• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 5,577 Views, 242 Comments

Relationships are Evil - TheTimeSword

Twilight's pretty good at reforming villains, but is she good at dating them? Starlight seems to think so. Can Discord win the bet for Twilight's heart before another villain sweeps her off her hooves? Maybe it's better she just stays single.

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Bet

“I haven’t really had the chance to talk with Fluttershy one on one. Do you think she’ll mind that I’ve tagged along today?” The purple and cerulean mane bounced up and down as the pony walked. It was a bright and sunny day, with a cool breeze blowing softly. Starlight was already sweating, not from the summer heat, but from the nervousness she was feeling.

“Actually, that’s one of her worst nightmares, but I wouldn’t worry about it. I think it’ll be good for both of you to get out of your comfort zones.” Twilight’s words did not give a boost of confidence like she had hoped.

“What if I mess something up and she doesn’t want to speak to me?” The lilt in Starlight’s voice spoke volumes about her desire to make a good impression.

A wink and a smile were all Twilight responded with as the two crossed the bridge outside the grassy cottage. As the two drew closer to the door, a bright, white light sprung forth from the windows, followed by a loud shattering and clanging.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight called out as she knocked on the door. “Are you alright? Hello?”

The red wooden door of the cottage was pulled open, a familiar friend stepped out to greet them. “Twilight! So wonderful to see you!” A lion’s paw and an eagle’s claw grabbed onto Twilight, pulling her into a hug. The brown fur rubbed against her muzzle, tickling her nose.

“D-Discord?” she said with surprise as she pushed away from the draconequus.

“You’re just in time for hors d'oeuvres!” he replied, placing her back onto the ground before returning to the cottage's kitchen. “Twilight has arrived, Fluttershy!” he shouted as he walked through the living room.

The yellow pegasus was sitting patiently on the couch at the opposite side of the room. “Good morning Twilight!”

Twilight entered the quaint cottage with Starlight following behind. "Good morning to you too, Fluttershy," she warmly replied, motioning Starlight to come in as well.

Fluttershy had been expecting her friend’s arrival but had not anticipated Starlight as well. “Oh my! And Starlight?” She got up from the couch and fluttered across the room, greeting them both with hugs. “I didn’t expect so much company today, this is wonderful!”

Twilight replied, “Yeah, sorry. I thought it would be nice to invite her along, but if I had known Discord would be here I would have just waited.”

A smile wavered for a moment before Fluttershy shook her head. “It’s actually better this way. You’ll get to try some of Discord’s delicacies.” She turned and looked at the worried Starlight. “Plus, it’s always nice to have friends over.”

Starlight gave a sigh of relief, the worry of upsetting one of the most easily agitated ponies in all of Ponyville had weighed heavily on her mind. Unfortunately for her, building friendships would be incredibly difficult in the presence of chaos itself. The idea of being friends with other ponies, let alone the spirit of chaos, was all too new to her. She'd willingly deal with whatever would come her way just for that chance.

With the greetings done, the three ponies sat down around the coffee table. Fluttershy and Twilight on the couch, while Starlight chose the out-of-the-way chair, hoping to be far enough away as to hide her nervousness. Discord began to place small, square plates around the table after returning from the kitchen, but to his surprise, he was one short. It was then that he noticed the third pony, a pony he had never seen before.

“Oh, wait. Who is this?” Discord eyed the pink coat and elegant mane, unsure what to make of the new arrival. “An uninvited guest? Well, that is terribly rude! I would never have expected something so inconsiderate from you, Twilight Sparkle,” he said as a malicious grin crossed his face.

Starlight squirmed in her seat, trembling in anticipation of what Twilight’s reaction would be. She looked at the disgruntled expression on her mentor’s face, hoping for her to speak up in defense. It was not Twilight that had a response, however.

“Discord!” Fluttershy rose from her spot on the couch. “Starlight Glimmer is our new friend and welcome guest. I will not have you badmouthing anypony here. Might I remind you that you were also uninvited, but I let you stay because you’re a friend. Just like Starlight.”

“Erm, yes, well. You’re right.” He skulked below the pegasus, fearful of her aggressive and overwhelming demeanor. He knew to apologize before another lecture began. “I’m sorry, Twilight. Scone?” He extended his arm across the table like rubber, placing another plate in front of Starlight.

