• Published 27th May 2015
  • 1,016 Views, 22 Comments

Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium - Danny Eclipse

After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.

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Talon's True Colors and Apprentice Rises

2 Days later…

It’s almost been 3 whole days since the birth of my apprentice. I was told that at 5:00 PM will be when the cycle will be complete. Me and Gilda had rehearsed the play about how to show the Griffin Lands about how their ‘beloved’ king was really a tyrant who wants to rule both Griffin Territory and Equestria. So, the play was this: I would pretend to have raided the ship, get to the observation deck, and choke Gilda in front of the transmission where Talon would watch. Gilda, meanwhile, will pretend that she is under attack by the Phantom Consortium and she needs assistance and when she finishes that sentence, I would storm in and choke her with Force Choke. But I won’t kill her, Talon will do the rest. I contacted the undercover Changelings and they inform me that they are ready to focus the transmission from the Invisible Talon to the Palace signal.

“We are ready when you are.” I said to Gilda.

Gilda nods and I left the door and closed it. Gilda smirk and got into her worry state and contacted Talon. He appeared on a hologram.

Talon said “Gilda. I’ve been informed that you have taken half the mighty fleet we have and began to rally griffins to our cause-“

Gilda interrupted “Father, I’ve come under attack to the Phantom Consortium! They have raided the ship and they are almost-“

At cue, I used the force to rip open the door and walked in with 2 Commando Droids. I told them to play along for the ride, to make it even more convincing. Gilda and Talon looked at me, Talon with hated eyes. I pushed a button and the transmission between the Palace and the ship was made live all over Griffin Land.

Talon said with hate tone “Danny…”

I replied “Hello Talon. It’s been almost-what-2 days? Since you almost killed me with that Hybrid of yours and you allowed all of that innocent blood spilled to the ground.” I came down the stairs and began to force choke Gilda. She began to choke, grabbing her neck, trying to get out of the choke. “And now, I shall make all the innocent lives be replayed in your daughter’s blood.”

Talon didn’t respond and only after a minute of thinking, he began to chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, pretending to be curious.

Talon replied, vilely “Oh, nothing. But do you really think the loss of my daughter will faze me?”

“You mean, you don’t care about your daughter? Not at all? Not your flesh and blood?”

Talon responded evilly “Her life is meaningless to me.”

I heard ringing from in my ear headset. I pushed it and heard 1 of my Changeling Agents from within the Capital call.

Spy said on the communicator “Milord, the people have heard and are enraged. Shall we end the trick?”

“Indeed.” I turned off the ear communicator and I let Gilda go from the Force Choke. She fall to the ground, choking a bit.

Talon was shocked to see what has just happened “Wha- What is this!?”

“You want the true? Well, here it is. You have been tricked!” Talon’s face looked like it went pale “This transmission has been live to the griffin land! You have shown your true colors to your own homeland that you are nothing but a bloodthirsty tyrant!” I said with a hint of glee.

I activated the media channel and began to enjoy what I was hearing. Talon, on his end, activated his own TV. He was shock to see the people were revolting.

Reporter Wilson said on the news “Shocking revelations has occurred. The King, Talon, has been revealed as NOT a peace loving king but a bloody tyrant who wishes power! Civilians has begun a revolt against the king, chanting “Kill the King!” over and over again. The people have sided with the Phantom Consortium. Now, with the people turning against King Talon, they all pledge their alliance to Danny Eclipse, the Hero of the People!”

I opened a transmission, live to the people.

“Civilians, soldiers, families all alike. You have my word that the Phantom Consortium is NOT a terrorist group that Talon has lead you to believe. The fact is to be that Talon has plans to resurrect the NLR to a new age! An age where he can rule over your homeland and Equestria! We protect ponies, changelings, griffins, all species alike. We have NEVER seen you lower than me. You have my word that I’ll lead your mighty government into a mighty and powerful nation!” I said with great leadership skills and making a vow.

On the screen, I heard the griffin people chanting my name “Emperor Danny!” over and over again. I smile, knowing that I won the hearts and minds of the people.

“And as my first act, I shall dethrone King Talon, IMMEDIATELY!!” The Griffins cheered “My forces have been listening and now, we march to the Capital with haste. You have my word; we will support you in any way possible.” I reassured.

I ended the transmission and told the spy changelings to end the live transmission. Talon, who was now fuming with rage, looking at me with rage full eyes, hating me to the core.

Talon warned “You have made powerful enemy Danny today.”

“I don’t care. I will assault your precious palace and kill you, once and for all.” I replied, smirking.

I ended transmission and Gilda was giggling now.

Gilda said “With my father exposed, we can now acted.”

“Position your forces outside the capital. Don’t let no ship through.”

Gilda nods and I return to the Merciless. I took the Soulless One and left the Mega Factory.

4:59 PM…

I came down to the cloning.

“Now it’s time to just sit back and enjoy the show.” I said, beginning to wait patiently.

And so I did and waited for a few more seconds until I heard the beeping. She was finally finished with her birth cycle and I smirked. I could sense her presence waking up to her surroundings.

“Awaken child. Your father calls for you.” I said, telepathically.

I saw her stir. She could hear my telepathic link with her. When I created her, I needed to know when something was wrong with her when she is concern.

The Changeling replies in the telepathic way “Who-Who’s there?”

“It is I, your father. Awaken Child and break out of your capsule.”

I could feel her trying to process what to do next. I send an image of Force Repulse and I could see her learning of it immediately. She crossed her hooves and I could see the force energy channel around her. She uncross them and her pulse destroy the glass around her. The alarm goes off and I silenced it. She was on the ground, panting for breathe. I walked up to her and she opened her eyes to look at me.

“Hello, my child. Are you well?” I asked, telepathically.

The Changeling blinked a few time before smiling and hugs me.

The Changeling responded, speaking instead of telepathically “Father.”

I smiled and embraced her like she was my daughter. Her features were similar to Rainbow Dash’s. She haven’t change since I created her with the Force.

“Yes Child, It is I.” I said without talking telepathically.

We stop hugging and I looked at her with a smile.

“Tell me: What will your shall be?” I asked.

The Changeling responded “How about…Dusk?”


Dusk said “Yes.”

I began to consider it and smile.

“Dusk is a good name for you. So, welcome to the world, my little Dusk.”

I hugged her again and I smiled at her presence.

Dusk said “Hopefully, I will adapt to the world, father.”

“Are you eager to learn, Dusk?” I asked, smirking as I knew she had Twilight’s trait of desiring knowledge.

Her ears perked up and she smiled and nodded rapidly.

Dusk answered “I would love to learn.”

“Then, let the training begin.” I said.

Dusk smiled and we left to head to the training chambers.

Author's Note:

There you go folks! Hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile: