• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 242 Comments

Relationships are Evil - TheTimeSword

Twilight's pretty good at reforming villains, but is she good at dating them? Starlight seems to think so. Can Discord win the bet for Twilight's heart before another villain sweeps her off her hooves? Maybe it's better she just stays single.

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Chapter 36: It's Overcast

“Why the long face?” the reflection asked.

“Oh, you know…” Discord half-heartedly answered.

“The woes of love? This weather? Perhaps a combination of both?”

Discord stared through the reflection in the cottage window, squirming with every drop of rain that hit the glass. Dark skies shadowed the land beneath, turning the snow to slush and ice. Though the rain poured, there was no wind to accompany the dreary conditions. The pitter-patter of raindrops was the only noise coming from the storm.

“Both,” he answered. “It’s as if the weather is speaking what my heart is thinking. I can’t even enjoy the chaos it brings.” Discord slumped against the windowsill, pressing the tip of his nose on the glass. His breath warmed the glass, creating a fog of condensation. With a single finger, he drew a smiling sun which faded quickly.

“Discord? Who are you talking to?” Fluttershy’s puzzled reflection stepped beside his own.

He rolled his eyes and thumbed the window. “Uh, duuuh.” The reflection waved from behind the condensation.

“R-Right. Uhm, would you… two… like some tea?”

“No thank you, my dear sweet Fluttershy. I shall continue to drink in the everlasting storm that has befallen Ponyville,” he replied and turned back to staring out the window.

“It’s not everlasting, Discord. Rainbow Dash told me that they had an excess of storm clouds and needed to be rid of them. It’ll only be here for a little while, and the best part is there’s no thunder or lightning.” She crossed the room and stood next to the pouting draconequus, staring at his reflection. “We should do something fun indoors while we wait. Maybe a board game? I know you like winning,” she recalled, petting his back in an attempt to console.

“No, I am in no mood for such frivolous acts. Even if the weather was better, my mood would remain.” He slumped against her, placing his arm around her neck. “If it was only the weather that filled me with sorrow then I would flip the clouds upside down and turn the slush to ice cream. Wouldn’t that be simply chaotic? But alas, it is not.”

Fluttershy shook her head and smiled. “Discord, it’s not the end of the world.”

“Really? Isn’t having your heart torn from your ribcage supposed to feel like the end of the world?”

“Well, yes, but I don’t think Twilight has forsaken you completely. From what you told me, she might have been scared or confused. I know I’d be stressed if I were in her position.”

“You didn’t see the terror in her eyes, Fluttershy.” Discord stood up, slowly shuffling to the couch and finally falling onto its cushions. He hung a leg over an arm of the couch, slumping his neck over the other. “All my years as the Lord of Chaos and not once have I seen fear like that. I would have been ecstatic to have seen that look back in the day.”

Fluttershy stood next to him, staring at the broken draconequus. “B-But, she loved the gift you got her for Hearth’s Warming, right?”

“She did. At the time.”

“And she hasn’t claimed that Tirek won, right?”

He lifted his head to look at her. “No, s-she didn’t. But that doesn’t mean-”

“Then you need to stop sulking. If you think she has tossed her feelings for you aside then imagine what she must think of Tirek. Perhaps she is feeling the same way you are right now. You won’t know until you’ve gone and talked to her.” She smiled down at him before walking out into the kitchen, her voice echoing as she continued to talk. “Once the storm stops you should just go see her. She might apologize.”

His muscles relaxed as he imagined the scene, giggling to himself with his eyes closed. “My true king, Discord. I haveth forsaken you, but I ask for forgivethness as I was a thoughtless fool. Please, I beg you, marry me,” Twilight said within his imagination. “Kiss me you strong, confident stallion!”

Fluttershy placed a steaming teacup on the coffee table and said, “Well now there’s a smile.”

His eyes snapped open and he looked over at her. Her smiling face stared back at him. He shook his head, smiled, and replied, “You always seem to be the one that can cheer me up. How do you do it?”

She giggled from her plush chair. “A little kindness goes a long way.”

Ugh! I’m going to be sick!” he said, chuckling as he sat up. “Alright, friend. You’ve lifted my mood. Now, what should two pals do on a dreary afternoon, indoors and bored out of their minds? We’ve got until the clouds clear!”

