• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 2,247 Views, 18 Comments

Desire's Truth - The Joeker

'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four' I may have been, misled into thinking that, there are 5 Riders, as in death I have discovered the mythological fifth, when I was slain I was sitting in a dark room and there was a figure sitting there...

  • ...

The Headless Horse

Well then Horseman, here we are again, the mortals haven't died yet, is this a new record for them?
Yes Crowfather, I believe it is... haha.
So, you had just saved the blue pony's soul and life for whatever reason, so what happened next?
Now here is the weird part-
Wait... there's more weird Horseman? I think you've outdone yourself with weird... anyway, continue.
Well, the Charred Council decided to intervene, they wanted a little experiment done I suppose, whatever it was, they were responsible, but they have their reasons...

-The Charred Council-
"The Horseman is growing attached! this cannot be!"
"If it can't, why is it?"
"We must test the Horseman to be sure, wipe his memory, if the Horseman finds attachment once more, it is supposed to be."
"Fine! I agree!"
"Why don't we wipe the memory of the ponies as well?"
"That way we can be sure they won't remind him!!"

-Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle-
As Luna awoke she felt... strange... as if awoken or being born again...

Wait... she's been dead, she felt it, she knew it.

She then remembered that thing in black armour tried to rescue her soul after killing her- wait, she did attack him first... no! she is a Princess it is her right to attack possible threats!

Yet somehow she still felt guilty...

-Desire's POV-
As I heard the Princess stir I ran out and informed Celestia, the six mares and Princess Cadence as well as a new arrival: Prince Shining Armor. Who was more than pissed at me, but calmed his animosity after Celestia, Cadence his wife, his sister and the 5 mares convinced him I was within my rights.

We all went in but I hung back in the room.

"Luna!" they all exclaimed and proceeded to... nuzzle... *shivers*

"It is good to see you all, that was terrible," she said.

"I know he killed you, but you were being a stubborn brat Luna! he tried to tell you, but you attacked him anyway, he hasn't left your side since you passed out!" said Celestia, she was quick to defend me, strange...

"Bu- *sigh* I am sorry, sir! I meant no harm, I only sought to immobilise you so you didn't pose a threat, can you forgive me?" she asked

"What? no! there's nothing to forgive, I acted very hastily and killed you on spur of the moment instinct, fight or flight kicked in I suppose, so I ask can you forgive me?"

"Yes," she smiled kindly.

"Thank you Princess," I said.

"What is your name?" asked Celestia.

"I have many names, Desire is my preference then there is: The Skeletal Rider, The Black Rider/Knight, The Abyssal Rider or The Abyssal Lord or Lord of The Abyss or The Headless Horseman so take your pick," I answered.

"The Headless Horse? I thought that was just a myth!" said Twilight.

"As a Princess we learn to not take anything at muzzle value, all legends come from somewhere, did you say you were a Lord?" asked Celestia.

"For one, it is the Headless Horseman and to answer your question: Yes and no you see, I'm the 'Lord' of a desolate plane with nought but dangerous beasts that I must keep in line and don't get me wrong, I love it there and to me it;s beauty is almost unmatched *eyes up Celestia* however, the only way out being through me and my Skeleton Key, but anyone can enter(see what I did there with Skeleton Key, Skeletal Rider? no? nevermind. Oh, and that's my explanation of how War was imprisoned in Darksiders for 100 years, because Desire never visited the plane while he was there so War couldn't get out or ask his brother for help) also if someone wishes to use the beasts that reside there for a conquering army they must go through me first, without my permission they won't follow anyone, my brother and I each have a home there, across the far planes which you have to have permission or a key to get to," I explained.

"That sounds interesting," said Luna.

"It can be, what you saw in that court is what many beg to see, a soul being judged is a privilege to some to watch," I said.

"You seem to be powerful, almost as powerful as those Mary Sue's in that horrible Fanfiction I read about Starswirl the Bearded," said Twilight.

"Yeah, but they didn't get their ass handed to them by the Princess of Love did they?" I asked.

"Hey! I can hold my own!" exclaimed Cadence.

"I know, I felt it when that building collapsed on me." I mumbled.

"So anwa-" Celestia stopped as we all felt a power surge through the air.

"the Council..." I said and dropped to one knee as the three had surrounded us in the sky, they were transparent though as they were not physically there, they were muttering words in the Old Language, oh no it was a memory wipe spel-

Suddenly the just voice spoke to me in my head.

"Horseman, you have grown attached, we are worried this is affecting your destiny, so we will wipe your memory, if you're truly in love with the white Princess and it is meant to be, you will find love no matter what, if you kill her, feel complete and utter hate toward her in any way, you will be taken from the world, if you fall for her again, we will leave you be until we need you, but will allow you to make your home there, this is up to you Horseman, we will also take the ponies memories to be sure, and you won't be remembering this conversation unless you reclaim yours and their memories, farewell until we speak again Horseman," it finished, suddenly I felt myself faint as the voice left me with nothingness...

Author's Note:

Yo wassup? Marl here, lettin' you know how much those favorites mean, Doomed Soul, lookin' at yo my man, peace dawg.

And nighters, next chapter they probably will do something like that... maybe unfortunately Joe don't let me in on his ideas until he's about to write them, so I can't promise anything, thanks for the comment and to all y'all who liked this story, peace.

Yours Faithfully
