• Published 29th May 2012
  • 7,721 Views, 408 Comments

Double the Bass - Blacktastic

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Chapter 2

I stood there for what seemed like hours while Laserbeak repaired his master, even the two mini murderers and the dog where dozing off. I almost fell asleep myself until I heard more voices, they sounded far off and I almost chalked it up again to my drinking, but Laserbeak stopped what he was doing and woke his comrades up

"Not now boss...Let me stay in sleep mode for a few more nanocycles" The red one said while the blue one just mumbled. Laserbeak pecked them both on the head causing them both to cry out and wake their feline friend as well. Laserbeak's beak lit up and he was looking between the three of them

"We can't move da boss! He's way to heavy for all of us!" the red one shouted

"C'mon rumble we gots ta do somethin'!" The blue one said hopefully

All four of them tried in vain to get their larger companion moving, let alone even lifting one leg of the ground. I swallowed hard and spoke up finally "Maybe I can help?"

They all stopped and looked at me, then each other, then me again and bust out laughing.

"Hahahaha! What can a squishy like you's do!"

"Well I lift heavy stuff all the time so I think I can help move your friend there"

"Ha ya don't even got any hands! How do expect to even grab onto the boss!"

"Like this" I said with a smirk. I began trying to lift their boss up with my magic, slowly as the white aura enveloped him he began to rise off the ground. Most unicorns couldn't lift this much, but magic is like a muscle, the more you use and and the heavier stuff you use it on, the stronger it gets. I began to slowly drift their leader through the tree line away from whatever was coming towards us. "We can take him back to my place, it's still kind of late so most ponies will be asleep" I said with some strain

All four of them stood awestruck at their master hovering through the air, until Laserbeak flew over, grabbed his master by his tiny feet, and tried his best to help move him along. The others followed in suit grabbing some part of their master and trying their best to make him weigh just a little less.


"Princess Luna over here!" I heard one of my night guards shout from a distance. As I approached I was awestruck by the sight of what appeared to be some form of vessel crashed into the ground.

"We believe tis safe to assume this ship is our rouge star. Scour the area and the ship. If there are any survivors bring them to us!" I commanded to my subjects

My loyal Night guard saluted and scattered about leaving me alone

'What could have possibly come from beyond the stars?' I thought to myself 'Whatever it may be I hope that we find it before somepony else does' As I began my own search of the area I noticed that there were several impact points leading away from the ship. I began to follow them into a small clearing in the woods and noticed several prints in the ground. One set looked like a cats, two sets looked similar but nothing like I had ever seen before, and, to my despair, a set of hoofprints, leading into town. I rallied my guards back and ordered them to head for Ponyville and begin a massive search.


Thankfully we managed to sneak through Ponyville undetected, however we faced a slight problem. The metal being I was carrying had no possible way to fit into my home. I looked around frantically when I realized he could fit in the alleyway behind my house. We did our best to position him sideways so the giant being could fit into the narrow alleyway, which thankfully got large enough in the back to allows us to lay him down facing upward so that Laserbeak could, from what I could tell, finish repairing him.

I left the alleyway to see if anypony had noticed us, I gasped as I saw Luna's royal night guard begin to fly into town. I turned back to the others and whispered "You're going to have to hurry up before they spot us"

"Who's 'they'?" The red one asked

"The royal night guard! If they find us who knows what they'll do"

"If they find us we'll just clobber 'em!" the blue one said enthusiastically punching one hand into an open palm, smiling happily at the chance of getting into a fight.

Laserbeak turned around and shot a bolt of light from his beak, I guess now I know why the call him Laserbeak, at the two of them. His beak lit up a few times which caused the both of them to let out disappointing huffs and sit on the ground with their arms crossed. Laserbeak went back to hastily repairing his master.

"I think I see something coming from that alleyway!" I heard one of the guards say. I panicked as well as the other little metal beings. I turned down the alleyway to see the guards shadows come into view. I hit the ground and covered my head with my hooves hoping they wouldn't see me, until I heard the strangest noise from behind me. It sounded like metal parts moving against one another, it almost sounded musical actually. I turned to see the source, only to be severely confused. Where once a giant metal human thing and some pets where, was now a boombox and a couple of cassettes scattered all around.

The guards rounded the corner, came down the alleyway, and stopped in front of me.

"Mam have you seen anything suspicious tonight?" one of them asked

I looked between them and the boombox, mouth agape. I shook my head finally and did my best to seem calm. "No officers I was just moving some equipment back into my house." I lifted everything in my magic and began to head out of the alley and into my home. The guards just shrugged at each other and left to continue their search.


