• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 2,243 Views, 18 Comments

Desire's Truth - The Joeker

'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four' I may have been, misled into thinking that, there are 5 Riders, as in death I have discovered the mythological fifth, when I was slain I was sitting in a dark room and there was a figure sitting there...

  • ...

...Love Is An Abomination.

Well then Horseman, it appears you DO care for these ponies.
Yes Crowfather, I do, immensely but that is none of your concern, I performed my duty to the letter, and I intend to go back again.
Hmm, fair enough Horseman, the mortals are still with us at least.
Yes, they haven't withered away or died of starvation or disease or whatever else it is mortals get, I hope you're still listening mortals.
They are, their curiosity doesn't allow them to look or listen away.
Good, to continue then.

As the Abyssal Throne rose on it's 'pedestal' so did two black marble desks, one for the defense, the other for prosecution, the prosecution was none other than Samael himself, the Dark Prince along with the Watcher.

Me and the girls gathered around and prepared a plan.

"Ok, I've got you the best lawyer I know, and he wasn't cheap," I said as our friend appeared.

"Greetings ladies, Horseman," he bowed as he floated.

"Hello Vulgrim," I replied in kind, Vulgrim was a great friend to me and has helped me on numerous occasions, sometimes even for free, though he claims nothing is free.

"So, you wish to bring this soul back to life? mmm, very juicy, you should've kept this one," he said as he held it in his hand.

"Girls, meet Vulgrim, demon, merchant, good friend, information broker and for today lawyer, you know the plan?" I asked.

"Yes, but are you sure this is worth it Horseman?" he asked and pulled me to the side.

"Yes," I answered simply, the girls were awestruck at the room.

"Very well old friend, I respect your judgement," he said.

"Why don't we just take the soul?" asked Rainbow, me and Vulgrim turned to her slowly.

"You see my rainbow haired friend, there are certain laws to uphold, laws that your mortal mind could not comprehend," said Vulgrim and flew right up to her.

"As an agent of the Council and The Lord Of The Abyssal Plane(although that doesn't count for much seeing as it's mostly arid deserts with few inhabitants other than monsters, my role being to keep them from going to other Realms) I must respect these laws and abide by them, meaning I must judge it based on it's life and desires, one dark patch is cancelled out by a majority 'vote' of goodness,"

"So, you will judge Luna's life?" asked Celestia

"Yes, I saw a dark part in her heart, and a desire to be loved by her subjects through kindness, Vulgrim can use this as ammunition to say that her life was unfulfilled and she should be given another chance, as I said, the final decision is mine and mine alone, but the law dictates I must also respect the jury's Judgement and consider it, THE COURT IS NOW IN SESSION!!!" I bellowed "best get you and the girls in the next room to prepare"

(I'm going to skip to the end of the Court here, if you want another chapter detailing the case, let me know and I'll post one or if you just want the vital scenes I'll do a chapter on them as well)

As the court adjourned I took a deep breath and sank into my throne as the Courtroom dissolved, leaving the defense team(mare six, Princesses and Vulgrim) as the throne stood on a hill in the middle of Ponyville.

"I... I can't believe it... you did it!" said Twilight.

I chuckled as I stretched in my throne.

"Yep, I still got it," I said.

"Horseman, you had so much pull in there and handled the case so smoothly, even when things went awry, as a favour I will set up shop here for a while, if the Princess doesn't mind," he said.

"Of course not Mr.Vulgrim, you are quite welcome," she said as I got up and my throne sank.

He chuckled ominously and made a serpent hole to which he disappeared into.

"That was awesome!" said Rainbow, Pinkie had her mouth taped shut from when she annoyed Samael so much he zipped it shut something I can admire, he only zipped her as no violence was allowed in the Abyssal Throne Room, one which was almost broken actually, to conclude I unzipped her.

"Thanks! that was suerduperduperupercouper cool!" she exclaimed.

"I admit, that stunned even me," said Twilight.

"I gotta thank ya fer savin' tha Princess" said AJ.

"That was quite an ordeal, I do hope I never see that Samael again, ughh," said Rarity who shuddered.

"..." Fluttershy remained silent, I'm not surprised after what Samael and the Watcher did... I could of ripped him to shreds!

"That was quite amazing! I needed that excitement!" said Cadence.

