• Published 29th May 2012
  • 7,720 Views, 408 Comments

Double the Bass - Blacktastic

  • ...

Chapter 9

I began to wake up I don't know how much later. I only remembered getting a magical bolt to the chest which caused me to try and sit up out of reflex, but it turned out to be a terrible idea. My chest was bandaged and in heavy pain from where the bolt struck me. I took the time to examine my surroundings, no different from when I was awake, the Canterlot Dungeon, only this time I was inside the cell.

I sighed, 'How could this have happened?' I thought to myself. 'Why would Soundwave attack the princess?' My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of horseshoes clopping on the stone floor. I pretended to fall back asleep hoping that whoever was coming down wasn't Luna, but that would have been too much to ask for, it was in fact Luna.

"Wake up." She said impatiently, not wanting to incite her wrath anymore I complied. I sat there in silence as she glared at me.

"Why?" she said after a moment of silence. "Why would you betray your nation and harbor a creature of war like that?"

I sat in silence

"Do you have any idea what it can do? Thousands of lives could be at stake with it on the loose."

"His name is Soundwave, and he wouldn't hurt anypony..." I said half confidently

"Then explain why my guards are all hospitalized with serious injuries!" She snapped back at me

I fell back into silence not knowing what to say.

"Once we bring it to justice we'll decide what to do with you."

She trotted out of the dungeon leaving me alone in the dark...


I had been driving for megacycles now. I drove deep into the woods unaware of where I was anymore, but I didn't care as long as I was far enough away to give me time to plan my next move. I had my repair ray with me which will definately come in handy in the near future, other than that I was up an energon waste flow without a paddle. The royalty of this planet had a death wish against me, to be honest I can understand why. I stopped driving to save some energon and opted to continue on foot. I was walking for a few megacycles until I noticed a strange phenomena occurring around me. The regular cumulus was replaced by a sugar based food humans called 'Cotton candy'.

I examined it closer, I was aware by this point that this planet, much like Cybertron in some ways, had a symbiotic relationship with it's inhabitants. However I was fairly certain that sugary clouds were not part of this planets natural weather cycle. I began to examine the strange phenomena when I was hit by a sudden wave of force. I jumped up examining the area until my audio receptors picked up on something, the faint screaming of an Earth fighter jet. I activated my rocket boosters to lift me above the tree line, and what I saw made my very spark shake with pure rage. The nuisance I thought I had been rid of forever, the one I thought to be dead, the one who just never shuts up...Starscream. He was flying towards the capital creating sonic booms with the speed he was flying at, wreaking havoc for anyone within range of him. I clenched my fist and began developing a plan, I was not about to live on this planet if I knew he was still alive somewhere on it. I readied my energon ray and returned to the scene my encounter with the lunar princess...


I was out in the courtyard shouting orders to the soldiers. Discord had broken free and was wreaking chaos among the populace. I was orchestrating an evacuation of the city. Celestia had placed her faith on the Elements of Harmony, but I was not so convinced that they would handle the problem in time to stop too much damage from being done.As the troops mobilized I remembered I had one more problem I had to take care of. I went down into the dungeon and found Vinyl Scratch sleeping. I banged on the iron bars to awaken her

"Wake up, we're evacuating the city and leaving you here to the hands of Discord is a punishment nopony deserves"

She stood up, her eyes were bloodshot from what I can only imagine from crying, and walked towards me. I placed a spell on her that if she tried to go to far away from me she'd be paralyzed, and we ran out of the dungeon. As we navigated through the halls a wave of force hit me and her at the same time, and I heard the dreadful sound that Soundwave made when he changed his forms. I looked up and saw a new being entirely, his build was scrawnier than Soundwave's probably for flight, and he bore the same dreadful mark Soundwave had on his torso.

I glared at him with rage as he approached me and Vinyl Scratch. He spoke his voice like somepony scratching a chalkboard inside my ears "Aww you must be Princess Luna, my lord wants you for an audience" He began to walk towards us. I fired a magic bolt to scare him off but his metal skin absorbed it easily. "Now now," he said smugly "No need to get violent" he held his arm out and from a metal device on his arm sprayed a green mist right into Vinyl and mine face's, knocking us out cold.


I drove back up the cliff to the city and saw a crowd of civilians being evacuated. I transformed and ran past the crowd, hoping over the front gate and rushing through the city streets making my way towards the palace. As I was traveling through the city I saw ponies afflicted with some sort of mental disorders of all kinds. Some rambling about something indistinct while others were chasing one another with the intent to kill. Some structures left their foundations and began to float through the air lazily, I even spotted the hedge maze of the castle vanish all at once leaving a crater in the ground, I saw some beings in the center but they were not my concern right now. I finally reached the castle doors, I kicked them open knocking them clean off their hinges. Before me was the main lobby, a set of stairs leading upward to the rest of the palace, atop them a bound Vinyl Scratch and Luna. I began to approach them when I was caught off guard by a blaster bolt to the torso. I tried to scan to see where it came from, but the fool in his overconfidence revealed himself for me, deactivating the visual cloak he had.

