• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 242 Comments

Relationships are Evil - TheTimeSword

Twilight's pretty good at reforming villains, but is she good at dating them? Starlight seems to think so. Can Discord win the bet for Twilight's heart before another villain sweeps her off her hooves? Maybe it's better she just stays single.

  • ...

Chapter 29: Cut to the Future

“Shouldn’t Starlight be helping? She is your pupil after all,” Spike asked as he held a pile of books.

“And you’re still my assistant. Plus, I thought you said you’d rather spend the day with me,” Twilight answered. She levitated a few of the books from the top of the stack and placed them on the shelf. With so many ponies using her library, categorizing books had become a weekly routine for the two.

The pile of books Spike held wobbled at the top as he struggled to maintain the weight. “Yeah, well, that doesn’t mean she can’t help. I figured her moving in would mean I’d have to do this less often. She gets to sleep in while I hold books that could easily be placed on the – uh-oh.” His mouth bulged as he held in the flame. A sudden burst and the books came toppling down onto the purple dragon. At the top of the ruined pile lay an unopened scroll.

Twilight levitated the books and the scroll off the dragon. “A letter from Princess Celestia? Spike, could you read this out while I put away the rest of these?” She set the scroll atop Spike’s belly and went back to organizing.

Shambling to his feet, Spike grabbed the letter and tore the seal. “Dear Princess Twilight, enclosed is a second scroll meant for-” Just as he was about to read the name, Tirek passed by the open doorway “-Tirek!”

The centaur leaned his head back into the room upon hearing his name. “You called?” he said, staring with an arched brow as he walked over. Spike explained the letter and he replied, “Oh, I see. It must be from my brother.” Spike handed him the unopened letter and he looked at the curious seal.

“Your brother!?” Twilight squealed, her wings spread open. “I didn’t even know you had a letter sent! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Oh, sorry. Celestia was more than willing to send a team to my homeland with a letter I had written. I couldn’t pass it up. To be perfectly honest, I really wasn’t expecting anything back,” Tirek replied, trotting for the door.

“Wait! Aren’t you going to read it?”

Tirek stopped and looked over his shoulder, staring blankly at the anxious alicorn. “Of course,” he answered, oblivious to what she had meant. He then strolled out into the hall and out of sight.

Twilight immediately shoved the remaining books onto an empty shelf. “Spike, we’re done for today,” she said as she rushed off after the centaur.

“Finally!” Spike yelled in response, flopping to the ground and spreading out like a starfish.

She didn’t even hear his reply, she was too focused on Tirek and the information pertaining to that letter. I’ve got to know what Scorpan said, she thought as she trotted down the hall. He may need comfort once he reads it, he may need me. Eventually, she caught up to Tirek who was just stepping into the kitchen. She watched as he placed the scroll on the counter and went to grab a mug from the cabinet. It seemed like an eternity for Twilight as she waited for him to get to the scroll. He sat down at the table, placed the scroll in front of him, and then took a sip of the freshly brewed coffee. As he lifted the letter to open the seal he smacked his lips and set it back down.

It was becoming unbearable for Twilight. It was as if he had no real interest in learning what his brother had to say, or if it was his brother at all. Like a cat hunting its prey, she slowly crawled along the floor, out of sight of the centaur, and slinked underneath the table. Her back hoof bumped against a chair, causing a scraping noise to ring out. She held her breath for a moment only to become face to face with the centaur looking down at her. “What are you doing?” he asked.

Twilight scuttled between the chairs and brushed herself off. She took her time, attempting to stall until she could come up with a perfect reason. Tirek stared down at her with a blank look of confusion, only making her more embarrassed the longer it took for her to answer. “Well, you see, I was just…” She tapped her lips, her eyes darted between his face and the scroll. “You’re just taking too long to read it!” she finally replied. “Just open it up already!”

He placed the mug down on the table and took the scroll between his thumb and pointer. “Oh, I see. You want to know what’s in it, don’t you?” Twilight nodded and he smiled at her honesty. “You’re a curious little thing. All you had to do was ask.” He took his seat and she climbed up in the chair next to him. The seal broke on his thumb as he unrolled the parchment, he began to read the contents aloud. “Dear Lord Tirek,” he started. “It’s good to hear from you after so long. I was quite surprised to have Equestrian guards show up at the front gate, but I was more surprised to hear of your change in attitude and lifestyle. There is much that we must catch up on, however, I should regret to inform you…” he trailed off, his attitude souring as he read ahead.

Twilight placed a hoof atop his arm and urged him on. “Tirek.”

The centaur took a heavy breath before returning to where he had stopped. “I should regret to inform you that our parents are no longer among this world. They went painlessly in their sleep. With your absence and their demise, I was forced into leadership. Mother and father revitalized the city while you were imprisoned and I have done my best to keep their legacy alive. I would be beholden if you would make your return and see the changes made with your own eyes, I know you and I are the only one of few who can truly appreciate it after living through such turbulent times. I hope to hear from you again and perhaps see you soon as well. With love, your brother, Emperor Scorpan.”

