• Published 27th May 2015
  • 1,019 Views, 22 Comments

Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium - Danny Eclipse

After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.

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Deal with the Devil

A few hours after the destruction of the Evil Lab, The Merciless was flying back to the Mega Factory. The Merciless had suffered some damaged, not much though. About halfway there, I was on a moving chair, drink some Vampire Wine.

“So far, this has been a pleasant trip.” I said, enjoying the relaxation.

Meta replied “Agreed. By the way, when do you-“

Suddenly, the alarm began to go off. We looked at the Sky Map and saw 3 Griffin Ships coming into sensor range. Meta came to it and began to examine it.

Meta said “Lord Danny, 3 NLR Ships have come into sensor range. Talon’s Flagship is leading them.”

When I heard the last sentence, I immediately plug my bottle close and got up.

Meta said “Sir, their weapons are offline. I don’t like this…”

“Meta, tell all pilots to man their fighters and prepare to engage the Griffin Forces!”

Meta replied to the order “Sir, this isn’t a good move! We are 1 lonely ship against 2 Munificent-class star frigates and Talon’s Flagship, The Invisible Talon.”

“Then tell the Bombers to strike against them.”

I left the bridge, heading to my fighter…

The Alarm went off and pilots began to make their way into the Hanger. When the pilots made it to the hanger, they see me in my Sith Outfit. I looked at Red Squad.

“You men are with me. Stay close to me.” I ordered

They saluted and I get into my personal fighter, The Soulless One. The other pilots went into their StarViper Fighters and we took off. The other squads appeared behind me and 3 squads of bombers were there too.

Meta said on the Comm channel. “Sir, their weapons are still offline! They are making no attempt to fight back!”

“It’s a trick Meta, don’t you see that?” I replied

Meta replied “Sir, they refuse to fight! Call off the attack!”

I take it into consideration and decided to talk.

“All fighters, don’t attack. The enemy doesn’t raise weapons, so don’t fight. Blue, Black, and Gold Squads; keep your eyes peeled for signs of trouble. Red Squad, we are going to land on their ship and see why they aren’t fighting back.”

The Squads acknowledged and we did what we planned. Me and Red Squad lands and we began to make our way to the observation deck.

We arrived and I had my companions to stay behind to guard the rear. I came into the room and see someone on the chair in front of the windows. I came down and pulled out my lightsaber and got ready to throw it.

“Turn around Talon, I want you to see this happen." I said

A Familiar Female Voice said from the chair “You won’t find my father here, Prince Danny.”

‘That voice…’ “If you aren’t here to fight, then tell me why are you here…”

The Stranger replied “Because I wish to make a deal with you.”

“What deal?” I asked

The Chair turns around, revealing Gilda!

Gilda said “I know you hate my father. I can offer a chance to kill him.”

“Why would you want your own father dead?”

Gilda replies “He lies to the public that he can assure them that once you are capture, the land will return to normal. But that was a lie to make the Griffins follow him. What he truly wants is to capture you, then use you as leverage to make the Princesses surrender Equestria.”

“I rather die than become his personal slave.”

Gilda said “I know but I can offer you a way into the Capital without detection.”


Gilda resorted “Not until we have a deal.”

I was impressed that not only did the daughter of Talon come to me to offer me something I could do by force, but not gives up any information. I looked angry until I smile and turn off the lightsaber.

“Alright…as long as I get to kill him.” I said to her, dead serious.

Gilda replied “Then we have a deal.”

“Now, star talking before I reconsider.”

Gilda explained “You see, Talon has rallied his fleets to the Capital to repel any assault that would be sending out. While that strengthens his defenses, it also weakens his will across the land. I’ve been traveling around, gathering allies of my own to rally to you. I wish to become an assets to the Phantom Consortium. With our combined fleets, we can eradicate our enemies within the hour. However, we would be taking heavy losses since the Fort is equipped with Anti-Air Craft Guns. Our ships would be torn apart that way so I thought, why not infiltrate the inside? Talon doesn’t care about what happens to me, but if we can make it live, then the griffin civilians will begin an open revolt against Talon, giving us support. And since many of the soldiers have some disloyalties to Talon, the live video would turn the people’s hearts, making them revolt against Talon.”

I began to think about it. Making a live video to show Talon’s true colors would benefit him greatly. Not to mention, most of the Griffin Guard would turn on Talon for lying and using them. I had plans of becoming the Emperor of the Griffin Lands but Gilda is the Heir to the Throne.

“Gilda, once your father is dead…..what will you do?” I asked in curiosity.

Gilda replied “I’ll become your senator.”

“My Senator?”

Gilda responded “Indeed. You need somepony to keep the peace so I thought about me.”

“Fine. As long as I become Emperor of the Griffin Lands, then it is ok to me.”

Gilda nods and we shook.

Meta said “This is great and crazy!”


Meta answered “The “Great” part is because we have the opportunity to finally rid of Talon forever, but the “Crazy” part is because Gilda is refusing the throne. It’s a trap.”

“Do we have any other choices?”

Meta replied, unsure “….No….”

“Then let’s do this.”

Meta asked “How?”

“Changelings, of course. They can infiltrate the media radio towers, connect it to the Invisible Talon’s Communications without Talon even realizing it, and preform an act to fool him. I choke Gilda, she pretends that she needs help, and when Talon reveals that he don’t need Gilda to fight me, the whole of the Griffin Land will revolt and want to kill Talon for deceiving them.” I explained the plan to him.

Meta was impressed and admired it “Brilliant.”

“Indeed. Now, get to the task.”

Meta replied “Right.”

I left and Meta contacted his Changeling spies within the Capital to do the plan.

Author's Note:

There we have it! Gilda, betraying her own Father! What will happen next, only time can tell. Also, I'll be gone for a some time but I'll still be working on the story on Microsoft Word.