“I don’t know. Let’s do something that’ll keep you in that cheery mood. Whatever you want, you name it.”

He tapped his chin, feigning a thoughtful look before forming a malicious grin that grew larger than the rest of his face. “Keep me in a cheery mood, eh? You know what would make me more than just a little happy? Showing me some of your art!”

Tea slipped onto the saucer as Fluttershy choked to swallow the contents still in her mouth. She coughed, and said, “A-Art? D-Discord… are you s-sure that’s what you wa-want to do? Anything else?”

His whole body twirled and floated around her chair until finally laying his chin atop her head. “There’s almost nothing that would make me happier right now, Fluttershy. I’ve been dying to see your drawings.”

She squirmed in her seat, biting her bottom lip. She set down the saucer back onto the coffee table and then looked him square in the eyes. “Alright, but on one condition. Don’t make any jokes about my art, okay? I’m not very confident about them…”

He stood atop the back of the chair and placed a hand across his chest and the other in the air. “Dragon’s honor! I’ve got dragon somewhere in me, right?” His tail seemed to wiggle on its own before tickling at Discord’s nostrils. “Kidding, only kidding!”

Fluttershy sighed and shook her head, a response Discord often saw and assumed it had nothing to do with him. She led him up the steps of her cottage, the rain echoing louder on the second floor. Heading past the railing, she went to a locked door, past the bathroom. She looked back at him and motioned for him to turn around, to which he obliged. She removed the key from its hiding place and stuck it in the slot. “I do appreciate you staying out of this room, Discord. I know how badly your curiosity can get to you sometimes. But it’s good for you to have such a respect for your roommate, and I know Twilight will appreciate it once you win her and move into her castle.”

“You think I’ll actually move into her castle?” he laughed. “I suppose if it means waking up next to her, I wouldn’t necessarily be against it.” He heard the door creak open and turned to see inside, letting Fluttershy head in first before following behind.

The room was pitch black except for the light coming from the hall. The single window of the room was covered with a blanket, much like most of the canvasses. Fluttershy floated up and lit the two lanterns of the room. With the area illuminated, Discord noticed four covered canvasses and one uncovered. Papers had been taped to the walls displaying line art drawn of ponies, places, and inanimate objects. Fluttershy dragged off the cloth from the covered art pieces and returned to the center of the room. “Well, here’s everything I’ve made. Sorry if it’s not what you expected.”

One corner was dedicated to a paper canvas that had an unfinished drawing, while the rest of the canvasses held finished paintings. “And what is it you think I expected?” he asked as he eyed the room.

“Well, I just thought you might have been more interested in my drawings rather than my paintings.”

“You specifically mean the playful drawings you make?” He grinned. “I wouldn’t mind seeing those, but we’ve got all day. It’s not like the rain will be stopping anytime soon.” He continued to stare at the art piece in the center of the room, unsure of what it meant or what it could be. “But I must say, I didn’t know you painted as well.”

“I started off painting and found drawing to be easier. I’ve never sold a painting, not that I’d want to.” Fluttershy trotted over and stood next to the draconequus, admiring the painting. “This is my very first piece of art I ever made, and it’s also my favorite.”

“I’d hate to be a critic, but it’s a jumbled mess of colors and shapes,” he replied.

She turned and trotted away, her nose in the air and a smile on her lips. “It’s titled Lord of Chaos for a reason. I made it after we turned you back to stone.”

He slumped over, slack-jawed. “Well, I suppose it’s my favorite piece too, then.” He chuckled. “What else have you got?” he asked before peering at the wall covered in drawings. “These are actually really good. It makes me even more envious of Sombra. I don’t suppose those types of drawings are anywhere around here?”

“I-I don’t really like drawing that sort of stuff, but a lot of ponies will pay more for it. Any money I get goes to helping the animals, so I shouldn’t really complain...”

Discord tapped his chin. “So why isn’t your cutie mark a pencil or something? Seems a little pointless to be this good and not have it be your talent,” he retorted.

Fluttershy’s head tilted as she stared up at him. “What do you mean?”

“Your cutie mark. Your special talent? The thing that drives you? It’s taking care of animals or whatever. Why? Why not art instead? Or why not have two?”