Tirek placed the letter down in front of him and stared at it, his eyes straining as he became lost in thought. A muffled sniffling noise broke his concentration and compelled him to turn to the alicorn. She was looking up at him with gallons of tears pouring from her eyes and flowing down her cheeks, he hadn’t even noticed that they were falling right down onto his arm. Twilight shot up from her chair and leaped into his lap, wrapping her forelegs around his neck. He outstretched his arms for a moment but then relaxed, embracing her as well. He stroked her back, his knuckles dragging down her spine. Her ears brushed against his neck as he nuzzled against the crying mare.

“I-I’m so s-sorry, Tirek,” her muffled voice mourned.

After placing his hands under her elbows, Tirek raised her into the air above him with a gentle strength. Tears fell from the alicorn’s bewildered face. A glazed smile was held beneath his unblinking eyes. “I’ve been around for a long time, Twilight. I was locked away in Tartarus for even longer. It would’ve been more surprising had they still been alive, but I expected it to be this way. You do not need to cry for me.”

“But you’re not crying so I have to cry for the both of us,” she replied through sniffles and snuffles. “Oh great, and now I sound like Pinkie Pie!”

He gave a chuckle and pressed her into his chest. The warmth of his fur pushed against hers and reverberated the beating of his heart. “At least it’s not all bad news,” he said, “To hear of my brother’s desire to see me speaks volumes for how the years have treated him. He still sounds like the same soft, weak-willed worm I knew growing up.” He held Twilight with one hand and grabbed the letter with his other, reading over the text once more. “I’m glad he hasn’t changed. It would be pretty awkward if I became good while he turned into an evil gargoyle.”

Twilight gave a smile and patted his arm. “Are you really going to go see him? Return to your home?” An idea burst into her head and she shot into the air. “I could go with you! I would get to see your homeland and open new relations with a separate territory!” Her tears seemed to vanish as the idea filled her head with all sorts of plans.

“Go home?” he inquired. “That’s not my home anymore. I denounced it long ago, it wouldn’t be right for me to claim it as such now. Equestria is more my home than anything.” He caressed his hand against her cheek, his woeful eyes staring up at her. “I’d like to make this my permanent home. I’m still trying to win you, after all. Maybe if I do then I can bring you back to my homeland and show you off. Wouldn’t that be a surprise to my brother?”

“I suppose it would. Of course, that means you actually have to win me first.”

“I do indeed. So how about we spend some time together today? I am supposed to meet up with Pinkie and could use a bit of normalcy to even out the abnormal atrocities of that pink pony.”

“Well, I suppose I did already give Spike the day off.” She floated down and stood atop the table. “There’s no chance I’ll get him back into the library.” She squinted her eyes and tapped her cheek as she thought of her other plans for the day. The Ponyville Hive was already in good hooves and most of the other ex-villains were off with their own schedules. “Alright. I’d love to spend the day cheering you up anyway. I know Pinkie will want to throw you a party or something but I’ll make sure to keep it in your comfort range.”

Tirek rose from his sitting position and slammed the coffee down into his gullet. He shook his head as he finished, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “No. Pinkie doesn’t need to know about this.” After placing the mug in the sink, Tirek opened a cabinet and set the letter on the top shelf. “If your bawling was that bad I can only imagine how she would be. Let’s just keep this information our little secret for now, okay?”

She frowned and nodded. It’s understandable that he wouldn’t want to make a big deal of his loss, she thought. Twilight knew the only thing she could do was be there for him, and she would do just that. Though when she made that small acknowledgement in the back of her mind she wouldn’t have thought it had meant a double date. Pinkie had somehow known Tirek would bring Twilight to the Sugar Cube Corner and had arranged for Royal Pin to be there as well. Twilight could only squirm in her seat at the booth as she listened to Pinkie ramble on about her stallion partner.

“And then the sun began to set and it was beautiful!” Pinkie retold her latest date with the blue stallion while still shoving pastries into her mouth. Somehow, her words were still comprehensible as she ate, the frosting sliding down the sides of her lips. “So, what are you two going to do for your next date? Deep sea diving? Ice skating? Rocky mountain climbing?”

Twilight looked at Tirek who appeared to be as disinterested in the conversation as Royal was. His hand on his face, staring blankly at the center of the table. “Well,” Twilight said, “I think anything we do together is special. I mean, we aren’t together so it’d be a little awkward to spend every hour of the day together. Not to mention there’s so much work I have to do along with dealing with the new hive. I’m sure you two must have a lot of fun together, though.”

“It’s not as romantic as it sounds,” Royal muttered. Pinkie then leaned in and kissed his cheek repeatedly. “Though it does have its perks.”

Tirek watched the mare and stallion for a moment before getting up from the booth. “Alright Pinkie, I’ve had enough of you for the day,” he said as he stood at the edge of the table. “It only gets more awkward every time I’m around you two and I’d rather not subject Twilight to it as well.”

