• Published 29th May 2012
  • 7,719 Views, 408 Comments

Double the Bass - Blacktastic

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Chapter 1

I had gotten with an argument with some kids who came from a DJ COL-7 show talking about how cool he was...I gave 'em a hoof upside the head, told 'em to buck off, got into a fight, then...got thrown out. Thankfully no matter how drunk I got I always saved enough bits to catch the train home. I never understood why the train was so effeminate, all pink and frilly. Who's attention are they trying to get with that thing, little fillies?

I found my seat on the train and gazed up at the night sky through my window. I had completely forgotten Princess Luna planned a meteor shower tonight. It's beauty captivated me, even more so because I was drunk. When I heard Princess Luna had a thing for the new music of our time, I wanted to do everything in my power to get her attention and play a gig for her. How great would that be, a personal show for royalty, but seeing as things are going for me now I doubted that could have even been in my life time.

I almost dozed off on the train ride back when I noticed something about the shower. I picked out a star that went rouge and landed somewhere far off into the distance, surprisingly not far from Ponyville. My curiosity got the better of me so when I got off the train I headed off to see what from the great beyond had graced Equestria.


I hijacked a single pilot ship to escape Cybertron and planned to use the space bridge to get to the other side of the galaxy. I know I'd pass by Earth and risk setting off some orbital alarm system the Autobots may have set up, but I could just speed by before they could even respond. They may have defeated us horribly but we left out mark. As I passed through the space bridge the malfunction alarm went off. I began checking every system on the ship when I realized the alarm was for the space bridge itself. Something must have happened on the other end of the bridge and now the whole thing was in collapse. I tried desperately to find a way to resolve the problem, but I have never encountered a problem such as this, nor do I think any bot has and functioned to tell about it. I tried to steer the ship out of it, but an influx on energy blew out the one of the engines leaving me with little control.

By some form of miracle from the All spark I managed to steer out of the path of the space bridge, but as luck as never been to kind I was dropped off in the gravitational pull of a planet. I couldn't steer out of it with the damaged engine, and other systems began failing until the steering failed altogether.

Frenzy ejected himself and said "Stick your faceplate between you're chassis and kiss your tail pipe good-bye!" If it wasn't such a dire situation I would have found it more humorous

I braced for impact as the ship finally crashed into the ground, the force of it broke me out of my safety harness, tossed me out the ships window, and even forcefully ejected my minicons out of my torso. I reach out to try and catch them but I made contact with the ground before I could do anything. I skipped a few times across the ground before finally hitting something solid and going offline.


I arrived at the site of where the star fell and it definately wasn't what I was expecting. I saw a metal...thing that had crashed into ground near the edge of the Everfree forest. I had no idea what it was but it was massive. I began to walk around it for a moment to get a better look when I though I heard somepony talking. At first I thought it was the booze, but as I got closer I could really hear voices. I crept up the source of it when I saw something amazing, something I heard a friend of mine, Lyra, constantly go on about in great detail. Although it didn't fit the description completely it looked close enough to what she called a human. It was big and purple and has what looked like two smaller versions of it, one red and one blue. They were on top of the larger one trying their hardest to, from the sound of it wake him up.

"C'mon boss wake up, ya can't be offline for good!" the red one shouted as the blue one kept slapping him in the face to try and wake him up

I kept low in the bush until I did something that made me immediately regret that extra cider, I let out a small hiccup, which caused both the little beings to stop what they were doing and surround their boss. Their hands changed into metal plates as they started shouting "Come on out so we can beat ya's!" the red one said. I turned to run but was met face to face with what looked like a metal cat, growling at me

"Umm nice kitty...good kitty" I said backing up into the clearing and into the sight of the little metal beings. They surrounded me from all sides and began to close in on me. I hit the ground and covered my head with my hooves and prepared for the worst until I heard a loud squawk echo through the clearing. I looked up and saw another metal creature, but not like anything I had seen before. It looked like a bird but it had a weird head and a luminescent beak. I swooped down to my level and as it did the little metal beings began to back off.

"Aww I was hopin' we could smash dis ting into da ground" the blue one said disappointingly

"We gotta listen ta Laserbeak or else da boss will have our heads" the red one defended."

The little bird, which I safely assumed to be Laserbeak, flew over to it's master. Once it landed it lit it's beak up and tapped it on his master's chest causing it to open up and reveal a plethora of lights. I stood awe-struck at the spectacle, ignorant of the dirty and somewhat murderous looks of two little metal humans. I began to approach until the two metal humans jumped in front of me.

"Ya ain't gonna get close to da boss without his permissions" The blue one shouted, and I began to back away. I watched as Laserbeak began pecking at light show of a torso of his master. I didn't know how long I was there, but something tells me that I didn't want to leave, nor I think would these things have let me. All I knew that it was going to be a long night....