“D-Discord… you do know ponies can have hobbies, right? Our cutie marks give us guidance on what we do in our life. They don’t define our personalities or tastes. Rainbow Dash is cool and awesome, Pinkie Pie is a great baker, and Applejack is a wonderful carpenter. None of which are defined by their special talent. Pinkie could be good at math and still make ponies happy. I can do art and still help all the animals that I’m able to.”

He stroked his beard, contemplating her words. “How is cool and awesome a hobby? Isn’t Pinkie Pie’s talent baking!? And most importantly-” He grabbed her by the cheeks and shoved his face to hers “-What’s Twilight’s hobby!?”

“Um, reading?”

“Oh. I suppose that makes sense.” He released her from his grasp and turned back to a painting. “I always assumed you ponies were one dimensional. Never focusing on anything other than your special talent. It’s almost as if you all have vibrant personalities that wouldn’t be able to be contained in something like a twenty to thirty-minute show that was meant to amuse an audience!”

“U-Uhm, a-audience?”

Waving a hand to shoo her question, he answered, “It’s just an analogy. As if you ponies could actually amuse anyone. You can barely amuse me! And I’m easily amused!” He held his stomach as he laughed, wiping a tear from his eye once he finished. “I suppose these are things that I’d have had to learn eventually if I do win Twilight.”

“Not if, when!” she replied as she sat down on the stool next to her drawing canvas. “I’ve got a good feeling you’ll win. I can’t say for certain but you’ve changed so much that I have to believe it’ll happen. And you should too!”

“I hope you’re right Fluttershy. I have to wonder what I’ll do if I do lose.” He stood still, staring at a painting with his arms behind his back.

Fluttershy pulled her drawing canvas from the corner and flipped the incomplete page over the top. “What do you think will happen if you lose? And what will happen if you win?” She lined a pencil to his figure. “Oh, and if you could please stand still. I-I’m going to draw you if that’s alright.”

“Draw me, eh? Well, okay. Just make sure you get my good side.” He stiffened and smiled. “If I win, I suppose I would move into Twilight’s castle. It’d make sense. Not that I like making sense.” His eyes focused on the painting that sat in front of him. Vibrant colors formed the sky above a grassy knoll, complete with meteors raining down. “She’d probably force me to do things, though. Not to mention I’d be included in more of those boring adventures you and her and the others get into. Honestly! It’s like chaos is a magnet to you six. I’m almost envious!”

Sounds of the pencil brushing up and down on the pad were overshadowed as Fluttershy asked, “Wouldn’t it be more thrilling to join us on those adventures? A lot of them can be scary, but some are really fun.”

“Oh please. Why would I want to help you six solve all your problems? Imagine if I snapped Sombra or Chrysalis out of existence with a flick of my wrist! What would you have learned from that? What would I have learned from not helping Tirek? That miserable little half-breed…”

“But if you don’t help us, we could be seriously injured… or worse,” Fluttershy answered, the sounds of sketching slowed. “What happens if you lose us? What would you do then?”

“Seeing as how that’s coming from one of the ponies that beat the Spirit of Disharmony and turned him into a pony-loving mess of his former self – I don’t think I have to worry.”

“You say that like it was an easy thing to do.”

He chuckled and shifted his head to look at her. “Are you saying I’m difficult?”



“Stay still, I can’t sketch you if you’re moving.”

He turned his head back to the painting. “Of course, of course.” His eyes scanned over the art piece again, noting how the meteors seemed strangely out of place and the view was a bit off. “Speaking of losing. If I don’t win Twilight then I’ll have to return to my home in the chaos dimension. Maybe visit Canterlot every once in a while to mess with Celestia. I doubt Twilight would want me around if she chose Tirek. That’d be awkward. And I wouldn’t want to see that smug centaur’s face laughing at me, mocking me.” Using his magic, he lifted the painting from the stand and replaced it with another piece he hadn’t yet seen.

“You’ll always have a place to stay in Ponyville. And I think your friendship with the others has really grown too, even if you don’t want to admit it,” she giggled. “Though, I suppose if you do lose we could try for Celestia or Luna.”

“Celestia? As if she’d be over the last time I…” He stopped himself, placing a hand over his mouth.