"Ah Soundwave it's good to see you again" he said smugly


"What's the matter not content with seeing your old commrade"

"What are you doing here?"

He pointed his blaster at me "I should ask you the same, leaving Cybertron and landing on this overly bright planet"

"I left because the Decepticon cause died when Megatron did."

"Ahh but Megatron in fact lived"


"Oh but it's true, during my wonderful coronation he took it upon himself to get an upgrade and kill me the moment I finally reached my victory"

I couldn't help but laugh

"What is so funny!"

"Even when you achieve your goal you still fail it"

He fired another bolt at my chest, not lethal but enough to get his point across "Yet here I am Soundwave, alive while Megatron, or should I say Galvatron, is nothing but scrap inside the hallowed remains of the eater of worlds"


"Yes Megatron made a deal giving turning himself into an obedient servant for the one called Unicron"

"How do you know this"

"I was watching, my spark is not so easily extinguished and I watched as Galvatron fell and the Autobots finally attained total victory"

I sat in silence for a moment trying to comprehend why Megatron would even consider groveling at the foot of someone else.

"How are you here?" I said trying to understand why he was alive now

"My new master, Discord, gave me a new body and promised that he would return me to my rightful place as long as I helped him have his fun" he smirked "His power exceeds Megatrons."

I shook my head in disbelief "No one is as powerful as Megatron"

"Oh but he is, he can distort the very fabric of reality around him, I'm sure you saw his handywork." he lowered his blaster for a moment "And you know what else he's much more merciful, in fact he's telling me to give you an offer." He turned towards the captive ponies "All you must do is execute these two organic wastes of space, and he'll allow you to bask in his power"

I looked up at the princess and Vinyl for a moment. An offer like that was promising. I stood up and began my ascent up the staircase, Starscream following close behind apparently eager to see their deaths. Once I was before them I stood there for a moment and looked into their eyes, Vinyl's was full of fear and feelings of betrayal while Luna's eye's were filled with anger and hate. I looked at Starscream one last time before I raised my fist into the air

"What are you waiting for? Crush them!"

"You know what Starscream?"


I turned quickly throwing a punch right into Starscream's face causing him to reel back "What the-" before he finish I kicked him in the torso, causing him to fly off the stairs to the ground below. "What are you doing!?" he shouted "Discord could offer you power no one else could."

I began my decent down the stairs "Starscream, despite what you think these people follow the Decpiticon way to the latter" "

"Oh and hows that?"

"Their rulers have total power, they are leaders because they are the most powerful. They use their power to do what must be done." I continued down the steps "They use their power to fight for their citizens and in return they follow them without question. That is the way Decpticons lead, they way Megatron led, and that is the way this princess leads"

"Why!? Why choose them over the power Discord can offer you!?"

Weapon systems....

"Because Starscream..."


"...I hate you!"

*Ding Freeze frame* Hi and thanks for reading 'Double the bass'. For those who want to make the next few moments a little bit sweeter go a head and play this*Ding unfreeze*

I activated my Neuron Assault Rifle* and opened fire on Starscream, hitting him with a hail of bullets. As he was stunned I charged at him and tackled him through the open door way, I began to unleash a viscous assault of fists on his face plate. He lifted his arm enough to hit me in the side with is blaster and shake me off him. I recovered quickly and double drop kicked him in the chest, pushing myself back up sickly and leashing another round of shots on him as he was stumbling back. He finally recovered and tried to return his own volley only be deflected by a Energon barrier I threw up, the fool drained his entire clip and I socked him in the face once more.

"I hate your face! I hate your voice! I hate that you lived as long as you did! JUST DIE YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SCRAP METAL!!" I shouted as I continued to punch him mercilessly, reveling in every hit I struck him with. I was suddenly distracted by a cloud of cotton candy in my optics. He took this opportunity to return the assault I delivered onto him. His blows precise and cheap hitting me in my weak points eventually causing me to stumble back. I began to come at me again but I activated may Scatter Blaster* and made him regret that choice, the entire shot connected with his torso sending him flying back into a building.

"Enough!" he said and transformed into his jet mode and unleashed a volley of shots from his Gatling guns, I threw up another barrier.

"Laserbeak, Ravage, Ruble, Frenzy eject! Operation: Starscream!" I deployed my newly repaired Minicons at him. Laserbeak threw up a protective barrier preventing them from taking fire. They landed atop him where Rumble and Frenzy activated their pile drivers

"We've been waiting for this for a long time!" Frenzy shouted as the began to assault Stascream with the pile drivers. Ravage was using his claws and teeth to dig into his wings, tearing one of them clean off and sending Starcream careening into the ground, he transformed and just as he was about to land I had transformed into my vehicle mode and rammed into him giving him a few more seconds of air time. Ravage landed on the ground and released a wave of energy at Starcream bouncing him towards Laserbeak who did the same. They began to bounce him like a pinball against each other until Rumble and Frenzy hit him in unison with their pile drivers at the same time towards me, where I grabbed him and suplexed him. As he tried to get up I turned and kicked him in the face sending him flying back a few more feet.

