• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 2,247 Views, 18 Comments

Desire's Truth - The Joeker

'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four' I may have been, misled into thinking that, there are 5 Riders, as in death I have discovered the mythological fifth, when I was slain I was sitting in a dark room and there was a figure sitting there...

  • ...

Let's go to the Winchester, have a pint and wait for all this to blow over.

So you started flirting Horseman?
No! not exactly... and if I was?
All creatures a one point or another will experience love, whether material or any other type.
I see, and agree with your logic Crowfather, maybe some of these mortals have experienced love?
It is highly likely Horseman.
I now see the appeal mortals... anyway, lets pick back up.

As Celestia walked out of my room, I caught myself staring where she was for a little longer.

I spun around and made my bed to occupy myself for some time, I took my armor off and had a black hooded robe on, eating with a helmet on isn't the best idea in the world.

I walked out of my room and shut my door, making my way to the dining room.

Two guards stopped me before I went in.

"Halt, who go-" he stopped as I shoved past and entered, not bothering to explain to them.

When I went in I saw Celestia sitting there, looking at a menu, she looked up at me as I entered.

"Good evening, it was good of you to make it." she smiled, the two guards from before went to apprehend me but stopped when Celestia addressed me.

"Yeah, I wasn't gonna miss a chance to spend time with you." I smiled and took a sip of... Apple Cider?

"Thank you, that was very sweet of you to say..." she said and we looked into each others eyes rather than the menus, I couldn't even tell you how long we were staring, but her beautiful magenta eyes mesmerized me and I could've stared at them forever... but all good things must end as they say.

"What will sir be having?" asked a waiter, knocking me out of my stupor now I'm not a naturally dirty person, but the thought that swept through my mind at that moment was:

'Well, I wouldn't mind a piece of that ass...' as I looked at Celestia, I quickly drained my head of those thoughts and turned to the menu.

"Ahem, I'll have pesto pasta." I smiled slightly.

"Hay salad please." smiled Celestia.

"Of course" said the Waiter who bowed and left, and the food must have already been prepared because our food arrived not a second later.

As we ate Celestia struck up a conversation.

"So, tell me about your siblings." she said.

"Hmm, well, War is the youngest and most brash, but the most loyal to those we serve, Death is the most feared, but he insists that's because they don't know about me, Fury is our sister and keeps a cool head and friction to a minimum between us, Strife is the most questioning, and very headstrong." I said.

"Luna is like War then, very brash, but she is learning." she said.

"Yeah, War is in a spot of bother right now and I need to help get him out." now was the time to ask.

"Really how so?" she asked.

"Well, he-" I stopped as I caught her gaze, I couldn't bring myself to tell her everything... even though for some reason I wanted to.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me, I kept Luna a secret for 1000 years and made sure the Nightmare Moon story became a legend, even though it pained me to do so." she said.

"You see... I seek Harmony, the ones who sent me here told me I must find Harmony, to restore the natural balance between the three worlds." I explained.

"Ah, I see." she said.

"If you know of anything... I would give them back, but I must restore balance between the three kingdoms, or I will have failed my life's duty." I said as I drank some cider.

"I do know of something which will help you, but you must give them right back." she said.

"Horseman..." came the Council's voice.

"What?" I asked out loud, Celestia looked taken aback. "Sorry, telepathic communication, ignore me for a minute." I said.

"Horseman, not yet!"

"Why don't we explain to him why?"

"Your brothers are doing fine, but they need to complete their quests before you restore Harmony, and time moves slower there, so you will be there for a while."

"Of course Council." I thought.

"Is there a message you wish to relay to War or Death?"

"Yes, tell War, I'm looking out for him and I'll be there soon, and tell Death to leave some action for me." I said with a smile.

"It shall be done Horseman, farewell."

"Farewell" I replied. "Done" I said to Celestia.

"Ah, have you finished your meal?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, thank you." I said.

"I don't need Harmony yet, it can wait a while, compared to outside this realm, time moves slow here." I said.

"Oh, well you should go to Ponyville, the girls once used the Elements of Harmony and are embodiments of them." she said.

"That would be most satisfactory Celestia." I said.

"Excellent, I'll arrange for you to take the train down." she smiled.

"Very well, let me get ready first." I said and got up and went back to my room.

I packed my armor and weapons into a suitcase, ready to go.

"You are going?" asked Luna from my door.

I turned around and saw her standing there.

"Oh, hello Luna, yes, I am headed to Ponyville soon." I confirmed.

"Ah, well we, ahem I hope you have a great time with Twilight and her friends, and Celestia and I hopefully will see you again in the future." she said.

"I'm counting on it." I smiled as she walked away.

"Ok, so I've got everything... time to go." I said and closed the door to my room for last time as I headed down to meet Celestia who was going to see me off.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! wow, two chapters in one day! me and Marl have got another story out here. It is a story crossover between KOA: Reckoning and MLP: FiM, so yeah, give it a read if you want.

Hey homeboys, Marl here, thanks for the support guys, you're all the best.

And our computer screen is cracked, so we can't see as many mistakes as before, so sorry if there's any obvious ones.


Marl & Joe