• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 242 Comments

Relationships are Evil - TheTimeSword

Twilight's pretty good at reforming villains, but is she good at dating them? Starlight seems to think so. Can Discord win the bet for Twilight's heart before another villain sweeps her off her hooves? Maybe it's better she just stays single.

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Chapter 27: Lies, Revise, and Compromise

Sombra used to enjoy the crystallized structure of the city. Now, every building was a staining mirror. Being a dark, evil stallion, he never wanted to look too closely at himself. The castle in Ponyville wasn’t nearly as reflective compared to The Crystal Empire. All he could do was hope the crystal ponies would look past his face value to see how much he had changed. Of course, it would have to start with the new rulers of The Crystal Empire. If they accepted him then surely the citizens would as well. The more he tried to convince himself that were true, the less he believed it. He once ruled over them after all, and he knew them very well.

They had already arrived inside the castle with more luggage than his last visit, and more ponies who decided to tag along. Rarity and Twilight Sparkle once again joined him, along with Applejack and Spike added to the mix. He enjoyed their company, these were the ponies he truly considered friends. It almost made up for her coming along as well. His teeth still hurt from the grinding he had done when he heard the news. Chrysalis was also going to be giving an apology as well. Though this was not her reformation like it was his, this was more of a step in the right direction. He knew she still didn’t care about redeeming herself, she had said it herself. The only reason she tagged along was to annoy me, he assumed.

“This castle is hurting my eyes. Everything’s too shiny.” The changeling’s complaint echoed amongst the great hall.

“Well, get used to it because we’re going to be here for a few days,” Twilight replied as she sat the last of the luggage on the ground. “Sombra’s apology won’t be for two more days, which reminds me. Sombra, have you decided on what you’re going to say? Written a speech out yet?”

His reply was a grunt and a shrug. He had remained dissonantly quiet since the train ride but no one seemed to notice. Even Rarity could not get him to speak his mind after they had departed, a pony he rarely kept quiet with. The bones of his jaw had been strained from him forcing his mouth closed, leading to a headache as well. Sleep would be his only cure, he yearned for his slumber and the silky sheets to lay on.

Sleep would have to wait as they first meant to meet with the current rulers of The Crystal Empire. The doors flung open with welcoming smiles following behind, the crystal guards bringing up the rear. “Twily!” Shining Armor yelled as he ran across the room and enveloped the alicorn in a hug. “It feels like it has been ages!”

“Big brother!” Twilight held him close, the white fur mixing with her purple coloring as they greeted each other. When they separated, Princess Cadance waltzed over to greet the fellow alicorn. They performed their obligatory dance that they had always done and then hugged one another. “It’s so good to see you both. How’s my little niece?”

“She’s asleep at the moment but you can see her first thing in the morning,” Cadance replied and then turned her focus to the other guests. “Welcome, all of you.” She greeted the dragon first, then the earth pony, and then the unicorn. It was as if she did not acknowledge the changeling and the dark stallion, ignoring their very presence within the room.

Sombra was fine with being ignored, however, the changeling was quite the opposite. “How about me?” Chrysalis asked as she drew across the room towards the alicorn, a sneering grin draped across her face. “Is it good to see me again as well?” Her green eyes wriggled in their sockets as she stared down at Cadance, eagerly awaiting a snide comment or rude remark.

Chrysalis should have known better. Cadance was a ruler and a princess, and she knew how to handle aggravators. “It is good to see you again, Queen Chrysalis, as these are far better terms than our last.” With grace, she curtsied to the changeling, and then raised her head back up with a small smirk.

The changeling seemed surprised by the response. She was hoping for something derogatory or a baiting comment. She looked to Twilight who motioned for her to bow in response. With just as much grace, she too curtsied to the alicorn. When she raised her head she saw the slight opening of Cadance’s mouth, causing her to smirk herself. She must have thought herself triumphant at that moment, only for it to fade in an instant.

“Well, that’s a good enough introduction for now,” Twilight said as she pushed away Chrysalis, giving a short, nervous chuckle as she did. “We are all very tired I’m sure and we can’t wait to get a good night’s rest and-”

“Nonsense Twilight,” Shining interrupted. “We haven’t even had dinner yet. There’s no way I’m going to let my guests go to bed with empty stomachs!”

Sombra groaned to himself, but Rarity heard and patted his back. He had begun to wonder if this was how Tirek felt in Canterlot the day of his redemption. Annoyed, light headed, his stomach churning and aching and noisily calling him to the bathroom. It was plain as day how he felt, showing in the raggedness on his face. The prince and princess beckoned the group to follow, leading him and the others to the dining hall. Dinner had already been laid out and the smell occupied the room. He finally spoke up after his long silence. “Might I be excused to use the restroom?” he asked, though more specifically to Twilight rather than the two rulers.

“Of course, we’ll have a guard lead you to it,” Cadance spoke up.

“I know where the bathroom is,” he replied as he exited back down the hall. His tone had not meant to be snarky but it was just that.

The halls hadn’t changed. None of the castle had except for the decor. He found the bathroom in the exact spot it had always been, but the inside was far more decorative than during his rule. With his magic, he turned the knob of the faucet and splashed some cold water on his face. I’ve come this far, he thought as he toweled his muzzle. Don’t mess this up. The mirror stared at him as he took a heavy breath, hoping to get rid of the anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach. As he stared back, he felt himself calm and steady his mind. The crystals blur who I am, but I am Sombra.

As he returned to the dining room – a crystal guard following him the entire way – he heard a sharp quip come from the earth pony. “Gee Sombra. Was gettin’ worried you fell in.” He had not expected a jest from the mare, but it did not faze him, especially when he saw that she was patting the seat next to her.

He took the spot beside her and gave the coyest grin he could. “Oh, I fell alright. Fell for the stallion in the mirror, he was truly a handsome devil.”

Applejack smacked him on the shoulder and gave a short guffaw. The others found it just as hilarious. That’s better, he thought, his stomach no longer turning itself upside down. They had all been digging into the platters of delicacies provided by the royal chef. Some of it had already gone cold due to their late arrival and was even colder for the late Sombra. He didn’t mind. As he ate, he caught the eyes of the changeling seductively watching from across the table. He would have paid it no mind if Rarity had not had the same look in her eyes. When he looked down the table, he noticed Twilight did not hold the same look, but instead was far more interested in the small serving of clover soup she was eating.