He sat there face down motionless for a few moments, I turned, feeling the job was done and began to walk towards Luna and Vinyl. He got up quickly to fire a cheap shot. I could have dodged it easily, but I realized the bolt wasn't for me, it was for them. Time seemed to slow down as I jumped in front of the shot, taking it to the torso, hitting my spark chamber.

My minicons where about to unleash their rebuttal until a wave of rainbow colored energy swept across the area, and Starscream's body disintegrated while everything else began to return to normal.


The wave of harmonious energy swept across me and Vinyl freeing us from our bonds. She didn't waste a moment and rushed to Soundwave's side as did his minions.

"C'mon boss ya can't shut down now!" one of them shouted

Vinyl was trying pounding her hooves on his chest desperately to get him to wake up "Where that repair ray he has!?" she shouted at one of them, the flying one to be exact. It opened hopped on his torso and opened it up revealing a plethora of lights. I sat there almost awestruck 'How could something like that have something so beautiful inside of it' I thought to myself. The bird began to peck at the lights attempting to revive him or do as Vinyl asked. They got the repair ray active and detached it from his arm. Vinyl picked it up and used it on him, only to find that it was already on low power. She used what was left to bring him back, but his power was still weak.

"V-Vinyl" he said

"C'mon Soundwave you can't die!" she said tearfully

"It can't be helped, the repair ray is drained, and my spark is dying"

She began to cry heavily, even his minions we're shedding a few 'tears'. I sat there thinking for a few moments, but they felt like hours. He attacked me and my men true, but he just sacrificed himself to save me and his apparent friend. I got closer only to have Vinyl and the minions, with the exception of the bird, take a defensive stance between me and him

"You ain't gonna hurt the boss anymore!" One of them shouted as he readied those metal mashers of his.

"Please..." I said calmly "Let me help him"

"Why should we?!" Vinyl shouted

"Because you don't have much choice" I said flatly

That enticed their anger and the began to step towards me, only to stop at the shriek of the bird who looked at me and nodded. The other minions stepped back and Vinyl followed their lead. I stood over Soundwave looking at the amazing light spectacle revealed for all to see. "Funny isn't it...Only a few days ago did I wish nothing but the worst on you."

"Do not help me..." He said

"Why?" I said very confused

"I'm weak...I died by Starscream's hand. A weak Decepticon cannot be allowed to function."

"You are not weak, It took amazing strength to do what you did." I said soothingly. I powered up my magic and began to pour it into him, hoping for the best


About an hour passed by. I was standing in the crowed of ponies in the castle to congratulate the Elements of Harmony for defeating Discord. Princess Celestia let them have a stained glass window in the castle depicting their victory against the chaos. Almost everypony was celebrating but me, I couldn't keep my mind off Soundwave. The princess had told me and the minicons to leave her to it. They were in my saddle bag now, watching the ceremony from behind the slightly opened flap, disguised as their cassettes so the can fit.

After about thirty minutes everpony cleared out but me. I sat there waiting for who knows how long, hoping and praying Soundwave was okay. Eventually Princess Luna came into the room along with her sister Celestia. I stood up and faced them.

"Vinyl Scratch" Celestia started "Soundwave will be alright"

I smiled and the news apparently made the Minicons so happy the burst from my saddle bag. Then Rumble asked "Where is he we wanna see him!"

Princess Luna spoke up "We had to deliver punishment onto him"

My jaw dropped "Y-you..." I could barely speak

"Nothing like that dear" Celestia said "However you and his little minions here must also be punished for being accopmlices"

"H-how?" I said scared

"I will take the Minicons for theirs, while Luna stays here and gives you yours" Celestia picked the minicons in her magic and brought them with her. They apparently couldn't attack her, not like that would help. I gulped and looked back at Luna who was standing over me.

"Vinyl Scratch, for assisting the escape of a criminal you are to be punished with...community service"

I rose my eyebrow "Come again?"

"You are to take care of a hero and his companions until they are in no longer need of assistance"

"How do you expect me to take care of Soundwave when I don't have the slightest clue what you did to him?"

"It will be easier than you think" she said almost mockingly

I was about to say something until Celestia came back into the room "I have dealt with them all accordingly and now Vinyl I leave them in your care"

I wanted to say something until I heard somepony shouting down the halls. He was clearly outraged by his tone. The royal sisters were giggling lightly, I ran out to see what it was and I was greeted by a sight that almost made me bust out laughing. There before me was a small black cat, a black bird that looked like a phoenix, two young colts one red and blue, and one stallion who was dark blue, had a pair of yellow sunglasses, and his cutie mark was a boombox...with the Decepticon symbol on the center of it.


A/N Hope you enjoyed visualizing Starscream getting his face wrecked, I know I did. For those who didn't play War for Cybertron the 'Scatter blaster' is basically a shotgun
Here's a pic of Pony Soundwave :D
and for those who hate romance, relax it's not gonna go that way