“Aww,” Pinkie moaned from her seat. “But we haven’t even gotten our sundaes yet!”

“You can have ours,” he replied before taking his leave.

The alicorn said her goodbyes to the happy couple and then chased after the centaur. She didn’t have to go far as he stood outside the shop with his arms crossed, waiting for her. “Don’t you think that was a bit rude?” Twilight asked, raising her brow as she spoke.

His eyes squinted and his head tilted as he stared down at the mare. “Rude? To Pinkie? You do know who she is, right? Being blunt to that mare doesn’t translate to being mean. I don’t think anything translates to being mean for her. Plus, she knows I find her lovey-dovey attitude to be tiresome, more so than any other part of her personality.”

“Oh, I get it,” Twilight opined. “You just don’t like public displays of affection.”

Tirek threw his arms in the air and shouted a few unintelligible words before stammering to say, “I do too!” His nose wrinkled as he snarled and his lips curled into a frown. “It’s just tiresome to bear witness to when I myself do not have the same luxury. Envious, if you will.”

Twilight stood for a moment, puzzled, before an idea sparked from within her eyes. With a devious grin, she asked, “So, do you, uh, want to make out?”

A state of shock vibrated through Tirek like a harp string being struck. It took him longer than it should have to realize why she was asking. “You’re trying to make me a fool, aren’t you?” He gave a scoff before turning his head away, dismissing her with his hand. “I will not play your little games.”

“I can’t believe the strong and confident Tirek is afraid of public kissing,” giggled the alicorn. “Are you afraid to rub noses too? What about drinking milkshakes together? Should I not even walk next to you?”

He slammed the palm of his hand into his face, yanking down the excess skin beneath his eyes. “I’m just going to be your little joke today, aren’t I?”

“No, no. I’m done. Sorry,” she snickered.

“Good.” He gave a brief sigh and shook his head. “Let’s take a walk.”

I suppose I shouldn’t rile him up, Twilight surmised. But maybe it will take his mind off this morning. The high noon sun beat down on the two as they paraded around the town. They had no real plans other than Twilight’s desire to keep him happy. “Not that I’m making fun of you or meaning to do anything about it, but, do you not like showing affection in front of others?” she asked as she stared at him in a window’s reflection.

Tirek scratched the skin beneath his beard. “I think it’s more reserved for those in a relationship, like Pinkie and her stallionfriend. It’s just awkward for those who are alone, such as myself. Tartarus be, I’d do the same thing if I were in her horseshoes.” He gave a disinterested eye to the ceramic pottery on display. “I have to wonder if Scorpan has married yet. By now he should’ve married and had children, unless he’s been waiting all these years for me to return and rule, the fool.”

“Isn’t that what you want, though? To be married and have kids and rule in your homeland?”

“The former? Yes. The latter? No. I’ll never claim my inherent right. I have no reason to. Starting a family is far more rewarding I’d imagine. Perhaps if I have any nephews or nieces I could instill my wisdom on them, if I choose to return.” He sighed and his eyes wandered to the ground. “Who am I kidding? I shouldn’t even bother returning, not after the things I said the day I left with Scorpan. Not to mention how awkward it will be to see Scorpan again after our last encounter.”

“I wish I could have seen it, then maybe I’d know how to help you,” replied the alicorn. She took her eyes off the window and turned to Tirek. “There’s got to be something I can do.” Her eyes twitched as she concentrated on the centaur. She stared for an uncomfortable amount of time before an idea peaked in her head. “I’ve got it!” she yelled, startling the stallion, along with everyone else within the vicinity.

Twilight rushed off, forcing Tirek to follow, albeit at a much slower pace. She rushed straight out of town and towards the Everfree Forest, skidding to a halt at the tree line. The sun was blocked by the large trees, shadowing where she stood. Once Tirek reached her, Twilight commanded him to follow. After bemoaning and bellyaching, he followed her into the darkness of the forest. The canopy gave little light but Twilight knew exactly where she was going. Tirek was unfazed by the taunting noises and creepy figures that appeared around them. A powerful magic eater had little to fear of ghouls and ghosts. It wasn’t long before they found the light in the darkness, a tree shining bright within the foliage.

“What is this place?” Tirek asked as he stared at the tribal masks and bottles that hung on the illuminated tree.

“This is Zecora’s home, she’s a zebra. She’ll have something that allows me to see into your past.” Twilight gave two swift knocks to the front door and heard the stomping of hooves on the other side. The wooden door shifted as the lone zebra peered from the crack before opening it for the alicorn. “Zecora!”

The zebra wore a straw hat over her mohawk which slapped Twilight in the muzzle as they hugged. “It is good to see you Twilight,” Zecora said, “You presence here is always a delight.” She then noticed the centaur standing behind the alicorn. Her expression soured for a moment as she removed the hat and tossed it aside. “A friend of a friend I do trust, a proper attitude is a must,” she muttered softly.