The rest of the meal went well enough that his headache had subsided. When the meal had ended and the bedrooms had been doled out, he found himself aching for anywhere other than the bed. He stared down at the crystal bedframe, glaring at the sheets. A vague thought cruised through his mind. It’s late, surely everyone is in bed. Perhaps they won’t mind if I take a walk around the castle. And so he did. No crystal guards were stationed around the guest hall, which he took as a sign, and he began making his way through the castle. His legs had been begging to walk down the halls he had a thousand years prior. Since I’m already out and about, I may as well clean up an old mess.

As he crept into the throne room, a guard caught him and challenged his presence. “Oh, my apologies. Simply walking around the castle before bed,” he tried to explain away, though he was being truthful for the most part. The guard didn’t seem to believe or care, and Sombra knew it would cause problems. He scoffed and said, “Well, I’ll just have to give you a pleasant daydream, then.” With a bolt of green, the guard was zapped into an unconscious state. His eyes rolled back into his head as he stood as still as a statue. Sombra gave a pouted snarl. If I were the old me, your dream wouldn’t be so friendly.

With another cast of magic, the floor in the middle of the throne room opened and elevated, revealing stairs underneath. “Sombra!” a voice called out from the doorway. He turned, gazing upon the grimacing purple alicorn. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” Her presence was a nuisance, but he had no choice but to reveal his intentions.

“If I had known I was going to be caught by somepony else, I wouldn’t have put the guard into a paradise.”

Twilight looked at the crystal pony who was smiling with his tongue flopping outside his mouth. The dazed look he had made it seem as if he was enjoying something a little too much. “Using your magic on a guard, opening a secret path. I’d hate to start jumping to conclusions but you better have a good explanation.” Her horn began to charge, preparing to unleash a spell if she didn’t like his reply.

His nostrils flared, snorting, and he rolled his eyes in response. “The day I revert to my evil ways before Chrysalis is the day Celestia banishes Luna to the moon.”

“Don’t you mean, banishes her to the moon again?”

Again? Wow. I always considered those two to be two peas in a pod. Though I suppose they’d have to be to have defeated me,” he recounted, tapping his chin. “Nevertheless, you’re already here so you may as well come with me.” He began trotting down the steps. “Somepony to bear witness to my greatest failure,” he muttered afterward.

She trotted after him, ceasing her charging of magic. “This is the way down into where you kept the Crystal Heart.” A quick glance over the side showed a long spiral staircase with a deep drop. “I’m assuming were going to the bottom, correct?”

He looked back at her. “Yes, why?” Her magic enveloped him as she took flight, levitating him down with her to the bottom of the floor. His heart was in his throat as they reached the ground, but he refused to show it. “Next time, a little warning before you do that,” he complained, attempting to contain his composure.

The small circular room they had glided down into had no doors, windows, or crevices. “There’s nothing here,” claimed the alicorn. The crystal here had no reflections, only mirroring the darkness of the pit. “Not even that nightmare illusory door.”

“You found the Crystal Heart in here by pure luck then.” His horn began to pulsate as black magic oozed from the red tip. With a black, yet bright, light, the walls began to shift and crumble, opening three pathways that held varying rooms. One of the rooms Twilight recognized as being that which held the other staircase that led to the Crystal Heart, but the other two seemed far worse. As he entered one of those rooms she followed and could feel a chill surround her, turning her breath visible as she exhaled. “Ah, the factory,” he announced, grinning at the helmets and breastplates that littered the room.

Twilight could barely believe her eyes. Factory wasn’t quite the word she would use to describe the small room. Workshop seemed far more appropriate for the one pony operation that had been this old, decrepit room. “Sombra… What is all of this?” she asked as the sound of rending metal rang out within the walls.

Sombra began tearing apart the metal armor that had been crafted. “Oh, these? They’re just my brainwashing armor, a little of my magic in every bit of iron.” He sighed and stopped his destruction for a moment. “I was planning on using these on my subjects to fight a war against Celestia and Luna. Now, I’m going to make sure I won’t be able to use them in the future. Nor will anyone else.”

She stared at him for a moment, not knowing whether she should be proud of the stallion or pity him. Instead, she began to dismantle the armor with him, while still looking over the rest of the room. With only a few pieces left, Twilight stepped out into the circular room and glimpsed inside the other doorway. She hadn’t forgotten the third room and wanted to see what else he had left from his old life.

A black orb sat contained in a small glass dome on a crystal table in the middle of the room. This and a large chair of burgundy wood with purple, plush cushioning were all that sat within the room. She took a seat and stared down at the black orb, knowing not to mess with it before Sombra could explain what it was. Dark magic was abundant with the stallion, and she was no filly. She knew to wait, but she could not keep herself from staring at the orb. It wasn’t black in color, instead, the aura it emitted was pure darkness. It was as if they air around it had disappeared and was replaced with a void. Her staring snapped off when she heard the falling of metal followed by the call of her name. “In here”, she yelled in reply.

The stallion rushed out and into the room, fearing what the purple alicorn may have found. When he saw her sitting comfortably, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief. “Thank goodness you weren’t foolish enough to open that horrid thing.” He trotted over and examined the glass containing the darkness, licking his lips as he made sure it had sustained the test of time.

“What is it?” she asked, curiously.

“Do you remember Discord’s words?” His eyes looked up, matching hers. “A backup plan for the backup plan. This is mine.”

“So, were you planning on unleashing some unholy magic tonight?”

His muzzle shifted, almost smiling, but instead he shook his head. “I would never unleash this, even if I was evil again.” The darkness inside the glass pulsed, sending a chill down his spine. “This little monster right here is how I kept The Crystal Empire away for a thousand years.”

“This thing is what made this whole city vanish? Are we here to destroy it then?”

“Destroy it? It’s a living creature and I am no longer the evil king who enjoyed extinguishing life. No, I came to destroy the armor and make sure this was still held in captivity. The glass dome containing it is the only thing keeping The Crystal Empire from being lost for another thousand years,” he explained.

Her mouth drooped as she tried to comprehend the gravity of the orb. “Surely we can dispose of it, keep it safe somewhere other than the city? There are so many ponies living here, let alone my brother and his family! What if something happens? I can’t risk- No. We can’t risk losing The Crystal Empire for another thousand years.”

“The safest thing we could do is keep it hidden from everyone else. It’ll be contained within the glass, but the more ponies that know about it, the more chances it has of getting lose,” he reasoned.

“Sombra…” Twilight rose from the chair and placed a hoof against his cheek, gently stroking the dark grey fur and black sideburns. “Being reformed means being able to rely on your friends. We’re friends, right?” The stallion hesitantly gave a nod in response. “Then trust me. We can remove it from the city and have it stored elsewhere.”