Primary systems....online...
Weapon systems....offline....
Enegergon generator....online....
Optic/audio sensors....online....
Long Distance communicator....offline...
Beginning start-up sequence

As my optics turned on I saw Laserbeak on my torso. I thank the All Spark I had such a helpful ally at my disposal. Before I could react however he told me to transform. I knew that he would only give me a command without fear of my retaliation if the situation were about to get dire. I turned into my stealth mode, an Earth made stereo system, or 'boombox' as the humans called it. I attempted to get a better view of my surroundings, but my optics were only functioning at minimal capacity making everything hazy. I suddenly found myself being lifted through the air. I didn't know where I was going, but I trusted Laserbeak's judgement, so I made no initial reaction and let myself be carried away by some unseen force.

After a few nanocycles I heard a door open and I was placed upon the ground. My optics slowly began to regain function and I was able to view my surroundings. The interior of the structure I was in was wooden, about the place was furniture that looked similar to what a human would have, however it was much to small for me to transform without attracting possible unwanted attention. I dreaded the though of the possibility that I had indeed landed on Earth, only to have that notion shattered when a life form entered my optic view. I remembered Shockwave, one of the Decepticons chief scientists, had cataloged species of animal life on Earth, I hadn't paid much attention to it, but I noticed one of them was something the humans referred to as 'horses'. Only this 'horse' had a white exterior, light blue hair and an equally colored tail, on it's face it had a pair of ultraviolet ray shields, or sunglasses as humans called them, atop it's skull was a bony protustion, which it's purpose was unkown to me. Again, I hated humans because their side in the war, but they have a way of explaining things that was simple.

I saw that not only had Laserbeak been with me, but also Rumble, Frenzy, and Ravage were with him. I was disappointed to not see the rest of my Minicons, they were the only things I would should emotion over, even in front of Megatron. Laserbeak began talking to Rumble and Frenzy who were talking to this horse, I first though they hit their processors too hard when we crashed, but I was surprised to hear the horse speak back to them. Telling by it's voice it was female, although her voice had a bit of masculinity to it. Suddenly I was being lifted through the air again and brought through this strange creature's home, until we found ourselves in a large room, below the actual home, filled with technological devices, all of them were designed to emit sound, amplifiers, sub woofers, and a control board. I didn't know who or what this creature is, but I may enjoy it's company.

The creature approached me and with one of its front legs tapped my surface "So is he okay?" she asked

"Yeah da boss should be alright now....maybe a bit dizzy, but hey when ya crash a ship you're lucky enough to still function afterwords." Rumble said reassuringly.

"So um how did he, and you guys, do that thing? Where you turn into cassettes and a boombox"

I decided to speak up finally "We are Cybertronians." I began to change back into my robot form, slightly humored at the awe the small white horse was displaying. Once I reached my full height my head almost touched against the ceiling. THe creature stood dumb-struck at me. "I am the Cybertronian, Soundwave" I leaned down to get optic level with it "What is your name" I spoke somewhat intimidatingly in an attempt to see the creatures response.

"I-I-I..a-am V-Vinyl S-scratch."

"Very well. Now tell me. What is my location?"

"E-Equestria" she was shaking almost like she was just assaulted by Rumble and Frenzy's quake generators

"Location, unknown. What life forms exisist here?"

"We-well ponies mainly, but there's other things to"

"Are there humans?"


"Satisfactory. When is the next day cycle?"

"In a few hours. Why?"

"Energon cells are near depletion, I must dispense more by converting solar rays into energon"

"What's that?"

"The primary power source of Cybertronians."


Before she could finish there was a knocking upstairs.

"Oh crap you guys have to hide"

"Ravage, Rumble, Laserbeak, Frenzy. Operation: Assimilation" I began to transform back into my boombox form, and my minicons turned into their cassette form and hid themselves inside my torso. Upstairs I could make out faint conversation, which turned into an argument, which then turned into more 'horse' creatures coming down into our hide-away. Unlike Vinyl Scratch, these ones had armor plating covering their bodies, dark coating, yellow serpentine eyes, and a pair of wings. They began to search thoroughly the room, they found nothing of interest until one of them spotted me in the corner. He approached me and began to examine me

"I've never seen a stereo like this before, have you?" has asked his companion

"Let me see" he examined me "No I haven't, and what's this weird symbol in the middle"

I never got rid of the Decepticon symbol that was labeled onto my body. I knew I may have had to be rid of it someday, but I kept it out of pride.

"Oh that?" Vinyl spoke up "That's just a little symbol a friend of mine drew up, she said it would be good if I started having a symbol, something ponies could recognize me by, so when I put that together I painted it on there"

The guard looked suspiciously at her "Miss Scratch we'd like yo ask you a few more questions, if that's alright?"

"No it is not alright it's early in the morning and I have to go job hunting tomorrow so please leave my home at once" she spoke confidently. The guards, realizing they wouldn't get anymore information, left the home, causing Vinyl to breathe a sigh of relief. She approached me again "You're free to stay down here for the night. I'll come get you when the sun is up"

"Very well" I went into sleep mode to preserve what little energon I had left