Tirek followed in after Twilight and caught his first glimpse of the strange bit of sorcery that littered the hut. Potions, masks, a cauldron, and rods filled the quaint little home. Twilight introduced him to Zecora but he was too busy taking in his odd surroundings to care. He could raise his arms and touch the ceiling with how small it was.

“Sorry to just barge in on you like this, Zecora. I was hoping you’d have a potion that would allow me to see Tirek’s past. Maybe it would give me some insight, maybe help with easing his mind about his brother,” Twilight explained.

“As against this as I am, I’m still very curious as to what type of magic could help you with this endeavor. What does this zebra know that you do not?” Tirek inquired.

Zecora tapped the cauldron, getting his attention. “A horn of magic provides a call to action, but potions show a different attraction. To the past I can send you without fear of vanishing, a time and place where your actions are not damaging.” She then lifted a bottle of white liquid from behind other colored bottles. “This potion, Twilight, will leave you mesmerized. Time takes flight to a place soon recognized. A swallow both of you must do, to see the past you wish to view.”

Tirek took the bottle of white in his grip and popped the cork off. A quick whiff and he almost gagged at the scent. He looked at Twilight who’s wary expression did not help in this task. With a quick chug, he poured the white liquid down his throat and handed it off to the alicorn. Twilight quickly followed suit and set the bottle down in front of them. The two could hear Zecora chanting some words before they found themselves in a dark, empty void. Nothing surrounded them and nothing was them.

“Tirek?” Twilight called out and heard him respond, but could see nothing. A flash of light and she found herself slamming into red, dry dirt. Her stomach heaved as she tried to breathe in, the air had been sucked out of her. She coughed and spat, saliva spewing on the ground. As her breathing steadied she took a look at her surroundings. The barren earth was filled with dark brown rock, red soil, and cracks of dry earth large enough to swallow a pony if they weren’t careful. Another turn and she found herself staring up at gray stone. A large set of walls ran a length with a portcullis half-drawn. Black and red flags flapped on the rafters of the bastions.

Her name echoed and she drew to her hooves, looking around for whoever she could see. The earth was barren but hilly, there was little she could see besides the structure of civilization. But it was there again, her name in the wind. Dirt and gravel kicked around her, blinding her as she came towards the gate. There she saw him, the old centaur she had grown fond of. He was smiling. Her name was repeated with an excitement in his tone that she hadn’t heard before. The centaur rushed inside the stone walls as she drew closer and closer, eventually reaching the portcullis herself. What she expected was not what she got. A town of battered houses, decrepit shops, and pathetic citizens. The houses had holes in their roofs and busted windows, the shops contained rotten fruit and overtly fake jewelry, and the citizens themselves – centaurs, gargoyles, and what she could only assume were imps – all seemed to wear torn clothes and ragged hoods.

It was easy to spot Tirek amongst the crowds. Even if he had been in the same garb, his cheery grin was something out of the ordinary for the rest of the population. She followed after him, eventually halting outside the largest and possibly most ruined structure of the city. Stone, shabby walls and broken steps lead up to the castle of the town where the emperor and empress ruled. Tirek stood staring up at the open entrance, watching a young centaur and gargoyle coming down the steps. She looked at the two then back to Tirek, wondering if he had known the two at a previous point in his life. Then she caught a real glimpse of the young, handsome centaur. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth sagged. The centaur was incredibly fetching and incredibly young – but more importantly, it was Tirek himself.

The alicorn rushed up the steps to the two, realizing that the gargoyle could only be Scorpan. The young Tirek seemed angry while Scorpan attempted to rationalize and persuade the older sibling. She then looked up at the open entrance and saw the large tapestries hanging amongst the throne room. A step higher and she could see the very top of the throne. She took another few steps until she was three-quarters of the way up. There she could barely make out a glimpse of two silhouettes sitting on matching bronze thrones. They had to be Tirek’s parents and she had to see them for herself. She took another step and stopped, her name echoed from below.

“Twilight!” Tirek yelled, following with a wave of his hand. He beckoned for her, pointing at his younger self and the distance they were making.

She had a choice. To see Tirek’s parents or to hear perhaps the most important information about Tirek she may ever hear. Or it could be what they had for lunch today, she contemplated. Her head swiveled between the two options, finally deciding to go with Tirek. She took one look back at his parents before trotting down the steps. Now I may never know.

The two caught up to the brothers and began to follow them out of town, listening to their conversation as they did. “This is it,” the older Tirek said. “This is the day we left and headed for Equestria. I made up an excuse, a lie, to explain where we were going to our parents. But they knew where we were headed. They thought Scorpan could convince me to stay. Guess they had too much faith in the coward.”