The eyes of the stallion scrunched tight and the sides of his mouth sagged down. His reaction was plain as day to her, and she had never seen such an obvious expression on his face. Sombra had always been able to hide his thoughts and emotions from showing, keeping a blank expression for any occasion. However, this idea of Twilight’s had been so awful that he was physically unable to hide his dissatisfaction. It was as if he was a foal who had sucked on the insides of a lemon for the first time.

“I-I trust you, Twilight,” he replied, though, only after gritting his teeth and forcing a smile. “P-Perhaps we should… evacuate the city before doing so. Just to be on the, y-y’know, safe side.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll allow Shining Armor and Cadance to deal with the removal after your apology. We’ll be safely out of the city in case something goes wrong, and we’ll have you on the outside to tell us how to fix it.”

His expression softened into a true smile. “I sometimes forget you’re the smartest of the princesses.”

She turned her face away, trying to hide her blooming blush. “And I sometimes forget how charming you are,” she replied as she fanned her face with both hooves.

“Perhaps-” His muzzle closed the gap, honing in on her neck and jawline “-we should spend a little more time here. Maybe you can find out how truly charming I am.”

Twilight pushed him away without hesitation, a fake roar of laughter as she did. “And then I also forgot how forward you can be.”

“It was worth a shot. As it is right now, Discord and Tirek are already going to have their second dates before I even get a first.” He shrugged, smiled, and turned away, heading for the exit.

She trotted up next to him, getting one last look at the glass container before entering the circular room. “I’d say you sound defeated about it but you certainly don’t.” The walls shifted and the doorways disappeared. “In fact, you sounded happy about it.”

“Oh princess, I am happy. Not about that, no – but of you. It takes a strong mare to do what you do. Saving a dying species, reforming villains, taking on a pupil. For that, I bow to you.” He halted before the steps, staring up the empty center of the staircase. “To be quite honest, it makes me feel uncomfortable. Going after a mare who is truly better than myself. It makes me question if I should even try. I’m tempted not to.”

“I never took you for the pessimistic type, Sombra.”

“It’s not pessimism.” He turned his head to gaze down upon her. “I came into this bet because of Chrysalis. She and I were an item, I believed I could use her to become king once more. Now that I have thrown off those ideals and shaken her grip, I can do as I please. Reforming is my goal, but after that? I am not sure where it will take me. Going after you seems folly for the reasons I just explained. Giving up on trying to win you is my best option. But what am I to do instead?”

Twilight strode up past him, talking as she headed for the top. “Perhaps you should visit the orphanage again then. I know there’s somepony there that would certainly like to see you.”

“Are you trying to get me with another mare already? I haven’t even been redeemed.”

“Well, truth it, you’re already reformed in my eyes. The last time we were here in The Crystal Empire I saw it, and ever since then you’ve been so upstanding. This apology is just to make everyone else believe it as well. After that, you’re free to do whatever you like. If you want to continue the bet, or if you want to stay here, it’ll be your choice. Don’t think you don’t have a chance in winning just because you haven’t had a first date. And don’t think you’re forced into living here, either.”

Stay here? Now there’s a thought. He smiled to himself, the idea was pleasant enough. “I suppose you may be right. I do need to visit with Cinnamon again. Would you like to join me tomorrow? I’m certain she wouldn’t mind another visit from the Princess of Friendship, and I wouldn’t mind the help in choosing which path to take.”

“I’d like to, I would, but-” Twilight pushed up and out of the secret path into the throne room “-I’ve got other plans to be with my sister-in-law. We’re going to be meeting with Chrysalis and you can only imagine how well that will go.” The secret path began to close as Sombra stepped out behind her. “You’re set to talk with Cadance tomorrow as well, afterward. If you’re planning on visiting the orphanage you should get an early start.”

“I suppose.”

They exited the throne room, leaving the slack-jawed guard to remain stupefied. “I was always curious what you might do once you were reformed,” Twilight commented as the door closed behind them. “Discord has been helpful in many things with his powers, while Tirek can be used to prevent any other magical monster from trying to take over Equestria. What can you do? What should you do?”

“I’ve been trying to figure that out myself, Twilight. Ruling, though not with kindness, is all I have ever known.”

“Perhaps this trip should also be about self-discovery.” She halted in front of his room and turned to face him. “I also know of three little fillies who would be more than willing to help you find your special talent.”

Sombra chuckled and magically opened the door. “That’s enough advice for one night. Next, you’ll be counseling me on how to do taxes,” he said with a roll of his eyes.

“I think you’d have to move out of my castle first.”

“And with that, good night Twilight Sparkle.” He bowed his head before closing the bedroom door. As he laid his head on the pillow, he wondered if she was right. Did he have a chance with her? Or was there somepony else waiting for him?

The next morning Sombra rose early, just as he said he would. His eyes had bags underneath, though it was barely visible from his dark grey fur. Sleep had evaded him throughout the night and the journey to the undercroft of the castle hadn’t helped. Nevertheless, he combed his mane out and brushed his teeth, aching to start the day. As he began to leave he wondered if a disguise would be necessary, fearing another fowl mouthed foal to come and beckon a fight. He wouldn’t wonder long as a knock came to the door of his room. Rarity stood on the other side, waiting to be taken to the orphanage.

“Twilight came to me late last night. She figured it’d be best if I go with you since I already met the Grand Matron,” she had said before they left. He could never deny Rarity anything. She was the closest of his friends. He often wondered if referring to her as his version of Fluttershy was appropriate, and him being her version of Discord. Of course, this also lead to wondering how close Fluttershy and Discord’s relationship really was. He often complimented Rarity on her looks and exaggerated his jealousy of stallions she fancied. In return, she made innuendos and quips about him on the regular, along with playful teasing every so often. “Is your horn the only thing that’s red?” she had asked back in Ponyville, which had caused him to blush for the first time in his life.

He had thought Fluttershy had been too innocent to think of things like that, and Discord too chaotic to care. That all changed once Rarity had told him about the picture of Twilight and how Fluttershy had supposedly drawn it. Rarity didn’t seem to mind talking about things like that in private, making him feel as if he was special because of it, but she remained prim and proper in public. He hadn’t even thought to ask her about the pegasus and draconequus. Could Fluttershy and Discord be more than just friends? Is that why they are so close? What would that mean for me and Rarity? he wondered. Could she be interested in me? What about Cinnamon? The only experience I’ve had is with Chrysalis…

“Are you excited to see Fresh Cinnamon again?” The question popped him out of his deep thoughts. He hadn’t realized there had been a silence their entire walk to the orphanage.

