• Published 29th May 2012
  • 7,719 Views, 408 Comments

Double the Bass - Blacktastic

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Chapter 11

A/N Going to start including the perspectives of Starscream and the Minicons..Just letting you guys know

I began to awaken, only to be greeted by the wretched sight of a pale yellow organic life form, even worse it was touching me. I tried to retaliate only to find that the limb I had adopted in my organic form was broken.

"Hey sleepy head" she said her soft voice was agitating to my audio receptors


"Aww some one's grouchy"

I growled at her and tried to position myself to swat her away only to be assaulted by another small organic creature with white fur, long ears, and a puffed tail.

"Angel Bunny no!" it scolded the abusive organic before taking it off of me "So sorry, sometimes he's a bit protective"

It was oblivious of my attempts on her, so I did what I do best, "It's...fine...apologies for insulting...you."

A few hours passed and I was fully conscious of where I was, some hovel on the edge of the town where I sprung my clever trap on Soundwave. I would have ended his miserable existence there if some lucky organic didn't hit me at mark ten, I'd have to repay it for that, but for now I needed to recover, and if one of them was willing to do that job for me...I wasn't going to complain.

I noticed an empty bed next to me that looked like it was occupied before hand "Where is my...companion?" I asked, assuming I knew who the bed was for.

The yellow one seemed to grown nervous as my condition stabilized "Oh umm...he went to Sugarcube Corner...if that's okay?"

I felt some of my pride return thinking that it had felt fear towards me, as well it should have "And where is that exactly?"

"Down the road..."

I stood up, careful not to put weight on my injured limb, and began to make my way out of the hovel only to be interrupted by the organic thing again "You're not healed enough to go there yet"

"I'm fine, I've survived worse"

"Like what?" it asked me, the question caught me off guard and telling it simply "Many things that would scar you for life simply imagining them"

It gulped "Well...um...just be careful"

I put on a fake smile "Of course" and left flying off to this place it mentioned.

As I flew I scanned the area looking for signs of Soundwave or that organic who put me in this state, and to my luck I found him entering a building which I assumed to be this 'Sugarcube Corner' the yellow one spoke of. Ignoring my injury I dove down at my target, tackling Soundwave, and tumbling inside the structure which turned out to be darkened on the inside.

"Now Soundwave you will face the might of-" I was cut off by the lights turning on suddenly and a large group of organics shouting "Surprise!"

I jumped off Soundwave and looked around at my surroundings. There were all these bright colors, organic foods and a banner saying 'Welcome to Ponyville you two should not wreck our town and be better friends' the text was rather small to fit all of the statement. I turned to Soundwave "What is this!?" I shouted at him "What is this ridiculous plan you've come up with?"

Before he could respond a bright pink organic got in between the two of us "It's a party sillies! I throw a party for everyone who comes to Ponyville and you two are new here, but you also broke some of the town so that's why I threw you this Welcome to Ponyville, you two should not wreck our town and be better friends party!" it's face was right up next to my own by the time she finished. I looked about one more time and realized it was a merely a celebration, that oddly was only invoked by the presence of myself and Soundwave.

I put on a fake smile and continued to do as I do "Terribly sorry, I'm just a little dizzy after giving my...friend here a surprise greeting" I went over to Soundwave, picked him up, and placed my arm around his shoulder in a fashion to pretend that we were comrades.


Starscream placed his arm around my shoulder and was wearing that smile he does when he lies. I was already in hot water and arousing suspicion because of my fight with him, so I decided to follow in his steps "That is correct, we greet each other that way sometimes" I mimicked his smile, the lie seemed to please the one known as 'Pinkie Pie' and she smiled widely

"It's great that you two are all ready getting along! Hope you enjoy the rest of your party!" she bounced off leaving me and Starscream with an arm around the other to which we slowly began to squeeze them down, trying to strangle one another only to be interrupted by Vinyl Scratch.

"Hey you two how you feeling?"

We released our vice grips on each other "Sufficient" I said

She smiled "That's good, What about you Starscream, how's your leg?"

"Oh it's fine, doesn't even hurt that much"

I smiled at the opportunity and gave his broken leg a good punch. He was good at concealing pain, but I could sense the amount of agony he was feeling right then "He's resilient, he'll be fine"

He bit his lip and slowly nodded "Didn't feel a thing" his voice was filled with pain which made me smile. "I must go reconnect with my Mini-...family members." I said and went off to rendezvous with my Minicons leaving Stascream in incredible agony.