“The last time you what?” she asked, leaning her upper body from behind the sketch. “Discord?”

His eyes strained as he stared at the painting. “You’re lucky, Fluttershy,” he eventually said.


“I hate Tirek. His betrayal, his annoying arrogance, and his interference in this bet. I hate everything about him. But he and I are the same in one regard, and I can’t hate him for that. It might be the only thing that I can’t hate him for.”

Fluttershy hopped off the stool and stepped around to see which painting he was gawking at. A yellow pegasus mare and a green pegasus stallion stood around a crib for a baby colt who was being hugged by a slightly older yellow filly. She smiled and looked up at Discord. “If it makes you feel any better, you’re family to me.”

Discord turned his attention down to the pegasus and placed a hand around her head, rubbing her mane. “You’re too kind for this world, Fluttershy. How can any villain dare try anything with you around?”

“All the villains we’ve ever run into are here in Ponyville,” she replied as she returned to her sketch. “T-Though it’s not like I’m the one that reformed all of them. I only reformed you.”

“I’m glad you did,” he professed as he returned his hands behind his back, waiting to be sketched. “Could you imagine life without me? You’d have thrown yourself off a cliff years ago just to be rid of the boredom!”

“Actually, I’d probably just be painting,” she answered.

“Well – they’d be pretty boring paintings then!”

“I suppose you’re right. Without you I wouldn’t have this amazing sketch.” She set the pencil down and turned the stand to face Discord. His eyes fell out of his head as he stared at his own magnificence. The drawing displayed him with broad shoulders, a chiseled torso, a stern look in his eyes, and the stature of a confident stallion. “I’ve still got to color it in and add a background, but I won’t need you here to do that. What do you think?”

“You’ve encapsulated my essence, my soul, my very being! It’s everything that I am and more!” he described. “I love it!”

“I’m glad you like it.” She paused, and then added, “That’ll be three hundred bits, please.”

Discord stumbled backward and landed on his rump. “Three hundred!? Yo-You didn’t say you were charging me!”

Her giggling was muffled by her hooves. “Just kidding! Do you still think I’m boring, Discord?”

He rubbed his head and chuckled. “Maybe I need to stop living here. I think I’m rubbing off on you a little too much.”

“Well you know what they say Discord. A little-” As Fluttershy spoke, a noise rang out and she screamed in fear, hopping into Discord’s arms within the same breath. “R-Rainbow Dash said th-there wouldn’t be thunder t-to-today!”

The noise rang out again and Fluttershy shook against the draconequus, her teeth chattering. “I don’t think that’s thunder, Fluttershy,” Discord replied as he stood up, still holding the pegasus. He walked out of the room and down the steps where the noise became louder. “See? Someone is knocking on the front door.” He placed her on the ground and said, “Though who would be crazy enough to brave this weather? It better not be me again. Remember last time? What a fool I was.”

He opened the door and his mouth dropped open, stunned by the soaking wet, purple alicorn that stood there. As if on cue, the rain stopped, leaving only small droplets of water to run down the roof and a gray sky as a reminder. His mouth moved to speak but nothing exited his vocal chords. The alicorn pushed her bangs from her eyes, leaving a bit of snow on some of the strands of hair. Her eyes seemed heavy and sunken in with rain water making it appear as if she had been crying, or perhaps the other way around. “D-Discord…”


“You’re the one that I want.”


“I-I made such a fool of myself the other day,” Twilight pouted, true tears forming in her eyes. “I was so afraid of choosing, of what would happen once I did pick. I was afraid of how it would affect everyone’s lives. And when you reached out to me I just knew I needed you, but I was afraid.” She took a step into the cottage. “Out of all the things I was afraid of, I was most afraid of saying that I love you. I love you, Discord!”

With a swift jump, Twilight planted a kiss on Discord’s lips, causing him to stumble backward and land on his back. She sat on his chest, still kissing him and caressing his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and took a second to break the kiss. “I love you too,” he cooed before kissing her cheek and neck, repeating the words as he did.

Fluttershy stood to the side, watching as they kissed. Her cheeks were beginning to burn red as she quickly covered her eyes with her wings. “O-Oh my… Th-This is awkward.”