“Of course. Thank you for coming along, by the way,” Sombra replied, giving a quaint smile to the white unicorn.

She nodded back at him and then continued the silence. His thoughts lingered back to the other ex-villains and Fluttershy. He wondered what she did for money, what she and Discord talked about, and what Rarity thought of her. He had barely spent any time with the pegasus since his arrival, she had dropped out fairly early in his reformation process, deferring to helping Discord with the bet. I wonder if Rarity would drop out of helping other villains reform if I asked for her help winning the bet?

The stallion had been staring at the back of the mare’s head for a few minutes, and she could feel it. “Sombra…” she said as she halted and turned around. “You’ve been awfully quiet, dear. Something on your mind?”

He had stopped directly in front of her, almost bumping into her side. “Something on my mind?” he repeated, bewildered. “I suppose I do have a question, but I don’t know what the question is.”

“Y-You… What?” She turned her head to a slight tilt, becoming even more puzzled than him.

“Perhaps the question will become clear once I talk to Cinnamon. I am unsure. I don’t know.”

“Well, you’ll find out soon enough, because we’re here.” She pointed up at the building they stood in front of, the sign displaying the name of the orphanage in orange lettering.

Sombra took a moment to stare at the door and focus on his breathing. In, out. In, out. Okay. He gave the door two swift knocks and the screaming of a foal could be heard as they ran to the door. The child stood in the open doorway, staring up at the dark unicorn, debating on whether to scream or greet the stallion. “H-Hello, little one. Is the Grand Matron around?” Sombra asked, hoping not to scare the perplexed colt.

With a burst of energy, the foal ran screaming down the hall, hollering Cinnamon’s name the entire way. Sombra and Rarity stood side by side, one grimacing, and the other smiling. It only took a moment before the Grand Matron appeared from down the hall, clearly out of breath. “Soos!” she yelled as she came closer, her hair was a mess and the apron she wore was stained with something brown. She hugged the dark unicorn and then greeted Rarity with one as well. After beckoning them in, she motioned for them to sit down, only to be interrupted by the bickering of fillies from down the hall.

“It seems like you’re awfully busy today, would you prefer we come back?” Sombra politely asked.

“No, no. It’s fine! Just a riled morning here in the orphanage.” She laughed it off, praying for things to calm down.

Before the Grand Matron could ask how they had been, a filly came out from down the hall, crying. The filly jumped into Cinnamon’s seat and cried into the dirty apron. “Pickles is pickin’ on me again!” she yelled and hollered with a strained lilt in her voice.

“Dearie please, we’ve been over this-” Cinnamon started to respond.

Rarity rose from her seat and levitated the filly from the Grand Matron. “I used to pick on my little sister,” she said as she brought the filly over and gave a big hug. “I picked on her because I was jealous. She always got more attention than me, and I envied her for it.” She smiled and the filly smiled right back, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “Come on, maybe you and I can settle things with this Pickles.” She set the filly down and gave a wink to Sombra and Cinnamon before walking down the hall.

Once Rarity was gone, Cinnamon said, “She’s sure something, isn’t she?”

“Mm.” Sombra turned his focus to Cinnamon, noticing the frown and sullen eyes of the mare. She appeared tired, too tired. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been good. I’m glad you came to see me before your ceremony tomorrow.” She smiled at him, her lips were dry and slightly cut from chewing off the pieces of skin. “Ever since I got word, I’ve been dreaming about you.” His eyebrow raised and a smug grin shot across his face. “Not like that!”

“You don’t seem to be getting enough sleep, actually. Are they… bad dreams?”

Her head tilted forward as she stared blankly down at the table. “Soos, you know you mean the world to me. When I heard of your apology, I started dreaming of you coming to the Crystal Empire and staging some magnificent performance just to take over once more.” For a moment, a silence lapsed between the two. Finally, she shook her head. “I know you’re not evil anymore, but that hold you had is still… overpowering.”

Sombra tilted back in his chair, contemplating her words carefully. “Perhaps after my apology, if it’s accepted, I could move back and start helping the citizens. Maybe even-”

She cut him off. “Move back? Sombra, you cannot live here ever again.” Her stare seemed to pass straight through him, piercing his very soul.

He hadn’t noticed her hoof had reached across the table and was placed on his, at least, not until he felt the overwhelming grip around his fetlock. Sweat was pouring from Cinnamon’s face, dripping down onto her foreleg. His mouth felt dry as he tried to speak, but nothing came. The foal he had grown up with had changed, and it was because of him. Did she still fear him? The look in her eyes said no and yes at the same time. It was an uncertainty, the same thing he had been feeling since they had left Ponyville.

“Right,” he said, a crack in his voice. He stepped off the chair and onto the floor. He gave a cough before speaking, attempting to regain his composure. “I’ll be off then.”

“Soos, you don’t have to go.”

“But I can’t stay here either, can I?”

He didn’t know how she had felt. She had always been a friend to him but this was different. The mare he had thought who would accept him for who he was and welcome him with open forelegs was not her. Of all the possibilities, he had not expected her to deny his return. Why did she not want him to live within The Crystal Empire again? Twilight had seemed fine with it, and surely the new rulers would be alright with it as well. Why was Cinnamon against it?

A silence between the two was broken as Rarity came from down the hall, singing with each step. Her voice trailed off as she saw the tension between the stallion and mare. Both looked upset but not angry, just melancholy. Their heads lowered, their eyes to the ground. She didn’t know what to make of the scene. “Sombra?” she called out and drew close to the stallion. As she stepped forward, she noticed the green and purple emanating from his eyes, just above gritted teeth. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the earth mare had covered her head with her forelegs. “Oh, I see.”

Rarity stepped in front of Sombra who twitched and strained, attempting to hold back his whatever it was he was feeling. With a slow motion, she wrapped her forelegs around his neck and pulled him close. She held the embrace and whispered in his ear. “I’m proud of you.” He heard those words, but it wasn’t her voice. It was the voice of another mare he cared deeply for. He grabbed onto Rarity and pulled her closer, burying his chin into her mane. She gave a smile, whispering in his ear more words of encouragement.

“I’m sorry, Soos.”

Sombra parted from Rarity, his eyes remained closed with tears still streaming down his cheeks. “I’m not,” he said as he turned around to face the longtime friend. “I’m thankful.” He rubbed his muzzle and opened his eyes, the purple and green had vanished, leaving his watery, red pupils. “A lot has changed since my return, and I am soon to be reformed. I have to accept that with redemption, there are also things that I can no longer control. Things I must deal with. And of course, those I must forgo so that they may be happy.”