“Very good,” Fluttershy replied as she placed herself back on the couch, Twilight mouthing "thank you" to her as she landed. The pegasus nodded and giggled as she got into a comfortable position. Discord began to pour Fluttershy a cup of tea, the smile across her face left no signs of the frustrated tone she just had.

Starlight had never seen a draconequus before, let alone one that obeyed a pony. Was he really the Spirit of Disharmony, she thought. Fluttershy must be the most powerful pony to have ever lived. Discord was an unusual sight. She would need to be more assertive if she was going to survive this friendship battleground that Twilight called ‘brunch’.

Discord popped a decorative chair into existence, sprawling out across it. They all dug into the many appetizers that lay before them, chatting about their day or about the other Elements. Discord bragged on about something that happened in Canterlot, while Twilight discussed Starlight's studies. There was a small lull in the conversation before Twilight decided it was time to ask the important question. “So, what are you doing here, Discord?”

Fluttershy smiled as she answered for him. “I had told him you and I were getting together and he insisted on joining us. He can be the perfect guest, so I figured it was alright.”

“Oh you flatter me! I can’t help it if I’m perfect.” A halo appeared over his horns.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “At least this gives Starlight an opportunity to see the strength of friendship.”

“I don’t really understand it,” said Starlight. The worry in her tone only complimented the nervous shivers of her body. “But I’m willing to learn as much as I can.”

“I’m glad both of you are here, then. Discord is the greatest example that anyone can change and become a true friend, no matter what they’ve done in the past.” Kind words from the Element of Kindness herself. Discord couldn’t help but blush and chuckle.

“Yes, yes. I am the epitome of friendship,” he exclaimed, flashes of lights shining up and down on him. “Wait. What’s wrong with her? Aren’t all you ponies supposed to know what friendship is or something?” The lights faded as Discord sat up in his seat. Something was different about this strange unicorn, something he hadn’t picked up on previously.

Twilight raised an eyebrow before looking to Starlight. “Uh, well, I guess you could say Starlight is like you, Discord.”

He crossed his arms, amused and bewildered that anyone could be compared to his ego. “There is no one, especially a pony, that is like me.” Snapping his fingers, the hair on his chest spread apart, revealing a tattoo that read ‘unique’. Fluttershy couldn’t help but let out a giggle from his antics.

“Not in the physical sense, and definitely not in the mental sense. No. She’s a reformed vi...“ Twilight trailed off. She had never given it much thought before, but perhaps the ex-villains wouldn’t wish to be called villains at all.

Fluttershy looked at Twilight’s scrunched mouth and sullen eyes. She knew what Twilight was about to say and demanded that it continue. “Now Twilight, we shouldn’t cover up the past. They are reformed villains.”

Discord and Starlight became defensive, speaking out loud at the same time with sentences like “It was just one time,” and “nopony really got hurt,” along with “I know that friendship is magic, now!”

“Enough!” yelled Fluttershy, spreading her wings between the two. “You both are only looking at the bad when you should be looking at the good in you.” The sudden strength from the usually calm pegasus caused the two to stop their senseless dispute. “We saw the good in you, and that’s why you’re both sitting here.”

“Fluttershy is right. You both may have been on a dark path, but you have been redeemed. You can’t ignore your past or you will be doomed to repeat it,” added Twilight.

“So… So what you’re saying is, there are others like me?” Starlight asked as she fidgeted a hoof against the chair’s upholstery. Both Twilight and Fluttershy looked at her, unsure of what they could say in response.

“Did you try to destroy the world or rule it? Some would argue that I did both, and I won’t stop them!” Discord chuckled as he popped one of the appetizers into his mouth.

“Well.” Starlight looked at her two friends, both half-smiling at her, curious as to what she was about to say. “I technically didn’t try to destroy the world. I just made sure these six ponies wouldn’t become friends. Of course, some would argue that I did destroy the world because of it, and I can't stop them.”

Discord spat out the food onto himself. “How in Equestria did you do that!? Even I couldn’t do that, at least not for long, and I’m the Lord of Chaos!”

“I went back in time to the day they gained their cutie marks. I then made sure that it didn’t happen. That is until I saw how important these six friends were to Equestria, and then I just wanted to be a part of that bond.” A smile cracked through the nervousness as she spoke.

“Went back in time you say?” Discord scratched his beard, contemplating the many thoughts that were running wild in his mind.

“Don’t get any ideas, Discord.” Twilight huffed as she shot a sharp look towards him.

