• Published 27th May 2015
  • 1,019 Views, 22 Comments

Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium - Danny Eclipse

After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.

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The Final Battle

My forces landed just outside Talon’s heavily defended fortress.

Talon say to us on a speaker “This ends today Danny. You have invaded my home, my land, and for what? Your reign will end here and today! We will not retreat, we will not back down, and we will rise and fight for our last breathe. The New Lunar Republic will rise up against the Phantom Consortium; show the world that we are a force to be feared! We will fight until our last breathe and will be victorious or we will die in honor, knowing we did our best to defend this land from your evil hooves.”

“Nice Speech, I’ll make sure it will go to your tombstone after I burned your body to ashes.” I said, arrogance in my tone.

Talon replied in anger “I’ve had enough of you! We will show you that we are the most feared force in this world!”

“Don’t make me laugh. You were nothing but a coward who’s greed to the throne and never to anypony else. Now, I will personally end your life.”

I signal my troops and we began to make our invasion. I ordered some Turbolaser defenses and I took my squad of Commando Droids and began to attack a nearby camp. After we destroyed it, I began to receive a transmission and looked at it.

“Report.” I said on the communications channel.

Meta reported “The Changeling Swarm is ready to engage but Talon has position a blockade to prevent my forces from getting inside.”

Lightning reported as well “He’s got his guns in the skies with a blockade preventing our forces from getting in. If we are going to provide heavy offense, we need you to destroy their Anit-Air Guns.”

“Alright. Dusk, I need you to take a large squad and head to their Anti-Air Guns and disable them. I’ll personally see to it that Meta’s forces get through.” I ordered

I got off the transmission and began to make my way to the left side of the battlefield. A few squads of Droideka MK IIs came and we began our assault. The Battle Droids began to fire at us but I force push them down. We began to make it to the upper levels of the blockade and we see the main line of defense, their guns now aiming at us. They opened fired and we took cover. I jumped up and landed on an AAT and slashed it in half. I kept charging and the droids kept firing. I kept charging, blocking and dodging every blaster fire. I kept slashing every droid and enemy vehicle with little trouble. When I finished, I saw a horde of Changelings rushing in with Meta leading them.

Meta yelled “Alright, let’s engage the enemy!”

I smirked and aided the changelings with destroying the nearby structures.

Gilda contacted me on the comm. channel. “Danny, the Griffin Empire is here to back you up!”

I looked off to the distant and see another blockade being completely eradicated by angry griffins. I smirked and began to lead the offense to the capital.

“Dusk, how’s the guns doing?” I said, telepathically

Dusk replied “Look to the sky and see for yourself.”

I looked up and see fighters fill the sky. I smiled as Lightning and her squad began to make their offense.

“Alright Dusk, get back here and help us.” I ordered.

I began to lead the offense, Changelings and my Droids backing me up.

Talon voice on the speaker said “Wolf and Alpha Squads, take down the enemy!”

Suddenly, 2 twin assault groups teamed up and began their offense. Our forces began to fall back, taking heavy fire.

“Lightning, can you hear me!?” I said on the communications channel.

Lightning replied “What is it, Prince Danny?”

“I need a bombing run! My forces are pinned down!”

Lightning ordered “Roger that! Bombers, give Danny a helping hoof.”

We kept down and that is when we see some bombers over us in 3 minutes. They fired their bombs down onto the 2 enemy teams and destroy them. We cried out a battle cry and charged. Dusk and Gilda arrived with the uprising Griffins. We knew now that this was the final charge. I stopped as something flickered in my mind. The others noticed this but the troops kept charging.

Dusk asked, concern a bit “What is it father?”

“I feel….a familiar presence nearby…. No, it can’t be…” I said in disbelief.

We looked up and see something we would never believe. A massive group of NLR ships, battling not just our forces but 3 Star Destroyers! Not only that, but an Harrower-class dreadnought landed in a nearby section near the assault forces.

“Attention unidentified vessels, this is Danny Eclipse of the Phantom Consortium, what are your purposes here; Equestrian Rebels?” I asked on the communications channel.

A Familiar Female Voice replied on the same channel “We are here to help you Danny.”

My eyes narrow as my mother, Princess Luna, appeared in front of me with an entire army her Night Guard.


Gilda said in terror “Queen Luna!”

Luna replied calmly “No, it is Princess Luna. As for now, I want to know what you have truly been doing Danny.”

“Simple; ending Talon reign over this land and crowning me emperor.” I said to her.

Dusk asked “Who’s she?”

“Dusk, this is my mother, Princess Luna Eclipse, Co-ruler of Equestria.”

Luna demanded “Danny, why is ‘Dusk’ looking like Rainbow Dash!”

“Mother, this is my created daughter. Her name is Dusk and her appearance so happened to be matching Rainbow’s. In other words, mother, Dusk is your niece that I created with Rainbow, Chrysalis, and my DNA.” I replied with a smirk.

Dusk cheered “Yay, I have a grandmother!”

Luna was shocked by the news but nodded and hugged her ‘niece’ and we continue the offense. We made it to their main outpost and the Turbolasers on the wall of the palace began to fire at us. We destroyed their fortress and the grand entrance.