Cinnamon walked toward the stallion, a smile finally appearing on her lips. “You can visit as much as you like, I never want to stop being your friend. You know that right? Right?” her voice was throaty as if from extended use.

“Of course.” He held out a foreleg, motioning for a hug. Cinnamon embraced him, tears straining to be held back. “You are right, though. I’m thankful for the ponies in my life like you who can still teach me what I need. Regardless of how bad it is.”

Rarity and Sombra said their goodbyes to the Grand Matron and took their leave, not wanting to overstay their welcome – even though it was rather short. They hadn’t even gotten a block away before Rarity stopped him, questioning him about what had happened between him and Cinnamon. He smiled and shook his head. “You don’t need to worry about it. I’m just glad you were there.”

“Well, whatever it was, she and I have something in common.”

“Oh? What?”

“I never want to lose you, Sombra.”

His white teeth shined from his muzzle as he smiled wide. “I think I know what that question is now.” She stared up at him with curious eyes. “Would you do as Fluttershy did for Discord? Would you make it your purpose to help me win this bet for Twilight?”

Her muzzle scrunched as she deviously grinned at him. “Oh, ho ho! Is that an admission of love for Twilight? Of course I would, darling.”

“Really? You would?”

“Oh, absolutely, darling. I care about you. You’ve proven you’re reformed, at least in my eyes. I think you deserve a little happiness.”

“If that’s true then I have something to ask you. But it’ll have to wait until after the ceremony tomorrow.

“Well, that certainly sounds ominous.” She tapped his chin and giggled. “Fine, fine. I can wait.”

Her words rang through him as they traveled back to the castle. He thought back to what Cinnamon had said, wondering if she’d think differently after he apologized to the city. Probably not. His stomach went queasy just thinking about it. Before his meeting with Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance, he took a quick stop to get freshened up. Once he felt relieved, he headed for the meeting hall only to find the two princesses talking quietly to one another. They stood at the end of the table with their backs to the door. As quiet as a moving shadow, he crept up behind the mares to catch a glimpse of what they were looking at.

“Do you think I could get her to do one of me? It’d make a great gift for Shining,” Cadance said, unaware of the dark stallion.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. The open drawing was revealed to him at last, something none of the other ex-villains had been able to lay their eyes upon. It was finally crafted and well detailed for a drawing, but it lacked the realism he preferred. With a quick grab, he used his magic to lift it up in the air and over to him. “Well, who is this lovely mare?” he commented, grinning. The two mares had been startled by the sudden levitation and the deep voice.

“Y-You’re no-not supposed to see that!” Twilight yelled and pulled back the paper with her own magic, folding it and tucking it underneath a wing. Her face was redder than the darkest red on Sombra’s horn.

“Well, you shouldn’t be looking at such naughty things right before you have company,” he smugly argued. “And you call me the forward one. Having a drawing of yourself in such a compromising position? That’s just inviting all sorts of trouble.”

The two mares and the stallion stood off from each other, a sense of tension filled the air. It evaporated in an instant once Sombra burst into laughter, causing the princesses to share a giggle. “I’m never going to live this down, am I? I knew I should have just burnt it,” Twilight mused, rubbing her temple. “Can we just move on to our meeting and put this behind us? Please?”

“Ready whenever you are,” Cadance replied as she moved around the table and sat down.

“Actually, Twilight, if you would allow me and Cadance to have a discussion alone first, I would appreciate it.” The request left a bit of a shock on the two mares’ faces. Both were unsure why he would want to be alone with Cadance. Twilight trusted him nonetheless and left the two to speak in private. After the door shut, he sat down at the table and asked, “Are you enjoying the Crystal Empire?”

Her face was blank as she answered. “Quite so, the citizens are more than happy to have me and my husband here.” She tried to guess the questions ahead of time, expecting him to be the tricky, charming unicorn with a scheme for taking control. “How about you? Enjoying the peaceful city and loving crystal ponies?”

“They’re far from loving to me,” he replied, waving his hoof as if to shoo them away. “It’s understandable though. After all I put them through.”

“Well, they were in a thousand years of darkness,” she murmured. “Do you think the apology ceremony tomorrow will be a quiet, peaceful one? I was planning on having all our guards on site in case something goes wrong.”

I wonder if she means the crowd getting rowdy or an evil plan by me, he pondered. He cleared his throat for a moment before answering. “Well, I would certainly hope you’ll have all the guards there. Though, you should also have some protecting the Crystal Heart. That’d be my suggestion. You never know who could sneak through and do some damage to things like that.”

She smiled at his answer. “Yes. That would be a good idea. I’ll have a half and half then.”

“Speaking of the Crystal Heart, how has it been treating you?”

“Treating us?” An eyebrow raised on the alicorn. “What do you mean?”

Sombra tilted back in his chair and closed his eyes. “It’s a powerful weapon but also a protective force. It can destroy darkness and fight back against those that would see harm to what it cares for. Even just seeing it can empower us…” he trailed off into a pause. “Err, well, it can empower the crystal ponies.”

“Does it empower you?” Cadance asked, causing Sombra to open his eyes. “I know you hid it away before the disappearance of The Crystal Empire, but did it once bring you happiness like it does my citizens?”

His stare was as icy as the land around The Crystal Empire. He was unsure of what Twilight had told this replacement ruler, but assumed the worst. “No,” he answered and closed his eyes once more. “I was born here and dumped to the outside world, far from The Crystal Empire. When I was forced to return, I only saw the crystal guards blocking it from my view. As I came of age to leave my orphanage, I knew I could not live in this city. Before I left, I wanted to see what the others had seen in it. Hopes, dreams, love, kindness.”

“And what did you see?”

My parents. I had come cloaked with my face hidden, other orphans to shield my presence, and the hope to not be noticed. We stood before my parents who stood in front of the Crystal Heart. They were allowing ponies to come close and ask for wishes from the heart. When it was my turn, my cover was blown. They threatened me and called for the guards. I grew tired of their hatred, I grew tired of being demeaned. At that instant, I rose up and became what they always feared. The Heart granted my wish, it took my parents into it and I became king.”

“I see.”

The unicorn’s eyes opened at her response, curious to her reaction. He noticed how in thought she had become and moved to get her attention. “Do you think what I did was wrong?” he asked, knowing it was.

She looked up at his eyes and matched his gaze. This time, she had the icy stare. “Yes. However, you and I are a lot alike, more than I’d like to admit. I don’t know my parents, I was an orphan who later became the adopted niece of Princess Celestia. But still an orphan just as you. The difference being, you knew who your parents were, while I have no clue who are mine. I’d give anything for a chance to meet them and show them what I’ve become, show them the family I’ve raised.”

