• Published 29th May 2012
  • 7,711 Views, 408 Comments

Double the Bass - Blacktastic

  • ...

Chapter 15

A/N. A new chapter after this one will probably be late seeing as how this week Darksiders 2 comes out and the week after the new Transformers: Fall of Cybertron game comes out, so I'll be rather...uhh...busy. Sorry this was late. Also working on another fic as well so gonna be busy with that also.


I began barreling through the woods in an attempt to escape Omega Supreme. Starscream was flying overhead panicking about the oncoming storm.

"What are we going to do now!?"

"Quiet your vocal emitters Starscream! There's a ruin approximately 3 miles away, rendezvous there asap."

"What are you going to do?" Starscream replied. In response I transformed and readied my assault rifle "I'm going to finish what Megatron should have done years ago"

Starscream took this as his chance to run off towards the ruins, leaving me at the mercy of one of the Autobot's strongest weapons.


"We demand you stop this madness!" Luna shouted at Rodimus after we gazed at the behemoth of a beast that began it's pursuit after Soundwave and Starscream.

"If you knew what they did you wouldn't be so eager to defend them!" Rodimous defended, "They are war criminals and they will be taken into custody!"

They kept on arguing like this for what seemed like an eternity, all except the Autobot equivalent of Soundwave, he was beat up from Soundwave's assault on him, and he seemed deep in thought.

"Hey" I whispered to him

He looked over at the two bickering leaders and leaned down to my level "'Cha' want?" he asked

"What's your deal with my friends."

"Nobody's friends with the 'Cons, trust me on that"

"I am." I said flatly

This made him laugh boisterously "Ain't no way Soundwave made friends with anyone before."

"What makes you say that?"

"Cuz he's a 'Con the only thing he cares about is power and destruction, he ain't the kind of bot to make friends."

I sat silently for a moment trying to think. I looked back at the two arguing leaders and back to Blaster and sighed hopelessly.

I approached the Luna and Rodimus "Excuse me?" I said, but it didn't reach their ears over their arguing "Hey!" I said a little louder, but again they didn't hear me. "WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR A MOMENT!" I shouted, imitating the spell that causes the 'Royal Canterlot Voice'. Their arguing stopped and they both turned to me. "Now that I have your attention I would like to say something..."


"Target's: Locked, Engaging." Omega was trailing close behind me and Soundwave. I was flying above while he was driving below me through the thick forest, I'm glad that I don't have to outrun Omega, just him.

"Soundwave how did you defeat this thing last time!" I shouted over the radio

"Megatron used dark energon to corrupt his core and incapacitate him." he replied flatly

"Great...and we're fresh out of Dark Energon"

"Starscream, discern his location."

"You do know that I'd have to physically turn around to see him..." I replied

"Do it!"

I transformed and turned about, using my leg thrusters to keep me afloat, and readied my null ray. I managed to witness Omega's 'disguise' for this planet. It was a creature that I had the unfortunate encounter with during an unfortunate incident involving time travel.

"Omega is a dragon!" I shouted as I tried to fire on him. His thick armor plating easily deflecting the shot, he opened his mouth and fired a beam of plasma energy at me which I barely had time to dodge. I transformed back and blazed forward as fast as my thrusters would let me go. Omega fired another blast, swinging his head allowing his fiery breath to scorch everything between me and Soundwave.

"How do we beat this guy!" I shouted after barrel rolling out of they way of another blast

Soundwave was unresponsive for a moment making me think he finally met his end at Omega's rage.

"Starscream, split up, rendezvous in approximately 1 cycle."

"What! Where!"

"At my location...use your tracker for once and maybe you won't lose me," and with that he veered of in a completely different direction from me, leaving me at the mercy of Omega.


I drove off away from Starscream and Omega to a location I had Laserbeak scout out weeks ago. A set of old ruins in the middle of the woods would make the perfect ambush point...


"Target: Locked, Firing Primary weapon" Omega announced as he charged up another blast of plasma, once he fired I veered sharply barely avoiding it.

"Starscream" Soundwave's voice came in through my radio

"What now!"

"Rendezvous with me ASAP" he said flatly

"You better have a plan!" I shouted only to be met with silence.

I picked him up on my tracker, only to see that he was far behind me. I decided it was time to show this Omega Supreme who the real master of the skies was. I transformed and opened my air brakes allowing Omega fly right under me, where I closed my brakes quickly and grabbed onto his back.

"Face the wrath of Starscream!" I shouted as I drew my blade and drove it into his back allowing me to get a better grip onto him. I used my free arm to fire upon him and tired my best to steer him towards Soundwave's location.

"Hostile: Detected, Engaging Countermeasures." Omega began to try and shake me off. He began to do aerial stunts to try and throw me off, but I would not be so easily defeated. I kept an iron grip on my blade, sadly my blade didn't keep it's grip and began to slide free of his back. I feel a few meters before transforming and flying the rest of the way towards Soundwave's location.


Starscream came into optic view, with the beast I named Omega Dragon following close behind. I readied myself for the events that I calculated to the latter....

First Starscream would bust through the wall and crash, forcing me to dodge him. Then due to Omega's sheer size and speed he would also come crashing in, I used my thrusters to boost myself up and flip over the behemoth as he tumbled through the ruins leveling most of them