“You all stay here. I have some unfinished business with Talon.” I ordered.

They all nodded and I went inside. Luna and Dusk looked at each other and nodded, secretly going after me.

There were a lot of gun fire and the Battle Droids, Super Droids, and many other droids were trying to stop me but were having no success. My lightsabers were drawn and I eradicated any forces that came into my way. Talon watched on the cameras and had a cup of wine next to him. He pulled out a chest and opened it, revealing 4 things. 1 was a golden lighter-looking switch, 1 was a cigarette, and the other 2 things were alien technology capsules. He grabbed the cigarette and switch and sat down on his chair. About 3 minutes later, 2 lightsaber sabers came through the door and they cut the door down. I came through the debris, my eyes glowing bright neon. Talon turns around, revealing himself with the cigarette in his mouth and the switch in the other. I thought it was a weird looking lighter.

“Well, I am surprise to see you are still here. I thought you would have run for your miserable life.” I said, impressed.

Talon replied, accepting the insult “Escape? Danny, you have no idea what you mean. Why run from you when I clearly have the advantage.”

He flips the switch top open as the ground between us opened and a machine appeared. I could feel the ectoplasm energy all around it and he pushes the red button and the green ecto-energy hit me, shocking me. I screamed out in pain. Ectoplasm energy was ghost energy and I was weak against it, which is ironic, due to me being a ghost. I fell to the floor and the shocking stopped. I was steaming smoke, my eyes flashing icy blue and neon green. Talon ‘tsk’ a few times and looked out the window, still holding the switch high in his talon.

Talon said, confident than before now “I’m not an idiot. I knew you were a halfa and your weakness was clear to me after a few testes. Did you think I’d leave myself open for your attack without some king of insurance policy?”

He pushed the button again and I got shocked again, my screams echoing along the corridors in the palace. He walked behind me, still ready to push the button.

Talon said with anger “Now, at long last…You will DIE Danny Eclipse!”

He was about to push the button until he felt something grab his talon. He looked and gasp in horror to see Princess Luna. She lifted him from the ground.

Luna said with great anger in her voice “Change in plans Talon!”

She threw him across the room where Talon’s desk was at. He destroys the desk and the switch was destroyed. Dusk came to my side and she destroys the devise. Luna charged up her magic for an attack but stopped as I got up, my eyes glowing blood red with rage. I threw my lightsabers at him, both hitting him square in the face. He was pushed to where the cameras were at. He cried out in pain. I began to move towards him and something appeared in my hoof. It had a black handle and the blade was purple, which was glowing with power.

“It is time Talon. It is time for you to join the dead.” I said with great anger.

Talon said “You have become a monster Danny!”

I looked unfazed by the comment.

“YOU are the TRUE monster here!” I shouted as I got ready to make the final move.

I stabbed Talon at the heart and he screamed out in pain. After a few minutes of his screaming, he stopped and died there. The lightsabers deactivated and floated to my belt and hung there. I held my sword, the Dark Star Saber, with a great smile on my face.

“You have claimed the blood of 1 of the many pathetic creatures on this planet.” I said to the sword as it glowed brighter.

We heard a click and we looked. 1 of the alien metal spheres opened and came out was an alien symbol, with purple as the Dark Star Saber. It came to me and went around my neck.

A dark and evil voice said inside my head “You have become my Champion, Danny Eclipse. Around your neck, you are the bearer of the Dark Spark of Unicron! This will grant you the ability to control and bend the wills of others to your will!”

I feel the power filling me and my eyes flashed purple for a quick second and turned back to Neon Green.

“Now, I am powerful emperor.” I said.

Luna yelled “Danny, stop this!”

I looked at Luna and my medallion began to glow.

“You will make a suitable test subject.”

A beam of purple energy hit Luna square in the chest. Dusk looked at Luna and smiled with glee. Luna opened her eyes, they were purple now.

“Kneel!” I ordered with the medallion still glowing.

Luna kneeled to me and I smiled evilly.

Luna said “What is my mission, my lord?”

“I want you to return to Equestria and tell NO PONY what has transpire here. Tell them that you needed to run an errand. Ensure that the Night Guard forget what ever happened here as well, use a memory spell, if needed. The Phantom Consortium must be in secret.”

Luna nods and leaves, her eyes return to their normal color.

“I assure you this, my subjects. I shall rule with great strength and liberty.”

My medallion was glow and spreading a hidden purple mist to the griffins, corrupting their mind with the only 1 thought; Follow Emperor Danny’s rule.

Gilda said, not noticing the mist “Emperor Danny, we shall follow you forever.”

“Excellent. Gilda, begin with Operation: Reconstruction.”

Gilda nods and I left to my new quarters. Little did I know that the other alien metal sphere floated and flew away, looking for a suitable life form to wear the medallion that was within it. Someone with great good in his/her heart, which was only 1 pony I knew who was going to be the future bearer of the Matrix of Leadership Medallion…

Author's Note:

That's the last episode until the next one, hopefully.