NEEDED. Now, that we have it under OUR control. We can build these weapons AGAINST him! Besides, they are already busy as it is looking for Chrysalis."

Meta was convinced and smiled a bit "I guess you are right...."

"Speaking about your wife.... How about we clone her?" I asked with some curiosity.

Meta asked, curious as well "Clone Chrysalis? Why?"

"Well, you will be lonely without the real Chrysalis. Besides, I was planning on making a cloning facility to clone our pony troops."

Meta said "I suppose so...."

"Well, let’s go pay her a visit." I said with some hint of glee.

Meta nodded and replied "Agree."

"Adjutant, I want you to begin programming shipyards to making a fleet and the Eclipse. Make the vehicles and Odin. You have the blueprints I got from a smuggler, so you know what to do." I ordered.

Adjutant replied "Acknowledge."

"Alert me if something bad happens." I added

Adjutant replied once more "Acknowledge."

Me and Meta get inside Meta's transport that he built, The Rogue Shadow, and began heading to the badlands, where the remain loyalist of the NLR are.

Author's Note:

Finished and done with the raid. Hope you like it! If you are wondering why me and Meta are heading to meet a NLR Loyalist because we are attacking the NLR remnants, the only reason why I don't fight Chrysalis is because the NLR remnants were never loyal to Luna, all they wanted was power and land. So, only Chrysalis and her hive were the only loyalist to Luna. So, I respected them and decided NOT to fight them. So, that is all!