• Published 27th May 2015
  • 1,019 Views, 22 Comments

Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium - Danny Eclipse

After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.

  • ...

Tibanna Theft

Me and Fancy Pants walks into a conference room. We sat on 2 chairs and began to talk.

"Fancy Pants, I need some of the Tibanna Gas." I said, urgently.

Fancy gasp at what I just said.

Fancy demand "Why!?"

"Because I am going to use it to expand my consortium. We require the properties it has. You own me by a lot because I helped protect the gas from the Minotaurs." I replied.

Fancy said, sadden "I....cannot."

"Why!?" I demanded in shocked

Fancy replied, rather coldly "Have you already forgotten about the treaty Danny!? It states that either the ponies or minotaurs are allowed to use it. That includes you!"

"But I need that gas-"

Fancy cut me off by raising his hoof.

Fancy replied "I'm sorry. But I cannot let you take the gas for your own personal uses."

I sigh and got up.

"Then, I shall leave." I said darkly, like I knew we would meet later in the future and he would die just by looking at me.

Fancy nodded and I left the room.

Fleur said, finishing her story "...and that's it."

Blueblood (Meta) repled "Wow...-"

I came storming in. I was angry, maybe even more.

"Come on Blueblood, we are leaving." I said, coming up to him

Blueblood (Meta) said "But I was-"

I grabbed his tail and began to drag him away onto the landing platform. We went inside, I took helm and we began to take off, leaving.

Meta asked "What happened?"

"Fancy won't hand over the gas." I said, angry

Meta asked "Then.... What shall we do?"

"Simple. We take the gas by force."

Meta looked at me for a bit.

Meta said "But that means-"

"Yes. We are going to do theft. Adjutant!"

I opened a transmission to the Factory

"I need you to position 3 Interceptor IV frigate nearby and get a Lambda-class Shuttle ready for a theft. Ready five collector droids for the Tibanna Gas."

Adjutant replied "Yes, Lord Danny."

The next day...

I was on the shuttle with Meta and the consortium pirate leader, IG-88. We had a large team of troopers with us and some Shadow Troopers. Shadow Troopers were pony troopers with cloaking fields that mask them. The shuttle landed on the platform and we were greeted by a Battle Droid!

Battle Droid asked "Halt. Who had given you authorization to land here?"

"We come from the badlands. We seek the gas this station has." I replied

Battle Droid asked again "Where are you taking the gas?"

"To the Mega Factory in the Griffin lands."

Battle Droid replied "That does not compute. Hold on, you're under arrest-"

I pulled out my lightsaber and slashed him into 2.

"Alright. Meta, get the gas we need! The Loyalist NLR are here, we need to get our things and be on our way." I ordered

Meta nods and takes the collector droids with him. A team of soldiers went with him. I take the Shadow Troopers and we began to head to an area within the city.

I was walking into the place until I heard screaming and my eyes narrowed. That screaming.... Rainbow's screaming. Rage filled my eyes as I knew Rainbow was here.

"Shadow Troopers, you keep going. I got some business to do." I said, darkness filling my voice.

They nodded and I went to look for Rainbow. I looked and see Sombra, Magma Guards, and Rainbow being tortured. Oh, how I wanted to strike him there. However, Rainbow was released and was being send to her friends. Sombra left and I left the chamber as well. My cloaking field was still on so I went to pay Fancy a visit. I arrived to his room and both him and Fleur were in Fancy's bedroom.

Fancy said to Fleur "This wasn't part of the agreement..."

Fleur replied "We can't let them suffer for this...."

My raging eyes burning with hatred. I walked to Fancy silently and grabbed him by the throat, choking and lifting him up. Fleur cried out in shock as I decloaked in front of them. They saw my rage in my eyes.

I said in a Dark voice, almost chilling and evil "You have a lot of nerve Fancy. Allowing Sombra to torture my love like that. You don't know what it was like. I heard her screaming! Screaming, Fancy! I should kill you for that!!"

Fancy’s Voice cracking and gasping for breath "Please Danny...... Spare me......"

"Why would I do that?"

Fancy replied "Because...... I can get them....... safe......"

I consider it and let go of him. He fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"Talk." I said, coldly and chilling.

Fancy explained "I can get them to their ship, let them leave safely. There is nothing wrong with that, right?"


Fancy said "You have my word that Rainbow will be watched by me."

I began to think and then I nod.

"You better do it or your head will be mine to be put on my wall." I threaten, making him swear to his heart and soul.

Fancy gulped and I activated my cloaking field and left the room.

I made it back to the shuttle and we left in a hurry. We escaped unnoticed by the TIE Advance that was heading to land on the platform. I could sense Charming was on the fighter.

"May the Force be with you.....brother....." I said in a dark tone

We returned to the Mega Factory and I took the gas and gave it to Adjutant to make Meta's new flagship, The Merciless. I went to my chambers and looked out the window as the Eclipse was being built in the distance.

"Soon.... I will finish what the rebels have failed to do. And King Talon.... I can't wait until I see your guts being spilled onto the floor." I said, quite eagerly.

I go to my bed to fall asleep and began to think pleasant dreams. The death of King Talon, ruler of the Griffin Kingdom. And because my mind was shielded, Princess Luna couldn’t find out where I was at in the world. However, I thought about opening a mental link with her.

Princess Luna was walking around her landscape of dreams until…

A dark ghostly voice spoke out of nowhere “Lllluuuuuunnnnnnnaaaaaa…”

Luna began to look around and couldn’t see anyone. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her should and she turned around to be greeted by me, who was smiling.

Luna said “Danny!”

She hugged me into a bone-crushing hug but because this was the dream world, it didn’t hurt at all.

“It’s good to see you too mom. So, you are back to normal?” I asked, worried.

Luna nodded and I smiled.

“Have you heard? Cloud City has fallen under the control of the Loyalist NLR.” I said, rather sadly.

Luna gasped at the news.

“Don’t worry, as far as I could see, Twilight and her friends will be safe. I should know… I threaten Fancy to see to it or he would be dead and his head on my wall. He was more than willing to see it fulfilled.”

We talked about our life but I refused to tell her about the Consortium and told her I would remain in hiding. I began to wake up for the next day.

Author's Note:

That's all folks! Hope you like it! And a shocking revelation to say the least. Danny actually being at Cloud City and managing to convince Fancy and Fleur to get Twilight and her friends to safety.