The younger Tirek had dark black hair with horns larger than the ones he had now. Both the young and the old had similar frames except for the older being taller. It was evident that the young Tirek had yet to absorb any pony magic, and the test of time hadn’t yet taken its toll. “Are you sure we should be doing this?” Scorpan asked. The gargoyle was a quarter shorter than the young centaur but far more burly and stout. His brown mane made him appear larger than he truly was and his maroon wings stretched the length of the centaur’s body. “I mean, is it worth throwing everything away? What if we fail? Surely they’ll-”

“Shut up!” chorused both the young and old Tirek.

“I remember this day like the back of my hand,” the older Tirek said aloud. “The entire trip to Equestria was one long nightmare with Scorpan. He was quite the whiner.”

All four reached the portcullis as Scorpan continued his bemoaning. “It’s just, well, I’m not against taking their land for our own. But failing means war. Their pony rulers could come down to wipe out our kingdom, to lay waste to our parents. Is it right for us to-”

“What did I just say?” the young Tirek asked. “I said, shut up, now please, shut up. If you have no desire to take their magic for our own then stay here. I’ll be back with all the pony magic to myself.”

Scorpan shook his head. “N-No! I want the pony magic! I want to be strong!”

“Then keep your complaining to yourself otherwise I’ll knock you out and leave you for the vultures.”

The older Tirek chimed in, “In retrospect that probably would have been my best option.” Twilight shot an icy glare up at him. “What? The vultures need sustenance too.”

“Maybe while we’re there I can take a hot pony wife,” Scorpan muttered.

The younger Tirek stopped and stared at his brother, an expression of disgust on his face. “You are such a freak, Scorpan.”

Twilight gave a snort, causing the older Tirek to look down upon her. He rolled his eyes before he said, “Yes, yes. I get the irony. It’s not the only joke that time has played on me.”

Before the two brothers could continue their conversation, Twilight and the older Tirek were hit with a flash of light. They reeled back from the blinding flash and felt their bodies ache as they came back to the realm of consciousness. Twilight awoke with a gasp and the stare of Zecora eyeing them both. Tirek groggily rubbed his head before taking in the scenery, grimacing at the sight.

“You two have seen just an inkling of the past, but the information you seek is very vast.” She lifted the bottle up and shook the contents, implying that they needed another round. “Each visit will be longer, every dose becomes stronger. Three times should suffice, that is all of my advice.”

Tirek squinted at the zebra, his face twisting as he snatched the bottle from her hoof. With a quick chug, he then passed it off to Twilight who followed suit. A moment later and they were out again, this time they transitioned much easier into the visions of the past. Twilight felt the dark void leave her as she opened her eyes. She stood atop a broken plateau, just at the edge, staring down at the grassy knoll below. A large, brown gargoyle was walking away from the cave that formed beneath the plateau. Tirek stepped next to her, staring down his nose at the gargoyle. “This was it. Right there.” The old centaur pointed down at the gargoyle. “That was the last time I spoke to him. We missed the conversation, not that I’m complaining. I said truly awful things.”

They made their way down and walked around to the front of the cave. The gargoyle had already made his way to the top of the hill, but another caught Twilight’s attention. It was the younger Tirek but he was not the same size as he had been. His new form was triple that of what she had witnessed in the last vision. Black hair poured from his head, his horns stretched out like tree branches, and his muscles flexed with every movement. A light blinded the alicorn. It was a blast from his horn, his magic was carving out stone of the cave. Twilight moved closer only to be stopped by the older version of the centaur. He shook his head and pointed in the direction of the knoll and the vanishing gargoyle.

When they caught up to Scorpan, Twilight frowned at the expression he held. It’s so sad, Twilight gathered. I feel so sorry for Scorpan. What happened to him? They followed the gargoyle through the grass for a ways before it channeled out onto a road and into a town. Scorpan’s look completely changed as soon as everyone came out of their houses. She watched as the brightly colored ponies danced and sang with the large gargoyle, cheering him up almost instantaneously. Eventually, the gargoyle made his way through the happy crowd before coming to a tower of circular clocks, random gears, and a large telescope exploding out the back. Three swift knocks and he waited patiently for an answer.

“So this is where Scorpan went on his days off. A little town I didn’t even know about,” Tirek mumbled. “I always assumed he went to sulk in the woods.”

A bearded pony with a pointy blue hat and blue cape opened the door. Bells hung from the fabric with star designs within the blue cloth. His tired eyes stared up at the gargoyle then seemed to look past him as if he saw something more. “Ah, come in, Scorpan.”

“Star Swirl!?” Twilight squealed. Twilight and Tirek followed the gargoyle in as the bearded pony closed the door. “I can’t believe it! I’m really here meeting Star Swirl the Bearded! Well, technically not meeting per say but it’s as close as I’ve ever been! This is such an honor. He’s just like in the stories about him, though, I did imagine his voice to be a little more gruff.”

“I, too, cannot believe it. The old stallion that coerced my brother into betraying me was only a town away! This is where he went on that final day…” Tirek trailed off.