“Me?” A light bulb appeared above his head to which he quickly grabbed and ate. “Never! Besides, messing with time can have chaotic consequences. That reminds me, Fluttershy, I’ll have to tell you later about the crying statues I ran into. You would love them!” Fluttershy nodded at him with a smile before looking back at Starlight.

Starlight stared with an uneasy eye, almost gawking at the strange antics of the draconequus. “Yes, well, it was a disaster. Twilight helped me see how wrong I was and that’s something I’ll never truly be able to repay." She smiled shyly at her mentor. "The only thing I can do is right the wrongs I’ve committed and learn how to be better.”

“It’s not like it’ll be hard for you. You’re not a malformed freak of nature.” The dejected tone was something uncommon for Discord to have, but Fluttershy had been witness to it before.

“Discord, we’ve been over this. It’s not how you look, but how you act,” replied Fluttershy.

He huffed in his seat, crossing his arms in displeasure. “How can I act at all if nopony will even look at me?”

“Oh please.” A harsh inflection resonated from Starlight. “You’re an exotic sight with powers equivalent to alicorn magic. All you have to do is be nice and you’ll have pleasant company surround you. I’d be surprised if mares didn’t swoon in your presence, maybe even some stallions too.” Her eyes had shut as she spoke, daydreaming about her own life. As she snapped back into reality, she opened her eyes to see the three were staring at her, speechless, their jaws practically on the floor. “Was that mean? I didn’t mean to be rude!” she said, suddenly very worried about her blunt tongue.

A bellowing laughter erupted from the draconequus, he slammed his fist down, struggling to contain his movements. Fluttershy and Twilight couldn’t help but giggle along, mostly laughing at Starlight’s reaction to her own brutal honesty.

“Wh-what’s so funny?” Starlight asked, unsure if she missed a punchline somewhere.

“Ponies! Interested in me? That’s a riot!” Discord continued his laughing fit. “You’re a funny one, I’ll give you that!”

“I wasn’t joking though,” she replied.

Discord wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his paw. “You seriously think ponies would be interested in me? Well, I could probably get more dates than Twilight Sparkle over there.” A tuxedo popped on around his body, fitting him perfectly.

“Hey!” Twilight called out. “I can get dates! I’m just, busy, with studying and… and princess stuff!”

“Hah! Now there’s a real joke! I doubt you’ve ever been out on a date in your life!” Discord teased, knowing he was right. He picked up a carrot off one of the appetizer plates and held it up to his face. “I’ll bet you're more used to this than a stallion, am I right?”

His roaring laughter only left Twilight more embarrassed, something Fluttershy had to put a stop to immediately. “Discord! That is incredibly rude! You should not talk about something so private!”

“Oh please! If she stopped reading all the time perhaps she could have found somepony by now!” He turned and looked at Fluttershy, extending his hand to pat her head. “Even Fluttershy has been out on a date, what with that muscular fellow. What was his name? Jughead? Meathead?”

“His name is Bulk Biceps and he is a very kind pony. It simply didn’t work out between us, and that’s okay,” replied Fluttershy as she grabbed her tea cup for a quick sip, becoming just as embarrassed as Twilight.

“Can we please not talk about relationships?” Twilight groaned.

“Yes Starlight, how does it feel to know your new friend doesn’t have a clue when it comes to romance?” Discord began to cackle once more before conjuring a mirror into existence, only to make pouty lips and kissy noises at the reflection.

Twilight couldn’t help but feel the embarrassment, the truth from Discord’s words struck a nerve. Her face blushed redder than any other time in her life.

Starlight watched as her mentor was teased.She felt the need to stick up for her, like a true friend. She blurted out the first thing that came into her mind. “Oh yeah? I’ll bet you don’t even know the first thing about romance! In fact, I’ll bet you couldn’t even win a date with Twilight, even though you seem to believe she’s so desperate.” Her vexed tone proved she was serious, it was time to show the passion she had for defending her new friends.

Discord slumped forward, ceasing his laughter. He stared deep into Starlight’s eyes. “Are you challenging me?” His deep, dark voice sent a shiver down Fluttershy’s spine.

“I wasn’t before, but now I am. I’ll bet that you can’t fall in love with Twilight and win her heart, even if you had a year to do it! She'd never go for someone as rude as you.”

