• Published 27th May 2015
  • 1,019 Views, 22 Comments

Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium - Danny Eclipse

After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.

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Master and Apprentice

I was meditating in 1 of the training rooms. The room was dark but a light shined onto me and I had my eyes closed, focusing on the force. The objects around me lifted from the ground as the force channeled through me.

A ghostly, dark, and crackling voice said “You are doing very well, apprentice.”

I put the objects down and opened my eyes as the lights turned on. There, in front of me, were 4 ghosts. They were the spirits of Count Dooku, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Revan, and Galen Marek [Aka: Starkiller]. I knew everything about them before they died. Count Dooku was leader of the CIS, A droid army similar to the NLR. He was killed by Anakin Skywalker during Palpatine’s false kidnap. Emperor Palpatine was killed by his own apprentice, Darth Vader, who was really Anakin Skywalker turned Sith. Darth Revan was a brilliant military jedi. Revan wasn’t sure how he died, but I bet he was killed. As for Starkiller, he was killed by Palpatine when he fought back to protect his friends. However, the clone remained to continue his legacy. While Starkiller is Jedi, he’s remnants of the dark side still lives inside him. I learned from these 4 Dark Spirits. Dooku taught me that I must be an excellent leader and master of lightsaber dueling with 1 lightsaber only. Starkiller taught me how to duel wield and how to tap into Force Lightning. Darth Revan taught me how to control and wield the force. I managed to use the Dark Side and Universal Powers of the Force [Including Draining Life and Death Field]. And finally, Darth Sidious [Emperor Palpatine] taught me how to use “Force Corruption” on others to bend them to my will. He even taught me how to use Force even more and taught me to foresee the future. While I haven’t exactly completely mastered that feat yet, I sometimes use it to predict my next target. I’ve own everything to my masters and they taught me everything I knew about combat, leadership, and many other branches.

“What do you wish to speak about, Master?” I asked.

Dooku replied “We have felt a disturbance in the force…”

I closed my eyes and began to focus on the force. Indeed, I felt a change in the balance. Something dark…and evil. I would enjoy it, but this was a whole new level of darkness.

“I can feel it….a great shadow is coming…”

Revan said “We want you to investigate this immediately.”

“I shall, but first. I need to create my new apprentice.” I replied

Sidious replied “Ah. You picked the DNA of a Changeling but you feel it is imcomplete.”

“Yes. I see Twilight has great potential and her eagerness to learn, but her heart is with the light. However…Rainbow Dash is a much more suitable apprentice.”

Starkiller asked “A Changeling with this ‘Rainbow Dash’ DNA?”

“Indeed. I shall give her the powers of the Force.”

Dooku said, business like “Proceed, then find this disturbance and end it.”

“Agreed.” I replied, agreeing

The 4 spirits left and I left the room, heading to the cloning facility.

I arrived to the facility. Meta and Adjutant were waiting for me.

“Did you get her DNA?” I asked.

Meta replied “It wasn’t easy. We had to do it while she was asleep. Lucky for us that the deep sleep powder made her sleep deeply to ignore pains.”

Adjutant added “I’ve already added the DNA. All we need to do is give it life.”

“I’ll do that with the Force.” I said.

They nodded. Adjutant put the mixer of the DNA of Chrysalis and Rainbow Dash in front of me. I closed my eyes and began to shoot red lightning at it, igniting it with power. I could feel it, the dark side filling the DNA. I then added to deepest level of dark side within it. When I finished, I put inside a DNA Chamber and it flashed blood red. When the light cleared, I smirked at the appearance of my new apprentice. She had black chitin for flesh, cyan mane, tail, and shell. Her bug wings were clear and her eyes were like Nightmare Moon’s eyes except they were Cyan. There, she was asleep in the tube and I looked at my creation with an evil smile on my face.

‘Soon, my child, you will awaken and you will be ready to learn.’ I thought

I turned to Adjutant.

“You did add the other traits of the Mane 6 within her, right?” I asked

Adjutant replied “Indeed. I had to DNA structure to add the traits. She got Twilight’s thirst for knowledge, Rainbow’s Status, Applejack’s enhance strength, Fluttershy’s ability to talk to animals, Pinkie Pie’s enhanced running speed, and Rarity’s eye on things.”

“Good. How about Chrysalis’s DNA within her?”

Adjutant answered “She will be able to create her own hive, able to talk telepathically to them as the Queen, and is seen as queen to other changelings.”

Meta replied “However, unlike Chrysalis, she doesn’t have the ability to foresee the future.”

“Alright. I infused the Force into her very being and filled her with Military Knowledge. She must learn both the Force and Magic if she is going to be an excellent apprentice.” I said.

Meta asked “How long do we wait?”

Adjutant answered “About 3 days…”

“Doesn’t seem long. However, I’ve got some bad news.” I said, grimly.

Meta asked “What is it?”

“There has been a disturbance in the force.” The 2 gasped in shocked as I continued “Whatever the source is, its gravely evil and dark. Whatever it is, I have to make sure the thing is put down…for good.”

Adjutant asked “Have you located it?”

“Indeed. It’s definitely in the Griffin Lands, located at a hidden base near the Griffin Capital.” I answered

Adjutant said “Just give the word and we will send a team to destroy the monster.”

“No. I will go with 3 teams of Mercenary Attack Squads, 3 Groups of Grenadiers, 3 squads of Droideka MK IIs, 2 Defilers, and finally…. 1 Bounty Hunter.”

The 2 gasped in shocked. The Consortium, hiring a Bounty Hunter, just to hunt down this mysterious creature.

Meta demand “Why not just take me with you!?”

“Because you are vital. In case if I die, you will lead on in my name. Just don’t let Lightning take control. Knowing her, she would lead us into utter defeat.” I said

Adjutant asked “Which one shall you call in?”

“Actually, I’m calling in 2 to help for….permanently.”

Adjutant asked again “Who?”

“Edward Kenway & Krieg Razorbeak.” I replied with a grin on my face.

A bit later…

I was waiting on the landing platform when a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft landed on the platform. The door opens and 2 creatures, 1 pony and the other a griffin, get off.

Edward asked “You called us?”

Razorbeak added “For a job?”

“Indeed. How would it sound for a more permanent stay with the Phantom Consortium?” I said, seriously.

They looked at each other like I was joking until they felt themselves being choked. They looked and see me, my hoof lifted up like I was holding them.


Edward said, choking “Fine…. You win!”

I smiled and let them go. I pulled out a big bag of bits and they looked at it and smiled a bit.

Razorbeak said, a bit reassuring “At least we get paid to join…”

Author's Note:

Looks like I now have an apprentice and have permanently hired our 2 Consortium Bounty Hunters. Next Chapter will be a surprise on what the 'disturbance' is. You will be surprise what it is. I'll give you a hint. This is a creature from StarCraft II during both Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm.