• Published 29th May 2012
  • 7,721 Views, 408 Comments

Double the Bass - Blacktastic

  • ...

Chapter 5

The weeks that followed were pretty sweet. I'd been getting so many gigs I had to hire my own manager, an earth pony named Sweet Melody. She had made life so much easier for me, I even had a few hours of free time to myself each week, which I usually spent hanging out at my new home in Canterlot. When I moved there I began to reconnect with some old firends of mine there, Lyra, Bonbon, and my old roommate Octavia. Lyra and Bonbon were happy to see I was doing well, but Octavia was still miffed. See, before my show in Ponyville bombed, she and I were pretty close friends. Then when I stopped getting gigs I turned to drinking, and she didn't want to live with a drunken, jobless, pony, so she left me.

Other than that things around my new home were pretty awesome. It was a bit bigger and had an extra room, so naturally I let Soundwave make his home there. He insisted on bringing the old broken equipment with us. When I asked 'why' he only responded that it was a "Personal Project". The minicons have been settling in nicely as well. Ravage, true to his cat-like appearance, spent most of his time lazing about like a real cat. Laserbeak goes out and about, I wasn't sure why, but as long as he didn't get spotted I didn't mind. Rumble and Frenzy, however, are almost like two young siblings. They spend most of their time goofing around, but then that turned into fighting, which turned into the destruction of furniture, which turned into a scolding from me. I wasn't the kind of pony to be playing the parent, but Soundwave was always too distracted by something to ever intervene. I'd even had a few noise complaints directed at me their fights got so heated. Thankfully most ponies knew me as "The DJ" so I got away with telling them that I'm just 'getting things together for my work.'

I did wonder what had Soundwave so distracted though. I tried sneaking a peak at what his special project is, but Ravage's growling was a sure sign that was a bad idea.

On one particular day, after running some errands, I decided to talk with Soundwave, maybe learn more about him. I went inside and knocked on his door, only getting silence as a response.

"Soundwave?" I called out.

I began to open the door and realized something, Ravage wasn't growling. I looked around for the metal beast only to find he wasn't there. I noticed Rumble, Frenzy, and Laserbeak weren't inside either. I began to worry.

"Did they go out in public?" I thought worried at what might happen if somepony were to see them, who knows what would happen if they were caught.


I wracked my head in frustration. It had been a few weeks since I interrogated that club owner and learned who was most connected with the 'visitor', as we refer to it now, and very little progress has been made. The only thing we've had to go on is a few noise complaints, which rarely amount to anything, and a strange animal leaving the premise regularly. I assigned some of my spies to track it, but it would elude them each time. We needed to find this visitor now more than ever, because when we discovered the vessel it came in, we discovered it was in possession of weapons, meaning it could be here to start some interplanetary war, and I would not allow that! I was about to give up all hope, and turn to my sister for help. I always hated asking for her help since my return, I wanted to prove I could rule just as well as her, which is why I haven't just bust down Vinyl's door and searched her house. I don't want the masses panicking about me coming into their homes without reason, or fearing me anymore than they do now.

I was about to head to my sisters chambers when I was cut off by one of my spies.

"Princess I have news on the visitor"

"Be quick then."

"It's on the move"


"We spotted it, and it's not alone, at least four others are with it. We believe it's heading back to the ship"

"Mobilize the Night Watch! We are not to let it get away!"

"Yes princess!" he ran off to gather the troops. They would not be ready by the time I needed them to be. I flew off to face this other worldly being on my own.


"Alright boss ready ta go?" Frenzy asked


Vinyl had just left the house to acquire sustenance for herself, giving us a few hours to ourselves. I decided it was time to make a very important trip back to the ship.

"Ya sure you wanna do this boss?"

"Nothing will stop me from doing this"

"If ya say so"

I transformed into a boombox and we began sneaking through the crowded city. I had Laserbeak fly about and watch for all patrols and map out routes that would allow us to sneak out easily. If we were going to do it then we needed to make sure we weren't caught.

We began ducking and weaving through alleyways and city streets, narrowly avoiding being seen, until we finally made it to the front gate. There were two guards standing there at all times and our only window was when they changed shifts. We waited for about an hour before they began their change, then we made our move. We ran out simultaneously right as the they turned about, giving us a split second to roll past them and out of their view off the side of the road, which was inconveniently placed atop a cliff. We began to plummet, Rumble and Frenzy were acting erratically and spouting obscenities as we fell, Ravage was quieter but still flailing.

"Minicons, Operation: Dive bomb"

My voice snapped them out of their fear for long enough for them to transform into their cassettes and jump into my chest. I changed into my normal mode and hit the ground full force, making a crater and sending a cloud of dirt upward. I quickly changed into vehicle mode and drove off from the scene to ensure we got to our destination on time.

After a few cycles we finally arrived. The crash site was relatively undisturbed, but I picked up on several 'hoof prints' around the site. Some 'pony' had been there (off topic, frankly the term somepony and terms like it bothered me, they could easily just say some 'body' and I'm sure they'd know what they were talking about), and they had searched the ship. Whoever it was seemed to have removed all the weapons, but I had little need for them...I still have my own.

I entered the wreckage and began my search. I deployed Laserbeak to keep watch for me in case someone else came by. Whoever was here decided to make more of a mess making my search that much harder, all was quiet until Laserbeak sounded off. I panicked for a moment, if it was someone who had already been here then of course they'd notice the boombox so transforming was out of the question, I couldn't drive off because then I'd be exposed. I came to my last conclusion, whoever it was I would have to terminate them if I was to get away unnoticed.

I readied the one weapon that still functioned, my energon axe, and left the confines of the ship to face the intruder.