• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 2,247 Views, 18 Comments

Desire's Truth - The Joeker

'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four' I may have been, misled into thinking that, there are 5 Riders, as in death I have discovered the mythological fifth, when I was slain I was sitting in a dark room and there was a figure sitting there...

  • ...

Who Do You Think You Are?

So the Council used a mind wiping spell on you?
Yes Crowfather, they did.
I see their reasoning, as I'm sure you do.
I do, but that doesn't mean I agree with it.
Fair enough rider, fair enough, so what happened next? the mortals seem to be enthralled by your story.
Indeed they do, best not disappoint before they rot.
I have another question.
Shoot Crowfather.
You yourself have said before 'Love is an abomination' so why did you fall into it's trap?
I don't know honestly, I felt as I never have before, it was amazing honestly.
Hmm, but desire is an emotion, you'd think you'd be immune to it's effects or be able to suppress any others.
You would wouldn't you?
Anyway, do continue Horseman, this is getting interesting, ears open mortals, be sure they don't fall off from rot.

Whatever that was , it knocked me out... hang on... where am I? I must've already passed the atmosphere of the planet I'm on now.

Wait... I'm tied down! I can hear voices though...

"it... here... Princesses... woke up... to us... unconscious... strange creature..." I could only make out tidbits of conversation.

I groaned as I tried to roll out of bed to realise I was tied down.

"Bloody mortals and their... Councildamned rope!" I said as I broke my restraints as if they were made of melting ice.

So if I was on the planet, then how long had I been out? my memories all fuzzy... that can't be good, maybe the impact from the fall? that seems most likely.

I felt my energy ebb away so I decided to just lay down and rest to regain my strength and stamina for when I need it most... and it's a good job I did.

When I woke up, I heard the sound of fighting, and not sparring either, it intrigued me immensely, I was bored right now.

I bolted up and carefully moved to the door, opening it slightly so no one would see me.

I saw ponies in golden armour, obviously some kind of police, you'd figure I'd freak but I've been to many Realms and saw many strange things to be disturbed by a world inhabited by Equines and I mean strange things some I still shiver about when I think of them.

"I could disguise as a monk... but i'd have to get into the habit...(sorry I just watched the episode of Allo' Allo where the joke is made, if you've never watched Allo' Allo' and like comedy, I recommend it)

I saw the guards getting their asses kicked and retreating, some guards, if there was royalty here their guards needed an overhaul, and a better tactician.

"To the throne room!" one yelled, that confirms my royalty theory.

However, time to get away now.

As the guards ran away, these strange bug ponies followed them, soon there was nothing in sight and I took my chance and ran to where I saw windows leading outside, eventually there was a door.

But before I opened the door to the outside world I hesitated, these ponies need help... and I look to be the only one to do it.

"Councildamnit!" I cursed, suddenly I felt an energy calling out to me... craving my attention and it came from the top of this tower, so I decided to check it out and ran up 50 flights of Councildamn stairs.

As I got there there seemed to be a door in my way... amateurs work, I simply used magic to pick the lock.

When I entered I found the treasury, but what caught my eye was the centerpiece... a display case, I couldn't see what was inside so I got a closer look and-



Sorrow's Reaver! it's here! yes!

as I was about to smash the glass the door was kicked- sorry bucked in and a white unicorn stallion and a few guards ran through.

"Bar that door and keep them out as long as possible, I'll get the swor-" he stopped when he saw me.

"The intruder!? how did you escape!? and what are you doing here and with that case?!" he demanded, seemingly not interested how I got in in the first place.

"Reclaiming what is mine. I forged this sword eons ago, but lost it in battle, now I have found it, I am taking it back," I explained and broke the display case and wielding the sword as it reaclimated to my liking.

(here is the sword he usually uses, Damnation, minus the flames in his Abyssal Form)

"About time I got you back..." I said and flipped it in my hand, adjusting to the weight again, like finding a long lost friend.

"Well, what can we fight them with? that sword was the most powerful thing we have minus the Elements, which are guarded by Changelings and the Princesses, my sister and her friends are in danger and us three are the only ones left uncaptured" he panicked.

"Did I say I was leaving?" I asked.

"Well, no bu-" he stopped.

"But you assumed I'd leave you to your fate, I'm not that cruel-" I cut off as the doors were barged open and I jumped out of sight, if they were going to be captured we needed someone out here to actually do the rescue, and the less these 'Changelings' know about me the better, not that they'd know anything anyway but I needed to be stealthy, not easy for a 13 foot tall Horseman, eh?

I watched as the guards were dragged away, by the bugs, leaving me to wonder why they didn't just kill them...


No... although the Council did mention harmony... maybe violence is completely taboo here? so much that not even the evil practise it? this is a sight to behold, War would be devastated coming here haha.

War... I hope you're ok brother... I'm coming to help you... I'll help clear your name if it kills me, which it probably will...

Death... just keep on keepin' on bro...