• Published 29th May 2012
  • 7,719 Views, 408 Comments

Double the Bass - Blacktastic

  • ...

Chapter 12

The night went as well as we expected. Soundwave and Starscream spent most of the lunar cycle arguing, while Rumble and Frenzy had to share the couch in the living room, which big surprise, turned out about the same. The only one of us who got any sleep was Ravage, which isn't surprising, despite being from Cybertron in his spark he's still a cat and can sleep through the war if he wanted to. I myself decided to find a nice perch outside to keep an eye on everything. I've grown to try be productive no matter the situation so rest is a luxury I usually pass on.

As the sun rose I kept up my productive streak and opened my solar collectors, which I disguised as my wings, to ready the production of energon cubes which I know that all of them are in probable need. The collective groaning coming from inside told me I was right. I flew in from the window and met up with Soundwave in the kitchen, who in his new form had to produce cubes by shaping them with his hooves. He and I shared an unspoken bond that always allowed us to assume that we've done something the other has needed, like as of now when I released my solar cells into the empty cubes to make energon. Once that was done everyone, with the obvious exception of Vinyl, was up and crowding around us to get their share of engergon.

"I have the least amount of energy so I get to go first!" Starscream shouted

"Oh no you ain't pullin' that again! Me and Frenzy get first dibs!"

Vinyl came out of her room looking like a zombot, yawning "What is going on?"

"I am still your superior so I get the first cube!" Starscream continued unhindered by Vinyl's presence.

Vinyl rolled her eyes and squeezed past the crowd getting her own sustenance. Times like these make me glad that I am equipped with my own personal energon converter, allowing me to avoid these petty squabbles for energy even though we have plenty of it. After about an hour of arguing, physical confrontation, and the eventual intervention from Vinyl she gathered all of us around in her 'living room' as she so called it, a rather odd name considering one lives in every room of the house unless their dead.

"Alright," she started "If you guys are gonna live and fit in around here you're going to have to do a few things"

"Elaborate" Soundwave said

"First you and Starscream are going to need jobs."

"I refuse to work for an organic!" snapped Starscream

"Well sucks to be you then because you are working for one, I don't care what job it is, but you're getting one. I recommend Weather Patrol"

Starscream growled in annoyance "What does that entail?"

"Not much as far as I know, you just gotta maintain the weather. As for you Soundwave, unless you want to compete with me as a DJ there's an opening at the repair shop down the street, seeing as how you can probably fix anything I'm sure you'd get the job easy."

Soundwave nodded in acknowledgement and Vinyl turned her attention to us Minicons "Ravage and Laserbeak are obviously cool and don't have to do much of anything"

'I intended to do that anyways' Ravage 'said' in a way that really only us bots could hear.

"As for Rumble and Frenzy well...You two have to go to school"

"WHAT!" they shouted in unison

"People are gonna get suspicious if they see two little colts running around out of school. Soundwave is gonna have to go down there sometime today and get you two enlisted"

"Why do I have to go?" Soundwave asked

"Because you're their 'guardian' and they probably won't believe that I'm their caretaker seeing as how I know the teacher and she knows me."

He let out a sigh in defeat, rather unable to compete with that logic "Very well. Is that it?"

"One more thing" her horn powered up and she used her 'magic' to basically slap everyone but me and Ravage across the face "Don't spend all freaking night arguing like children, it puts me in a bad mood"

"How dare you do such a thing to me you organic piece of trash I shall-" Starscream was cut off by another slap and a death glare from Vinyl which surprisingly made him stop. If any Decepticon had known that would have shut him up we all would have done it years ago.

We all began to depart to do our tasks for today, I however was not given one so I gave myself the task of watching over Rumble and Frenzy. Starscream was a loud mouth but most of his threats were empty, Soundwave and Vinyl could take care of themselves, but the though of those two being around school children was probably not a situation that should go unsupervised seeing as how they were quick to temper and if any child were to anger to them...it was something I'd rather not process.

I was trailing them on their way to the school to learn the path myself. Once they had arrive they met up with the individual organic who was their teacher, I landed on the school house and listened in.

"Hello can I help you?" The teacher said cheerfully

"Yes I need to enroll my...children" Soundwave said. His voice must have startled the teacher and his pause must have confused her judging by the look on her face.

"Are you their guardian?"


"Well I'd need you so fill out some papers but I think I can get them into today's lesson. What are their names?"