Both Fluttershy and Twilight gasped in unison as Starlight rose from her seat. She stood proud, waiting for a response from the Spirit of Disharmony, a smirk across her face. Discord tapped his fingers together, he contemplated the idea of obtaining a special somepony, something he had never thought of before. He knew he couldn't let this new ex-villain beat him so easily.

“And what do I get if I win?” A reasonable question from the draconequus, one that Starlight had a quick answer for.

“If you win, you get Twilight. She would make a great companion for anyone. Not to mention she’s a princess, you’ll be part of that royalty.” Starlight laid down the rules very clearly. “But if you can’t become her special somepony within a year, you have to be incredibly nice and helpful to Twilight and her friends. No more being rude.”

He had never really thought of becoming a companion to anyone, especially not one that had been an enemy in the past. The idea of royalty amused him. Ponies would have to take orders from him. He would be a monarch just like he had always wanted, but he would also be stuck with the Twilight Sparkle.

“Don’t I get a say in this?” asked Twilight.

Fluttershy nibbled her lower lip. “Well, you do seem to get fairly lonely, Twilight.” Harsh words were not meant to strike so deep from the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy just wanted to see Twilight happy, and perhaps a special somepony would help, even if it was Discord. Though, Twilight would prefer it be anyone else. Realizing her words struck a nerve, she quickly apologized. “Was that mean? I’m sorry.”

Twilight let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “No, it's okay Fluttershy. I suppose you're right.”

Discord stood up from his seat, finished with his considering of the pros and cons. “Alright. I’ll agree to your bet on one condition. If I win, you have to be our servant for the rest of your life!” His laugh was maniacal, lightning striking the background even on this bright and shiny day.

Without hesitation, Starlight agreed, “Deal.”

“Alright, you’re on, Sunset Shimmer.” Discord extended his rubber arm across the table once more.

“Starlight Glimmer.” Starlight gritted her teeth, she raised her hoof and placed it into his paw, shaking in agreement.

“Whatever,” he scoffed. “Fluttershy, I must take my leave. I do hope you won’t think it’s rude of me to leave so early, however something has come up that requires a great bit of planning.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Not at all! It was nice seeing you!” she replied.

“Always a pleasure!” As he yelled, a large zipper was pulled down out of nothingness, opening to a chaotic dimension. After he stepped through, the zipper closed and vanished, only to open a second later. “I’ll take some of these for the road!” Appetizers flew off the trays and into the strange portal. “Toodles!” The zipper closed once more.

A moment passed after the portal closed before Twilight let out an audible groan. “Well, my life will be a nightmare from now on.” Twilight sighed as she placed her face flat against the arm of the couch.

“I’m sorry. I may have gotten a little overzealous in defending you.” A gentle, but nervous, smile grew on Starlight’s face as she looked to Twilight. “I hope you aren't angry with me,” she added.

“Of course not. I’m proud that you were willing to stick up for me." She smiled back at the unicorn. "Though, I am a bit surprised that Discord agreed to it at all. Him dating a pony, or anyone at all? I always imagined he'd go after a rock or something that wouldn't make any sense. Not, well, me!"

“Well, that’s what having friends are for, right? Creating wacky adventures for one another?” Starlight jested, a nervous chuckle left her lips.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle as Twilight groaned once more. The alicorn sat up from her slumped over position, rubbing her temples together, stress clogging her veins. “This’ll be a good lesson for you at least. It’s a how-to on letting down a friend who is romantically interested in you. I’m sure Rarity could also use this lesson for dealing with Spike.” The tone of Twilight’s voice was genuine enough to hide any distress she was feeling.

“Or, it could be a how-to on keeping an open mind,” added Fluttershy. She looked to Twilight, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Friendship and love can come from unexpected places. Starlight was an unexpected friend and it’d be good to show her that love can spark randomly as well. Plus, Discord's really nice once you get past his, well, you know...”

Twilight looked at Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus smiling as wide as she could. With a sigh and a smile, Twilight replied, “When did you get so good with advice? But, you’re right Fluttershy. Even though I find him a bit disagreeable, I’ll give him a chance. However, I think I’ll need a referee to make sure Discord doesn’t cheat on this bet. I don't need him messing with my head in order to win.”

“I guess you’re going to suggest the pony that got you into this mess?”

“That’s right! Though, you’re going to have to stay with me for the year. Think you’ll be able to handle that?”

Starlight sat back down in the chair. As she closed her eyes, she smiled. “Of course. If he wins, I'll have to stay with you and him forever anyways. Plus, what are friends for?”