I watched as Soundwave trotted off to go be with his Minicons assuming he said 'family members' to throw off anyone listening in on our conversation. Starscream limped off to places unknown to me leaving me by myself. I went to a booth and tried to plan on how I was going to get these two from each others throats. I was there for only a few minutes before my train of thought was interrupted by a familiar voice

"Hey Scratch how are you?"

I turned and saw my minty colored friend

"Lyra hey!" I got up and hugged her "It's been too long how are you?"

"Oh fine...I got a show in Canterlot coming up and the crowd is gonna be pretty big from what my manager is telling me"

"That's great!"

"What about you?"

"Alright...a series of unfortunate events have left me stuck back in Ponyville for a while."

"Yeah I was gonna ask about why you were here, I thought you moved to Canterlot? Do you know the stallions this party is for?"

I nodded "I guess you could say they're some friends of mine who need help adjusting from a big move into town. So I'm gonna be hanging around for a while" I hated lying to her, but it's better than telling her I'm in trouble with the princess and I have to watch these two like some kind of babysitter.

"Good to see you helping you're friends, I gotta say that blue one seems like your type," she said devilishly "Not a bad lookin stallion either, you should go out with him."

I blushed "Oh no he's just a friend that's all" I said a bit flustered at her statement

She rolled her eyes "Uh huh sure he is"

"He is I swear!"

"Whatever Scratch you're such a bad lair"

I tried to change the subject "So where's Bon-bon?"

She fell for it "Oh she's around here somewhere, probably at the candy bar, she likes sweets just as much as she likes making them"

I giggled "That's Bon-bon for ya, she's gonna get big if she keeps it up"

Lyra giggled as well "Well it was great seeing you again, later" she went off back into the party, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I was once again interrupted by sompony only this time it was Pinkie

"Alright everypony you ready to kick this party into full gear!" her enthusiasm was contagious and everyone was stomping their hooves "Alrighty then!" she walked over to a table with a rag on it and nothing else and pulled it off revealing a turn table. I thought she wanted me to play it but to my surprise I saw Soundwave get behind it.

"You're host has convicned me to try and play a few songs, Forgive me if I am not that great at it" a few ponies laughed at that.

I wasn't sure if Soundwave could actually DJ. I mean he can turn into a device that plays music, but I thought that was different. His minicons rallied around him and he turned to them saying "Rumble, Ravage, Laserbeak, Frenzy, Operation: Entertainment" he loaded up the first track with surprising ease, the reason it's surprising is because he used his hooves, and began playing the first party track. As the songs went on I saw him and his Minicons working furiously behind the table, all of them had a part it seemed in managing the songs that played and for the most part, it was really good, almost better than me even. I saw that everypony was enjoying themselves to the songs that played, so I shrugged and jumped into the crowd to join them.

After a few hours almost everypony had left Sugarcube corner, most of whom were talking about the awesome DJ. I met up with Soundwave afterwords and had a chance to talk with him.

"I didn't know you could DJ"

He seemed rather reluctant to talk about it "Yes...I've had some experience."

"What's wrong?"

He sighed "I haven't been behind a turntable since before I joined the Decepticons."

"How long ago was that?"

"What is the time length for a year on this planet?

"365 days a year, why?"

"Approximately 13 million years ago"

I coughed up in surprise at that "What!? You guys have been fighting for that long!?"


I was at a loss for words "Was it that bad?"

"Yes...It was a very heated war."

I tried to change the subject to something less grim "So ummm...why did you tell me you where a DJ"

"I don't like to think back to that time"

"How come?"

"It was a time before the war, many were prosperous and all was peaceful"

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"I was not one of the many who prospered, and then Megatron offered hope for the down trodden..."

"Oh..." I was silent for a moment "L-let's just go home..."

Just as we were about to leave Starscream seemed to appear from nowhere

"Where were you?" I asked

"I was educating myself" he replied like it was a prepared response

I was too tired to care "Whatever...let's get some rest"

That night we made our way to the address the Princess gave us. Turns out no one bought my old home so we just got that. I realized something slightly terrifying, there was only two bedrooms. I turned to Soundwave and Starscream "Hey guys..."

"What" they said in unison

"They're only two bedrooms...you two are gonna have to share"

Both of their eyes twitched in unison making me laugh a little