Suddenly the white Princess stood on her hind legs and hugged me.

I froze up.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"What for? I killed her in the first place," I reminded.

"Luna acted like a stubborn brat, even when you tried to calm her, she just charged you, you did what anypony would have done, defended yourself in your own way, I thank you that you got her soul back even though she tried to harm you," she said and-

Did- did she just peck me on the cheek... Holy Hell!

Ahem, anyway.

I stood there for a second before going over to Luna's corpse and giving her her soul back, she shot up with a huge intake of breath and passed out- uh oh.

She started breathing really heavily, she was going into shock!

"She's going into shock, I must get her to your castle and have the doctors look at her, Guilt!" I called my steed.

"Ok, we'll be there soon, look for Canterlot Castle" said Celestia

"Go boy!" I said and we used a portal to get to this 'Canterlot Castle' we got there and I dismounted at the entrance with the Princess bridal style in my arms.

"Halt! what are you and what are you doing with our Princess?!" demanded a guard.

"She's going into shock, get her to a doctor ASAP!" I roared as my Headless Horseman form revealed for a second.

They nodded nervously and carried her in with magic, I followed them and waited outside the room for the others, waiting for news of Princess Luna, if I saved her soul only to lose her now, I'll punch her soul square in the jaw.

I closed my eyes and meditated to think on the days events, so much can happen in a day it's unreal, how are my brothers and sister doing I wonder?

(mainly character background stuff, you don't have to read it)
Death, War, Strife and Fury, I'll never forget the day I met them, when I saved Death's ass in combat on the Ravaiim homeworld, I threw Killrend, my old blade into the head of a Ravaiim that was about to turn him to mincemeat, from then on me and Death fought side by side, a bond forged in battle that could never be broken.

After that Death introduced me to his siblings, Fury, Strife and War, which I got to know very well, they were all wary of me at first, but Fury was the first to warm up to me and I admit I had a crush on her for the best part of a few centuries, War was next and then Strife.

Not long after, Death and I forged the Grand Abominations together, side by side, trading ideas excitedly, eager to test our creations and to see where this could lead us, and made our weapons, The Harvester and Damnation, I also had another blade at one time which I forged, Fate's Reaver(the sword on the cover art) as I called it, it feeds on the blood of battle similar to War's Chaoseater and the 'quality' of their life, the more importance or sin the better, and the more blood I spill the more frenzied the blade becomes and more accepting of whatever I throw at it and increases the soul value no matter the person's fate, although unfortunately I lost it sometime ago and chose Affliction as a replacement but it could never match up to the blade I lost.

All was fine until after we realised the Nephilim would never find a homeworld, so I suggested my old acquaintances: The Charred Council.

After convincing them to hear the four Nephilim out, I decided my friends were not going to face them alone and i also swore obedience, although I have more leeway. They were told that we were worried about the balance, and what they would do if not stopped, impressed by our admiration of the balance and having the stones and knowhow to meet them, they gave us the power we possess today, we faced down the army of Nephilim.

On the battlefield, with Reaver quivering in my hand at the blood spilt I'd never felt more alive, it was there that me, War and Death discovered our alternate forms and we cut our swath through the army, when all was calm and I stopped seeing green flame, Death watched his brother sink into the ground, we went back to the Council and informed them of our victory, the Council then told us they would summon us when we were all level headed, and me and Death blew off steam sparring for a century, and we were told of our roles as the Horsemen.

Author's Note:

avenger001 & Gravity9987: Thanks for the favorites! it means so much to me and Marl!

This was just a chapter to show that my character does care again, and some background for you guysies and girlsies.

... at chapter start/end= of at the start it means it will form a saying next chapter, these two were 'Desire Is An Emotion... Love Is An Abomination' I mostly make these up myself *applause* thank you, thank you all!

If you think I could improve my story in anyway leave a comment, but no flame.

Also I would like to point out the uselessness of the dislike button, somepony could just press it to make somepony else feel bad without reading the story or commenting why they disliked it, it seems so impractical, Matthias does a video on it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzQ100m6KeI. From 2:47-3:44 he explains it well.

Year 10 kids here in GB are getting prepared for their exams next year, for those of you who have mocks or any controlled assessments ETC. in school, best of luck!

Yours (the readers) Faithfully

Marl & Joe