• Published 29th May 2012
  • 7,711 Views, 408 Comments

Double the Bass - Blacktastic

  • ...

Chapter 4

A/N I know i've been posting a chapter each day, but don't get too used to that and thanks for all the positive feedback :D


I burst through the doors of the club with Sounwave in my magic, effectively startling the janitor cleaning up and the manager who was up on the stage

"I'm here for a gig!" I shouted panting heavily.

"Ah Miss Scratch, you're early. That's good" he said professionally making me smile wide with hope "It save me from telling you later that we already booked DJ COL-7 for tonight."

My smile died instantly, all my hopes of getting some gig shattered. I hung my head low and started heading out the door when Soundwave spoke up "Challenge him."


"Challenge this 'DJ COL-7' to a battle. Defeat him. Take your place on top."

"Soundwave I don't know how things work on Cybertron, but I can't just go beat up somepony cuz they took a gig...again."

"Not a physical challenge, a musical one."

"A DJ battle! Soundwave you're a genius!" I beamed and went back to the club owner "Hey!"

He turned down to me "What is it Miss Scratch."

"What if I had a DJ battle with COL-7?"

"That would get a lot of attention." he hummed thoughtfully for a moment "Go ask him if he accepts, if he does, come back here and we'll spread the word."

He gave me his address and I raced over there. I paused halfway through as something was bothering me, "Hey Soundwave?"


"Why did you tell me to challenge him?"

"I understand an urge to defeat a rival"

"What do you mean?"

"When I was fighting the Autobots, there was one I considered my rival. The Autobot Blaster mimicked my form and style of fighting"

I nodded and began to continue racing to the DJ's apartment. Once I arrived I saw that he was already in the process of leaving. I ran in front of him shouting "Hey punk!"

He turned around casually, by Celestia I wanted to sock him in his smug face "What...Oh it's you Disc Scratch"

"It's Vinyl Scratch!"

"Whatever. What do you want"

"I challenge you to a DJ battle"

He looked at me a moment before laughing. I gritted my teeth "What's so funny!"

"The fact you think a wash-out like you can beat somepony like me"

I was steaming I was so angry. "How about we make it interesting then, punk"


"If I win you admit your a posser, you copied me, and stole all my stuff"

"And what do I get, your bar tab?" he snicked to himself

I thought for a moment. What did I have that he would want? "I'll give you my new boombox here"

He looked out Soundwave for a moment "Alright. This looks pretty nice, must've sent you back a few bits, I probably just smash it when I win" he grinned holding his hoof out "You're on"

I held my hoof out and shook his, he then promptly left to go prepare for tonight. I stood there for a few moments before I realized what I just did. I looked to Sounwave, who thankfully remained quiet even though I just used him as a bet, "Umm...I...uhh"

"Let us prepare"


"We must prepare for the battle if we are to win"

"You're not mad I just bet you?"



"Several reasons. One, you had nothing else, and two I would have done the same in the current scenario"

"Gee thanks" I stood there for a moment "How are we going to win though. The only equipment I have that works is my sound board, and even then it's kinda buggy"

"I shall rectify the situation, you help get the attention of the masses"

I nodded "Alright, I trust you" I went off to begin advertising tonight's battle


"Laserbeak eject, Operation: Upgrade"

I ejected Laserbeak and sent him to return to Vinyl's house. If we we're going to win tonight's battle, we would need to be more than a human boombox and a few cassettes. We needed an upgrade


I retrieved Soundwave in his boombox form and made my way back to the club. I looked around and I figured the worst would happen and sure enough it did. They didn't provide me with any equipment, expecting me to bring my own. I sighed and and hung my head, I knew this was a bad idea.

"Worry not. I have the situation handled"

"How so"

"Place me upon your stage"

I did as he asked and placed him on the center of the stage "What's your plan?"

"To put on a show"

Suddenly the masses flooded into the club, eager to begin partying and jamming out to the upcoming battle. DJ COL-7 took his place an set up his station. Playing a few songs to keep people happy and distracted until the real battle started.