Scorpan sat on the single purple loveseat in the room. It was much too small for him, more of a chair than a couch. “I have grave news of my brother. He absorbed the magic of some ponies,” Scorpan began to explain. “Apparently, they were camping in the woods nearby. He left them there once he had what he wanted. He’s testing out his new strength as we speak. There’s little time. What are we going to do?”

Ringing echoed from the bells as the wizard paced the room. “Celestia and Luna are already on their way to face your brother. They will be using the Elements of Harmony to remove your brother’s evil strength. However, if he’s growing stronger then the Elements may not be enough to defeat him. If they cannot remove his evilness then there may be only one other option. Are you sure this is the path you wish to take?”

“He won’t… die, will he?” Scorpan stammered.

“He might prefer that over being sent to Tartarus,” answered the wizard.

Tirek slapped his chest. “Wait… If we’re here, then that means… We’re going to miss it! Come on!” He then rushed out of the room, phasing right through the door as if it wasn’t there at all. Twilight began to chase after him but stopped when she heard the gargoyle’s voice.

“Tartarus,” Scorpan reiterated. “If that happens, could you ask that he be released once they figure out how to remove his… wickedness? I’d like for him to return home once all is said and done.”

“I shall. However, does this mean you are returning to your homeland soon? If you are, I’d like to go with you. Perhaps keep you company for a ways. Not all the way mind you, these old bones aren’t good for traveling such a long distance anymore.”

Twilight couldn’t believe her ears. Star Swirl headed for Tirek’s homeland? I’ve never heard of this, she thought. She stepped towards the old wizard but then took a look back at the door. No Tirek’s parents, no learning about Star Swirl’s journey. This is getting really annoying. Her teeth grinded within her mouth as her eyes darted between the two options. Before she could give into her desires, she rushed off, phasing through the door and heading in the direction they came from. She was unsure why Tirek would head back to the plateau but her question was answered as a shadow covered the ground.

Two ponies flew over her head, eclipsing the sun. One a bright white, the other a dark blue. Levitating around them were gemstones of different shapes and colors. She flapped her wings and rose into the sky, catching up to the two sisters. As she had thought, it was Celestia and Luna with the Elements of Harmony. She followed them the entire way to the cave, reaching the grassy knoll and landing next to the older Tirek. The centaur stared at his former self, knowing and waiting for the inevitable to come. He didn’t even budge when Twilight came and leaned against him.

They watched as the two sisters floated down from above and called out to the young lord. The large centaur came stomping into the light, laughing all the way. Words were spoken that Twilight could not hear and then a flash of light came from the centaur. The sisters fell to the ground and the centaur increased in size. He grew and grew, cackling all the while. The plateau above the cave crumbled against his new form, falling to the ground around him as he flexed his new muscles. A moment later and his laughing stopped.

The two alicorns had risen up with their faded magic, casting the Elements of Harmony and unleashing the magic from the stones. The Elements filled them with a renewed energy and then shot a rainbow of color into the air. The prism flew down in an arc and crashed into the centaur, causing him to yell in agony. A flash of light flew from the centaur and everything faded.

Twilight snapped awake, shoving away the light that didn’t exist. She opened her eyes and saw the zebra and the centaur. Tirek had already gotten up and refused to look her way. “Tirek?” she called out as she rubbed her eyes.

“We’re done, I’ve seen all I can stomach,” he replied.

“No, there’s one more thing you need to see, something we both need to see.” Twilight grabbed the bottle from the ground as he looked back over his shoulder. “I know where the next drink will take us, you’ve just go to trust me.” She motioned for him to take the glass container.

He eyed her, then the bottle. “Fine.” A swallow for both and they were out.

The darkness had lessened its grip as they moved to the past. They found themselves standing together on a dirt road, grass and trees along the path. There was no sign of anyone until two voices laughed from down this road. Coming towards them were a gargoyle and a pony, Scorpan and Star Swirl the Bearded. Their faces were cheery and red from laughter. Tirek moved to the side of the road and crossed his arms, apathetic to the two he desperately wanted to despise.

“It turns out that Tirek was the one to stuff the cookies into my bag,” Scorpan said, “I was so mad at him for so long but he never really seemed remorseful. That is until I got him back by cutting his hair in his sleep. The practical jokes quit after that.”

“I quite enjoy practical jokes. I’ll have to remind myself to perform a few on Celestia once I return. You’re never too young, or old, to pull a good jest,” Star Swirl replied. The two stopped directly in front of Twilight and Tirek. “Ah, here we are. These old bones took me further than halfway, but that’s alright.”

“I wish you would come the whole distance. My parents would love to meet you.”

Star Swirl patted the gargoyle’s hand. “I know, I know. Maybe one day. I’ve got to make sure Celestia and Luna are alright. They may also need my help in containing and moving your brother. But don’t worry. You’ll see me again once we escort him. On that day, you and I will have to play chess. Wouldn’t want you to become rusty, after all.” He chuckled.

Tirek unfolded his arms and stood with his mouth agape. “They were… going to move me?”

