• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 2,247 Views, 18 Comments

Desire's Truth - The Joeker

'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four' I may have been, misled into thinking that, there are 5 Riders, as in death I have discovered the mythological fifth, when I was slain I was sitting in a dark room and there was a figure sitting there...

  • ...

Love... is the best abomination...

So, you found Harmony, Horseman?
Yes, well not exactly, I found it existed and that there were ponies who knew about it and could help me, it was a lot easier than I thought... at first.
Indeed, nothing is ever simple, so what happened next?
You will find out, the mortals have been kind enough to not all leave us as of yet, 16 have left, they must have other less important things to do.
Indeed, Horseman.
To continue, this is where my... feelings, started to make themselves known.
Your... feelings, Horseman?
Yes, you'll see what I mean.

I exited my room, packed for the journey ahead, wondering what my future here held, it's the first time in a while I've felt... uncertain about my future...

It's quite nice, knowing that my path could take any turn at any time, it was exhilarating after years of being told my future for me by prophecies I get to decide how I proceed.

I walked down the hall to the exit of Canterlot Castle and prepared to see the city for the first time since I arrived here, well, apparently the first time...

I saw Celestia waiting for me and I walked over to her.

"Well, here-" I stopped as I caught her gaze, to this day I don't know why I did this or what possessed me to do this, but I walked over to her and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, guards who had been waiting in the corners started to move toward us, but Celestia raised a wing to stop them as we deepened the kiss slightly, suddenly I began to imagine myself feeling her up, making her aroused... doing things with her...

I broke it off shook my head and widened my eyes, what in the Council's name had I done? better question... what was I about to do?

I quickly walked away and back to my room, leaving a surprised Princess behind in my wake.

I slammed the door to my room again and sat down on the bed, burying my head in my hands in thought and slight shame at what I had done, this was not the way I thought my path would lead, and this was not what I meant!

"Ok, so you kissed her... tell her it's what your kind do! tell her... seeing her surprise made you worried so you left her to think! oh, who in the Council am I kidding? I just kissed her because..."

-Meanwhile, in the Council's realm-

"He's going to say it!"


"Will he admit it?"


"If he says it it will make it easier."

"Because..." I said.

"Because what?" came a voice, I spun around and saw Celestia who was looking a little flushed.

"Oh, Princess Celestia, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean..." I said.

"It's fine, it just caught me off guard is all." she smiled.

"Oh, good, so... ahem, when does the train leave?" I asked.

"In half an hour." she replied.

"Oh, good, be-" I stopped as she trotted over to me and kissed me, and I gladly returned it.

"I don't know why I feel this way about you..." she said as my face and her muzzle were in close proximity.

"And I don't know why I feel this way about you Celestia... but I think... for whatever reason or rhyme... I think that I may like you, more than a friend." I said.

"Really?" she asked.

"Of course Celestia, why wouldn't I? you are an amazing pony." I said.

"I... I never thought anypony, or anybody would like me for me, any stallion I dated never got past that first date, they were always after my crown or wealth, they didn't care about me, they only complimented my crown or how well I'd done with the kingdom." she said.

"Celestia... you are the most beautiful mare in the world to me, and I wouldn't trade anything for you." I said and stroked her cheek and wiped a tear away from her beautiful muzzle before kissing her soft lips again.

We embraced, she placed her fore hooves around my torso and I put my arms around her to deepen our kiss, tongues got involved and we fought for dominance.

We broke off the kiss and looked into each others eyes.

"We have to go..." she said and walked out, I followed her, wondering how my stay in Ponyville will be... and if I'll see Celestia again... I would do my best to, that's for sure

-In the Councils Realm-

"He does love her!!"

"How could he not?"

"We should give their memory back."

"Later, we will..."


As me and Princess Celestia walked through the streets of Canterlot, many ponies stared, but I was immortal, a Horseman, I didn't have time to give a single fuck about what they thought.

"I apologise for my little ponies behaviour." said Celestia rather loudly, so everypony could hear she was displeased.

"It's fine, I honestly couldn't care less." I said.

"That is a good attitude to have, ignore them." she whispered, rather closely I might add.

We got to the train station as the train was about to leave.

I turned to Celestia to say goodbye.

"Bye Celestia, I'll see you and Luna again sometime, yeah?" I asked.

"Of course." she said and kissed my cheek, I think I... blushed... I've never blushed before...

"Thanks." I said and embarked on the train, ready to see the 6 mares again and wondering how my stay will be...

Author's Note:

Hey guys! sorry for the delay, we've had writer's block the past few days... but we're back!

Yeah, and better than ever homies! possibly...