• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 2,247 Views, 18 Comments

Desire's Truth - The Joeker

'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four' I may have been, misled into thinking that, there are 5 Riders, as in death I have discovered the mythological fifth, when I was slain I was sitting in a dark room and there was a figure sitting there...

  • ...

The Charred Council

"Bloody Council... calling me in the middle of training... or was I napping...? screw it..." muttered Desire as he rode to the Charred Council's little slice of 'Paradise' he was alone and had no idea what they wanted, he could've sworn he heard the faint call of the seals, but that was impossible... right?

On to matters at hand, unless it was the Apocalypse... in which case he's missed it... shit... that would be bad, the Horseman are supposed to ride, but it would've been clearer if it were the end of times, right?

He was interrupted in his thoughts when he he entered the courtroom and stood before the Council.

"Horseman! late as always..." said one head.

"Yeah? bite me," he mumbled.

"Why do you make things so hard?" asked the middle head.

"Who knows? anyway I sense my youngest sibling had been here, I also heard the slight call of the Seals if I'm not mistaken, but it was too faint, but a whisper to my heightened senses," he affirmed.

"Unfortunately, your brother rode to Earth and has been accused of siding with demons" said the final head.

Desire took his hood down.

"What? you're accusing my youngest sibling of treachery? he is the most loyal after Death and I!" exclaimed the Horseman.

"We know he is not!"

"For do we not see all?"

"We are the all seeing power," said the three heads in that order.

"We have sent your brother to earth to find the one responsible for this, Abbadon!!!" said the angry head.

"Doesn't Death also ride?" asked the questioning head.

"Death has ridden? why wasn't I informed? more importantly, why haven't I rode? I need to be down there to save him!" said Desire.

"We have our reasons!"

"Yes, both your brothers are riding, Death seeks to exonerate War and War seeks to exonerate himself and serve the Council as always," said the just head.

"Worry not, your need to save your brother and to ride for them and this Council will be sated! because you will also be riding Horseman, but to another Realm, one untouched by our Makers!" said the angry head.

"How is that possible?" he asked.

"You wish to help your brother do you not? unfortunately the rumour he is working against us has spread and everyone wants to kill him, wouldn't you?"

"You will embark on a mission to help your brother, even if War exonerates himself, the Council will still be viewed as weak for not acting stronger to the threat. So we need you to find something to restore Harmony between the First and Second Kingdoms, unfortunately we only know the location and no specific details. We need a place untouched by your siblings influence, we have found it, find something to return the races to harmony and bring the humans back, now go, ride Horseman! equip yourself and good luck," he said.

"Do whatever it takes to restore the balance!"

"And try not to get killed would you?"

"Of course," said Desire.

:Desire's POV:
I exited the Council Chambers and called my steed.

"Guilt!" I said, he appeared beside me, The Skeletal Steed they called him, he was a bony white pony when not at full charge and when he was, he was a Horse made of shadow, with green flames making a crown, his mane and his tail.

"Take us wherever the Council leads us," I said, fully trusting my steed to lead us, eventually we approached the barrier to this other world, and it was made of rainbows... (wow, I can't believe Desire told me that...).

"I guess this is some kind of protection from Angels and Demons, set in place by one of the Old Ones, apparently it's as effective as wearing several condoms at once, VERY good at keeping unwanted things away," I said.

Then we both rode through the portal and all went black...

-meanwhile in Ponyville-

"Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake! clap your hooves and do a little shake! I can't believe you are here Cadence!" spoke Twilight as the Love Princess was visiting for the second time in a month, things were slow at the Empire currently, lots of paperwork, so she had time to kill for her sister-in-law.

"Yes, this time we will do something relaxing, and fun! I was thinking, the spa and then out to eat and maybe a party later?" said Cadence.

"That throws a wrench in today's plan..."

"Twilight I-" started Cadence.

"Which is superduper ok!" cheered Twilight and looked excited.

"Thats a relief, somepony else would also like to let their manes down," smiled Cadence as Celestia and Luna disembarked from the train.

"We could use a day off, no important meetings, just so much paperwork, so we threw today's letters in the fire," said Celestia with her friendly smile.

"Yes, we simply thought 'to Tartarus with this!' and came here for some fun, we hear Cadence has some very relaxing things planned," smiled Luna.

"Yes, all your friends should come to! it will be better with them!" chirped Cadence.

"Well-" started Twilight before a meteor was visible overhead, plummeting to Equestria at breakneck speeds.

"Did you-" started Twilight again.

"Nay, I did not schedule any meteor showers for this day, sister?" asked Luna.

"No, not any that were planned anyway..." she replied.

"This can't be good..." said Cadence as they looked at the meteor.

What they didn't know was that there was a Horseman in there who needed to save his brother and was willing to do whatever it takes. The rocky formation burned away in the atmosphere, so it was the Horseman riding the fire himself, but the fire covered his form so it still looked as though it were just a rocky meteor.

Author's Note:

Desire is now in Equestria's atmosphere! that counts right? and Twilights second hang out with Cadence is crashed! it's like the guy in Lilo & Stitch who just wants ice cream but every time he's about to lick it, it falls! so close... next chap will include violence and temporary character death(you'll see)