“And what if they hated you?”

The question broke her icy stare. “Well,” she said, “I would have done my best to prove I was more worthy. I wouldn’t have succumbed to the darkness.”

“I suppose that’s admirable.” He rose up from his seat and began walking to the closed window within the room. He lifted the curtain with his magic and looked down upon the empire. “You were born and raised by the good of this world, yet had no parents. I was born and raised by the bad of this world, yet I knew my parents. You don’t know darkness or the feelings of anger.” He groaned and lowered the curtain. “It must be easy for you, ruling this city. You have a pony prior to you reign who you can cast as a nightmare embodied in pony form – you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong I suppose.”

Cadance stepped onto the floor and walked across the room, lifting the curtain up as she did. “I don’t cast you in any light, Sombra. I don’t mention you to my citizens at all because they’re the ones that suffered under you. Not me. I didn’t allow you to set up an apology ceremony because I believed that you were good. I allowed it because I know it’s what the crystal ponies need to hear.”

“You sound like you’ve been in my position,” he replied.

“I know pain. I’ve had plenty of it in my life, Sombra. It’s clear to me you have as well, and because you’ve changed so much you’re finally able to admit it. Maybe even get over it.”

His muzzle softened from his sunken frown. “Get over it? Is that what I’m supposed to do? Just get over it?”

“Trust me, it sounds ridiculous but it’s the truth. I’m facing the same problem you are, except with Chrysalis. The problems she caused, the pain I endured, it’s something I have to get over and move on. If I don’t, well, there’s always the chance I could throw her into the Crystal Heart, right?”

They chuckled together for a moment. “To be honest, I hope the crystal ponies share your enthusiasm for just getting over it. If not, I can expect a few rocks to be thrown tomorrow,” he remarked.

“If you’re sincere then they’ll accept it. If they don’t, it’s not the end of the world. Not unless you make it that way.”

“Don’t worry,” he replied, “I don’t plan on ending anyone’s world. Well, except for Twilight after I tell the other ex-villains about that picture.”

“I’m afraid you’ll be spending a few weeks in Tartarus if you do,” she giggled. “As the Princess of Love, however, I’d have to say it’d be worth it.”

After the stallion and mare finished discussing the speeches and the apology, Sombra left the meeting hall more eager than when he went in. He didn’t know of Cadance’s past but felt his own burden lifting after learning he was not truly alone. It’s a shame she’s married, he thought. Though I wonder how the crystal ponies would feel about me ruling through marriage. Not too well, I’d imagine. He grinned at the thought, only for it to fade as he heard the yells of Spike. A door swung open and he ducked against a wall, hoping to conceal himself from whoever was exiting. The purple dragon stomped down the hall in the opposite direction.

He peered his head into the room where the dragon had been. Applejack sat in the middle of the bedroom, alone and dejected. “Applejack?” he called out.

The orange mare did a one-eighty in her emotions as soon as she realized she wasn’t alone. Her hat swung up and she threw on a smile. “H-Hey, sugarcube. How are you?” Her voice wasn’t as confident as it usually was, even though she tried to feign it as best she could.

“What were you and Spike arguing about? Did something happen?” asked the unicorn.

She slapped her hoof against her muzzle, dragging it down her lips. “I suppose there’s no sense in hidin’ it from you. I messed up again.” She sighed. “I’m just tryin’ to take it slow but I keep forgettin’, then I move too fast for the little guy and scare him off.”

The stallion gave a short laugh, hiding his mouth as he did. “Perhaps calling him little isn’t something you should do either. We stallions can find that a bit negative for the esteem.”

Applejack tilted her hat back. “Did… Did you just make a dirty joke?”

“I’ve been on a role with jokes lately, and seeing a raunchy drawing of Twilight earlier has really brought out the deviant in me.” He shrugged, grinning all the while.

“A deviant huh?” She stepped closer to the unicorn and stared at him for a moment before ruffling his hair. “I don’t think it takes much for you to be that. I imagine mares will start swoonin’ for you after tomorrow. Wonder what you’ll do when that happens, you deviant.” She snorted after she said the word.

He rolled his eyes. “Very funny. Enough about me, what’d you say to Spike? I’d be more interested in helping you rather than discussing my indiscretions.”

“Tryin’ to take your mind off your apology tomorrow, aren’tcha?” She bumped up against him. “You need to worry less about me and more about you. Heck, that’s the whole reason I’m here instead of buildin’ the changeling’s hive.”

“I suppose you’re right, however, I’d like to help you out once we get back to Ponyville. What happened today, anyway?”

She lowered her head and kicked the floor as if to scuff dirt away. “We were talkin’ about the future, specifically your future, and we got onto the topic of his. I had said somethin’ about him helping me out on the farm and he said he was still Twilight’s apprentice. I asked him if he wanted to be that forever and mentioned relationships. It was my fault, I wasn’t tryin’ to coax anythin’ out of it but the two kinda just go hoof in hoof. Then I asked him if he wanted to see how livin’ with the other dragons would be once he grew up and that’s kind of when he lost it.”

Sounds like I’m not the only one who’s being thrown between places. Don’t have to go home but can’t stay here, huh? Maybe I’ll talk to him about that, Sombra thought. “Lost it? What’d he say?”

“He accused me of tryin’ to send him off to be with his own kind! It wasn’t like that, I’ve heard what they’re like from Rarity and Twilight. I just, y’know, want him to be happy. Regardless of who with.”

Sombra frowned at that. “Regardless of who with. He’s not the only one needing to hear those words...”

Applejack tilted her head forward and raised an eyebrow. “Not the only one?” she asked as she gazed into his blank stare. It took her a moment before she realized he was talking about himself and not her. “Really? You? Shoot, if things go sour with Twilight and I don’t get things rollin’ with Spike, maybe you could become king of the apples.” She nudged him in the shoulder, getting him to crack a smile.

“Twilight?” he asked as if the name meant something. “Oh, right. The bet. Yes, well, I suppose king of apples does sound rather nice.” He closed his eyes and gave a rather smug grin. “I can see it now. I’ll remove the apples from one hundred trees while you busily buck one. What a glorious thing to be a king of.”

“Hey! Apple buckin’ is a lot more-” She noticed the tone he spoke with “-Oh, I get it. You think just because you make one joke you can make others?”

“You’re right, I apologize. You’re just so easy of a target.”

She smacked his shoulder with a powerful hit instead of a soft nudge. “I’ll make you an easy target for my hooves! You’re gettin’ worse than Discord!”

