• Published 27th May 2015
  • 1,019 Views, 22 Comments

Phantom War I: Rise of the Consortium - Danny Eclipse

After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.

  • ...

Regrouping the Shadowbolts

I was sitting in my bedroom in the factory. After my small talk with my mother, I had relaxed a bit. I looked at the newspaper this morning and I discovered that the Shadowbolts were still out there after the fall of the NLR. I met up with Captain of the Guard, Commander Duran. He and his squad, The Royal Guards, came with me for the trip to see the remnants of the Shadowbolts.

"Don't worry Duran, I doubt they will attack me." I said to Duran, reassuring him. But convincing a droid was impossible.

Duran replied "This is just for safety precautions."

"I know..... Oh fine, you can come with the guard."

We went into 1 of the newest ships, The Aggressor-class Star Destroyer. The fleet had 2 Aggressors, 4 Vengeance-class frigate, and 6 Crusader-class corvette. The fleet began to makes it's way to the Ghastly Gorge.

The Shadowbolts made a minor base there. When the capital fell to the rebel hooves, they were forced to leave Cloudsdale. However, without a faction leader, they were alone. Their old captain, Rainbow Dash, was turned and left the Shadowbolts. Now, in command of them was Rainbow's old friend/rival & 2nd in command, Lightning Dust.

Lightning Dust yelled out to her fellow Shadowbolts "Those rebels will pay dearly for defeating the NLR! And those blasted Wonderbolts! They will all pay dearly!"

Suddenly, they hear a ship land and they looked. It was a TZ-86 transport. It landed and it's landing ramp lowered. Duran and a squad of Royal Commando Troopers came out. They formed 2 lines, each on different sides. I came down the landing ramp and the commandos saluted. I came up to Duran, who began to walk with me. We walked to Lightning Dust and she frowned a bit.

"I have come here to propose a deal." I said to Lightning Dust

Lightning Dust replied "What deal?"

"I want your pilots to join among the ranks of the Phantom Consortium."

Lightning replied "Why would we work for you?"

"Because I am the Son of your old faction leader, Luna. Not to mention, I have control over the Shadowbolts. And not to mention, you lack a faction leader." I resorted, smirking as Lightning looked like she just asked a stupid question.

Lightning began to think about it. I pointed out true and she never heard of a faction called "Phantom Consortium". She went into her tent with some commanders in the ranks to see what they think.

Lightning asked "What do you think Crimson Rain and Inkblot?"

Crimson replied "I don't trust him. I heard rumors that he refused to join the New Lunar Republic."

Ink said "I don't know. He is proposing something that can bring us to glory."

Lightning answered back "True, but he can be tricking us."

Ink added "He brought his guard with him, just in case things get ugly. Besides, he isn't with the rebels. We have confirmed that."

Crimson said "Yeah. Besides, we don't know him."

Lightning asked "Do we need to know somepony just to trust them?""

Crimson replied "No-"

Lightning interrupted him and answers "Then why even ask the question of trust?"

Crimson sigh at that fact.

Lightning asks "So, what is the plan?"

Crimson & Ink replied "We join them."

Lightning nods and she leaves the tent.

I waited for their response until they came out of the tent.

Lightning answers "We have agreed to join you."

"Excellent! Now, I wish to see how good you can be on the field of battle." I said with glee.

Crimson ask "Test?"

"Not exactly. You see, I plan to attack the Griffin Shipyards because they think they can conquer anything they wish. To ensure that we can strike fear into the hearts of other nations, they need to be showed that the Griffins were always the weak species here. Their code of honor blinds them."

Lightning asks "We get to fight?"

"Yes, as long as you lead the assault of fighters." I replied with great promise “And I will throw in some new personal fighters for you.”

Lightning was convinced and ask "When do we start?"

A griffin shipyard was constructing new ships. However, they began to detect a fleet of ships entering the area.

Griffin Commander shouted "It’s the Consortium! Launch all fighters and deploy any available ships!"

Lightning was leading Red Squad. She was in a X-Wing starfighter. However, this one had yellow lighting bolts instead of the Red painting. Lightning's fighter was built for speed so it was faster than the StarViper Fighters. While her attack squad was called Yellow Group, she had Green and Red group to back her up and in the back were the bombers, lead by Crimson (Who was driving) and Ink (Who was shooting the back turret). Their fighter was a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter. Their bomber was red instead of Yellow.

Lightning said on her comm "Alright boys, lets clear a way for our bombers to do some damage! Red Squad, you target their left side fighters. Green Squad, target their right side fighters. Yellow Team, we take the center. Keep the bombers clear and rid of any fighters."

The Squads split up and Lightning led her squad against the offense. Their fighters clashed against a squad of Vulture Droids. They managed to clear the bombers a path and the bombers began their bombing run. They fired and destroyed the shipyard.

Crimson said on his comm channel "We have a direct hit! The Shipyard is going down!"

Lightning replied "Excellent! Let's fall back and regroup with Lord Danny!"

The fighters began to fall back and we destroyed the remaining enemy fighters and we took over the area.

"I can't wait to strike the capital."

A transmission opened and it was Adjutant. I looked at her, awaiting the news.

"Report." I ordered.

Adjutant replied "Construction of the Eclipse is almost finished. There are minor things to finished and the Odin is ready for use."

I smiled darkly as I heard that and replied "Soon, Talon will know the TRUE definition of fear and disloyalty!"

Author's Note:

Hope you like it! And the Eclipse is almost finished! Wonder, will Talon stop it with his NLR remnants? And how will the Odin turn out?