• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 2,247 Views, 18 Comments

Desire's Truth - The Joeker

'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four' I may have been, misled into thinking that, there are 5 Riders, as in death I have discovered the mythological fifth, when I was slain I was sitting in a dark room and there was a figure sitting there...

  • ...

You Talkin' To Me?

(I may edit this chapter a little throughout the day)
So you risked your life for these Equines Horseman? Why?
Yes, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat Crowfather. But why? now that I can't explain.
But why? what have you to gain? you performed your duty.
No... not my personal duty...
You have something back there? Something you feel you owe?
Yes... I do.
We need to hurry up, the mortals are looking a tad cold.
Don't let your important parts fall off mortals.

As I awoke to a blurry vision I shot up into a sitting position, with my wings open in surprise, almost forgetting I was a goddamn pony... fuck!

"Woah!" said a pony(RD)

I looked at her with blurry eyes, so I didn't know who it was...

"His wings are huge! even bigger than yours Princesses!" said another voice(Twilight) which I also turned to, blinking rapidly.

I blinked a few more times and got my vision back, when I saw the 9 Equines surrounding me I almost panicked and freaked(basically I almost vaporised them) but remembered where I was.

"You talkin' to me?" I asked seemingly no one as my wings folded back into a relaxed position quoting a good mortal movie, Taxi Driver(that line was improvised by the way).

"You're ok!" exclaimed... Celestia! that was it, my memory came back to me, was I concussed? I did hit that pillar pretty hard...

"Of course... that was damn near suicidal, but it worked at least," I smiled with a victorious laugh.

"That was awesome! I admit, I don't know if I could risk my life like that!" said the rainbow maned pony

"We couldn't hear what the plan was, so those reactions to your threat were genuine," said the purple pony.

"I thought I'd be dissolved as well, wasn't expecting to have to deal with the after- ahh! burn," I said, and i meant it literally! there was smoke coming from my body from the blast.

"We should get you to Doctor Fahrenhorse!" exclaimed Celestia, wow, Fahrenhorse? dat creativity tho.

"Not so fast sister, I wish to question our new 'ally' first," said Luna with a cautious look in her eyes, I couldn't blame her though.

"Ah, so this is an interrogation now? I reckon you're too pretty to be an interrogator," I said without thinking, although it wasn't a lie...

I saw her blush.

"Err, err, we- we- we thank thou..." she said, if my phycology side could guess, she speaks in 'old Equish' as the book I read states, when she's nervous or flustered, wow, I just hit on a pony.

I saw there was a cute blush spread across her face, wait, cute? no no no, I didn't think she was cute...! no!

"Why do you have green eyes?!" asked the rainbow maned pony suddenly defensively, I doubt I could use my charm to get out of this one, I had to be careful about answering this.

"I... have no idea..." I answered, it wasn't the full truth, it was just my colour, and it identified me as a Horseman.

"Can you turn them normal?" she asked.

This froze me. I was quite offended to be honest, to me my eyes were normal, they were part of my identity, part of me and revealing their true colour was not something I did lightly. On the other hand, or hoof they didn't know this, so I nodded reluctantly.

I took a deep breath as my horn glowed with a bright light and when it died down, my green irises were gone, replaced with a variety of coloured irises, I took another breath.

"Wow! your eyes are really... nice!" said the rainbow maned one in surprise.

"Err... thanks..." I said.

"So, why did you save us? what is in it for you?" asked Celestia, a little warily.

"Nothing, as I said I expected to die from the blast," I answered with a slight chuckle.

"So thou ar- ahem, so you saved because you wanted to?" asked Luna, correcting herself, sounding surprised.

"Yes?" I asked more than answered with a shrug and a smile.

Then they all, all 9 mares wrapped me in an embrace.

"Thank you, if you hadn't save us, we'd still be trapped," said Celestia.

"Yeah well, you know..." I said as they let go, then I gasped in pain before falling on my flanks.

"The Doctor needs to look at you! come on!" said Luna, I got up and at my full height, and towered over Celestia by a foot or hoof at least.

I reluctantly followed them to the infirmary, limping behind them where the Doctor was opening.

"Ah! your highnesses! after the attack, I'm opening up to lend aid to ponies who need it," he bowed.

"Doctor, you must take a look at our friend! he's hurt!" said Celestia, I limped forward and collapsed, suddenly feeling drained.

"I'm... fine, I've taken worse," I said, which was true.

"Oh my, you are quite big! what happened?" he asked, he sounded genuinely concerned, not like the Council's Watcher 'Medics'.

"He hurt himself ridding us of the Changelings! he used the sun's rays to evaporate them, everypony in the city apart from the changelings were safe, but the throne room was the focus point, and we had a shield around us, he... didn't... he almost sacrificed himself for complete strangers!" exclaimed Luna, sounded on the verge of tears.

"Now please doctor, aid our hero quickly!" said Celestia, hero? never been called that before.

"Very well, lie down for me on the Alicorn surgery table," he commanded.

I complied groggily and had my fore and back hooves hanging in the air.

He looked at me for a few minutes before coming to a conclusion.

"Oh my... he has: discolored areas of the skin, called mottled pigmentation, sallowness or a yellow discoloration of the skin, telangiectasias AKA the dilation of small blood vessels under the skin and elastosis mainly the destruction of the elastic and collagen tissue luckily none of it seems permanent... somehow but will take a while to heal, I recommend rest," said the doctor, rest? the Horsemen never rested.

"Thanks doc, but that's not... necessary..." I finished the last word as I tried to get up lazily and as I tried to take a step I passed out again.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! another chapter is up! I know the story is going slow, but that's how I'm planning it. I don't know how longs it's been since I last posted, I'm losing track of time! (sets up about 50 clocks around himself) now I'll always be exactly on time *eye twitches*

ahem... anyway...

JawsOnYou67: thanks for favoriting my story! you're awesome dude!

Thanks to all who are supporting me! you guys are the best!

Yo, Marl here, thanks guys! you dudes are the best! love you guys...! no homo...

Comment to let us know how we can improve.

Sometimes you have to go full homo Marl, lord knows you've done it enough anyway...


Marl the Homo and Joe

P.S. there is nothing wrong with being homosexual.