He exaggerated a grimace. “Now there’s a true insult.”

The two traded insults and friendly quips, laughing at each other as friends were known to do. They were friends, Sombra knew that, but he often wondered how it came to be. She hated him after his second day in Ponyville. “Horrid apple-loving mare,” he had called her. Now he called her friend. He wondered if she too would take his side as Fluttershy had taken Discord’s. The thought reminded him of the changeling queen. Who had taken up Chrysalis’s side? Pinkie Pie seemed indebted to Tirek and Rainbow Dash seemed far less interested in anything other than those flashy Wonderbolts.

Chrysalis stayed within his thoughts even as he tucked himself into bed later on in the evening. She had become willing to move her entire race to Ponyville, she had removed the curse from her kind with the help of Twilight and Discord, and she was on the path to redemption just as he was. It still irked him. He wasn’t sure what it was but it irked like nothing else. I’ll be redeemed tomorrow and after that I’ll make it my mission to fill my life with a purpose. He gave a soft smile and closed his eyes as he waited for sleep. An instant later and he shot up from the pillow.

With a sudden flash, he remembered the changeling’s words. “Split them apart, capture each of them,” the words echoed in his mind. Applejack and Rarity were his close friends, Fluttershy had Discord, Tirek had Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash cared little for them all. Chrysalis had no one, no one except for Spike and Starlight. The two that were quite possibly the closest to Twilight and always within her ear, whispering things the others could only hope. Was that what she meant? Even now, half of the Elements of Harmony were here while the other remained in Ponyville, working on her hive.

Throwing stones into the water won’t change the size of a lake. She’s got to have an end goal and she has to know it’ll be something to get Tirek and I on her side, he mused. But what? She has nothing but time. It was true, time was something she had. It would be a while before the new hive was built and even longer before she could move the changelings in. Sombra slumped back down against the pillow and pulled the sheets to his mouth. He needed his sleep and thinking of what Chrysalis was planning only disrupted that. Right now, all she was doing was interrupting his bedtime.

Luckily, the night had come and gone, and the sleep he had gotten was more than plenty for this day. When he rose from his sleep, Sombra refused to wear any forms of clothing like Rarity had suggested. He needed to look normal, or as normal as a dark unicorn with a blank flank could look. Breakfast was small, most of the ponies were preparing for the ceremony. Hours clicked by before the time finally came. He could see the platform that had been set up in front of the castle from his bedroom window. The crystal ponies had already started to gather around it. A very large amount of crystal ponies. Far more than he was comfortable with, and there were still to be more coming.

A knock to the door and he called for their presence. The white unicorn trotted in with a myriad of bright colors and regal ornaments. Her hat was pink, her scarf was a light blue, and her dress a faded yellow. It reflected better off the crystal walls than it did him. “Darling, you’re not even dressed! Well, no matter, I knew you wouldn’t want to wear anything-” She levitated a hair tie from underneath her hat “-But we simply must do something about that hair.”

He stared at her blankly, unsure what she meant. A second later and his hair had been pulled back into a ponytail. It made his face more noticeable and removed the ragged look as he had grown accustomed to. “Thank you, Rarity. I’m assuming they’re ready for me since you’re already dressed?”

She nodded in response. “Come dear, you don’t sound at all enthusiastic about this. Today you are redeemed! That is something to put a spring into your step. After this, you can do whatever, say whatever, and be whatever you want. Well, except for evil. That’s kind of the point of redeeming. Silly me!”

“I think you’re more than excited enough for the both of us.”

“That’s too true,” she said as she hid a giggle. “What do you plan to do after you’re reformed?” She waltzed to the door and waited for the stallion. “Tirek spent a few weeks in Canterlot, are you planning on spending a few weeks here? I’d love to stay with you, though I imagine you’ll want your space just as he did.”

There it was again. The questions of the future and what they would hold. “I don’t know,” he answered truthfully. Sombra shut the curtain and walked to the door, closing it behind him. “I imagine I’ll figure it out during the ceremony.”

“During?” she inquired. It was an odd response to her question but she didn’t mind. “Well, you’ll always have a home in Ponyville if you so desire.”

The two unicorns trotted through the castle and waited at the entrance. Twilight had already arrived and was pacing back and forth in front of the door. “There you two are! Cadance is already making her speech to the citizens, you’ve got to get out there, Sombra!” She pushed the doors open with her magic and the three stepped out. The Crystal Heart sat in their view as they exited, glowing as it normally did.

Sombra wondered if he could crush the heart right now. As the blizzard advanced on the city he would run down and smash the glass of the black orb, releasing the darkness onto the Crystal Empire and vanishing it for another thousand years. Another thousand years, he thought. I’ve already wasted too much time. Mine, and others.

The sunlight blinded him as they stepped out from underneath the castle, inching closer and closer to the podium. He could hear the wind blowing, singing Princess Cadance’s words to her citizens. Praises, the past, a heartfelt anecdote. He heard his name as they stepped up the planks and saw the crowd of onlookers. There were far more than there had been in his window and they looked for less like ants. Cadance turned and smiled to him, giving a hoof in his direction and signaling him for his speech.

A speech was prepared the day prior and he had spent time memorizing it, but at this instant, seeing all the faces within the crowd, he had forgotten every line. A king does not make speeches, he has another write it for him. He cleared his throat and stepped forward. “Hello,” he started off, already causing Twilight to fidget. His straying would lead her to panic more and more as it progressed from her planned speech. “You all know who I am, or to say, you all know who I was. King Sombra. A king of you and a king of this land. I no longer use the title of king, however. Not because I want to remove the stigma attached to it, no, that will be with me for the rest of my life.

“To be honest, I’m not sure why I ever wanted to be king. That’s not who I am. Deep down inside of me is a colt that only wants his father’s love and his mother’s embrace. That colt is no king just as any of the colts here in this audience.” He stared out into the crowd, trying to spot the pony he wanted. She was there, down the middle and surrounded by many others. Fresh Cinnamon. “A piece of me wants to be that colt again, living with those he truly loved to live with. That was a long time ago. That was a time I took us from and a time I cannot take us back to, no matter how much I wish I could. However, you all have built lives for yourselves once more within this new era. I cannot take that away from you nor do I wish to try.

“This ceremony today is supposed to be about my apology to you. However, you all have suffered years of me, a thousand and more to be precise. It’s time to stop fearing my name, you no longer live under my rule nor will you ever again. I believe this ceremony should be for all of you, as you are the ones who endured me and have beaten me. When we returned, you all were the ones to bounce back while I tried to reclaim the city. You were the ones to house new, finer rulers than I. The Crystal Heart has never looked better than right now, thanks to you.