As the night got into full swing he took his mic "Alright fillies and gentlecolts, the time is now. Somepony brave enough has challenged me to a DJ battle" Everyone in the audience let out an 'ohhhh' in unison "Now, now, let's give her a chance Introducing Disc Scratch!" he pointed his hoof at me, making the entire room look over at my stage, which still only had myself and Soundwave as a boombox. As some sort of sick joke Sounwave ejected all his Mincons in their cassette form all over the stage, making it seem like he just threw up. Everypony was laughing hysterically and I tried my best to hide myself, but it was hard with the spot light. After the laughter died down COL-7 spoke up again "Alright now since she challenged me I get the first jam. Is everypony ready!" Everyone let out a loud cheer and he began playing. It was a song I had worked on when I was I had a roommate and I was coming up with easier ways to do the dishes, so I hooked up a sub woofer to the dish washer to clean the dishes off on a microscopic level. Sadly it didn't work, but it sure annoyed the heck out of my stuffy roommate, so I consider it a win.

After he was finished the crowd let out an applause and COL-7 took the mic "Alright then Scratch. Show us what you're boombox can do" he said while laughing, a few audience members laughing as well. I gulped and looked to Soundwave. His little display on the boombox started spelling something. 'Organize us' it said, I shrugged and did just that, organizing the cassettes around the stage and placing Soundwave right in the middle. I looked at the display again and it said 'Ready yourself'. I rose an eyebrow and whispered "What are you planning?". His display lit up again spelling out 'To win'

I got behind Soundwave and pressed the play button on his body. Suddenly he and his Minicons began to transform into a high tech DJ set. Soundwave turned into a soundboard, Rumble and Frenzy turned into Amps, Laserbeak split up turning into separate laser light generators, and Ravage turned into a separate set of sub woofers. I, the crowed, and COL-7 stood there completely awe struck, no a mouth was un-gaping.

When they finally finished transforming they began making sounds that all sounded like machines powering up. It got louder and louder until at its final height Soundwave's voice rang out "DJ PON-3 SUPERIOR, DJ COL-7 INFERIOR!". The beat he dropped was indescribably amazing, the force of the bass shook the whole club, it even broke some glasses at the bar, and my personal favorite, shattered COL-7's glasses, and the lights Laserbeak was making complimented every beat that came from the speakers. The song lasted for about five minutes before dying down, everypony in the room stood there, awe-struck at the spectacle. The club was dead quiet before somepony slowly began to applaud, then some more ponies, slowly everypony in the room let out the loudest applause ever, even louder than when COL-7 was playing. I was almost in tears I was so happy. I came out from behind Sounwave and began to bow taking it all in.

I got up and saw COL-7 was trying to sneak away, but I grabbed the mic and caught him "HEY COL-7!" he stopped at turned slowly seeing me smiled fiendishly "We had a deal if I recall"

He sighed and turned back to his mic "I...COL-7 am a poser"


"And I stole her songs"

"What else?"

"And her look"

"You're damn right...now get out"

He hung his head and left the club and I got back behind Soundwave "Now who want's to party!"
everyone began cheering as another song began playing. After the show, Soundwave turned back into a boombox and his Minicons turned into their cassette forms and hoped back inside their boss. I went backstage where I was greeted by the club owner "Kid that was amazing! I don't know how you did that thing with your equipment, but it was mind blowing!"

I smiled "Thanks. It has just been a little project I've been working on."

The club owner smiled and handed me a check "Here you go kid, a job well done"

I gaped at the number that was written on the check and looked back up at the owner "There's more where that came from if you're interested"

The only thing I could do was nod, which caused the owner to let out a light laugh "Oh and I'll be sure to tell the other club owners about COL-7, they know as well as I do that the masses don't like a copy cat"

I nodded and went outside with the check in my magic along with Soundwave. The moment I was outside I let out an excited squeal and hugged Soundwave tightly "Ohmygosh! Thank you sooooo much Soundwave"

He didn't let out a response. I figured a war vet like him wasn't exactly into hugs. I stepped back "Oh sorry."

"Apology accepted. Now let us return to home, the battle has left us drained, but we still have enough for the trip home"

I was a little scared getting back into Soundwave's car mode, but nothing could ruin the rest of the night. Nothing!


I entered the club where the reports came from and approached the manager who was working on filing some papers in his office "Sir we would like to talk to you."

"Yeah yeah gimme a minute I got a lot of- OH PRINCESS LUNA I'M SORRY!"

He bowed down and began to grovel. I rolled my eyes and spoke "Stand up, we request information."

"Y-yes your highness, what do you need?"

"We heard reports of a shape shifting music device."

"Yeah that's DJ-PON-3's equipment she said she made it herself."

"Where does she reside."

"I don't know I just met the mare. I think in Ponyville though"

"What is her real name."

"Vinyl Scratch."

I nodded at him "We thank you for you're time." I left to begin organizing the search for our, visitor...