“I can hardly wait until that time comes. Try to befriend him, too, if you can. Tirek can be a really nice guy once you get to know him,” Scorpan pleaded. He then grabbed the wizard, lifting and wrapping him in a bear hug before setting him down and parting ways.

The gargoyle went one way while the wizard headed the way they had come. Tirek started to trot off after Scorpan but Twilight yelled, “No, Tirek. This way.” Tirek stopped and turned back to the alicorn, her face said more than her words.

“This might be the only chance we get to see what happened at Scorpan’s return,” Tirek reasoned.

“I know, but Tirek, Star Swirl disappeared and never returned to Equestria,” she said, stomping her hoof. “Without his return, you were never released. If he had returned then he could have solved the disappearance of The Crystal Empire, he could have completed his formula for the cutie mark switching spell, everything would be drastically different! We have to follow him, we might uncover something so important that I might change everything!”

Tirek looked back and forth between Scorpan and Star Swirl. With a shout of anger, he rushed beside Twilight and chased after the wizard. They caught up to the old stallion and trotted along behind him, waiting for anything to happen. Eventually, the wizard stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, facing them. His eyes seemed to dart between the two as if he could see them. It turns out, he could. “Whoever you are, I cannot allow you to see what happens next,” the wizard said. “Time manipulation, even in basic form, can have very serious consequences.”

“Wait, you can see us?” Twilight asked. “That’s not possible, we’re just seeing a vision, and we’re not actually here.”

“And you shouldn’t be here in the first place. Something nopony can know is about to happen. Be gone!” The wizard’s horn lit up and the two were blinded by a bright light.

Twilight had expected to wake up, to be in Zecora’s hut, but the potion was too strong for Star Swirl to counter. She awoke with Tirek on the outskirts of his home, though she wouldn’t have known it was his home had she not recognized the red and black flags floating against the gray stone wall. The land around them was no longer ruined and red but instead a plethora of grass and fauna. A stream trickled water beneath a bridge that hadn’t been there previous. And on that bridge traveled a gargoyle with a brown mane and maroon wings. His face was as mystified as theirs.

“We’re not back with your zebra friend,” Tirek mentioned. “How did that pony see us? Where are we? What’s going on?”

“This is your home, Tirek, but different,” answered Twilight.

Scorpan was confronted by some gargoyle children to which he happily danced and played with before rushing towards the portcullis. Twilight and Tirek stood in his path and followed him. They halted behind him as he spoke to one of the guards. “Lord Scorpan! It’s good to see you again. Your parents have been anxiously awaiting your return and your brother’s.”

“They have? What happened? Why is everything so… so green?”

“You’ve been gone for so long,” a feminine voice said. A lady gargoyle dressed in a green dress with a blue cloak covering her head came walking towards Scorpan. Tirek perked up, recognizing the lady immediately. “We strived to make a better home, your father and I, in the hopes that you’d return one day with Tirek. Then you’d see that this is your home and you might want to stay for good. At least, that was our hope.”

Tirek reached out his hand to the concealed gargoyle. His eyes swelled and tears ran down his cheeks. “Mama,” he uttered, his voice cracking as he spoke.

The lady placed her hands on the hood and Twilight stretched her head closer. This is it, I’m finally going to see Tirek’s mother, she believed. Just as the hood was brought back and the shadow had begun to recede, a blinding light formed and shook the alicorn awake. She snapped her head around and saw the masks and bottles of the hut, then came face to face with Zecora. I was so close, she thought. “Zecora! You’re not going to believe it but Star Swirl could see us. I thought you said the potion-”

A whimpering sob caught her attention and she was compelled to turn to the centaur. With his head in his hands, Tirek bawled and cried. Twilight couldn’t believe what she was seeing, forgetting all about the old wizard and the hooded gargoyle. She had never seen Tirek so emotional. All she could was grab onto him and hold him close, whispering into his ear encouraging words as he let it all out. She had meant to make him happy, she had meant to help him, instead, all she could feel was failure.

After a while, the centaur and alicorn made their way out of the forest. Tirek’s head hung low the entire silent walk. She waited for him to say something, anything, as she had no idea what she could do to comfort the burdened beast. As they reached the tree line and exited the Everfree Forest, Tirek stopped and stared into the sky. The sun was setting, they had spent a quarter of the day lost in visions of the past. The purple and orange sky was bringing the chill of night with it, coating their fur with a slight breeze.

“Thank you for today, Twilight Sparkle,” Tirek finally spoke up.

“Listen, Tirek, I’m sorry-”

“No, don’t apologize.” He didn’t turn to face her as he talked. “You set out to cheer me up, but you’ve given me something even greater. Perhaps even greater than my redemption. You’ve given me the want, the desire, for closure.”

Twilight’s ears perked up as she stepped to his side and stared up at him. “Does this mean…?”

“Yes. I will return to my homeland and meet with Scorpan. I don’t know when I’ll go nor am I sure if I’ll take you with me, but I do know that I will. I have to.”