"Rumble" "Frenzy" they said their names one after another

"What interesting names" she said with a smile, oddly enough without sarcasm "Well run inside you two and find a seat I'm going to get the papers for...I'm sorry I didn't get your name"


"Well Mr. Soundwave come right this way and I'll hand you the paperwork"

As they went inside I perched myself on the open window, apparently the building lacked any other ventilation. I scanned the classroom seeing all manner of young children inside, but two specifically caught my optic a light pink and silver one. The conversation going on between them was basically them belittling other organics and acting like they were su[erior for having their 'cutie marks'. The two of them combined almost matched the insufferable ego of Starscream...almost. I just hoped they avoided Rumble and Frenzy and that the two could stay low...

"Attention class we have some new students today"

...but that would have been too much to ask for

"Meet your new classmates Rumble and Frenzy."

"Like, what kind of names are those?" The pink one spouted off, her voice now above everyone else made me realize how annoying it really was.

"Now Diamond Tiara that's no way to talk about somepony"

"Ya gots a problem with our names!?" Rumble rebuttled

'Oh Primus no' I pressed my wing up against my face at the situation

"Now now children be nice" The teacher said "Rumble, Frenzy you two can take the empty seats by the back"

The two of them glared at the snobbish children for a moment before taking their seats...It was going to be a long day cycle.


After dropping off Rumble and Frenzy I located the repair shop that Vinyl had mentioned and entered it. The organic maintaining the establishment was light brown, had a dark brown scruffy mane, and his mark was an hourglass. He was behind the counter as I walked in.

"Welcome, I haven't seen you around here before."

"I am new to town." Apparently my voice had the same effect on him that it did the teacher

"Well what can I do you for?"

"I am looking to acquire a job"

"Ah well as it turns out I am hiring for somepony to look after my shop while I take leave for a while."

"What happens when you return"

"Depends on how well you can manage the shop"

"I am adept at repairing all kinds of objects, but I specialize in electrical appliances you could say"

"I'll hire you if you can fix this bloody thing" he pulled from out under the counter a small silver device and placed it upon the top of the table. I examined it closely and looked at him, there was no way this technology existed on this planet and judging by the way he was looking at me...he knew more than he was letting on.

"What is your name?" I inquired

"Most ponies around here call me Doctor Whooves"

"You're not who ponies think you are"

"Neither are you friend"

I furrowed my brow "You know of my origin then"

"Of course your the infamous Soundwave, communications expert and master spy of the Decepticon army. Honestly I'm surprised to see one of you lot here"

I was surprised to hear how much he knew about me "So then," he continued, grabbed his device and pointed it at me "What sort of invasion plan are you lot coming up with because I wo-"

"The Decepticons are dead" I cut him off mid sentence

"Come again?"

"Megatron has fallen and only my some of my Minicons and unfortunately Megatron's sky commander remain"

"Starscream is here?"


"Hmm...That's not good, he's too ambitious for his own good." he pondered for a moment "Tell you what Soundwave, you obviously have no love for him, you keep him in line while I'm gone and I'll let you work here as long as you want"

"Agreeable terms" I said simply

"Excellent, well I must be off, the missus is waiting for me" He turned and left out the back, leaving me to myself. Alone in a shop where I do nothing but repairs...it was the perfect job.


I flew upward to locate the central office of the 'Weather Patrol'. I found that it was atop clouds and the structure itself was in fact made of clouds.

"When I take over I'm going to force someone to tell me how this makes any remote sense" I wasn't one for magic, especially after the time I was time warped back into the Middle ages of Earth's time. So seeing all of this magic was messing with my logic processor.

I hovered into the building and approached the front desk, I was skeptical that they would hire me seeing as how my front leg was still broken from that damnable organic, and Soundwave as of the last lunar cycle. I waited for a few moments seeing if some organic would come out, but when none did I grew impatient.

"Hello?" I shouted out, an organic responded "Yeah yeah give me a minute"

I was infuriated enough from this mornings disrespect and now this, it's not like it could be any...

"What do you need?"

...worse. It was that same organic who broke my arm and humiliated me. We slammed our forelegs on the desk "I remember you!" we shouted in unison.

"You broke my leg and hit me at mach 10!"

"You destroyed half my friends homes!"

"An acceptable loss for my plan!"

"What plan? Fighting somepony who clearly could have beat you if you hadn't gotten a cheap shot in!"

"Do not test me fool! You know not who you deal with!"

"Apparently some jerk who thinks highly of himself."

I was almost at the breaking point "You are not worth my time I am here to seek employment, now who is in charge?"

And if it wasn't bad enough she said "I'm in charge around here and there's no way I'm giving you a job"

I was going to snap until my optics spotted her mark, and from what I could tell it meant she was fast "How about a deal?"

"No way I don't deal with scum like you" she began to leave

"A contest of physical ability then?"