“And so, if you do fear my return, don’t. This is your home, not mine. I will never carve a piece of it like you have, no matter how large or small. When you see me on the streets, know that you can look upon me and smile without the fear you once had. Let any and all fear of me be gone, but don’t forget the past. Simply live your lives with the memory of a faded king who thought himself better than you and was proven wrong. I was proven wrong, and I am sorry to all of you.”

The old king bowed his head and lowered his forelegs to the ground, a king no more. The somber look on Sombra’s face hung there until a pony in the crowd started to cheer. He looked up and saw a tan mane bouncing up and down as the mare cheered. It was Cinnamon. She was cheering and screaming happily. Other crystal ponies around her began stomping their hooves as well before a full on cheer spread throughout the entire crowd.

To Sombra, it sounded like a war cry, as if they were preparing to raise their torches and pitchforks against him. It wasn’t until fireworks erupted that he realized they were celebrating. Why were they celebrating? Sombra couldn’t figure it out. Shouldn’t they still be upset with him? Does apologizing truly mean that much to ponies? As he stood bewildered by the sight, Twilight, Rarity, and Cadance came up beside him. “I think that means they forgive you,” Rarity yelled over the screaming crowd. It didn’t matter how loud she yelled though, as Sombra didn’t hear any of it. All he could hear was the cheering of one special pony within the crowd.

A boom of light filled the city, signifying the end of the ceremony. All the ponies glowed and shined with a translucent light given to them by the Crystal Heart. The forgiveness of the crystal ponies had sent a deep wave of love to the Crystal Heart, or perhaps it was Sombra’s true apology. No one could be certain.

After the ceremony, Sombra sat behind the podium and waited for Twilight and Cadance to lead him away. He was alone except for a few guards who seemed to have less angry faces than they usually had. The crystal ponies that were passing by all seemed to be happy as well. A few waves here and there, a giggle, and plenty of smiles. “So, you took my advice after all,” a voice said.

He looked around and saw nothing. He then looked up and saw the hazel furred pony standing atop the podium, staring down at him. The sun shined on her tan mane, making it almost golden in the light. “I did,” he replied.

Cinnamon leapt from the stage and landed next to him. “That’s good. I’m glad.”

“Really? Eager to be rid of me already?”

She giggled, covering her mouth as she tried to hide it. “Is it that obvious? I can’t wait for your next visit, though.”

“Next visit?”

“Of course. You’re always welcome here, Soos. I already told you that. Next time, everyone will be welcoming you as well. Not just me. And I can’t wait to see your face when that happens.”

The unicorn smiled at that and looked away, hiding his embarrassment. “I am a little unhappy about not living here, though.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“I don’t think you do.”

Cinnamon turned her head to face the stallion and his muzzle pressed against her. She felt her lips move uncontrollably as they kissed. When they pulled back, Cinnamon said, “S-Sombra! What was that about!?”

He couldn’t help the wide grin on his face or the laughter that accompanied it. “Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to see what it was like. I never got to do it before and I know I’ll never get to do it again. Maybe if things had been different...” Sombra rubbed the top of his muzzle, still grinning like a fool. “Actually, I wanted to get you to leave with me the day I took over. If I hadn’t gone to the Crystal Heart first, things truly would have been different I’d imagine.”

Her blush still covered the entirety of her face. “You don’t just kiss a Grand Matron, Soos! I could get in a lot of trouble!”

“I’ll keep it a secret if you do,” replied the unicorn. “Actually, wasn’t that Bell’s rule? Don’t tell me you’re following all her rules. Does that mean you’re already getting wrinkly?”

She shoved her hoof into his face, pushing it with a gentle roughness in the other direction. “You’re such a clown!” Cinnamon said as she laughed. The two ponies sat in silence for a moment, staring at each other with smiles on their faces. “Do you want to visit her?” she asked, breaking the silence.

The question shook through Sombra like an earthquake. He quickly turned his head to the ground as he pondered an answer, then said, “Maybe. I’m not sure.”

Cinnamon grabbed the stallion by the foreleg and pulled him forward. “That wasn’t a no, so let’s go!”

“But I have to wait for Twilight and Princess Cadance! They’re-”

“Oh shut up and come on. You’re the one that liked to break the rules all the time.” Cinnamon dragged Sombra down the road and past the castle. Other crystal ponies waved as they passed by. The graveyard was near the edge of town, close to an open acre of land. The iron gate creaked as Cinnamon pushed it open. It was dead quiet within the mass collection of graves. She led the unicorn down paths and rows of others loved ones, stopping at one grave that was smaller than those around it.

The stone read the previous matron’s name and her birth and death. Sombra had hoped it had been a practical joke at one point but this proved it to be truth. It’s a shame they put you here, he thought. They should have buried you in our old town. You loved it there. With a cast of magic, Sombra made a bouquet of flowers appear, to which he placed on the grave.

Cinnamon held a hoof on the stallion’s shoulder. “I know she’s proud of you for what you’ve done, Soos. Just like I am.”

He smiled but continued to stare at the grave as he said, “She’s finally getting her wish. I’m going to find out who I am as a pony, who Sombra truly is. Not a king, not evil. She always knew that I’d do that eventually, I just wonder if she knew it was going to take so long.”

“I’m sure she’s just happy to hear you say that.”

Sombra and Cinnamon stood over the gravestone for a long while, reminiscing about the past and of the deceased mare. He wondered if Bell would have wanted him and Cinnamon to get together. It was too late for that, he knew, both in finding out if she had and making it happen. Still, he would have a place to return to for a visit once in a while, and now he would have two mares to visit when he did. He hoped to return with tales of his new found self and perhaps a somepony to share it with. But for now, he had friends, and that’s all he ever wanted.

Though, gaining a special somepony might have been closer than he had expected.

“So, new and improved Sombra. How about that question?”

Rarity stood beside the stallion as Cinnamon took her leave. The earth pony was rather quick to disappear, leaving Sombra alone with the white unicorn. His red eyes matched her gaze as they stared at one another. Her pink satin hat ruffled in the slight breeze, shadowing her petite smile. Sombra had practiced this speech as well, but just like on the podium, he had forgotten every word.

“Yeah… So, you said before that’d you would drop out of helping reform other villains if I wanted your help on the bet, right?’

“Of course, darling.”

“Well, what if I didn’t want your help on the bet? What if instead I wanted to win something else?”

“Something else? Like what?”