She could see the tears streaming down his cheeks and onto his smiling lips, salting the curves and the beard below. It was a contagious smile as she soon felt herself grinning like a fool. “Tirek, regardless of the bet, I want you to know I will happily go with you if you ask me to. I’m glad I could help and I’d be willing to help even more, you just have to ask.”

“When the time comes, you’ll be the first I tell.”

After that, Twilight returned to the castle alone, giving Tirek time to himself. As the door of the castle closed, she slid her back down the frame and sat against the crystal door. A long, drawn-out sigh left her lips as she bumped her head against the crystal. It’s becoming difficult, she thought. To choose, to hold back. I’m not sure what to do anymore. Another sigh and she rose to her hooves and trotted up the staircase. It was a slow walk up and even longer to her bedroom. Her head was filled with thoughts the entire way. She collapsed on her bed, lost in thought and exhausted.

The silk and satin rubbed against her fur as her mind raced faster than any of the living Wonderbolts. Her stomach growled and only angered her more as she fought the thoughts clouding her mind. A second later and they vanished, disappearing as a knock came to the open door. She looked to the doorframe and saw the draconequus standing in the doorway, holding something. The look on his face seemed out of the ordinary compared to his usual clowny expressions.

“Hello, um, Twilight,” he said before stepping towards the bed. He stared down at the item in his hands and fidgeted with the edges.

Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, eventually discerning it was a rolled up piece of paper. “Hello, Discord. What have you got there?” she asked, suspicious of the paper and his attitude.

Discord took another step around the bed and plopped his rump on the edge. He fidgeted more with the scroll until finally lifting it and handing it to the alicorn. “I found this earlier. I was looking for – well, it doesn’t really matter what I was looking for. But I found it, and I read it. I know I shouldn’t have but I couldn’t have known what was inside and what it would say.”

Twilight perked up and levitated the scroll to her face. Upon unraveling the letter she realized what it was. “I see,” she answered, her expression souring.

“All those times you said that Tirek and I were alike, well, now you’re more right than ever. He may have known his parents while I did not, but now we’re more comparable than I’d like to admit,” he sighed. “To be honest, I’d have put it back and not said anything, except something struck a chord.”

“Oh? What?”

“I thought of just going to Fluttershy and telling her this, but I felt you needed to know too.” His hands clenched the sheet and his gritted teeth were but a silhouette in the darkness.

She sat up and took a seat next to the draconequus. His long muzzle seemed to droop with the rest of his face as he stared at the ground. “You can tell me anything, Discord. I’m here for you.”

A smile faltered on his face before it turned back to a clenching frown. “I’ve never thought about family before. I’ve always been a loner. No family, no friends. It’s been this way for as long as I can remember – until you showed up, until Fluttershy showed up, until those other pesky Elements I don’t remember the names of, showed up.” Discord took his arm and placed it around the alicorn’s neck, holding onto her with a gentle firmness. “Now that I’ve got you all, I’m forced to think back to the family I never knew, the nothingness I was running from. Not having parents, siblings, even cousins, it’s an awful feeling.”

“I never knew you felt this way, Discord.”

“Neither did I until I read that letter. Fluttershy has been the closest to family I’ve had since, well, forever. It’s hard to think about. All this time I’ve been wanting something that I didn’t know I wanted. That’s true chaos right there, a bit ironic to think about.” Discord then took a deep breath and stood up. “That’s all I wanted to say. Just needed to get it off my chest. Don’t tell Tirek I read his letter.”

The draconequus left without another word. Twilight could hear her own heart beating as she sat, staring at the doorway. She sat there for a long while, unmoving and unblinking, like a statue of purple fur. Her mind finally began to give back control as she jolted off her bed. The pain and exhaustion she had been feeling was replaced with adrenaline. “SPIKE!” she yelled as she moved past her door and out into the hall. She beat on the purple dragon’s door as if she was being chased by an axe wielding murderer. No response came from inside the room. As she trotted down the steps to the second floor, yelling his name the entire way, she eventually found the light shining from the open library.

“Spike?” she called out.

The purple dragon startled to awake, pulling himself off the floor. “T-Twilight?” he replied with a yawn and a rub of his eye.

“Have you been sleeping in here the entire day?” she asked as she trotted over to the table. “Never mind, don’t answer that, I already know what it’ll be.”

“W-What’s going on?”

She levitated the books off the table and dragged a set of blank parchments from another. “You got a quill and ink?” she asked as she arranged the papers.

“Always on hand,” he replied, pulling them both from almost nowhere. He jumped up onto the seat and placed the ink next to the parchment, opening it up, and then dipping the point of the quill in. “So, you want to tell me what we’re doing?”

“They’ve won the bet,” she answered as she paced around the table. “Are you ready to write?”

He didn’t even have a moment to process what she meant. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

She took a deep breath through her nose and then let it out through her mouth. “Okay,” she said, “Dear Princess Celestia, I’m in love with two different stallions…”