That perked her interest "I'm listening"

"A race"

She turned back towards me with as smirk "A race? Do you know who your talking to. I'm Rainbow Dash the best flyer in Equestria!" Her ego was almost oozing from her

"As I said you don't know who your dealing with, I am Starscream the best flyer in the universe!" I said with my trademark confidence.

"Where and when?"

"Where can we?"

"There's a race course near by"

"Then we shall race in a few hours, now what shall be the terms"

"You win you get the job"


"But...If I win then you have to be my unpaid servant for a month"

So it was either have a job or do what I've been doing for the last 13 million years...so I had nothing to lose "Very well then, its a deal." I stuck my hoof out and bumped it with hers finalizing our deal.


Several rather dull hours went by as I was monitoring Rumble and Frenzy and for the most part the rest of the day went off without a hitch. Until a child acknowledged my existence and alerted everyone in the room saying "Look it's a black phoenix!"

I sighed'Aw scrap'

The whole of the classroom came over to the window I was perched at and began to examine me with wonder. I wasn't really sure what the big deal was, but as some point I'd have to research what a phoenix was as to avoid this issue in the future. As they were all examining me I spotted Rumble and Frenzy still sitting in their chairs legitimately not caring.

"Hey scrap for brains"

They both perked up

"Act like you care otherwise they'll think you're out of place"

They both put on faces that basically said 'Your doing this for attention aren't you'

"I want it!" The pink one known as Diamond Tiara said demandingly


"What?" The teacher known as Ms. Cheerlie said

"I want it nopony else has one, so I want it"

"Well we can't just-"

"It's our pet" Rumble said making the entire class turn to the two of them

"Uhh yeah it's our pet bird named Laserbeak"

"Yeah right" The silver one spoke, I learned her name was Silver Spoon "Even if it was, that's a dumb name"

I looked at the two of them who gave me a look of 'You want this little girl to kidnap you or do you want to blend in'. I sighed mentally and flew over to the two of them perching myself on one of their outstretched limbs. The class, with the exception of an obviously jealous Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, surrounded all three of us, even Ms. Cheerlie's interest was perked by my presence.

"Well you two will just have to bring him again in the near future, but today class has to end"

The class let out a collective 'Aww' and began to gather their things and depart, some crowding around us asking questions.

"Where did you find him? Why is he black? Why did you name him Laserbeak? Who's that with Rainbow Dash?" That last question turned all of their attention to the sky where a cyan color organic was with a familiar shape

"What is that idiot doing?"

"Let's go check it out!" Rumble said and he, Frenzy, and the class ran off to see the commotion. Sure enough Starscream was on a race track with the one known as Rainbow Dash and they were both stretching, preparing to face one another. I flew off to report this to Soundwave and alert him of Starscream's stupidity.


After a few moments of stretching I was ready to face this pathetic organic

"Ready to lose?" she said

"Ready to hire me," I retorted

A small orange organic came onto the track. "Ready, set," she stood on her hind legs and raised her foreleg "GO!" she brought her leg down and we both flew forward at high speeds. We slowly kept climbing the speed chart both of us easily reaching amazing speeds halfway around the first lap.

"Ha I'm not even trying!" she shouted

"Well maybe you should start!" I quipped back and powered myself forward easily over passing her. She however would not be so easily defeated and she powered her way next to me.

By this time we were getting close to mach one I felt the pressure of the sound barrier pressing on me, and to my displeasure I witnessed her doing the same. We reached our final lap and I wasn't about to grovel to this wretch, I began to come up with a plan to win this. At such speeds I knew none of these organics could see us clearly so I turned my back hooves back into their jet propulsers and powered forward crashing through the sound barrier and releasing a sonic boom like I had never done before. The blast struck her, the crowd that had gathered and continued onward across the area to parts unknown.


I felt a surge of energy pulse through me as I tried to run to stop the race. It wasn't a normal sonic boom, it was filled with energon. I finished making my way to the track rather over energized

I saw Starscream standing proud as he was surrounded by a bunch of children, while the cyan organic was trotting away, with her head down.


He turned to me "Ahh Soundwave are you here to help revel in my victory?"

"I'm here to smack some sense into you!"

"Why can't you let me have a victory for once"

"Because you always take it too far and wind up screwing something up."

"Oh please what's the worst that could happen"


I decided to take my recovered some of my Night guard who were released early and go investigate Soundwave's ship. We wanted to see if we can use the technology either defensively against him and his companions or utilize it for our own needs. I found my way to the ships control area when a wave of energy passed over us. When we all felt nothing more than a slight tingle we continued out search of the ship, until I located a device beeping on the ships control board.
I approached it and pressed a glowing button only to hear some awful buzzing noise. I decided to leave it alone thinking it was broken...